Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, October 31, 2022

Please watch and share: "A Pfizer Whistleblower Comes Forward with the Truth of What is Contained in the COVID Vaccine and it is Demonic"


We are Living Through The End of Days

 (4) The End Times Are Upon Us - YouTube

Weekly Tarot Message for October 30, 2022


Rider Waite Smith Tarot Card Deck

Middle (Situation):  XV The Devil
Upper Left (Past):  XX Judgement
Top (Present):  XVII The Star
Upper Right (Future):  II The High Priestess
Lower Right (Hidden):  XVIII The Moon
Bottom (Advice):  III The Empress
Lower Left (Outcome):  XXI The World
Far Bottom Right (Summation):  0 The Fool

"Reparations - the act or process of making amends for a wrong"   


This is a powerful spread and lays out the steps humanity has taken on its journey toward spiritual evolution and additional steps necessary.         


* Situation (where we are right now):  is XV The Devil.   Not surprising.  Everywhere you look, read, hear and see today, evil is being magnified like never before as godless people continue to ramp up their attacks on humanity, rampaging across earth through deception, lies, manipulation and fear.        

*Past:  XX Judgement is a card of Accountability leading to Humility.  It is a time for reflection and assessment of our lives while here and atoning for our sins.    

* Present:  XVII The Star is a card of Purification, Healing and Renewal.    

* Future:  II The High Priestess represents mystery, truths as yet revealed to Humanity as we are still unprepared in our understanding.   

* Hidden:  XVIII The Moon represents danger, trickery and a period of emotional and mental trials.  

* Advice:  III The Empress represents terra firma (earth) and stability.  In order to overcome those obstacles facing us we must first learn to ground ourselves, (earthing) in order to initiate and draw on a strong foundational relationship within ourselves.      

* The Outcome Card XXI the World represents Completion.  One cycle is ending (what is happening now) and another one beginning. 

* The Summation Card is 0 The Fool and represents New Beginnings.  All we see happening today in the world is a cleansing, a purification, a release of old and evil energy in favor of light and love.  This is all necessary in order for us to ascend in Consciousness.   


These are unprecedented times we are living in requiring Wisdom, Faith and Trust to see us through.  

The numerical reading of this spread is:  5 - Instability, change, loss and a new cycle manifesting 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Law of Three

"Can You Spare An Act of Kindness?"  


If you want to change the world, start by giving little pieces of yourself away.

What harm will it do if you decide to do a kindness for someone?  

If you have the resources, why not pay for someone's groceries in the checkout line who is obviously having difficulty doing so.     

If you see someone in trouble, why not take the time to intervene in order to help?  

If they don't want your help, they'll let you know.

How about giving to a charitable organization?  

The important point is, for one moment, you forgot about yourself and put someone else's needs ahead of yours.    

There is a pagan (peasant) saying by those who choose Wicca as their belief system.

It's called The Three-Fold Law and goes like this:  

"Whatever you do to or for someone else will eventually make its way back to you, three times stronger."  

If it is something bad, expect to reap the consequences.  

If it is something good, expect to reap the reward.  

But doing a kindness for someone you don't think about a reward but do it because it's the "human" thing to do.

Blessings from Nightshade, 


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

There's More To This World Than We've Been Told

Jordan Maxwell: Reptilian Encounters | Paranormal | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

10/26/2022:  Side note:  


There's more to this world we have no idea about.  This video is a true story of an Air Force officer who had the duty of being in charge of a "retrieval" unit for picking up not only UFO craft but dead alien bodies. 

Aliens have been visiting this planet for thousands of years and, I'd guess, even more than that.

There are very intelligent and advanced races of aliens in the universe some good, some bad.

This video is about a race of aliens called "Reptilians" who do not have our best interests at heart.

Some of the accounts provided in this video are shocking, to say the least, but further affirm that we are not alone and may account for why there is so much evil in the world.

There's talk that many of these malevolent aliens are in positions of power thus able to enact laws and regulations harmful and detrimental to the human race.  

I'm talking military/intelligence, politics, food, health and medicine and I'm sure, there are many more.  

If you want further information on this, please go to this website for more information: 


Monday, October 24, 2022

Tarot Message for Week October 23, 2022


Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck

Middle Card (Situation):  0 The Fool
Upper Left (Past):  VIII Strength
Top (Present):  VII The Chariot
Upper Right (Future):  XV The Devil
Lower Right (Hidden):  XVI The Tower
Bottom (Advice):  IV The Emperor
Lower Left (Outcome):  XVIII The Moon
Far Left Bottom (Summation):  XI Justice

Reading:   "Boldly Go" 

*Situation:  The Fool represents innocence and the (birth) of Humanity's journey on earth.  
*Past:  The Strength Card shows there are better ways of handling situations and people without using brute force such as logic wisdom and patience.  
*Present:   The Chariot represents our ability to surmount difficulties.  
*Future:   The Devil Card indicates we're still in a battle for the soul of Humanity.  The Devil does not give up easily.
*Hidden:  The Tower Card has multiple meanings:  ego; a phallus; governments, beliefs, stock market, those things we've trusted in.  This card tells us that something is coming, an unexpected horrific event that will shake us to our very core.  Get prepared.    
*Advice:  The Emperor means restoration; someone who easily takes control of an out-of-control situation, reinstating order.
*Outcome:   The Moon stands for concealment, darkness, illusion and fear.  Instead of continuing to ignore our situation we must learn to confront it.  Fear and indifference will only make matters worse.  We must boldly go where no one has gone before.
*Summation:  The Justice card means restoring balance in a world gone insane.  

The numerical value of this reading is 5:  Instability, conflict, loss, fluctuation
Adding the Summation Card is 1 or 10: (1) A new beginning; (10) end of a cycle and renewal 





Saturday, October 22, 2022

Free Yourselves from Fear

The Valley of Fear 

There are and continue to be very powerful and malevolent forces at work on this planet.  

Fear is one of them.  

How many of you are tired of living in fear?  

Fear of failure; fear you will lose your job; fear you're not good enough; fear your partner or spouse will leave you; fear you won't have enough money to pay your bills.      

Think about your life and how many times fear has interrupted you from feeling happy and becoming successful.              

Why are our lives so full of fear?   

Because it's been planned that way.

Without fear you can't control people.

Without fear you can't force them to do what you want them to do.    

Fear is an all-powerful weapon used by all-powerful people.  

But this evil force is being exposed and pushed up and into the light.

People are taking notice of how fear has manipulated, controlled and destroyed their lives.

This awakening is all part of the Great Shift Humanity is in.  

Mankind is now moving into a whole new state of consciousness based on Love, not fear.  

The mere fact you are reading this and able to connect with this truth is testament to the powerful spiritual forces manifesting in our world.

Do this for me will you?

Tomorrow morning when you wake up:

1.  Embrace and give thanks for the day

2.  Surrender yourself to the spirit of love 

3.  Call out and rebuke fear controlling your lives  

4.  Surround yourself with positive people

5.  Give yourself permission to be happy and successful 

Remember, "YOU are in charge of your life and,    

Tomorrow is when you start a whole new chapter in your life.  


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

We Have the Power

Michael, The Archangel 


Every so often I get a prompt, a word of knowledge that I am asked to share.  

This morning I woke up feeling happy and looking forward to the day.  

It had to do with a dream in which I was talking with an angel.  

Here is the message: 

Think of yourself as a "Thought".  

We all take time out during our day to visit the bathroom to see if our hair is combed straight or we don't have a piece of broccoli wedged between our teeth.    

We then stand back and view ourselves in the mirror, either happy with what we see (no changes needed) or not (changes needed).      

You just went through a thought process in which you did an assessment of yourself and identify what needs to be fixed.    

The angel continued, "start thinking in this manner - not merely as flesh and blood creatures but as continuous thought waves."   

Thoughts are what make us and define who we are.  

Negative thoughts impede our growth while positive thoughts free us to grow.  

If you get a group of people together to pray, focusing on one topic such as bringing peace to the world, you have created a powerful thought force for good.

The more people joining in and contributing, the more powerful will be the results.  

Our thoughts can change lives, bring healing and transform this planet.  

And the bad guys know this.

They hate competition and will do anything to see that they continue to hold the power over us.

Isn't it time for Satan to pack up his bags and leave?

Isn't it time we sever the ties of bondage with this Demon?

Isn't it time we start taking back our lives on this planet?

The answer to these questions lies with you and me - the little guys who see what's happening and want to do something about it.

Remember, we have the power - the power to change anything we put our minds to.

Let's start by remembering what the angel said, "You are a Thought."

Let the Thought Process Begin, 

Many Blessings,


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Tarot Message for Week October 16, 2022

"Every Day" Tarot Card Deck

Situation (Middle):  X Wheel of Fortune
Past (Upper Left):  XX Judgement
Present (Top):  0 The Fool
Future (Upper Right):  XXI The World
Hidden (Lower Right):  XI Justice
Advice (Bottom):  XVIII The Moon
Outcome (Lower Left):  XIII Death
Summation (Bottom Right):  XIX The Sun 

Reading:  "A Brand-New World is Coming" - but "not before we endure more pain and suffering".         

Note:  Please keep extra canned goods, (meat, veggies, fruit, soups, nuts, protein bars) water, any meds you need and your gas tanks full.   Be Prepared.  There's no telling what's going to happen next.  


Situation:  The X Wheel of Fortune represents the cyclical nature of life on this planet.  Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.  Life, birth, death.  Winning the lottery or losing everything.  Ups and downs.  

Past:  XX Judgement means accountability; a reckoning; undergoing an inspection of one's life; atonement

Present:  0 The Fool, "Man is not meant to move backwards but to move forwards."  Most of the time we can't see what lies ahead but feel compelled by curiosity and nature to move forward.  It does help if you've done your homework first so that first step lands you on your feet and not on your head.

Future:  XXI The World Card tells us there's a brave new world waiting for Humanity but in order for us to make it ours, we must endure whatever is coming our way, stand up for what is right and help our fellow Human Beings who are having trouble keeping their footing.

Hidden:  XI Justice tells us what we cannot see.  The Justice Card keeps turning up in many of these readings so make note of what it means as it's a recurring theme:   Restoring balance in a world gone crazy; identifying and punishing those responsible.  

Advice:  XVIII The Moon.  The Moon represents ignorance and illusion.  Humanity is in the process of "Piercing the Veil" as we dive deeper into dismantling the false matrix, we've all been forced to live under.           

Outcome:  XIII Death.  This card means Transformation and a new way of doing things cannot manifest unless the old one is removed.    This is what is happening now.  

Summation:  XIX The Sun representing illumination and wholeness.  The old is passing away, making room for something new.   We Will Get Through This.  Trust in God as He is the One in Charge.  


The numerical value of this reading is 3:  Achievement of goals; creation

Adding the Summation card:  4:  Manifestation (bringing things into being); stability and structure  





Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Dust Hasn't Settled Yet

Are you at the point where you can't take it anymore?

You can't watch the news or listen to the news let alone read the headlines.  

Humanity is in a "holding" pattern, wearily waiting to see when the next cataclysmic event will be hurled their way.  

The dust hasn't yet settled yet on Humanity's future (whether we'll make it through the mess we're in) as the jury is still out.

But we're getting close - too close.  

We need something to scatter the evil doers so they can't regroup.

An event so massive that they are finally annihilated once and for all.  

How many of you are just plain tired, worn out from all you're seeing happening on this planet?  

Where are the Good Guys?  

How much longer, you ask, do we have to endure all the shit being thrown our way?

I don't have the answer and neither does anybody else.

When is "Enough is Enough"?  

"Hello God, Can You Hear Me, Where Are You?  Are You Still Here?"  

Monday, October 10, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message October 9, 2022


"Every Day" Tarot Card Deck

Situation (Middle Card):  VI The Lovers
Past (Upper Left):  XVII The Star
Present (Top):  XVI The Tower
Destination (Upper Right):  XI Justice
Hidden (Lower Right):  IV The Emperor
Advice (Bottom):  XIX The Sun
Outcome (Lower Left):  0 The Fool
Summation Card (Far Right):  X The Wheel of Fortune

Note:  * There is a recurring theme throughout all these readings - that we are in massive change, The Wheel of Fortune (the cycle of life) is constantly turning, heralding in transformation.  All part of the steps necessary in order for Humanity to rise above its feudal state.

Reading:    "Change is Always with Us"   


The Situation Card, VI The Lovers signifies Humanity.

The Past, XVII The Star reminds us that it's our faith in God that has seen us through, even the darkest of times.  

The Present, XVI The Tower represents the state of affairs we find ourselves in - chaos, disruption, violence, war and death.

The Future is XI Justice and means balance; a restoration of things is underway even though it is being masked by evil 

The Hidden Card, IV The Emperor, aligns and supports the meaning of the Justice Card - "restoring balance."

The Advice Card, XIX The Sun represents sunny days, positive attitudes and an overall feeling of goodness.  Instead of allowing yourself to be brought down by what's happening in the world, learn to tune out and tune in.  

The Outcome Card, 0 The Fool shows where we're headed.  The Fool represents Humanity on a new and different path as the old one is being deconstructed allowing for a new one to manifest.     

The X The Wheel of Fortune sums up the reading.  This card represents The Wheel of Life, the cyclical nature of life on this planet, moving from one level of awareness to the next one, passing through the four seasons of Fall, Winter Spring and Summer, birth, life and death.

Change is always with us and something we have no control over.  Most of the time it's subtle but sometimes it is not such as now where everyone on the planet can read hear and see what's going on.  

The numerical value of this reading is 1 and/or 10:  New Beginnings, Completion (the end of one cycle and a new one beginning) 

Adding the Summation Card is 2:  Balance, duality, partnership


Sunday, October 9, 2022

Life Lessons

 "Not all Storms come to disrupt your Life, some come to clear your Path"

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Monday, October 3, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message for October 2, 2022


The "Every Day" Tarot Card Deck

1st row Middle Card:  Situation XVI The Tower
1st row Left Card:  Past XV The Devil
Top Card:  Present:  II The High Priestess
2nd row Right Card:  Future:  XX Judgement
2nd row Right:  Hidden:  Hidden:  V The Hierophant
2nd row Middle Card:  Advice:  XIV Temperance
2nd row Left Card:  Outcome:  0 The Fool
Bottom Card:  Summation:  I The Magician


*Situation:  This card tells us that those things we once depended on and trusted are no more.  Our weather is changing, countries are falling, economies and banking industry crumbling, food and fuel shortages, war and plague.  

*Past:  XV The Devil card represents, oppression, bondage, criminality, unclean things, deception, violence and war.

*Present:  III The High Priestess represents mystery and a higher power.  She is connected to the Egyptian Priestess, Isis.  She is in the background, so to speak, watching what's going on.  Her goal is to get us to use both sides of our brain, conscious and intuitive in order to understand the situation we're experiencing in order to keep a level head and balance in our lives.          

*Future:   XX Judgement is about Accountability.

*Hidden:  V The Hierophant represents Divine Will.    

*Advice:  XIV Temperance represents Healing.

*Outcome:  0 The Fool represents new beginnings; starting out on a new path.  

*Summation:  I The Magician is the Master of Nature in charge of the 4 Elements:  Pentacles (Earth) - (Earthquakes, Possessions, the Stock Market, Financial Affairs); Swords (Air) - Communications, Military, Satellites, Tornadoes, Dust Storms; Wands (Passion) - Volcanoes, nuclear, Forest Fires; Cups (Emotions) - Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Flooding

Note:  Folks:  There is so much going on in the world we cannot see or aren't being told.  Things are reaching a boiling point like when a volcano is getting ready to erupt as it can't hold back all its energy.  Do your best to keep a level head (balance) trust in God and be grateful for what you still have.    

The numerical value of this reading is:  10 - Completion and 1 - New Beginnings.  See 0 The Fool Card.