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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
The cards can be interpreted in different ways depending on the question asked and the energy surrounding the reading at the time.
The universe is in charge of how the cards are dealt and the answers provided at the time of the reading.
Shadow Card (Middle 2nd row): Knight of Swords
Past 2nd row Left - XVI The Tower
Present 1st row Left - XII The Hanging Man
Destination 1st row Middle - XIX The Sun
Hidden 1st row Right - Knight of Cups
Advice 2nd row Right - VIII Strength
Bottom Card Outcome - Ace of Cups
Question: "Is G-d Sending a Saviour to Rescue Humanity?"
Reading: The Cure is Love
*The Shadow Card Knight of Swords came across as the Archangel Michael. Resolute, dependable, G-d's right hand man and ready and waiting to do His bidding. We cannot see what's happening behind the scenes but rest assured that much good is happening that we cannot see.
*The Past Card XVI The Tower shows a tower being struck by lightning. The tower represents things we believe in, people, political and religious organizations, corporations, governments. Maybe the Virus is the lightning strike in which people all over the globe are beginning to mobilize together, resist and question the many things they've been force fed for so long, the big one being a vaccine that is full of unquestionably dangerous chemicals and nano particles.
The lightning strike could be construed as the end of the lies, a huge wake up call to humanity that things are changing for the better on planet earth. Even though this is hard to comprehend because of all the evil we're seeing now, this is where we need to believe that something good is coming even though our eyes are unable (at this time) to see what it is.
*The Present Card XII The Hanging Man shows someone suspended between Heaven and Earth. He is suspended in a liminal space (a place where there is no beginning and no end - neither here nor there; a respite; a time out, a suspension in order for those things we cannot spiritually perceive are allowed to take place or be "put into place.). ~ Patience.
* The Destination Card XIX is The Sun. A very positive card meaning an end to troubles; a new attitude, a new awakening in which we find ourselves in a place devoid of hardship, sorrow and pain. It's like our days of trouble and turmoil are over and the sun's rays have found a way to shine down on us. ~ Healing is underway.
*The Hidden Card Knight of Cups came across as a biblical passage: John 15:13: "Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That He Lay Down His Life for His Friends." Again, a very positive message that G-d has things in control (even though it is hard if not impossible for us to believe this) but He asks us to believe as soon we will all be able to see with a new set of eyes.
*The Advice Card VIII Strength is a reference to Libra which means Divine Power and Balance (see The Justice Card).
Again, a mention again of The Divine meaning there is more going on here than meets the eye. Gather your strength and courage and have faith in what will be and have faith that all will be revealed at the appropriate time.
*The Outcome Card Ace of Cups means this is what's coming:
"Love Overflowing, (G-d's Love and Our Love For One Another), Forgiveness, Happiness, a New Way of Looking at the World because we have been given a new set of eyes, Unity, Coming Together. ~ We Are All One.
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