Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, February 28, 2022

Putin's Grave Miscalculation


Weekly Tarot Message for Week February 27, 2022


The Cosmic Tarot Card Deck

This Week's Question:  "What does Russia's Invasion of the Ukraine Mean for Humanity?

Shadow Card (Middle):  VI of Pentacles
Past Card (Upper Left):  XVI The Tower
Present Card (Top):  Queen of Wands
Destination Card (Upper Right):  XIX The Sun

Hidden Card (Bottom Right):  XV The Devil
Advice Card (Bottom):  VI of Wands
Outcome Card (Bottom Left):  Page of Swords

Reading:  "A Turning Point"         

The Shadow Card VI of Pentacles covers the overall meaning of the spread and what is presently manifesting:  Empathy and Compassion; learning to share our wealth with and putting others first.  

Selflessness instead of Selfishness.

The Past Card XVI The Tower means an unexpected event (a Black Swan) either man made, celestial or spiritual; destroying something evil in order to bring in a new world for Humanity thus releasing them from their bondage.    


The Present is The Queen of Wands who emboldens us, telling us we have what it takes (determination, etc.,) to overcome whatever obstacles or challenges are placed in our path.  

The XIX The Sun Card (our Destination) tells us we will be victorious in our endeavors and be able to enjoy the successes we all have worked so hard for.  

The XV The Devil Card indicates what is hiding in the background, contributing to all of the suffering we continue to see and experience on this planet.      

The VI of Wands echoes the Sun Card in that we will be successful, victorious in our efforts in overcoming whatever lies ahead.

The Outcome Card Page of Swords came across and quite strongly in one regard regarding The Gate Keepers who are presently being positioned at certain strategic and crucial points on earth.  

They can be Archangels, Spirit Guides, Seers or Sages.  

Their Purpose:  So they can put a final end to the unchallenged egress and exit by the Devil and his minions on earth.

The numerical value of this reading:  8 ~ Change; rebirth; spiritual fortitude; success 




Sunday, February 27, 2022

Putin's "Waterloo"

Putin made a very bad decision to invade the Ukraine.

This one is going to cost him.  


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Looney Tunes

"I didn't sign up for this!" 

Earth is convulsing.  

It is being turned inside out and upside down, along with people.

Can it possibly get any worse?

Look at what just happened in the Ukraine...

Craziness getting even crazier.

I will be addressing this in next week's Tarot message.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Meet and Greet

Totem Poles 

This morning, around 4:00 a.m. I woke up to a visitor.      

I was still in bed and for some unknown reason I just woke up out of a sound sleep and started looking upward toward the northeast corner of my bedroom.

I believe my cat, Sam, was still sleeping by my side which is interesting because if he was he obviously wasn't aware of what was happening.      

At first I thought it was an angel standing in the corner but, after further memory retrieval, it turned out not to be an angel but a bird.      

I continued looking up at this thing as it starts a conversation with me.

Its height reached to the top of the ceiling which is 8'.    

It wasn't black but a dark brown like the color of bitter chocolate.    

I wasn't able to see its head nor its body but was clearly able to see two enormous wings that stretched out on either side.  

This is when I noted its wing feathers and a faint sheen on them like oil.      

It had a pair of translucent eyes intently focused on me, the color of which I've never seen and truly beautiful, like experiencing the inner glow of a light green emerald.    

For some reason and I'm unsure why, after careful recollection, I recall that this bird entity reminded me of a totem pole.         

There was no fear associated with this experience.  

My first question was asking why it bothered to even show up at my house as I was just a mere mortal, full of guilt complexes and weaknesses, completely unworthy of a visit from a creature such as this.  

No response as it continued to patiently listen to what I had to say.  

I then proceeded to go over parts of my life sharing things from my past (I guess one would say it was like going to confession) and pointing out those things I had regretted not doing or doing.    

Again, no response, just listening quietly.      

I then admitted that my most earnest desire while here on earth was continuing to "guide, advise and help as many people as I could."

Again, if there was an audible response, I don't remember hearing it.      

Throughout this whole episode I remember it speaking to me and me speaking to it but cannot clearly recall most of what was said, between us, just snippets here and there but below is one thing I clearly heard it say:    

"There is No First, there is No Second, there is No Third, There is only One."  

It then made a point of bringing up the masks (not the ones people are wearing because of the virus) but those masks intentionally being worn by the people wanting to protect their identities from being exposed and responsible for all the wickedness in the world.  

At the end of our meeting that I instinctively knew was coming to a close, these two words entered into my head.

I knew they were of some importance so I got out of bed and wrote them down:

loose pipes  

As soon as I figure out what this means I will post the information.  If anyone else has any thoughts feel free to share them

some meanings to consider: 

getting rid of emotional toxicity within yourself

waste disposal



loose:  not fastened, restrained or contained (free from confinement or imprisonment, unfettered)

pipes:  a hollow cylinder or tube used to conduct a liquid, gas or finely divided solid


Totem Poles symbolize a symbolic (meaning:  serving as a symbol such as roses are symbolic of Love) relationship between nature and humans.  The word "totem" refers to a guardian or ancestral being, usually supernatural that is revered and respected but not always worshipped.  

3/10/2023:  https://study.com/learn/lesson/native-american-totem-poles-symbolism-history.html

I believe it was a Thunderbird 


Monday, February 21, 2022

Heed the Signs


Red Sky Warning 

This blogpost was entered on February 21, 2022 


Russia invades Ukraine February 24, 2022 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Get Ready to Rumble


This Week's Reading for February 20, 2022


The Cosmic Tarot Card Deck

Shadow Card (Middle):  Page of Cups
Past (Upper Left):  XX Judgement
Present (Top):  III of Swords
Destination (Upper Right):  VII of Wands
Hidden (Lower Right):  IX of Wands
Advice (Bottom):  IV The Emperor
Outcome (Lower Left):  X of Wands

I found this to be an interesting reading and have titled it:  "Oh, Canada"

The Shadow Card: Page of Cups came across as "entitlement"; overly ambitious:  A young man brought up with everything he needed or ever wanted.  Who was waited on hand and foot (coddled).  Who never  learned (or wanted to) open up his heart to anything or anyone else but concentrating on his own wants and needs.

A lack of caring; selfishness; Narcissism.  ~ can anyone say Trudeau? 

The Past Card XX Judgement shows a world in chaos.      

This card means:  cleansing (renewal); purging (getting rid of the old and outworn); despair, strife, conflict and war (thus the fiery background).  

The Present Card (III of Swords) is a card of Suffering; authoritarianism; totalitarianism; (think of Nazi); barbarism; cruelty, oppression and excess.  

The Destination Card VII of Wands shows we are positioning ourselves for success by finding solid footing; fighting back and taking a stand.     

The Hidden Card IX of Wands:  Tense times; gaining new self confidence and determination to see things through; strength and readiness to meet the opposition boldly.  

The Advice Card IV The Emperor's zodiac sign is Aries (war) and reminds us that The Emperor can be one of two things:  Either he is loved and admired by the people he represents or he's a tyrant ready to employ severe methods such as power and force in an effort to keep his "realm" intact if the people start turning against him.   

The Outcome Card is X of Wands meaning defeat, oppression and opposition.


* There was a predominance of Wand cards in this spread and one Sword card.  

* Wands are the Fire Element and represent intensity; ruthlessness; dogged determination; courage; an extremely powerful drive.

* Swords are the Air Element and represent aggression, conflict; war; force; power; ruthlessness; logic (figuring things out; strategizing) and ambition.  

These 4 cards (together) strengthen each other (their meanings) thus adding more potency to this reading.

The numerical value of this reading is:  8 ~ Movement; action; change; rebirth; spiritual fortitude; success 



Incredible Video Showing Humans Coming to the Aid of Stricken Animals

 35 Animals That Asked People for Help ! - YouTube

Monday, February 14, 2022

Tarot Message for February 13, 2022


The Cosmic Tarot 

Middle Card (Shadow Card):  King of Swords

Upper Left Card (Past):  IX The Hermit

Top Card (Present):  I The Magician

Upper Right Card (Destination/Future):  XV The Devil

Lower Right Card (Hidden):  O The Fool

Bottom Card (Advice):  X of Cups

Lower Left Card (Outcome):  III of Wands

Reading:  Jailbreak 

The Shadow Card King of Swords represents stability, law and order; peace after a conflict; picking up the pieces; the glue that binds and holds everything together. 

The Past Card IX The Hermit represents slowing down, going within in order to search for the truth (the hidden light) in all things.  Also means finding the "Light at the End of the Tunnel" and/or "Let There Be Light."

The Present Card I The Magician tells us we have the power to manifest whatever we want in life if we can just pull ourselves together.  It's "Mind over Matter."  Using our minds instead of falling prey to a constant barrage of distractions and lies.  

The Destination Card XV The Devil means bondage and captivity.  This card represents a demonic energy determined to block us from moving forward on our path to enlightenment and continuing to ramp things up making our lives miserable via obstacles and challenges, hallucinations, mental illness, war, chaos, confusion, sorrow, pain and death.   

Evil is unravelling on this planet and the demonic realm is fully aware of this.  They are going to pull out all the stops to see this doesn't happen and that we (their prisoners) don't escape out of jail.

* Everything and anything is possible during this disruptive and chaotic time including war, severe weather, large volcanic eruptions, violence, massive earthquakes, destructive solar flares*.

The Hidden Card O The Fool means now is the time to take a "Leap of Faith" meaning start praying, meditating and believing that better times are coming (because they are).

The Advice Card X of Cups reminds us to "Count our Blessings" because we have many:  Family, friends, a job, a roof over our heads, a positive attitude, good health.    

The Outcome Card III of Wands represents Manifestation.  You've already put in the investment, work time and energy into what you want.  You've crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's.  Now you are confident you have achieved what you wanted and are waiting for the result to manifest.  

Remember, You are in charge of whatever you want out of life.  You just have to find, identify and start putting all of the pieces of the engine together (which is you) in order to achieve your goal.   * See I The  Magician Card.  

The numerical meaning of this reading is 2:  Insight, application, assimilation and agreement

Note:  2022 reduces to a 6 and means the ability to transcend difficulties




Saturday, February 12, 2022

Give Love Away Today ~ It's Free ~ No Strings Attached!

Many people are giving up on life.

Instead of carrying on with their lives, they only see an end now and no beginning.      

They've lost hope.  

Nothing makes sense anymore as everything appears to be coming apart affecting them.     

This is due to an aberration, a penetrating deep dark and oppressive energy creeping over our lives and people are feeling it and reacting to it.  

And the interesting thing is we're not fighting this.  It's like we've consented to allowing this to happen to us.  

Today, more than ever before, we stand by idly, watching as man's demonic side is on full display, slowly turning the spit, carefully basting the meat (a fellow human being) over a scorching fire for the sole purpose of consuming its remains.

The evil we're witnessing happening on this planet today is unprecedented.

What words of encouragement can I give to those of you who are ready to cave allowing whatever it is besieging you to win?   

What words of encouragement can I give to those of you who are upset and bitter now about your present circumstances and are ready to walk out the door?  

What words of encouragement can I give to those of you who have willingly made a choice that you know full well will only lead you further down into the abyss?

Okay, may I first say to all of you, "I Love You".  

I could give a rat's ass where you came from, who your mamma was, if you're a doper, an alcoholic, straight, gay or lesbian.

When you are fearful and angry, in a state of desperation and/or depression, this is the most critical time for someone or something to be able to connect with you at your deepest level in order for you to break free from your demons. 

But first you must be willing to allow this to happen.

If not, then a successful transfer of power (from your oppressor back to you) cannot be guaranteed.  

You have to want this.

There are close to 8 billion people on this planet and we are all bound together by one thing: 

Our Humanity ~

When we see a fellow human being in trouble, it is our duty to reach out and help.

To all of you with questions or if you just wish to discuss an issue or issues, please feel free to email me.  Everything will be kept confidential.

Sometimes, the most loving thing we can do for one another is just listen to what they have to say.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

This Week's Tarot Message for Humanity ~ February 6, 2022


The NAPO Tarot Card Deck 

These cards are read in a circle from left to right

Shadow Card (Middle):  IX The Hermit
Past (Upper Left):  VI of Wands
Present (Top):  VII of Swords
Destination (Right):  V of Wands
Hidden (Bottom Right):  Queen of Swords
Advice (Bottom):  II of Cups
Outcome (Bottom Left):  King of Cups

Message:  Love Conquers All 

The Shadow Card IX The Hermit is about introspection, getting to the bottom of things, questioning and searching for the truth.  This card represents what we are doing according to our current circumstances.   

The Past Card VI of Wands reminds us of victories both personal and otherwise (war, conflict, etc.)  in which we all worked diligently together to overcome the obstacles and challenges we were facing.    

The Present Card VII of Swords is another card that signifies victory but at what cost?  The methods used imply they could be atypical, deviating from the norm, uncommon.

The Destination Card V of Wands depicts a period of conflict; strife and achievement with much effort and tension manifesting.   

The Hidden Card Queen of Swords asks us to stand up and face our fears.  Nothing of worth was ever achieved by pretending the problem doesn't exist or running away.  

The Advice Card II of Cups shows a couple presenting themselves to one another.  Strangers at first they learned they had more in common than they thought and through their courtship formed a relationship of love, trust and respect.  

This card asks us to do the same.  Instead of focusing on our differences, take the time to talk with and learn more about those around you.  We are all strangers at first.  After awhile, we will find that we have more in common with each other than we were and are led to believe.

The Outcome Card is The King of Cups:  This card presented itself as "Overcoming."  That we are on the way to overcoming all that is keeping us from uniting, from finding common ground.  That Love is more powerful than Fear and what is desperately needed in our lives.

I have noticed that there is an underlying theme throughout many of these messages and it is one of Love.  
~ Love one another.  Love Eventually wins.  Love Conquers All ~  

The numerical value of this reading is 2:  ~ Balance; duality; agreement; partnership 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

X22Report: [Zero-Day]! Pure Evil Is About To Be Exposed To The World! Buckle Up!! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News

X22Report: [Zero-Day]! Pure Evil Is About To Be Exposed To The World! Buckle Up!! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News: The [DS] is panicking, Trump is making another move, this move is bringing Truth Social online. Zero-day, the [DS] will spin the information but when it gets out of control they will move to red line2, communication blackout. The [DS] is now prepping for the fallout, Zucker resigned from CNN,

Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Final Countdown

A nauseating, foul, ugly deep wound has been festering on this planet for thousands of years.  

For too long humans have been sleep walking through life, passively submitting to being controlled - bridled and saddled, gagged and flogged, tossed around like rag dolls and jerked up and down like lifeless puppets on a string.

The people causing all of this pain are ruthless and powerful and are found in all walks of society including but not limited to:  Hollywood, the food industry, health care, education, news/social media, religion and politics.

They control every aspect of our lives:  What we eat, what we watch, what we think, what we buy and the drugs we use.   

Up until now we've accepted all of this but something has changed.  

The veil that has covered our faces is being ripped off in order for us to see the truth being revealed.  

We're seeing the results of this new freedom movement all over the globe.  

Last night, I was able to catch the last few minutes of the sun setting.    

The colors were visceral, looking like a main artery had been severed, spewing large amounts of blood  that haphazardly sprawled across the sky with deep magenta strands interwoven throughout.  

It felt like something monumental, palpable, historic and worthy of notice, was happening, that something huge and ugly and bad and evil was finally leaving this planet never to return.

Let it be so.