Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
Don't Lose Hope
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Rays of Hope |
My answer surprised me, "yeah, I do."
BTW, this didn't scare me at all, in fact, I'm glad it happened because it provided an opportunity to share my feelings with you.
Actually, if you really want to know the truth, the minute we wake up in the morning, who knows what's going to happen to us?
This is a big reason why prayer is so important in our lives.
When we're in distress, the elephant in the room, obvious only to those who are suffering, is when nobody cares, nobody gives a shit about you and the people who are supposed to help couldn't be bothered.
Get it?
It's what's happening now.
We're floundering around, confused and dazed, seeking answers, looking for shelter and all the time wondering, "what the hell?" but nothing seems to make sense.
Maybe this will help - we're in the middle of a massive psyop. And those responsible aren't hiding it, in fact they are wallowing in it and gleefully exposing it for all of us to see.
This is why we're being bombarded, harangued and deluged with bad news day after day, lie after lie after lie, being forced to wear a stupid mask that doesn't protect against anything, locked in our homes, losing our jobs, prevented from eating at our favorite restaurant and coerced into taking a poison shot because it will "save" us.
All that's needed to secure the drama is an army of drones careening around, flash bangs and in the background a mega messianic orchestra playing Richard Wagner's, "Ride of the Valkyries".
And notice that no one is being held responsible for the carnage we're seeing.
This is where faith comes in.
You can't convince me that The Creator isn't watching all that's going on down here.
BTW, that's His job.
When you have the optimum view He has, "A View From Above", He can clearly see the chessboard and all the moves being secretly contemplated and made.
We can't.
When the time is right and in accordance with His Own Timeline (not ours) He will make His move.
And I'll tell you one more thing, when G-d gets pissed it ain't gonna be pretty.
Don't let what's happening get to you. It's easy to lose hope and feel down. This is what the enemy wants. Don't fall into their trap.
If you feel you're slipping, now is the time to step up and drag your sorry ass out of the abyss.
It's better if you don't allow yourself to get to this point.
Know that we all are feeling pain and sorrow but it's not in our character to just curl up and die.
This is a mind game folks, a test of wills - who can outwit and outlast the longest?
I realize we all have our breaking points but for some of you, if you don't recognize the symptoms of frantic emotions getting the best of you and allow them to dictate your actions, you and I know that this can and will lead to some very scary and dangerous things.
This is no time to fold.
Protect against this happening through prayer, group talks, watching uplifting videos, talking with clergy or gathering with friends and family.
It is in times like these we need to stand together, come together, band together and gather the will, the strength and the resolve to stand our ground.
Remember, bad times don't last long but good people do.
~ Blessings,
~ Nightshade
Never Lose Hope Even in the Midst of the Whirlwind
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From Winnie the Pooh to Christopher Robin |
Yes, we are living in Anxious times but instead of continuing to be willing Accomplices to Fear, go within and Believe ~ "We are Not alone in our Struggles. There is a Higher Power in Charge. Become a Beacon in the midst of Darkness and a Life raft in Turbulent waters".
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for September 26, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Message: Our Future is Our Own Making
Tarot doesn't predict the future, it guides us to it. It is the decisions we make which determine our fate to be positive or negative.
When the cards are overturned, they show a route that will ensure a modicum amount of success depending on the question asked. If we choose to ignore the guidance given and decide to proceed on our own, basically there is no certainty as to what the future holds for us.
Top Shadow Card - VII of Swords: Treachery (betrayal of trust)
1st row Left (Past) - III of Swords: - Pain; remorse; loss
1st row Middle (Present) - Page of Pentacles - Attitude: Believe in yourself; trust and maintain a positive outlook
1st row Right (Destination) - V of Swords - A victory that comes at a great cost; a tough battle that must be faced
2nd row Right (Hidden) - IX of Wands - Perseverance; Endurance
2nd row Middle (Advice) - XIII Death - The old way of doing business is passing away; rebirth
2nd row Left (Outcome) - Judgement - Resurrection (see XIII the Death Card)
Bottom (Confirmation) - Ace of Swords - A triumphant conquest
The Shadow Card VII of Swords shows treachery at work. What we are seeing now with all the information coming out regarding the Chinese Virus shot. We are now finding that it was designed to kill us not protect us.
This card is followed by the Past - III of Swords showing the pain we've been subjected to leading us to the Present that is the Page of Pentacles and it's all about attitude - the message is: "in view of all we're seeing and experiencing, know that renewal is underway in which the process of living is transforming to a more beneficial and harmonious order. Even though it is difficult to do so, because we are unable to see, trust and know that things are unfolding all in accordance with a divine plan.
The Destination Card V of Swords warns that victory will come but at a great cost. This means we are all going to be facing an ordeal that will test us to our limitations. We must remain vigilant, strong and persevere in order to make it through.
The Hidden Card IX of Wands tells us that in order to succeed, we need to continue to resist the tyranny (treachery) and that there are those around us who are here, for just this purpose and will be assisting us in this endeavour.
The Advice Card XIII Death Card can mean physical death but also a renewal of some sort, a new way of living, a rebirth, a transformation (the old giving way to the new). The old way is passing away, you can't stop it - let it go.
The Outcome Card is XX Judgement - A Purge; absolution; rebirth; transformation; getting in touch with your Higher Self. (see XIII Death Card)
If ever there was a more profound ending to a reading this is it. We are on the cusp of major changes taking place not only in our world as we know it but including the natural and spiritual world as well.
We are coming face to face with ourselves.
It is time to assess how you react to crisis. Do you panic or do you assess the situation and devise a plan in order to cope with it?
This is also time to stand up as an example of courage to others who may be flailing around in their own cesspool of anxiety.
The numerical value of this reading is 3: The number 3 is the combination of 1 and 2 bringing about that which is desired or envisioned: Have Faith
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Friday, September 24, 2021
Let the Music Begin
Do you know how special you are?
You have a skeleton that keeps you together, skin and sinew and muscles and veins and arteries, a heart that keeps the blood flowing through your veins, a brain that ponders and calculates yet hasn't reached a fraction of its potential. Imagine the wondrous things we will achieve when we get to that point.
Eyes that see, ears that hear, a mind that perceives and creates beautiful and enduring things.
We have value.
You are a carefully crafted instrument in G-d's hands, lovingly designed and calibrated to play harmoniously with one another.
Let the music begin.
We are different colors yet together we make up a beautiful tapestry.
Together, we are one in mind, body and spirit.
We are Not separate from one another but are woven together.
Start realizing your G-d given potential and where you came from ~ your original roots.
You were born of spirit and love.
Do something special for yourself today or, for someone else.
Did you know that when you do a kindness for someone the energy created is manifested three fold?
Not only does it permeate the universe with abundance, joy and love, it spills over onto others.
Remember, each one of us alone cannot do what is needed in the world but, together, we can accomplish anything we put our minds to.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The L-rd knows Your Comings and Your Goings, He Knows What's in Your Heart
But to the Wicked, He Will Show No Quarter
Monday, September 20, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for September 19, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Question for this reading was: "After all we've been through, how do we prepare for what''s coming next?"
Ii think many of us are wondering about this and don't have a clue.
Top (Shadow Card) - VIII - Strength
1st row Left (Past) - XVII The Star - Illumination; Hope
1st row Middle (Present) - I The Magician - Working wonders; a miracle
1st row Right (Destination) - X The Wheel of Fortune
2nd row Right (Hidden) - Ace of Wands - The inauguration of a new endeavour; courage; boldness
2nd row Middle (Advice) - Queen of Swords - Stand your grand; determination; don't back down
2nd row Left (Outcome) - XII The Hanged Man - Truce; inaction; a waiting period
The card on the right is the confirmation card (it just sums up the reading):
Ace of Swords: A triumphant conquest of great power or force
*The Shadow Card revealed that the first thing we need to do, in order to surmount our unfolding situation, is VIII Strength. What is meant by strength? It's faith in the midst of uncertainty, learning to keep calm in a crisis; providing the necessary resources and emotional support when and where needed.
*The Past shows we had hope for the future. We had our ups and downs but, generally, I think that most of us thought that our lives would get better, not worse. We hoped we'd get that job we wanted, marry the right person, have a family, finally get an acceptance letter from a favorite college or university and be able to enjoy that vacation we had saved and planned for.
Then came COVID.
*The Present is I The Magician and tells us we all are hoping for an end to the misery and chaos we now find ourselves in. Maybe, if we look into a crystal ball, we'll find the answer to our problems. problem(s). Maybe, just maybe, we need to take it one step further and realize that Faith (and not a crystal ball) is one of those things that will get us through whatever we'll be facing.
*The Destination Card is X The Wheel of Fortune. This card relates to I The Magician Card. We're still looking into that crystal ball, trying to figure things out and hoping for a solution. The Wheel of Life is ever turning, we never know where it's going to land, it could be right side up (good) or just the opposite (not so good). It's like the "luck of the draw" and Karma. So, basically, our Destination is still up in the air. But this card reinforces the meaning behind the Strength Card in that we need to have faith that we will get through this for without Faith nothing is possible.
*The Hidden Card (Ace of Wands) shows what's around us, the energy we cannot see. This card signifies that something is coming that is full of energy, courageous and bold. It could symbolize a person or an event. But the feeling is that it will be good (and sorely needed, I might add). Maybe, even, "just in time."
*The Advice Card (Queen of Swords) says this: "Believe in yourself; when push comes to shove - stand your ground; this is not the time to back down; stay strong". There is Strength (see the Shadow Card) in numbers.
*The Outcome Card is XII The Hanged Man. This card shows a truce of some kind; negotiations; inaction and a time of waiting (hibernation) or contemplating something. A lull in the war; regroup; a Time Out. This is a good thing but we'll have to wait and see how where and when it manifests. And I do believe that when "it" happens, we'll all recognize it for the good it is.
*The Confirmation Card (that adds extra meaning to the reading) is The Ace of Swords (see the card on the far right): This card symbolizes a triumphant conquest, great power or force.
Keep the Faith, Folks, Now More Than Ever We All Need to Know that G-d is in the midst of the whirlwind, in the deepest depths of the ocean and in the Dark where we can't see (but He can).
Galatians 5:22: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
The numerical value of this reading is 3: The number 3 is the cementing of 1 and 2 and goes through to 4 bringing about that which is desired and envisioned.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for September 12, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Top: Shadow Card The Queen of Pentacles
1st row Left Past XVI The Tower
1st row Middle Present King of Wands
1st row Right Destination X of Swords
2nd row Right Hidden VIII of Cups
2nd row Middle Advice Page of Wands
2nd row Left Outcome VIII of Pentacles
Note: I am sorry for the delay as this reading took some time to interpret.
The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes Home, Hearth and Motherhood. However the shadow side of the Queen represents just the opposite. This Queen seems startled while looking at the picture hanging on the wall. Clearly she's walked by it many times so why now? Could it be that she is finally connecting with those she rules over? The young girl in the picture is baring one breast (showing "availability" possibly as a prostitute in order to put food on the table) and pulling a piece of cloth over her. It looks like a funerary shroud which was used to cover a corpse before burial. Maybe she knows that she can't handle much more abuse and hardship and is making preparations. Note the whip (used for flagellation) on the table to her left and the skull.
The shroud symbolizes she is already dead not only in her body but in her heart and mind. The whip has a long history of being used for punishment and abuse. The skull is a symbol that all things change and transition.
Maybe this powerful Queen who is addicted to power and the finer things in life is finally getting the message - to be more supportive, more compassionate and more in tune with the needs of those who come to her for advice, comfort and aid.
This card can also, collectively, symbolize an elite and very powerful cabal that rules over Mankind today, who use every opportunity to abuse and punish those who won't comply with their malefic agenda.
The Past is XVI The Tower. This time the tower came through as the word, "collapse." What are we witnessing today? Everything we've come to rely on, people, car dealerships, availability of food, even our own healthcare system, is collapsing. But, remember the skull that symbolizes transition meaning "changing from one position to another". Keep in mind that all we're seeing, living through right now is paving the way toward a more beneficial way of living for all people on this planet.
The Present is The King of Wands. This card represents STABILITY. Stability in the midst of chaos. Now it could represent a person, a leader, or it could represent you, asking that you find that place inside you where you feel safe in order to ride out the storm.
The Destination Card is the X of Swords. Tens in Tarot represent completion; a new cycle is beginning but the pain, the loss and the sorrow is not over. We all will be experiencing this card in one way or another as many already have in the days to come.
2nd row Right Hidden is the VIII of Cups. This card is telling all of us it is time to move on. Start by understanding that the old is passing away (remember the X of Swords - Tens in Tarot represent completion and a new cycle beginning) as the old cycle is dying, no longer working or needed. A new way of living is being prepared for us so start looking ahead and not back.
2nd row Middle Advice is the Page of Wands. This time the young page came across as, "If I can do it, you can too." She is advising us to "Be steadfast and Unafraid" for "The L-rd Thy G-d is With Thee".
2nd row Left Outcome is the VIII of Pentacles. This card shows a young girl lovingly carrying a doll away. Note in the background the aura of death and depression permeating this card as we see an old man glaring after her because he failed in his attempts to make money and get her hooked by one of the more sinister creatures hanging in his shop. He obviously doesn't care about her feelings but only in the money he could make, the drugs he could sell or the malevolent Puppet Master he could hook her up with.
Even though she's just a young girl, she instinctively knew what she wanted. She chose Life and Happiness, over Death as a Puppet being jerked around on a string. But this didn't come easily as she had to plan, persevere and work hard by sacrificing and saving up enough money.
Remember, hard work, planning and preparation are crucial to success - Believe in Yourself.
*The numerical value of this reading is a 6: The ability to transcend difficulties
Friday, September 10, 2021
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Monday, September 6, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for September 5, 2021
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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
This deck is based on the RWS accepted Tarot card interpretations. However, the symbology of these Gothic images allows one the freedom to arrive at different interpretations when it comes to weaving a story together.
There is no need to use inverted cards as each card can be interpreted as either positive or negative depending on the intuition accessed by the Reader.
In this reading I am using 8 cards with the Shadow Card in the middle of the first row and an 8th card (bottom) as clarification or affirmation to the reading.
1. Shadow Card - 1st row middle - VII The Chariot -Taking charge of your life
2. Past - 1st row Left - XVII The Star - Promise, Hope and Faith
3. Present Top Card - The Ace of Cups - Overflowing with Love and Compassion
4. Destination 2nd row Right - X of Swords - A period of Darkness (before the Light)
5. Hidden - 2nd row Right - Page of Cups - Face Your Fears
6. Advice - 2nd row Middle - King of Pentacles - Corruption and Decay
7. Outcome - 2nd row Left - XV The Devil - Trickery; bondage, illusion
8. Affirmation/Confirmation - Bottom Card - VII of Pentacles - Assessment
Message: "It Is Up to Us"
1. Shadow Card VII The Chariot - "Mind Over Matter." It takes courage and direction to achieve your goals in life. Now is the time to take the reins instead of letting others direct your path.
2. Past, XVII The Star, shows a woman who has been victimized/traumatized (possibly representing many more people) and still dealing with the aftermath. She feels naked and vulnerable from the experience but knows that her faith is being tested after a challenging situation. But she knows that in order to overcome her situation certain sacrifices must be made. She also knows that she alone controls her own future and with renewed faith will be able to bring forth positive results. (See the Chariot card above)
Present The Ace of Cups shows a Divine connection with what is occurring on earth right now. A truth that something higher than us is watching events unfolding letting us know that we are not alone in our tribulation. ~ Take Heart.
4. Destination X of Swords shows there will be a period of Darkness before we all are able to access the Light.
5. Hidden Page of Cups is encouraging us not to be afraid but to stand up in order to move forward by confronting our fears.
6. Advice The King of Pentacles shows corruption and decay. Even after we've achieved everything we want in life it is only a temporary existence but the soul is eternal.
7. In The Outcome Position, XV The Devil Card was interesting and I had to do some further research on the many possible meanings that could be attributed to this card in a Future or Outcome Position.
This card is telling us we have a choice - we can either continue to submit to his enslavement over us or choose freedom. "It is up to us".
8. The Affirmation Card is the VII of Pentacles. It's meaning is taking the time necessary to do a personal assessment of who you are, where you are and where you want to be and then take action to get there.
This card also confirms VII Chariot (Shadow Card) in that it is us who control our own fate(s). Our destiny is in our own two hands so take the reins and start steering in the direction you want to go. Do you really want to continue to be enslaved or be free?
The numerical value of this reading is a 4: Manifestation; organization and planning