Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Enough is Enough!

How many of you are fed up with making credit card companies rich?


"There is No Such Thing as Them Vs. Us There is Only "We"

This planet will never achieve spiritual zenith until human beings undergo a deep and dramatic change in how they act toward and treat one another.      

Presently, we are so far down the rabbit hole of willful ignorance and arrogance putting us in danger of losing everything of value in our lives and we still don't seem to care.

We're squarely in the cross hairs of a restitution or a reckoning of some kind and all because we neglected to rid ourselves of the evilness embedded in our hearts.  

What is coming is a deep and profound inner cleansing washing away that part of us inhibiting our spiritual growth.

Only after we experience this will our hearts be forever changed as we begin to understand the sacredness of the lives bequeathed to us and embrace the peace and harmony it brings.      

The circle is closing

One cycle ending

Another beginning

"Air, Fire, Water Earth, Cleanse and Bless Our Home and Hearth 

And banish Fear

For Only Love May Enter Here"

 ~ "Let it Be So" ~

Monday, December 27, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for Week of December 26, 2021

The Napo Tarot

This is the Wheel Spread

In this spread, The Shadow Card is placed in the middle of the spread with the corresponding cards surrounding it like a wheel


These readings are done with the human collective in mind.

They show us what is going on in our lives and affecting us, what challenges and obstacles we face, the positive and negative factors involved and advice as to what we should or shouldn't do.


1.  Card in the Middle is (The Shadow Card):  IV The Emperor
2.  Card Top Left is (The Past):  II of Cups
3.  Card Top Middle is (The Present):  XV The Devil  
4.  Card Top Right is (The Destination Card) Where We're Headed:  X of Wands

5.  Card on the Bottom is (The Hidden Card) representing the energies we can't see at the time of the reading:  0 The Fool  
6.  Card to the Right of the Hidden Card is (The Advice Card) VIII Strength (what we need to do or not do depending on the situation)  
7.  Card to the Left and directly under the Past Card is (The Outcome):  X The Wheel of Fortune 


This Week's Message:  

1.  IV The Emperor represents family, justice and someone respectful of tradition and customs.  
This card indicates that an individual is hovering in the background, cognizant and mindful of all that is taking place with a keen understanding of personalities, people and events.

2.  The II of Cups shows our interactions with one another.  It represents kindness, relationships, courtship, love and communication.    Interesting that this card is in the Past position.   Are these virtues now a thing of the past?  

3.   The XV Devil Card in the Present position tells us why we are seeing and experiencing all we're going through today.  The Devil represents cruelty, sadism, chronic illness, suffering, terror, ambition, power, and perversion.  

4.   The X of Wands represents oppression.  Not a particularly good card especially in the Destination position.  

5.  The Hidden Position is represented by O The Fool and represents the energies we can't comprehend (see or feel) but are very much influencing the situation we're in:  Incoherence, a lack of cognitive ability, nervousness, unable to focus and rationalize what is really going on.   

6.  The VIII Strength Card in the Advice position encourages us to do what we need to do (meditation, prayer, seeking spiritual help) in order to get through the obstacles and challenges we currently face.     

7.  The Outcome Card X The Wheel means that change (whether good or bad and we have no say as to what it will be) is always occurring.   Most of the time we are oblivious to change and only when it manifests into the open are we able to actually see and experience it.

This card means:  A period of crisis; rapid change; one cycle is leaving and another one beginning.  

*Note that the next card, after the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot Deck is XI The Justice Card.  

All in all I feel this reading gives us Hope in knowing that others are aware of what's going on and positioning themselves to intervene, on our behalf and at a pre-determined time, to stem the tide of suffering.

The numerical value of this reading is 4:  Interesting that IV represents the Emperor and Number 4 in general stands for a well built foundation, structure and stability.   I believe we are headed in that direction.  


Thursday, December 23, 2021



Sacred Grove 

I was travelling northwest yesterday heading into town.  

I've travelled this route many times before but, somehow, as I would soon find out, this day would be very different.    

I am very attuned to nature and can detect different energies surrounding people and places.   

Little did I know that I would soon encounter some loving but very sad residual energy residing in a cluster of trees, tucked inside a perimeter fence, lining the side of the highway, that would have a deep and profound affect on me.

As I passed by I was overwhelmed by a feeling of "family" as emotions of togetherness, reverence and sadness emanated from a small grove of trees.

The energy I encountered felt like it might have been a burial site of some kind or maybe where religious ceremonies had been performed or people getting together to celebrate.

Where I am there are many Native Americans nearby so I'm pretty sure this was connected to one of the tribes in the area.  

Then I began to wonder, "why now?"  

After all the trips I've made along this route where I didn't feel anything before, "why am I feeling it now?"

I kept driving, wiping the tears from my eyes as I continued on.          

Then I saw a FOR SALE sign and a big SOLD sign.      

Then it all made sense.  

I believe the energy was that of a group of people saddened by the sale of their land that they had lived on for, possibly, hundreds of years and all the memories connected with it.

They were concerned or even fearful that the new owner(s) would bring in heavy equipment and start carving up the place and their special place would be no more.

There's something many of us have forgotten ~ We are all part of nature whether we're human, a bear or a tree.  

Maybe it's time we all start remembering where our real roots come from.

     ~ Nightshade 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for December 19, 2021


The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck

1.  Top (Shadow Card) - IV of Pentacles:  Pride; greed; disregard for others; selfishness

2.  1st row Left (Past) - Page of Wands:   The Age of Innocence and Trust

3.  1st row Middle (Present) - XVI The Tower:  Unexpected event(s); natural disaster(s); chaos, massive change; destruction 

4.  1st row Right (Our Destination) - King of Wands:  Taking matters into our own hands; standing up for what we believe in; rebelling against authoritarianism 


5.  2nd row Right (Hidden) - VIII of Cups:  Re-evaluation of our situation; walking away from what doesn't serve us anymore; choosing a different path 

6.  2nd row Middle (Advice) - IX of Cups:  Disillusionment; suicidal, misery; shattered dreams 

7.  2nd row Left (Outcome) - IV of Wands - A union of equal forces; intersection; healing


Message ~ "Humans are Free"

1.  The Shadow card gives the overall meaning of the reading and highlights the problems and concerns pointing to the reasons why we're experiencing what we're experiencing at the present time.  

It depicts a very wealthy individual who has everything they need with a healthy disregard for others and out of fear, greed or power issues, solely concerned with amassing as much as they can for themselves and basically, to hell with you. 

This card can also represent individuals, financial systems and governments.

2.  The Past represents a period of Innocence and trust which, I believe, is now a "thing of the past."  This would be laughable if only it weren't so painfully true.

3.  The Present shows we're not out of the woods, yet and to prepare for more sh*t heading our way.  The meaning of this card is an unexpected event(s); destruction; mayhem; chaos and massive change.

4.  The Destination Card is more optimistic as the King of Wands means "taking matters into our own hands"; finding the courage to deal with things; overcoming and, a "changing of the guard" maybe a collective attitude change or could also represent an individual.

5.  The Hidden Card is The VIII of Cups and another optimistic card showing we're walking away from things that don't serve us anymore; we've done a re-evaluation of where we are and where we want to go and choosing a different path.  One much more conducive to what "we want" not somebody else's.  

6.  The Advice Card IX of Cups has so many shadow meanings attached to it but only the ones concerning the reading are to be interpreted.  

It shows a well to do individual who is very disappointed, maybe due to shattered dreams, even suicidal as he is drinking an elixer of some sort possibly representing a drug overdose, the bloody meat represents his healthy disrespect for life and others (only his own) and the dimly lit moon in the background represents the false illusion he has been living under.    He has only been concerned with his own well being, having enough to eat and enough financial resources to live comfortably.  However, this is all shattering.    

He could be in the midst of a divorce, a grave health issue or a financial loss in which he could lose everything or maybe he is waking up from the illusion he's been under.  

This card advises us to take stock of where we are, right now.   Think on those things that are really important in our lives such as our health, our families, our communities and learning to show love, compassion and respect for one another and how easily all of this can be taken from us.    

These things are everlasting whereas material and temporary things such as how much money we have, how we look and dress, how many influential and well off friends we have and how big our house is, do not. 

7.  The Outcome Card is the IV of Wands another very optimistic card.  It means a union of equal forces (an intersection where everybody stops together, allowing the first car at the intersection to proceed  first and then the second car and so on and so on) direction and cooperation indicated by the four corners, stability and a firm foundation).  

Also, a well earned harvest of peace, prosperity and harmony.  

We're heading into a whole new way of living and understanding on this planet but not without having to endure more trials.  

I have no idea what these are going to be just an understanding as the cards have indicated, that they will manifest and we will, again, be forced to confront them.  

The numerical value of this reading is:  5 ~ instability; conflict; loss and change leading to a more harmonious outcome   




We're All Connected Through Death


"Why Does it Have to Take That Long"? 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

"When a horse looks into your eyes it can see into the depths of your soul - who you are - your strengths, your weaknesses, those things you did right and those things you would rather keep hidden - 
yet loves you anyway.


Monday, December 13, 2021

This Week's Tarot Message for December 12, 2021


Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck

Wands represent Fire (Passion and Creativity) 
Pentacles represent Earth (Money, Sowing and Reaping)  
Swords represent Air (Intellect)
Cups represent Water (Emotions and Relationships) 

Top (Shadow Card) - The II of Pentacles is all about finding and maintaining our balance

Left (Past) - The VII of Swords means unethical behavior; theft

Middle (Present) - XII The Hanged Man means liminal spaces; balance and achieving equilibrium (see The Shadow Card) 

Right (Destination) - The III of Wands is looking to the future and tells us to keep our eyes open to the changes and challenges lying ahead 


2nd row Right (Hidden) - The King of Wands means power and stability; a natural born leader with the ability to get the job done

2nd row Middle (Advice) - The Ace of Wands tells us we're in the beginning of a new cycle as the old one is passing away    

2nd row Left (Outcome) - IX The Hermit shows us we're on a path of self discovery leading to a heightened state of awareness


This Week's Tarot Message:  


I believe this message to be a positive one for all of us who are confused about what we see happening today.  It seems like every day it's more bad news and more bad people coming to light who are only focused on harming others.  

*The Shadow Card wants us to gather our wits about us, slow down and find our center.  It is a card showing that we need to restore balance in our lives.

*The Past is defined as someone stealing something from you and they don't care if you get hurt.  They just don't want to get caught.    

It could be a business partner siphoning off money, a crooked politician amassing a fortune illegally, a cruel friend who comes across as your buddy but is anything but or someone who has betrayed your trust.    

*The Destination Card is IX The Hermit who is shining a light on the Truth.  In Greek philosophy it represents The Philosopher, Diogenes who was searching for an honest man.  I'm unsure whether or not he ever found one.

This card tells us that we are in the middle of (enlightenment note the lantern) or self discovery leading to a heightened state of awareness.    


*The Hidden Card shows a disciplined, powerful and confident individual eager and ready to receive the Wand of Truth.  There is the head of an owl on the scepter being handed to him.  

Owls represent Wisdom and Vigilance.  This individual is securely positioned and, at the annointed time, will make his appearance.  

Note the dark pillar in the background and I liken it to a "pillar of strength."  

The King of Wands also is looking at the Ace of Wands card showing his awareness of the new cycle manifesting (the wheel keeps turning) and that he's going to play a big role in it ~ The Chosen One  

*The Advice Card is The Ace of Wands (Aces represent new beginnings) ~ See The King of Wands.  

*The Outcome Card is IX The Hermit and is the torch bearer carrying the Light of Truth; investing his time in deep thought and contemplation leading to Wisdom (see the King of Wands)


The numerical value of this reading is 6:  Communication, problem solving, cooperation and balance 



Sunday, December 12, 2021

A View From Above

Celestial Sphere 

The universe is one gigantic, eternal wheel that is ever turning.

Each one of us makes up this wheel.

However, we are constrained in understanding how this dynamism works because we exist in a 3rd dimension.          

Then something changes to our collective consciousness in order to view this realization from a higher perspective thus we are now able to see how all the individual digits contribute to and make up the whole.

We begin to realize that, in order for the wheel to keep turning, each part must contribute to, unite and cooperate with all other parts.

Only then can the wheel continue its transit through the unknown, viewing, assessing and manifesting solutions to life's biggest problems through meaningful change.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for December 5, 2021


Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck

Top Card is The Shadow Card:  XVI The TOWER

1st row Left to Right:
Past V of WANDS
Present IX of CUPS
Destination IV of Cups

2nd row Right to Left
Hidden XXI The WORLD
Outcome X of CUPS


Message:    "We Have the Power" 

1.  The Shadow Card XVI The TOWER provides the overall feel of the reading.  It could be called a "Heads Up" Card because it reveals additional information as to what the reading is about and foresees things we cannot see or feel (see The Hidden Card).     

The XVI The TOWER means sudden (and could be "massive") change; upheaval; chaos, also Revelation and Awakening.  

It is telling us to plan for and expect more of the same as the present cycle is still ongoing  (with us) but is winding down.      

2.  The Past V of WANDS means a competitive situation and asks us to do our best (it doesn't give any more details as to what the "competitive" situation is but is left up to us to interpret/determine what this means to us, personally).

3.  The Present is The IX of CUPS:  This card can be interpreted as "Entitled."  Someone or possibly  more than one person (a group or social class) of individuals who have nothing to worry about as they have everything they need and don't give a sh*t about the people who don't.

4.  The Destination Card is the IV of CUPS:  This shows a young girl (but can be any age and gender and not just representing one person but many) who is withdrawing and re-evaluating her situation.  Quite possibly she's been thrust into something she can't handle, is fearful of, confused and needs time to figure things out.  


5.  The Hidden Card is XXI The WORLD and actually defines the world we live in.  It also is a card of COMPLETION - the successful completion of one cycle and the beginning of another one   

6.  The Advice Card is VIII STRENGTH:  This tells us we have more Strength, Courage and Power than we realize.  It also stands for stability.  What does this mean?  It means start taking charge of your life in order to bring back some measure of stability.    

Remember, "WE have the Power".  

7.  The Outcome Card is The X of Cups:  This card stands for Family, Home, Community, Love and Trust.  All these things are (and have been under attack for years by very powerful people and organizations).    

This card shows we're heading in a positive direction and learning to stand up in order to take our lives back as we've had enough - "This is our world, our lives, our kids and our communities.  They're not for sale to the highest bidder anymore".

The numerical value of this reading is 10 (Completion or 1 meaning A New Beginning represented by the Ace.  Raw energy yet unformed - Potential.

~ May this Reading give you Hope and Courage as it Shines a Light on The New Path Being Created For Us ~





Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Mugged or Drugged ~ What's the Difference?

How can a society survive if it doesn't even know where it came from?  

How can it survive if it is not even equipped with the survival skills necessary in order to do so?  

How can it survive if wisdom is lacking not only in the general populace but those in power and the  institutions, organizations that we have come to trust and depend upon?  

How can children learn to transit through life if we do not teach them the steps to do this?       

How can a teacher instruct children if the manuals and books they teach from are full of errors, omissions and miscalculations?  

And, where are our "so-called" religious leaders when we need them? - answer:  MIA  

How can anyone survive when they're constantly under attack?

Answer - they can't.  

So, who are we, anyway - just some left over debris from a failed ET experiment continuing to be used and abused by every single POS and/or powerful institution in any way they see fit?    

How can we expect to live harmoniously with one another when we are constantly targeted and bombarded by powerful and evil people more interested in the millions of dollars they can amass from donations, subscribers, politicians, governments and corporations supporting and encouraging them and all 100% hell bent on controlling us?   

Did someone or something at some point, during our human development, purposely inject us with a dumb protein containing an insatiable desire for constant abuse which we were unaware of?

Well this laughable as, of course, they would not let us in on their little secret now, would they?       

Yet, I believe the answer may be closer to the truth than we think.    

If you watched the movie, "The Time Machine," starring Rod Taylor is when he discovered that the earth-like planet he landed on and the humans living on the surface had somehow been injected with something or drugged and induced into a zombie like state controlled by a group of cannibals living below.    

He watched as they went about their lives normally until a large siren or horn sounded, in which they all stopped what they were doing, formed a single file and marched like zombies into the bowels of the earth oblivious to their fate - only to be killed and consumed.

We know we have the power to change things, to make things better, to right wrongs and to hold people accountable for their actions so why are we still not doing this?  

We are the only ones capable of wrestling control from those who have had us in their evil grip for thousands of years.          

Isn't this what we want?

If the answer is no it means we're not willing to change at all so what does that really say about the Human Race.  

Are we worth saving if we can't or won't even consent to taking a role in our own salvation?

There's a lot riding on this answer and one only Time will tell....

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for November 28, 2021


The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck

Top is The Shadow Card 0 The Fool - Finding our footing; "hanging in the balance"  


1st row Left Past XXI The World - Introspection 

1st row Middle Present XV The Devil - Enslavement

1st row Right Destination IX The Hermit - Isolation


2nd row Right Hidden Card II The High Priestess - The ability to understand what cannot be understood; Secrets  

2nd row Middle Advice Card XI Justice - Restoration; Balance

2nd row Left Outcome Card VIII Strength - Overcome


Reading:  "Metamorphosis" 

*The Shadow Card is 0 The Fool  

We are in the midst of seeking answers, dealing with challenges we've never faced before and finding our footing in order to restore some type of balance in our lives

*The Past Card is XXI The World 

encouraging us to look back and reflect upon how much we've learned and grown from our experience(s)

*The Present Card is XV The Devil 

means we have much work to do; it's time to open up our eyes to the reality of our situation and develop the strength and courage to break free of it

*The Destination Card is IX The Hermit 

holds a lantern which is illuminating our situation pointing to a period of isolation in which we will be able to find the answers we seek but only if we separate ourselves from the negativity and fear porn bombarding our lives, daily

*The Hidden Card II is The High Priestess 

and represents things that are hidden; she teaches the Fool how to acquire Wisdom in order to lead him to the proper course of action for his particular situation

*The Advice Card is XI Justice 

and asks us to consider our actions as they will have long term affects on our future

*The Outcome Card is VIII Strength

meaning we will overcome as we grow in strength and courage which is necessary if we are to meet  challenges heading our way

~ May G-d Bless Each and Every One of You ~

*The numerical value of this reading is 3 meaning bringing about that which is desired and envisioned



Friday, November 26, 2021

Life Equals Love and Love Equals Life

And the Earth Trembled, and the Skies Darkened 

Life is a Continuum ~ even after our bodies die and we are no longer here, our souls don't.

The Wheel keeps turning as we pass from this earthly life to one of spirit.

Scientists don't know how life formed in the universe (other than the Big Bang Theory) and they never will but I feel that however it was created it continues in the form of an endless and continuous rhythmic circle with no beginning and no end.    

It's hard for us to contemplate something that has no beginning (Zero) and no end (Finality) as we are unable to comprehend something we cannot understand.     

The most important thing about life in the universe that has been reported by many different off-planet groups is that Love is the one major ingredient that is found everywhere in the cosmos.        

As far as a God, beings from other galaxies have told us that there is only One Creator Being in the entire universe who created and oversees everything.  

This Being, in turn, delegates jobs and assignments to other beings who are then tasked with tending to the welfare and needs of individual planets.

Jesus is thought to be an incarnation of one of these off planet beings who was part of a group assigned to look after the needs of earth and its inhabitants.  

He had the Gift of Discernment, Healing, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and other spiritual gifts.  

He and the others involved understood that time was of the essence in order for His message of Love to have the most impact.  They were aware that his incarnation (over 2,000 years ago) was the crucial time for Him to make His appearance on earth in order for this message to be felt and understood by the people.    

Jesus' mission while here was to sacrifice Himself in order to draw attention to the evil people and groups that consisted of politicians, lawyers, Emperors Priests and Kings and Jerusalem was picked as the perfect city in which to do this as it was continually humming with bartering and trading activities and many people from many different countries including powerful kings and lords visited and traded there on a regular basis.  

It was a strict, highly layered and structured city in which each political and/or religious group had their unique roles to play and would be severely admonished if they did not publicly pronounce to the people that they were bound to adhere to the strict rulings handed down to them centuries ago by their elders who taught that anyone who strayed from these "teachings" would be harshly dealt with.      

However, Jesus' message was not harsh or cruel but one of Love and meant not just for one particular group but for all people on earth.  

He was aware that His brief life here would end abruptly and He would be sentenced to death as a scapegoat for the High Priests and Lawyers in an effort to cover up their numerous crimes against the people.

And all because He would unmask them with a simple message of Love.  

But they were not ready for the rest of the story.  

Their plan of action in getting rid of Him was to find one of His followers eager to betray His whereabouts, send out the military to bring Him in, try Him in a mock court, find Him guilty and sentence Him to death by publicly crucifying Him.

In this way, they would send a strong message to the people, be rid of Him as He would no longer be a threat to their evil hierarchy.

Crucifixion was developed by the Persians (modern day Iran) in 300-400BC and used by many other countries including the Romans.    

However, even after Jesus' death by Crucifixion, His simple yet powerful message had already connected with millions of people from all over the world as they continued to practice His message of Love knowing full well they were not only putting themselves in danger but their families as well.

This practice only became stronger after His Resurrection.    

Isn't it interesting that we still have groups of people today who continue to ignore Jesus' message of Love while elevating their own version of how we should act and who we should worship with deadly consequences if we don't and participate in the savage and barbaric practice of murdering people who choose otherwise?      

When is this going to stop?  Is it ever going to Stop?

Humanity was never meant to be enslaved or persecuted for their convictions and beliefs by any group, organization or government agency.

We're finally waking up to this, realizing that in order to change the world, we have to take an active role and become the change we envision.  


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Blessings Upon All of You ~ A Time to Be Grateful ~ Happy Thanksgiving, November 25, 2021


"To recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God" ~ George Washington, 1789

Ra and the Law of One Prophecies (Some of what you will hear in this extraordinary video is hard to listen to and digest as many of us are totally unaware of the sordid details regarding the evil taking place on Planet Earth)


Weekly Tarot Message for November 21, 2021


Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck 

Shadow Card (Top):  XVII The Star

1st row Left (The Past):  X Wheel of Fortune

1st row Middle (The Present):  XV The Devil

1st row Right (Destination):  XIII Death

2nd row Right (Hidden):  XII The Hanged Man

2nd row Middle (Advice):  I The Magician

2nd row Left (Outcome):  IV The Emperor

Reading:  "Go With the Flow"

The Shadow Card is the manifestation of the reading.  This card, XVII The Star, reminded me of the Star of Bethlehem and G-d's Promise to Mankind of Healing, Hope and Peace on Earth which I believe is happening right now.   

The Past is X The Wheel of Fortune and represents our unquenchable thirst for trying to figure things out; our future, who we should marry; is this job the right one?    The wheel of life is always turning, heralding in change.  Instead of stressing over what may or may not be, understand that change is always with us and is necessary for old, outworn and outdated cycles to end thus heralding in new ones.  

We all need to learn to "go with the flow" in handling things that don't go our way, challenges and obstacles.  However, this is much harder to accomplish than meets the eye and takes discipline and work.  

The Present Card is XV The Devil.  He is the agent of everything bad happening in the world.  The Conjurer of Evil as this is his role, this is what he does.  The more fear he generates, the more pain and suffering he creates, the more powerful he becomes as he gorges himself on our misery.    

The Destination Card (where we're all headed) is XIII The Death Card.  This card does not mean just physical death but also, "Endings."  In this particular case, the pain and misery we're all going through, e.g., what we've experiencing with the virus and the vaccine is actually an old cycle (one of manipulation, lies, money and power) "ending" in order for a new one to manifest which will benefit mankind not feed off of it.  

The Hidden Card XII The Hanged Man could be interpreted as "Our World Turned Upside Down" or our view of the world is changing as we're now able to see things from a different perspective.  It's like the blinders are coming off and we can see people, organizations, power and money that have had Mankind in their claws for thousands of years.

The Advice Card I The Magician reminds us that "we are the ones who control our destiny".  We have it within ourselves, the power to achieve anything we want.  I believe we're seeing The Magician working his magic all across the world today with people standing up for what's right and opposing what's wrong.   

The Outcome Card is IV The Emperor:  He is "The Man in Charge" a man whose time has come; a man whose word is law; restoration, stability, order and peace.  

The numerical value of this reading is:  9 - Things are coming together; fruition; bringing things to a conclusion (but we're not quite there, yet)



Friday, November 19, 2021

Below Zero or Minus

The "Void" 

For the longest time, I'd say starting in 2019,  I kept "seeing" myself standing on a precipice in bitter cold temps wearing light clothing and not feeling any effects of the weather at all.  

It was like I was an outsider looking at a picture.  Either the picture was real and I was fake or I was real and the picture fake.

There was no sun just a vast vast cold terrain.     

When I say bitter cold I'm talking extreme cold, in the minus degrees below zero and yet I knew that no matter how far down it went I would not be affected.    I was impervious to it.  

For some reason I kept thinking of the Vikings and the extreme cold they had to deal with where they originated from and where they lived.    

I could feel air blowing across my face and tousling my hair and yet again, I could not feel the extreme temperature.            

I was all by myself, looking out across a vast area of snow and ice devoid of all life.  

So far, I have no idea why I kept experiencing this but thought I'd post what I went through for you to read and ponder.          

I felt no fear or trepidation whatsoever, and interesting that I knew no matter how low the temperature went I would not be affected at all.  

I would keep experiencing this scene during the day (not at night for some reason) and it didn't matter what I was doing whether outside gardening, tending to livestock, repairing fence or staring out the kitchen window while doing the dishes.

The scene was always the same.

It did not occur when I was away from home.  


2/18/2022:  Last night I watched the movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" starring Keanu Reeves.  I've seen this movie many times before but, for some unknown reason, something in the movie clicked with me this time.  

In watching the movie, it suddenly became clear to me as I watched him get out of his tent, braving the brutal cold in an effort to search for the origin of a bright light that had illuminated his tent.  

It was at that moment I knew that what I had been seeing (in my mind) was the continent of Antartica.


After the Storm

 Mike Adams and David Wilcock Full Interview - The Disclosure - Prepare For Change

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Monday, November 15, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for November 14, 2021


The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck

Tarot cards are symbols of different phases in one's life.  The pictures on the cards depict the emotions that one goes through as one travels down his or her own designated life path both positive and negative.  

The cards can be interpreted in different ways depending on the question asked and the energy surrounding the reading at the time.    

The universe is in charge of how the cards are dealt and the answers provided at the time of the reading.      


Shadow Card (Middle 2nd row):  Knight of Swords  

Past 2nd row Left - XVI The Tower

Present 1st row Left - XII The Hanging Man

Destination 1st row Middle - XIX The Sun

Hidden 1st row Right - Knight of Cups

Advice 2nd row Right - VIII Strength

Bottom Card Outcome - Ace of Cups


Question:  "Is G-d Sending a Saviour to Rescue Humanity?"

Reading:  The Cure is Love  

*The Shadow Card Knight of Swords came across as the Archangel Michael.  Resolute, dependable, G-d's right hand man and ready and waiting to do His bidding.  We cannot see what's happening behind the scenes but rest assured that much good is happening that we cannot see.    

*The Past Card XVI The Tower shows a tower being struck by lightning.  The tower represents things we believe in, people, political and religious organizations, corporations, governments.  Maybe the Virus is the lightning strike in which people all over the globe are beginning to mobilize together, resist  and question the many things they've been force fed for so long, the big one being a vaccine that is full of unquestionably dangerous chemicals and nano particles.      

The lightning strike could be construed as the end of the lies, a huge wake up call to humanity that things are changing for the better on planet earth.  Even though this is hard to comprehend because of all the evil we're seeing now, this is where we need to believe that something good is coming even though our eyes are unable (at this time) to see what it is.          

*The Present Card XII The Hanging Man shows someone suspended between Heaven and Earth.  He is suspended in a liminal space (a place where there is no beginning and no end - neither here nor there; a respite; a time out, a suspension in order for those things we cannot spiritually perceive are allowed to take place or be "put into place.).  ~ Patience.  

* The Destination Card XIX is The Sun.  A very positive card meaning an end to troubles; a new attitude, a new awakening in which we find ourselves in a place devoid of hardship, sorrow and pain.  It's like our days of trouble and turmoil are over and the sun's rays have found a way to shine down on us.  ~ Healing is underway.  

*The Hidden Card Knight of Cups came across as a biblical passage:  John 15:13:  "Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That He Lay Down His Life for His Friends."  Again, a very positive message that G-d has things in control (even though it is hard if not impossible for us to believe this) but He asks us to believe as soon we will all be able to see with a new set of eyes.

*The Advice Card VIII Strength is a reference to Libra which means Divine Power and Balance (see The Justice Card).  

Again, a mention again of The Divine meaning there is more going on here than meets the eye.  Gather your strength and courage and have faith in what will be and have faith that all will be revealed at the appropriate time.  

*The Outcome Card Ace of Cups means this is what's coming:  

"Love Overflowing, (G-d's Love and Our Love For One Another), Forgiveness, Happiness, a New Way of Looking at the World  because we have been given a new set of eyes, Unity, Coming Together. ~ We Are All One.  



Friday, November 12, 2021

The Information Contained in This Video Regarding Who Built The Great Pyramid of Giza and its Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Layout is Nothing Short of Astounding

 David Wilcock: The Great Pyramid is an ET Monument, Post-Disclosure - YouTube

I Made It

To All Who Follow Me on My Blog ~ "I am getting better but it's a slow process."    

For all of you blithely and happily unaware and going about your day with nary a care in the world, enjoy every moment of it because you never know how long "normal" is going to last - one minute you're living in a familiar world and the next moment you've crossed over into a bizarre landscape with images and feelings, sounds and thoughts that rival even the hardiest of souls among us.

You now find yourself the star actor in one of those surreal movies with zombies and crows and haunted houses.

The one I found myself in was called, "The Night of the Living Dead."

I am going to share some information with you that will help you even if you don't get the virus.  

Start a curriculum of Ivermectin, Hydroxycholoroquine, Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C to stave off the symptoms or at least lessen their affect.      

This Virus is nothing to mess around with and, according to medical personnel, the recovery time is different for each individual who contracts it depending on their age and whether or not they have any underlying problems.    


Additional info:

More information I believe of vital importance regarding this virus:  

It attacks your cognitive abilities (your ability to make clear decisions, remembering how to make coffee in the morning because your brain forgot) your body, your mind and your soul (which is the     very essence of "who" you are.

It attacks your "center" what defines you (and this is very important) as a "human being" and what you want to accomplish in life, reducing you to a pile of rubble trying to figure out how to pick up all the pieces of yourself that are now scattered all over the floor.  

You experience debilitating symptoms, fear, depression, extreme fatigue, and wonder if you're ever going to get better.

Some other symptoms of this virus were, in my case, something that attached itself to my back.  I could not get rid of it.  I would try and shake it off but it wouldn't leave.  It was like "embedded."

It was a shiny jet black entity with bat like wings and I quickly understood that it represented my  karma I had carried with me from previous incarnations.  I descended into what you could only call "hell" and experienced untold depths of despair being forced to relive what I did not want to experience ever again.  

But, it gave me no choice.       

After more careful introspection, I believe this entity attached itself to me because it knew I was in a very fragile condition and was fair game as it was able to feed off of my shame, despair and fear.  

I couldn't feel any talons or claws digging into my back more of a "suction cup" attachment in which there was no airspace between "it" and me.  

Very interesting in that I had a talk with a friend in the UK yesterday who also had a very bad bout with COVID.  She is still recovering after being laid up for 3 months.  When I explained the entity that I encountered she said she had experienced the same thing.  She asked me, "did it have bat like wings" to which I answered, yes.  She didn't want to talk about it anymore.  I don't blame her.     

COVID is a form of the flu (albeit it affects people in either extreme or passive ways) but can be overcome if you have antiobiotics - (Azithromycin, Hydroxychlooquine,  Ivermectin, Vit. C, D, and Zinc.  It's the vaccine that's the problem.    

Please watch this video as it will give you more information and a clearer picture of what is contained in the vaccines that the demons in charge of this planet are trying to force you to take.  

The Moment of Truth - David Wilcock and Mike Adams - PART TWO (bitchute.com)

We are in a battle for humanity and I believe we're going to win.

I just did a Tarot Reading for this week and the question I asked was, "Is G-d Sending a Saviour to Rescue Humanity?"

I believe the answer that came through was a very positive one and will post the reading soon.

Stay Strong, 

11/28/2021:  After more research (and I don't know why this realization didn't hit me at first) I did some history on "bat" wings.  The Devil as depicted by many groups and in Tarot is shown as half goat and half man. Interesting enough he is also known to have bat wings.

In retrospect I am now firmly convinced that I made contact (or more it made contact with me) with a demonic entity that possessed all the qualities known to describe the demon, Satan.

Again, I cannot convey to you this horrific experience in trying to deal with it let alone understanding it but as of today and by the Grace of G-d this new and completely plausible explanation has now come to light.  



Wednesday, November 3, 2021


💖My Calico Cat passed away this morning at 2:11 a.m.  I comforted her as she took her last breath.  She's been with me for ten years.  This is how I picture her now, no more suffering, no worries, just enjoying an evening out, under the stars. 💖 


Sunday, October 31, 2021

Humanity Under Attack ~ Every Single Parent Needs to Watch This Video


Everyone, Stay Strong ~ "We're All in this Together and We'll Get Through This Together"

I have Covid and, believe me, what I'm going through is hard to describe.  There are many symptoms I'm dealing with and I won't go into them at this time other than they are very debilitating from severe lethargy, dry cough, headache and other things.   

It is going to be difficult to do a weekly Tarot reading until I feel I'm up to it.  I've tried several times during this period but nothing is manifesting and any message coming through is being blocked by the virus.  

Thank you for understanding during this very difficult time.  

Definition of a "Wanderer"

 Are You a "Wanderer"? - YouTube

Folks, We are Living in Biblical Times


Psalm 23: 4
~ "We are Walking Through the Shadow of Death" ~

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

David Nino Rodriguez ~ Pay Attention

 Suicides And Mysterious Deaths Coming - YouTube

More Control


It's Time to Stop the Bombing



Your Time is Up

"Wishing Won't Make it So"  

Folks, the only way we're going to turn this planet around is if We do the work necessary.    

Wishing our problems away is not going to work.

We have to take control away from an evil cabal hell bent on keeping us on a leash.

If not, we're going to continue to wake up to the "same ole, same ole.

Many of us are in awareness now as to how controlled we've been and still are.    

Our awareness is showing in parents taking on school boards, people refusing the "vaccine", running for office against corrupt politicians.  

We're starting to come together like never before to finally claim our sovereignty as free human beings which is exactly what the Creator wanted for us.  

But He knew we would have to do this ourselves and would send additional help from above in order for us to accomplish our mission.    

And we need to keep it up.  

Aren't you tired of being a pawn on the globalists' chess board? 

We're only going to succeed if we jerk the reins away from those who insist on keeping us enslaved and neuter them.  


This is our time.

This is our home.

This is our body and those are our children.

Your Time is Up.

In order for the Light to penetrate the darkness we first must remove the darkness.

We are not individual units but an assortment of divine creatures and together we make up "One Body, One Species - The Human Species".

We belong to an interplanetary group of sentient beings who are walking the walk with us.

Whether we can see them or not makes no difference.

Just rest assured they are here on different missions in order to help our ascension out of the abyss and into the light.  

Isn't it great that no one can bullshit us anymore.  



Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for October 24, 2021


The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck

Top - The Shadow Card:  IX of Swords 

1st row Past - Left Card:  IV of Swords

1st row Present - Middle Card:  XVI The Tower

1st row Destination - Right Card:  XV The Devil


2nd row Hidden - Right Card:  Knight of Wands

2nd row Advice - Middle Card:  V The Hierophant

2nd row Outcome - Left Card:  King of Pentacles


The Top Card is The Shadow Card and is the overall theme of the reading:  Anxiety, worry, confusion, nightmares, insomnia, fear

1st row Left to Right

The Past is The IV of Swords meaning in need of rest and recuperation, meditation, recharging your batteries and finding your center

The Present is The XVI The Tower meaning something unexpected will happen; an unexpected turn of events, upheaval, chaos, turmoil, life overturned

The Destination Card is  XV The Devil:  Troublemaker 

2nd row:  Right to Left 

The Hidden Card is The Knight of Wands and means wise planning is in order and to "think before you leap"  

The Advice Card is  V The Hierophant (government bodies, religious institutions) and means:  Do not just blindly accept and/or submit to all knowledge without first questioning what the consequences of your decisions will be  

The Outcome is The King of Pentacles.  This one I had a hard time with as it can be interpreted in so many different ways as an individual, a time in history, a health issue or a relationship.

Actually, as I was doing my research, it was slowly determined that all of the above are an integral part of the answer.  

On the Left is The X of Pentacles (Confirmation Card) and is a snapshot of where we're headed meaning:  Family, bonding,  unity, helping each other, working together, love and compassion

Subject:  Malefic (Malignant Influence) 

Whoever this individual represents and I believe it to be a male, his time is up.

This is The Pretender; a figure head, a puppet, a deceptive and false, ruthless, cruel and corrupt Emperor who thought he still had a job but may already be in the process of leaving or being made to leave  

The altar his head rests on represents a structure on which offerings are made to a deity - the Hebrew word for altar is mizbeah from a verbal root meaning "to slaughter."  The Greek word means:  A place of sacrifice.   

Old and feeble, his time is up and is near death or dead already (in mind, body and spirit).  

His sickly white and pasty veneer (skeleton face with linen mask) is an attempt to hide his spiritual health (but if you look closely you can see scars and/or mutilation marks) that he is endeavoring to cover up.

The two talismans hanging on either side of his face are protective gear, full of images supposedly imbued with supernatural qualities.

The diadem on his forehead is both black (used to convey authority) and white symbolizing the eternal struggle between day and night, good and evil, right and wrong.

The metal talons on his crown signify the powerful grip external forces have on him/over him.

The lion on the talisman in heraldry means holding the position of "rampant" - violent in action or spirit, raging and furious 

The red icon in the center of the crown could be a Harpy.  In Greek it means "spirit of the wind" particularly a hurricane and symbolizes ferocity under provocation

The two vultures in the background one on the left and one on the right mean that scavenger birds do not kill their prey but only collect what is already dead.  

The two white roses in the background, one on the left and one on the right I felt were not that important to the interpretation of the reading to note.  

Interesting side note:  

The romans and Greeks had respect for vultures.

Saturn, the G-d of Justice rode a vulture.  

The Quran mentions a pre-Islamic G-d by the name of Nasr which means "Vulture" that was worshipped during the Time of Noah.  

The numerical value of this reading is a 4:  A break or rest period.  In order to move forward you need to contemplate where you've been and where you're going.  

Monday, October 25, 2021

Internet Down Weekly Tarot Message Delayed

My ISP has been down for two days and just came back up today.  This week's Tarot Message I hope to have done tomorrow if not, it will be posted on Wednesday.