Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message for Humanity, April 24, 2022


Cosmic Tarot Card Deck

Middle (Shadow Card):  VI of Cups
Upper Left (Past):  King of Swords
Top (Present):  VII of Pentacles
Upper Right (Destination/Future):  XII The Hanged Man
Bottom Right (Hidden):  Ace of Swords
Bottom (Advice):  III The Empress
Bottom Left (Outcome):  VIII of Swords

Reading:   "Humanity is in the Midst of Massive Change"    

The Shadow Card VI of Cups reminds us of childhood and innocence.  A reminder of simpler times and the joy and love we experienced growing up.  

The Past Card King of Swords tells us that things were once under some semblance of control in the world as evidenced by this card meaning honor, law and order, rules to live by, discipline, structure and stability

The Present is the VII of Pentacles and depicts a man walking through what I can only describe as "The Valley of the Shadow of Death."  (Possibly a nuclear war?)  Pentacles have to do with money, finances, investments, the Stock Market.  

Maybe a good idea to revisit what you're invested in, take stock of the cash you have on hand, revisit your credit card balances and make a list of the food, water, medicine and other necessities you will need in order to sustain yourselves and your families in the coming months or even years.     

This card is also indicative of war, pestilence, ruin, destruction, ravage and mayhem.  Think the Ukraine and the billions of dollars in wheat and other grains they export all over the world along with fertilizer.  This war is also having a devastating impact on the price of fuel.    

We're beginning to feel and see the effects of these shortages now including farmers, livestock producers, truckers, grocery stores and people filling up at the pump.  

The Destination Card XII shows a man hanging by a thread.   It seems to depict someone in an awkward and precarious position but who also doesn't seem to notice.      

This card means sacrifice, a positive change of attitude, determination to overcome obstacles and peace of mind.

Something for all of us to think about (our mental attitudes) as to how we're going to continue to handle and withstand the turbulent times we are all in.

The Hidden Card Ace of Swords is about communication and the intellect.  It shows a sword penetrating the darkness and exposing the light.  This means that evil is in the midst of being exposed all over the world and we're now beginning to see who and what has been behind it.     

The Advice Card III The Empress is a card of Mother Earth, fertility, pregnancy, abundance and growth.  

It reminds us that we are all living together on one planet alongside a host of other different life forms.  

Not only does this card remind us of our role here to honor and respect life but to save it from being destroyed.  Are we doing this?

The Outcome Card VIII of Swords means separation not only as a result of war but a result of  conflicts, disagreements, hostilities, prejudices and judgmental attitudes.  

It is letting us know that for meaningful change to occur on earth we must change first.      


The numerical value of this reading is 9:  Bringing things to a conclusion; selflessness in lieu of selfishness 


Monday, April 18, 2022

Everything We've Been Taught is Wrong

New David Rodriguez & Gary Wayne - "Everything You Were Taught Is Wrong" | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Weekly Tarot Message for Humanity April 17, 2022

The "Every Day" Tarot Card Deck

Shadow Card (Middle):  VII of Wands
Past (Upper Left):  X of Cups
Present (Top):  IX of Swords
Destination/Future (Upper Right):  VIII of Swords
Hidden (Lower Right):  Knight of Wands
Advice/What to Do, Not Do (Bottom):  IX of Wands
Outcome (Lower Left):  VI of Swords


* Shadow Card VII of Wands: 
Danger, war, threats.  Other people are envious of what you have and are determined to take it away from you.  

* Past Card X of Cups:
Sanctuary, family, home, stability and security.   

* Present Card IX of Swords:
Worry, despair, anxiety, fear, pain and suffering.

* Destination/Future Card VIII of Swords:
Entrapment; hopelessness; powerlessness

* Hidden Card:  Knight of Wands
Taking charge; leading by example; bold and fearless

* Advice Card What to Do/Not Do:  IX of Wands
Perseverance; keep fighting you are closer than you think to the finish line

* Outcome Card VI of Swords
Choosing the unknown over what was once familiar; a physical move, a rite of passage or a mental shift of some kind.



I asked my spirit guides to bring me a message that was more clearly focused on world events and a subject easier to read and understand by those unfamiliar with Tarot.

I believe they did.

The Shadow Card VII of Wands enigmatically overlays the spread, providing the background for the reading, strengthening the overall "feel or tone" of the cards and acts as a starting point for what is going on.    

The VII of Wands shows a victim standing her ground who has decided to defend what is rightfully hers, who will not give up easily and is fighting back.    

The Past Card X of Cups represents sanctuary, family, home, stability and security.  

Note that this card is in the Past position meaning as we continue to witness the horrific attacks occurring in the Ukraine on civilians, their homes, farms and businesses as they are mercilessly targeted for annihilation as millions flee.

The Present is the IX of Sword and means pain and suffering, worry and despair.  It depicts the mental anguish of those who are being tortured, murdered and violated.

The Hidden Card Knight of Wands reminds us that each one of us can  make a difference in the world if we just put our minds to it.  We can lead by example and own our situation, refusing to retreat and standing up.    

The Outcome Card is VI of Swords:   The meaning is moving away from something you can't cope with anymore.  

You have made the conscious decision to leave your familiar surroundings and move on, embracing the unknown. 

This could be a physical move, a rite of passage or a mental shift of some kind.

The numerical value of this reading is 4 and refers to IV The Emperor Tarot Card representing a warrior and defender; organizational skills, laying a solid foundation and structures, leadership skills.  





Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Folks, Things are Really Heating Up Across the World


China, Shanghai, Default, Ukraine, Russia, NATO


I Don't Know What Year This Was but Does it Matter in Light of All We're Finding Out Now?

 Will Smith interview with Barbara Walters! - YouTube

It's All Comin Out, Folks

Bill Gates Backlash: Hundreds of Canadian Demonstrators Protest His TED Talk [VIDEO] (redvoicemedia.com)

Part 2 ~ Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis and the Truth About the Coronavirus "Vaccine" ~ Turning Humans Into Serpents


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Shanghai Lockdown ~ People Rising Up ~ Their Pets are Being Killed ~ No Food ~ Give Us Freedom!

In 83 Days You Will Not Want to Be Out in Public (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

The Name "Coronavirus" Means King Cobra Venom


The COVID 19 So Called "Vaccine" is Actually Snake Venom (Part 1 of 3)

Folks, I am here to search for and find the truth and share this information with others.  

This is one of those times when I've watched a video and could not believe what it contains and is backed up by documented evidence.    

The Great Deception that has shrouded Mankind for so long is slowly being unmasked and the truth revealed.

Please watch and share this video and uncover the truth behind the so-called COVID-19 "Vaccine" which is not a vaccine at all but something much more sinister and deadly.

The truth contained in this video will not only shock you but, hopefully, will trigger a wake up not only in yourself, personally, but in others you share this video with.      


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message for Humanity April 10, 2022


Everyday Tarot Deck

Middle Card:   Shadow Card:   XV The Devil
Upper Left Past:   VIII of Wands
Top Card Present:   Queen of Swords
Upper Right Card Destination Card:   Ace of Swords
Bottom Right Card Hidden Card:   X of Swords
Bottom Card Advice Card:   XXI The World
Lower Left Outcome Card:   0 The Fool



The Shadow Card XV the Devil tells us that the crux of the world's problems is due to demonic influence.  

The Past Card the VIII of Wands indicates that events, etc. were manifesting very quickly across the world, taking many by surprise, e.g. Russia invading Ukraine, fuel, fertilizer and grain shortages, food uprisings in many countries due to shortages and high prices and governments continuing lockdowns.    

The Present Card Queen of Swords shows a determined woman holding an upright sword.  She has positioned herself above the Shadow Card, determined to block its energy.  This Queen does not tolerate excesses or bs but can be chaste and severe.  This card indicates vindication of some sort, an intervention indicating that a positive and determined force has intervened in world affairs. 

The Destination Card Ace of Swords is a powerful card and reaffirms the Queen's role.  It signifies power, authority and ability.  Its blade is thrust upwards demonstrating it can cut through all the lies, rhetoric and BS in the world in order for the truth to manifest.   We're witnessing this now.   

The Hidden Card X of Swords shows a person with 10 swords piercing its back.  This is a card of endings:  death, tragedies and separation, but also represents the old passing away and a new and more positive cycle beginning. 

The Advice Card XXI reassures us that we are all in this together.   Know that there is strength in numbers and our numbers continue to enlarge as more and more people are beginning to see the Light.

The Outcome Card is 0 The Fool.  This card demonstrates a new beginning as the old cycle is on its way out.  This time the Full is full of positive thoughts but refuses to take risks as he's done in the past. 

He's learned, from experience, that you must always check things out before passing judgement, plan and prepare if you want a positive outcome. 

The Fool has learned from his past mistakes and vows not to repeat them.  He is, therefore, full of positive energy as he eagerly embarks on a new journey through Life.


The numerical value of this reading is 9:  Fruition, attainment, bringing things to a conclusion.  


Friday, April 8, 2022

Food Supply Interruption: Grain Deliveries by Rail to Be Partially Halted


When Cell Towers Don't Work


Folks ~ Prepare, Prepare, Prepare


Food Shortages; Supply Line Failures; Politics, Wars and Severe Weather ~ Please Watch this Video on How to Grow Your Own Groceries

 Marjory Wildcraft's Grow Your Own Groceries (Trailer) - YouTube

Light Show


I looked out at the lake this morning and watched as the first rays of the sun danced across its surface.

Mesmerized I continued to watch this terrestrial light show until it disappeared.    

Earth is a magical place full of mystery and wonder just waiting for us to discover.

There is so much here for us to master and we've barely just begun.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message for Humanity, April 3, 2022


Cosmic Tarot Card Deck

Middle:  Shadow Card VI of Cups
Upper Left:  Past VI of Wands
Top:  Present Ace of Swords
Upper Right:  Future X of Swords
Lower Right:  Hidden Page of Pentacles
Bottom:  Advice XIX the Sun 
Lower Left:  Outcome King of Pentacles

Far Right:  Clarification Card III of Pentacles

"You Can't Do it All by Yourself"  

The Shadow Card VI of Cups is full of nostalgia and sweet memories reminiscent of childhood.
The Past VI of Wands shows recognition for a job well done.  
The Present Ace of Swords means conquest and triumph
The Future Card X of Swords is a breakthrough of some sort and tells us that a difficult situation is near an end.   
Hidden Card Page of Pentacles is a young man who is learning about the hidden workings of the world
The Advice Card is XIX The Sun and represents growth, both spiritually and physically
The Outcome Card is the King of Pentacles and indicates that the Page has grown into a King who has had his share of hard knocks and learned from his mistakes

The Clarification Card is the III of Pentacles and describes teamwork.  In order for us to achieve anything in life, we must first learn to work together.


This is a card of growing up.    

 It describes our journey through life. 


We make decisions, some good some bad and, hopefully, learn from our mistakes. 

Either we grow up or ignore the lessons we need to learn, resulting in further pain and failure.   


VI of Cups:  The Page is reminiscing about his childhood and the happiness he experienced while growing up.
VI of Wands:  At some point in his past he received good news along with recognition for a job well done.        

Ace of Swords:  This tells us he is feeling triumphant as he reaps the rewards of his decision.   

X of Swords shows what could have been if he hadn't taken the time in decision making, preparation and planning.   

The Page of Pentacles shows this young man in his youth, beginning to learn and understand the  hidden workings of the world.

The Advice card XIX the Sun is the result of his listening to his father's advice.  Remain positive in life no matter what your circumstance.  Learn to be patient as you continue to grow spiritually and in good health.

The Outcome Card the King of Pentacles represents this young man and who he became.  A patient, caring and compassionate individual, one who knew both sides of coin:  instability, conflict and peace.  

He was determined to learn from his experiences growing up and an especially important one - you can't be successful in life by going it alone.  

Every so often recognize you need to seek out and utilize the help of others in order to be successful.       
The Clarification Card (III of Pentacles) is a card of Teamwork.   

The numerical value of this reading is:  5 - Instability and conflict; also material prosperity but spiritual poverty if not properly balanced.