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The Gilded Tarot |
MESSAGE: "Be Careful What You Wish For"
⬇️ Reading ⬇️
Top: Focus: IX of Swords:
Anxiety, Fear, Depression
2nd row Left:
Past: I The Magician:
You have within you everything you need to be successful
Present: IV of Wands:
A happy home; family; stability; security
Destination: XVII The Star
You've hitched your ride on a star; the sky's the limit
3rd row Right:
Hidden: Page of Pentacles
Advice: V of Cups:
Loss, sorrow, remorse and regret
VIII Strength: Confidence
Message: The IX of Swords indicates you are experiencing a bout of anxiety to the point it wakes you up at night. Is it a deal you made in the past that went sour or something you're working on now? Are you now doubting your abilities whereas you never had to in the past?
The I Magician card tells me that in the past you had confidence in yourself. You learned you have the power within you to accomplish anything.
The IV of Wands in the Present position tells me you have a warm and loving relationship with your family. All anybody could want, a roof over their head, , stable finances, security and close relationships.
Your destination is bright XVII The Star as it looks as if you've hitched yourself to a star. Maybe a new project? Something you've always wanted and now looks like your wish will be granted.
The Hidden (energies you cannot see) Page of Pentacles is a man who is focused and determined on getting what he wants. Nothing stands in his way.
But the V of Cups in the Advice column doesn't coincide with the rest of the cards. The reading so far is bright and tells of good times on the horizon but the V of Cups tells me that something isn't quite right. The project or whatever you're involved in, is it somehow leaving you with a sense that maybe this isn't quite right for you even though you may have convinced yourself it is? That you may be called upon to be away from home longer than you'd like, or do something, say something that doesn't quite fit your own personal view of right and wrong? Are you in the process of making a decision or have you already made one?
This is a good time to rethink your decision before you commit to it. Have you consulted your family as to what they think?
The Outcome Card is VIII Strength which is similar to the definition of I The Magician: Confidence in your abilities.
This could mean your decision was the right one or you decided not to accept the offer as too much is at stake.
Either way, you win.
The numerical value of this reading is an 8: Growth and Achievement
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