Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, April 26, 2014

ET - Phone Home

ET, Will You Please Phone Home?
Forgive me cause I'm Human-
all the mistakes I've made
Forgive me cause I'm Human-
for the breath I take
They say the Aliens are benevolent
a trait to be admired
But I believe they learned from us
for their brains are just not wired
Forgive me cause I'm Human-
struggling with the vast Unknown
Forgive me cause I'm Human-
ET, will you please phone home?
To those who know just Who they are
From a distant planet, a distant star
this poem is meant to draw you out
For your presence here is without a doubt

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We're Here to Help You

Are you tired of the news?  Isn't it a constant, nagging drone of this group fighting that group, human beings slaughtering other human beings, infighting, collusion, deception, governments cooking up ways to take away more of your money and more of your freedom?  There doesn't seem to be any meaningful progress toward anything by anyone.  It does not seem likely that human beings are going to resolve their differences anytime soon and come together.  I like former President Ronald Reagan's statement: 

   “But, I’ve often wondered what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by a power from another planet… Wouldn’t we all of a sudden find that we didn’t have any differences between us at all, …that we were all human beings, citizens of the world and wouldn’t we come together to fight that particular threat?” 


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Forgive Me

Is there a limit on how many times you can forgive yourself?  How many times can you forgive someone else?  Is Forgiveness limitless?  What is it about Forgiveness that makes it so hard for many  to take that first step?  What exactly is an Act of Forgiveness?  -- not expecting anything in return accepting yourself and others reaching out across the wide divide offering your hand and your heart being blind to others' faults.  Forgiveness is Reconciliation An Act of Love.  If we all turned to one another right now and asked for forgiveness, if nations and corporations and government and family and acquaintances and friends and strangers all turned around and asked for forgiveness and in turn forgave others, what a difference this would make in the world. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

An Incredible, Selfless Act


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stephen Cook - An Open Letter to Leaders Around the World


A Network of Lies

The older I become the more convinced I am that this world we inhabit is set up and run by a cunning and cruel cartel of criminals.   From flagrant dictators to career criminals to Big Pharma to abortion doctors to smug politicians to car manufacturers who are more concerned with the bottom line than peoples' lives and the sorry beat goes on.   My favorite:  Credit Card companies.  Try and picture this planet from the top down.  You're high overhead and looking down on planet earth.  Imagine a grid that covers its entire surface.  It crisscrosses over the planet holding everything in place.  It's sticky to the touch and you note that where it crisscrosses, there is some type of weld.  You sigh, "ho hum, there is nothing I can do about this so I might as well just accept things as they are".  This is our mistake as there are lots we can do to change our existence.  When will we finally realize that collectively we are capable of throwing off this error in our thinking, this deceptive veil that continues to smother us from realizing the real Truth of our existence?  Our lives are what we make of them--We are the Reality; We are the Truth or We are the Lie.  It is our thoughts and desires, our wants and needs that govern who and what we are and how we will live.    Are we content with what is going on here?  We are deceiving ourselves if we believe that we cannot change our own destiny.  I used to believe that humanity's salvation was close at hand but I have changed my mind as Humanity just cannot seem to get its act together.  We are flailing around, a scatter-brained, undulating mass with no head and no tail.  We are in desperate need of spiritual leaders to help us, guide us.  Until we are serious about demanding change on this planet and actively work toward it, until our collective voices and minds and hearts and souls coalesce into one unit  toward throwing off this self-imposed exile in error we continue to embrace, until we dismantle the flagrant network of deception that holds us fast and work toward a new way of living (that is wholly within our grasp) one of happiness, prosperity and health, our continued existence on this planet, due to our own self-imposed exile from the Truth, This Web of Lies, will continue.          

Monday, April 7, 2014

Failure is an Option

Are we teaching our children all they need to know about Life?  How can we possibly answer this question?  Are parents today more focused on ensuring that their children are happy at all times?  Are we giving in to their every whim trying to shield them from experiencing unhappiness?  In this age of the Internet and Social Media, "selfies" (our own self-imposed images of ourselves) are we forgetting some other things that we should be teaching our children?  What about Failure?  I believe today that society has labelled Failure a dirty word.  No one wants to fail let alone our children.  Yet, in the course of things, as our children move along in life failure, in some way, might very well be what they experience.  Have we not experienced this very phenomenon ourselves?  It is admirable to want only the very best for our children, it is admirable for them to strive toward perfection but are parents overlooking that they may experience just the opposite no matter how high their marks in school or how cool they may look to the opposite sex?  Failure is very much a part of life as well as Success.  We sometimes make the wrong decision, we sometimes say the wrong thing, we sometimes choose the wrong path all of which can lead to a disappointing ending.  So what?  Do we not have it within ourselves to sift from those painful decisions the Wisdom contained therein, those tiny jewels hidden from view that can turn our mistakes into Acts of Grandeur, Compassion and Selflessness in the greater scheme of things?  Failure is necessary and a stepping stone to other parts of ourselves as we come to know just who and what we are.  Failure is a necessary Part of Life.  Failure can indeed humble us to our very core and is necessary to our growth here on Planet Earth.  In the deeper and more intrinsic quest for knowledge as to who and what we are really capable of here on Planet Earth, Failure is indeed an option. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

This Three Year Old is On to Something



Do not put your Trust in Man for foolish you should be
Only believe in The One True Source, Creator Deity

This has got to stop


