Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, December 13, 2021

This Week's Tarot Message for December 12, 2021


Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck

Wands represent Fire (Passion and Creativity) 
Pentacles represent Earth (Money, Sowing and Reaping)  
Swords represent Air (Intellect)
Cups represent Water (Emotions and Relationships) 

Top (Shadow Card) - The II of Pentacles is all about finding and maintaining our balance

Left (Past) - The VII of Swords means unethical behavior; theft

Middle (Present) - XII The Hanged Man means liminal spaces; balance and achieving equilibrium (see The Shadow Card) 

Right (Destination) - The III of Wands is looking to the future and tells us to keep our eyes open to the changes and challenges lying ahead 


2nd row Right (Hidden) - The King of Wands means power and stability; a natural born leader with the ability to get the job done

2nd row Middle (Advice) - The Ace of Wands tells us we're in the beginning of a new cycle as the old one is passing away    

2nd row Left (Outcome) - IX The Hermit shows us we're on a path of self discovery leading to a heightened state of awareness


This Week's Tarot Message:  


I believe this message to be a positive one for all of us who are confused about what we see happening today.  It seems like every day it's more bad news and more bad people coming to light who are only focused on harming others.  

*The Shadow Card wants us to gather our wits about us, slow down and find our center.  It is a card showing that we need to restore balance in our lives.

*The Past is defined as someone stealing something from you and they don't care if you get hurt.  They just don't want to get caught.    

It could be a business partner siphoning off money, a crooked politician amassing a fortune illegally, a cruel friend who comes across as your buddy but is anything but or someone who has betrayed your trust.    

*The Destination Card is IX The Hermit who is shining a light on the Truth.  In Greek philosophy it represents The Philosopher, Diogenes who was searching for an honest man.  I'm unsure whether or not he ever found one.

This card tells us that we are in the middle of (enlightenment note the lantern) or self discovery leading to a heightened state of awareness.    


*The Hidden Card shows a disciplined, powerful and confident individual eager and ready to receive the Wand of Truth.  There is the head of an owl on the scepter being handed to him.  

Owls represent Wisdom and Vigilance.  This individual is securely positioned and, at the annointed time, will make his appearance.  

Note the dark pillar in the background and I liken it to a "pillar of strength."  

The King of Wands also is looking at the Ace of Wands card showing his awareness of the new cycle manifesting (the wheel keeps turning) and that he's going to play a big role in it ~ The Chosen One  

*The Advice Card is The Ace of Wands (Aces represent new beginnings) ~ See The King of Wands.  

*The Outcome Card is IX The Hermit and is the torch bearer carrying the Light of Truth; investing his time in deep thought and contemplation leading to Wisdom (see the King of Wands)


The numerical value of this reading is 6:  Communication, problem solving, cooperation and balance 



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