Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Medical Tyranny


Today is one of those days where I find myself drifting through a day encircled in nothingness.     

I mean I can see, I can hear and I can feel my hand grip my coffee cup but somehow my perception of what I was taught to be reality has somehow been altered.    

Maybe it has to do with this:  ⬇️

In just over a year the world has changed, along with our lives. 

We are in some seriously challenging times.   

In order to get through all this we are going to have to muster up the courage to face what lies ahead. 

The world has been turned upside down by a diabolical bunch hell bent on creating pain and suffering from Big Tech Oligarchs more interested in censoring people who speak the truth to Doctors, Scientists, Billionaires and organizations such as the CDC, WHO, FDA and BIG PHARMA, more concerned with how much money they're going to rake in instead of protecting us from deceptive methods, dangerous people and designer drugs intended to kill us.            

More and more information continues to surface on just how dangerous these COVID vaccines are and the small amount of time it took for these drugs to be marketed to the masses in lieu of taking the time and doing the needed testing to determine any side effects as to whether or not they posed a real danger. 

Read the many reports from people who are now experiencing the extreme side affects of these vaccines from blood clots to menstrual cycle problems, stroke, hallucinations, paralysis and everything else in between.

It's Time to:   

Resist medical tyranny

Take our lives back

Take our world back

Reclaim our planet




Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Weekly Oracle Card Reading for April 25, 2021

The Hecate Oracle


Focus (Top card):  #42 The Journey

Past (2nd row left card):  #24 The Coven 

Present (2nd row middle):  #26 The Crystal

Destination:  (2nd row right):  #5 The rope

Hidden (3rd row right):  #38 The Horse

Advice (3rd row middle):  #13 The Skull

Outcome (3rd row left):  #7 The Dog


This reading is all about trusting our earthly journey (Card #42) as we are realizing that we are one big family (Card #24).  

We are being asked to do an assessment of what we hold near and dear to us, what we consider  precious in our lives (Card #26 The Crystal).  

The Destination (Card #5 The Rope) confirms the message we are bound together and have a cosmic connection to one another.     

Hidden from us (Card #38 The Horse) shows that we are in a spiritual process of awakening to our spiritual potential and also the reality of our earthly situation.       

The (Advice Card # 13 The Skull) tells us to get rid of, let go of those things that don't serve us anymore, individually and collectively, things that are holding us back, are hazardous and detrimental to our well being.   

The (Outcome Card:  #7 The Dog) reinforces the message of "being a part of"something, loyalty, love and devotion and asks this question,

"How can I serve others in love today?"

The numerical value of this reading is 2:  "A merging of opposite forces to create a whole." 


Thursday, April 22, 2021

April 20, 2021 A Supernatural Experience

Praying Angel

It was a normal day, I was doing my chores, feeding livestock, weeding and watering the garden,  nothing out of the ordinary but then....

about 1:00 p.m. I detected a subtle change.  

There were no trumpets blazing, no asteroid hurtling through space narrowly missing earth or a gigantic solar flare.

I started to feel a Presence.          

Quietly, something extraordinary was happening.

Something was with me (call it a Presence, a voice, a being, an angel, I don't know what it was) but whatever it was started instructing me, providing information on a situation that had been troubling me for some time. 

The troubling situation I'm referring to had to do with a family member, someone much more gifted than I, a Savant, really in that this person is able to understand the highs and lows and even the hidden parts in situations and sort out the rights and wrongs, providing insight and solutions nobody else could but is extremely reluctant to share those findings and feelings with anyone else.

In other words they put up a barrier, making it very difficult for anyone to get close to them.  

This person could be described as paranoid at times because of their total immersion into a subject and the in depth analysis they provide when you both are engaged in conversation, the uncanny ability to pinpoint exactly what is going on, who's to blame and always thinking, figuring and wondering about things from the smallest to the biggest but prefers to keep this information secret until you pry it out of them. 

This Presence that was talking to me was situated above my head and the words were entering me through the top of my head, quietly and lovingly showing me why this family member was the way they were, the reasons they looked at things differently and I needed to know that and maybe, just maybe, I was also partially responsible for the troubling relationship. 

There was no finger pointing or laying guilt on anyone, just the insight needed and the information that would help rebuild a relationship. 

To show you how much I was affected by this experience I literally walked over to my house and felt the brick siding and then bent down to touch a flower because I just could not believe this was happening. I needed to touch something solid. 

I was literally caught between two worlds - this world with all its problems and challenges and another world that had miraculously opened up, catching me by surprise yet lifting me up and showing me how a relationship could be healed if I just heeded the advice being given.         

At that very moment when I touched the flower my mind was expanded and I was given the insight to see, realize, understand and perceive that a conscious deity was speaking to me and that there are other realms of consciousness existing around us that we humans have not yet discovered.  

Why this one came about, I have no clue.  

After this experience I felt it was time to meet with this family member and explain what had happened.  

I knew when I did that there would be facial expressions of indignation and disbelief, a shrugging of shoulders and comments like, "I don't believe in that kind of stuff" but I was determined to ignore them and meet with them anyway.   

I did and explained what had happened and apologized -- "if I, in any way have contributed to the bad feelings between us I'm sorry".

Interestingly, for the first time ever I saw an expression of disbelief on their face, their mouth opened to say something but then firmly closed as they took in these words,  

"I am sorry, I'll try harder, I love you and I'm proud of you".

Just the words Spirit wanted to hear. 


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for April 17, 2021

The Gilded Tarot 


MESSAGE:  "Be Careful What You Wish For" 

 ⬇️ Reading ⬇️


Top:  Focus:  IX of Swords:  

Anxiety, Fear, Depression


2nd row Left:  

Past:  I The Magician:  

You have within you everything you need to be successful


Present:  IV of Wands: 

A happy home; family; stability; security


Destination:  XVII The Star

You've hitched your ride on a star; the sky's the limit


3rd row Right:

Hidden:  Page of Pentacles



Advice:  V of Cups:  

Loss, sorrow, remorse and regret



VIII Strength:  Confidence


Message:  The IX of Swords indicates you are experiencing a bout of anxiety to the point it wakes you up at night.  Is it a deal you made in the past that went sour or something you're working on now? Are you now doubting your abilities whereas you never had to in the past?   

The I Magician card tells me that in the past you had confidence in yourself.  You learned you have the power within you to accomplish anything.

The IV of Wands in the Present position tells me you have a warm and loving relationship with your family.  All anybody could want, a roof over their head, , stable finances, security and close relationships.  

Your destination is bright XVII The Star as it looks as if you've hitched yourself to a star.  Maybe a new project?  Something you've always wanted and now looks like your wish will be granted. 

The Hidden (energies you cannot see) Page of Pentacles is a man who is focused and determined on getting what he wants.  Nothing stands in his way.

But the V of Cups in the Advice column doesn't coincide with the rest of the cards.  The reading so far is bright and tells of good times on the horizon but the V of Cups tells me that something isn't quite right.  The project or whatever you're involved in, is it somehow leaving you with a sense that maybe this isn't quite right for you even though you may have convinced yourself it is?  That you may be called upon to be away from home longer than you'd like, or do something, say something that doesn't quite fit your own personal view of right and wrong?   Are you in the process of making a decision or have you already made one? 

This is a good time to rethink your decision before you commit to it.  Have you consulted your family as to what they think?  

The Outcome Card is VIII Strength which is similar to the definition of I The Magician: Confidence in your abilities.

This could mean your decision was the right one or you decided not to accept the offer as too much is at stake.

Either way, you win.   

The numerical value of this reading is an 8:  Growth and Achievement





Friday, April 16, 2021

Liminal Spaces

"Reading Between the Lines, Looking Deeper, Seeing Something Out of the Corner of Your Eye, Knowing There is Something More But You Just Can't Figure it Out"

We are living in an unhealthy, limited, unrealistic hollow reality.  

We get up in the morning, amble to the bathroom, stare at our face, unable to see what's really staring back at us, unable to view who or what we really are, brush our teeth and comb our hair, oblivious to the liminal wisps of information lying fallow inside our own heads.  

These are strands of information waiting to ignite but having to wait for our cognitive abilities to blossom, enabling us to dig deeper into who we are allowing us to see what's on the other side of the looking glass, the tiniest most minutest hairs on a spider's leg and remembering the last few faint yet audible notes of a giant and magnificent prehistoric bird saying goodbye as it takes its last flight.     

They are locked up in our brains, waiting for us to discover them.  

The question is, "will we be able to?  - the problem being we've not been taught how to recognize them, (discover) how to access them nor how to read them.

Yet the information they contain is vital as they contain our human history, both past, present and future.

I am sorry but I have to say this:

Humans are a sorry lot.  We aspire to the loftiest heights of things important to us yet fail to reach even the first rung on the ladder due to the fact we can't seem to agree on anything. 

We strive for freedom and peace yet continue to let the evilest among us chart our path.    

We say we abhor killing yet we allow wars, experimental diabolical drugs designed to maim and kill us and the murder of babies.  

There continues to be a gag order on our brains and with good reason.

You first must earn the right to exercise this tool (our brain) yet we haven't even gotten to first base.  

It's been proven:  

Not only do we continue to be a danger to ourselves because of our willful ignorance but to any other group of beings who only want to survive their journey without interference yet are constantly having to worry about a deranged group of humans going off the deep end.












Sunday, April 11, 2021

Weekly Oracle Reading for April 11, 2021


Hecate Oracle

Question:  "What is ahead for Mankind?"

Shuffling the cards, three cards fell.  When this happens they are meant to be read.  

They are:

#9 The Serpent:  Hidden Knowledge

#20 The Queen:  Feeling alone; abandonment; isolation

#1 The Torch:  Illumination; clear sight (clairvoyance)

Message:  Our isolation has kept us from accessing the knowledge needed to escape our bondage.  We have been isolated for a reason as those in control don't want us to know the Truth of our existence as we will become empowered and they will lose control over us.  

A spiritual pathway is opening up to help us in our endeavor.

Oracle Reading Top Card:  Focus of Reading:

#15 The Birth

The birth of Humanity

Past:  1st Row Left:  

#17 The Moth

Invisible Truth 

Present:  1st Row Middle:  

#7 The Dog

Faith; companionship; loyalty

Destination:  1st Row Right:  

#28 The Mirror

Revelation; discovering who we really are

Hidden:  2nd Row Right:   

#16 The Tome 


Advice:  2nd Row Middle: 

#25 The Shadows 

Unknown, Unfamiliar, The Dark

Outcome:  2nd Row Left:   

#24 The Coven 

Family; a feeling of belonging; together

Message:  We Are One Family

Humanity is seeking answers (illumination) and on course to uncovering hidden truths;  leaning on one another, our companionship, faith and loyalty to each other is paramount in this process.  

We are on a path of illumination, discovering who we really are and where we fit in the universe. 

There are books we can read and scholars we can contact who will help us uncover and understand things we couldn't before. 

We need not be fearful and afraid of what we cannot see (The Dark) but know that it is being penetrated by the Light as our eyes open up to what's long been hidden from us.  The Truth.   


The message:  "Together, we are in the process of finding out that we are not separated by distance, nor by color and creed but are all connected to one another in one big family.  

The blinders are falling off our eyes as we begin to see those who have no vested interest in our liberation but continue to use us for their own special interests.  

And, we're fighting back.   


The numerical value of this reading is a 7:  An assessment and re-evaluation of the path we're on.  Sometime this is a lonely pursuit but necessary in order to move forward.


I pulled an extra card to clarify this reading:

#36 The Wolf:

"Breaking free"; unbounded; courage



"Yes, We Need Disclosure But Not the Kind Based on Fear" ~ This Paper Written By Dr. Greer in 1999


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Weekly Tarot Reading for Week Beginning April 4, 2021

The Gilded Tarot

 Question:  Tarot, what message do you have for us this week?

7 Cards:

1.  Top (Focus):  VI The Lovers:  

Trust; submission and commitment


2.  Second Row (L - R):  

Past:  II of Pentacles:  

Trying to keep things in balance; juggling

Present:  XIII  Death:   

The old way is giving way to the new; transition

Destination:  XV The Devil:  

Roadblocks; diversions, distractions; restrictions; error; confusion; mayhem


3.  Third Row (L - R):

Hidden:  VII of Pentacles:  

Your hard work is beginning to pay off; rewards; close to harvest

What to Expect/Advice:  III of Swords:  

Heartbreak; grief; sadness and pain

Potential Outcome:  X of Wands:  

Things are about to get very difficult

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Message:  Our true path is one of trust, love and commitment to one another.  

Instead of realizing this goal we are steered away from realizing this due to deadlines, limited time, lack of resources and many other things resulting in frustration.     

Humanity (us) is undergoing dramatic change and in the process of transitioning from the old way of living to a new way of living.  Rebirth.     

Understand, however, that this will not be easy as The Devil will continue to thwart any attempt, any progress toward this end and will do anything to see it doesn't happen.   

What is hidden from us is just how far we've come in our ascension as we struggle toward the light.        

Expect, however, heartbreak, difficulties, grief and pain as we soldier on to make this world habitable for all.      

The battle for humanity is far from over.  We are still going to toil, struggle and experience hardship as we get closer and closer to our goal of peace and love.

We must look deeply within ourselves and reflect on those things that will help us cope with and endure our struggle such as Faith, Forgiveness, Commitment and Love. 

The numerical value of this reading is a 2:  A merging of opposite forces to create a whole


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Google Monitoring Millions of Users Without Their Consent


Eradicate Evil

Dr. WHO and The Daleks ~ "Exterminate"

There will be no Peace on this planet until we eradicate evil. 

All of us need to be in this battle, not just a few.   

Our very lives are on the line as powerful elite cartels continue turning the screws to benefit themselves and their friends.  

We are at war, folks.

Anybody who thinks otherwise is clearly misinformed and uninformed.

From child sex trafficking to murdering babies to dangerous drugs and their criminal ties, to Big Pharma who is more interested in how much money they can make off cancer patients than actually seeing to it that what's injected into their bodies won't kill them first, (I know because of personal experience) to anti human agendas such as Transgenderism where the word male and female are no longer considered relevant as young children are actually being coaxed and conditioned into deciding if they are male or female depending on their mood at the time they are asked this question, to left wing academia more interested in the merits of communism than freedom, to a UN who is utterly worthless along with the WHO and the CDC and the crazed pseudo-scientist crackpots who work there and billionaires like Bill Gates who wants to dim the sun to cool the earth and what's gonna happen if this miscreant gets his way?  Think about it.

And countries openly waging a war on earth's population (depopulation agenda) thanks to China and the Coronavirus to Big Tech who now thinks it's a god....


    we are in peril.   

Anyone who reads this and defiantly asks (and, rightly so) well, so, what's your answer to all of this?  

I have to admit I don't have the answer other than to ask you a question, "what do you do when you see something that is clearly wrong?  Do you just stand there and look the other way, pretending it didn't happen or do you take some sort of action?" 

Action could be actual physical intervention (if the situation clearly warranted it) or organizing people into large groups, all over the country, standing up to tyranny and shutting down unwanted legislation and ousting people from office.

Folks we need to act and the time is now. 

In fact, we are pretty damn close to losing this battle because we haven't even begun to fight back yet.

Can you imagine where we'll be if the bad guys actually win?

Put on your thinking caps and see if you can identify a problem in your own neighborhood and then determine a course of action to find a solution.   

I keep hearing this question, every so often, when people see all that's happening around them, "when will the next world war start"?

Folks, it already has and we're smack dab in the middle of it.