Sacred Medicine Oracle Card Deck by Asha Frost
I saw a large Owl, Gray and White in Color soaring through a pine forest, symbolizing Wisdom, Intuition, and Foresight (a Seer).
"I Know" ๐
I am Enough I matter I am beautiful My Boundaries What I Know I am Worth the Best the World Has to Offer I Can Do Anything
Card Positions
1. Middle Card (SITUATION/ PRESENT): New Spirit Moon (Hope) #3
2. Left Card (CHALLENGE): Seer (Prophecy) #5
3. Top Card (GUIDANCE): Shaker (Truth) #19
4. Right Card (HIDDEN): Creation Story (Pathway) #18
5. Bottom Card (OUTCOME): Roots (Reconnection) # 11
6. Lower Left Bottom Card (CLARIFICATION) Soul Retrieval (Wholeness) # 50
1. SITUATION: The New Spirit Moon Card means "It is Time to Plant the Seeds of Your Future."
2. CHALLENGE: The Seer Card means "It is Time to Step in to the Role You Were Meant For." No more fear or confusion standing in your way. Now is the Time to reclaim your ancient, spiritual gifts.
3. GUIDANCE: The Shaker Card means "It is Safe for You to Speak Your Truth now." Before, in past lives, you were persecuted for your beliefs.
Know now that your ancestors and spirit guides are surrounding you, telling you that "your voice matters."
4. HIDDEN: The Creation Story Card means "You are a Divine Being".
It is Time to embrace your path and reclaim your worth.
Walk with Courage.
5. OUTCOME: The Roots Card is telling you, "It is time to re-examine your roots." Have you lost faith in who and what you are? Let us clear this up for you:
"Understand, You are a Divine Being on a Divine Path. Step out of the shadows and acknowledge your true self, your worth".
6. CLARIFICATION: The Soul Retrieval Card means this is the time for healing; reclaim the inner parts of you you've ignored or forgotten and integrate them into the other parts of "You."
You will, then, begin to walk with assurance knowing that the pain and trauma you experienced in past lives is being moved out of the darkness and into the light, to be healed.
The numerical value of this reading is 2: Balance; duality (the state of combining two opposites into one); partnership and assimilation
Adding the Clarification Card is 7: Assessment; spirituality; wisdom and Faith
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