Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Tarot Message for Week October 16, 2022

"Every Day" Tarot Card Deck

Situation (Middle):  X Wheel of Fortune
Past (Upper Left):  XX Judgement
Present (Top):  0 The Fool
Future (Upper Right):  XXI The World
Hidden (Lower Right):  XI Justice
Advice (Bottom):  XVIII The Moon
Outcome (Lower Left):  XIII Death
Summation (Bottom Right):  XIX The Sun 

Reading:  "A Brand-New World is Coming" - but "not before we endure more pain and suffering".         

Note:  Please keep extra canned goods, (meat, veggies, fruit, soups, nuts, protein bars) water, any meds you need and your gas tanks full.   Be Prepared.  There's no telling what's going to happen next.  


Situation:  The X Wheel of Fortune represents the cyclical nature of life on this planet.  Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.  Life, birth, death.  Winning the lottery or losing everything.  Ups and downs.  

Past:  XX Judgement means accountability; a reckoning; undergoing an inspection of one's life; atonement

Present:  0 The Fool, "Man is not meant to move backwards but to move forwards."  Most of the time we can't see what lies ahead but feel compelled by curiosity and nature to move forward.  It does help if you've done your homework first so that first step lands you on your feet and not on your head.

Future:  XXI The World Card tells us there's a brave new world waiting for Humanity but in order for us to make it ours, we must endure whatever is coming our way, stand up for what is right and help our fellow Human Beings who are having trouble keeping their footing.

Hidden:  XI Justice tells us what we cannot see.  The Justice Card keeps turning up in many of these readings so make note of what it means as it's a recurring theme:   Restoring balance in a world gone crazy; identifying and punishing those responsible.  

Advice:  XVIII The Moon.  The Moon represents ignorance and illusion.  Humanity is in the process of "Piercing the Veil" as we dive deeper into dismantling the false matrix, we've all been forced to live under.           

Outcome:  XIII Death.  This card means Transformation and a new way of doing things cannot manifest unless the old one is removed.    This is what is happening now.  

Summation:  XIX The Sun representing illumination and wholeness.  The old is passing away, making room for something new.   We Will Get Through This.  Trust in God as He is the One in Charge.  


The numerical value of this reading is 3:  Achievement of goals; creation

Adding the Summation card:  4:  Manifestation (bringing things into being); stability and structure  





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