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The "Toziel" Tarot Card Deck crafted on the work of Aleister Crowley |
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credit to https://tvtropes.org - "Corpse Land" |
Card Positions
NOTE: While meditating, I saw a battlefield (see picture above). The sky was pale yellow, orange, red and ochre. A very somber scene. The ground was hilly with crosses sticking out here and there. I knew that a very fierce battle had taken place and that many souls had lost their lives here. It was dead (no pun intended) quiet. This once peaceful valley had been reduced from a sacred sanctuary to one of death, sorrow, pain and loss.
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Reading: "Remnants of The Aftermath"
SITUATION: The Hermit was one of those in the midst of this battle and survived, unscathed, except for the damage done to his mental health. His sacred abode had been penetrated and destroyed, his personal belongings trampled, set on fire and scatttered to the wind but whoever it was spared his life. He survived. The Message:
CHALLENGE: The Sun never leaves us even though it can be obscured by clouds or eclipsed by the moon. It is our light source, the source of all creation and life on this planet. It reminds us of good times, happy memories and our blessings. This is our challenge - to not forget that the sun is always shining that God gives us Hope and that without it, everything is lost.
That He is in control and good times are coming in spite of what you are reading, watching, seeing or hearing.
GUIDANCE/HELP: The Tower can represent many things but this time it came through as the biblical Tower of Babel that God destroyed in order to confuse man by confounding his language. God asked them to increase in number and fill the earth but man had other ideas.
At this time they all lived together in the land of Shinar (Babylonia) and spoke one language. When God asked them to increase in number (be fruitful and multiply) and migrate over all the earth they decided they would do it their way, ignoring God's mandate but, instead, glorify their egos by building a tower up to heaven representing their willful display of egotistical disobedience.
God was not pleased and struck the people throughout the land with confusion in their language, hence, the word "babble" so that they were incapable of understanding each other anymore.
Thus, they were forced to move away from Babylonia (as God had commanded) with all the tribes going this way and that.
Just think, for a moment, if they had obeyed God's commandment to be fruitful and multiply and increase across the earth. Would the nations of the world be in as much trouble today with not understanding one another and having to use interpreters to decipher their words (and meanings) instead all of us being able to understand what was spoken because we were all on the same page and speaking with one tongue?
HIDDEN: The Moon conceals but is now revealing herself (in the midst of undressing) allowing us the opportunity to scrutinize her once dark, hidden and luminous aspects.
We are waking up from our twilight of delusion and illusion and into the light of understanding as we painfully acknowledge our own misdeeds along with realizing the sorry state of affairs the world is in. We're now finding out that, "The Truth hurts".
OUTCOME: The Chariot came across as something turbulent manifesting, "fire and brimstone", "no warning", "full speed ahead", "out of control," "get out of the way" "you can't stop what's coming" and, "Make Way for the Lord."
Seriously, we are living in biblical times, folks. Maybe it's time to get our acts together. This card is a Wake Up Call and it's up to each and every one of us to either heed its message or not.
SUMMARY CARD 1: The Lovers represents a partnership and cooperation is a big requirement for this to happen. God created a partnership with us when He created us and brought us into the Garden of Eden.
He asked us not to eat of the tree of good and evil (Awareness) but Eve apparently didn't get the message as she decided she'd give it a try (what the heck it won't hurt) and took a big bite but Adam wasn't much better in that he decided to ignore God's warning, going along with Eve by taking a second bite out of the juicy apple she was holding.
Look at where we all are, now.
SUMMARY CARD 2: The High Priestess is represented by the moon - those hidden things, dark and mysterious, temptation, intuition, a seductress but also an occult teacher who invokes wisdom and knowledge. She's showing up now for a good reason so pay attention to her.
She, along with the moon, is ready to give up her secrets but only if we agree to her wishes. Meditate, pray, open yourselves up to the unseen, the beautiful, the dark and spiritual, the splinters of light that ignite and foment change and the dark we're slowly overcoming. All is not as it seems. There is beauty in both the light and the dark so Be the Light, Be the Dark, Be Both But Always Search For and Speak Truth, ABOVE ALL.
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The moral of all of this is, "Humanity is in the midst of massive change, "get ready for the unexpected", "it is what it is", "there's no stopping what's coming," "God will have His way", "when you're down all that's left is up", "keep the faith", "kiss your babies", "stop screaming and yelling", "settle down", "let Go and Let God," "continue to say your prayers" and remember, there are going to be consequences if we continue to ignore God's word. Don't be an Eve, (the head of the serpent) or an Adam (the tail), just sayin....
The numerical value of this reading is 6: Communication; problem solving; cooperation leading to balance
Adding Summary Card 1 is 3: Initial achievement of goals; growth; creativity and abundance
Adding Summary Card 2 is 5: Instability, conflict and loss, a new cycle and opportunity for change
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4/17/2024: I apologize as I left the meaning of this card out of the reading. I think it took me about 5 hours to put this reading together, yesterday, so a bit tired.
The card, lower right is #17 The Moth from the Hecate Oracle. Interesting as moths are nocturnal but are continuously drawn to the light.
Maybe this card showed up to tell us we're moths, nocturnal in nature but every time we see a light source we have to fly closer to check it out.
This is why we are now waking up to the truth of our sorry existence on this planet. We've been kept in the dark for thousands of years but the light frequency is increasing exponentially and capable of now penetrating the dark at warp speed revealing what's been hidden from us.
We're beginning to see the Light.
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