Hekate Oracle Card Deck
Card Positions
1. Middle: SITUATION: Torchbearer #9 2. Upper Left: CHALLENGE: Of the Earth #5 3. Top GUIDANCE: Seer #3 4. Upper Right: HIDDEN: Empowerment #27 5. Bottom: OUTCOME: Release #22 6. Far Left Bottom: CLARIFICATION: The Veil #14
~ Reading ~
"It's Time to Ride the Wave"
1. SITUATION: Light the Way.
The Torchbearer is a clarion call to all of us to shine our light in order to help others on their path here on earth.
We are being asked to put our own problems aside in order to reach out to others.
We are light workers, all of us, as we learn our new role in life is lighting up the path for others.
Healing will not only begin for ourselves when we do this but will also begin the healing process in the lives of others as well.
*John 14:6: And Jesus said, "I Am the Way the Truth and the Life" (Light)*
2. CHALLENGE: Build a Strong Foundation
Of the Earth is telling us we need to have a strong foundation in order to stand up for what we believe in along with withstanding the challenges that lie ahead.
Stop lying to yourself about those things that keep getting in your way as you are never going to make any headway until you acknowledge and start to work on them.
Understand, "your future is in your hands and no one else's".
3. GUIDANCE: Use Your Third Eye
The Seer Card represents our Intuition. It is also a card of Life and Death. The Seer (Prophet, Shaman, or Sage) holds a pair of shears in her hand and is ready to cut the cord (or thread) of Life when our time is near.
Not only is this card a card pointing out our own mortality but also is a reminder that our lives on this earth are temporary.
This card also advises us it's time to start trusting our intuition as it will be hugely important in the coming months and years.
Your intuition is a spiritual gift and something most of us do not pay any attention to but I'm here to tell you that it will become vitally important as we continue our earthly transition.
4. HIDDEN: Welcome the Shadow.
The Empowerment Card is telling us we need to acknowledge our dual nature. All of us have a good side and a dark (shadow) side.
We can't move forward if we're too afraid (fearful) to.
This is the time to start embracing these dualities as a cleansing will occur resulting in healing.
Also, your willingness to tackle this roadblock in your life will start the important process of liberating yourself from these dark and unwanted energies, moving you toward "ownership" of self.
5. OUTCOME: Let Go of the Past.
The Release Card is a card telling you it's time to release your past.
Again, we cannot move forward boldly until we acknowledge what's been holding us back and start dealing with it.
6. CLARIFICATION: Healing Through Withdrawal.
The Veil Card is telling us that this is the time to make peace with ourselves as to who we "really" are.
You cannot do this if you don't know where to start.
Find a comfortable place where you can sit and meditate, play some meditation music, pray for guidance and clarification as to those areas inside of you that need work.
If you don't know how to meditate, watch some videos on you tube or sign up for a class.
Time is of the essence.
No more foot dragging, stalling or allowing distractions to steer you off course as they will only continue to thwart your efforts as you begin to develop your spiritual abilities.
The numerical value of this reading is 3: Initial achievement of goals; growth and communication
Adding the Clarification Card is 8: Action; change; spiritual fortitude and rebirth