~ Miracles, Signs and Wonders, Oh My! ~
Yesterday, September 22, 2023 was no ordinary day as I was about to find out.
Got up and did the usual brush my teeth, comb my hair and the really important one - get the coffee going!
After doing the coffee I hit the button to open the garage door in order to let the cats out.
Went outside and stood for a few minutes looking up, taking in the beautiful morning sky, the sun just peeping over the hills, the unbelievable beauty of it all!
Then, out of nowhere, I heard this: "You will not forget this day."
I thought to myself, where did that come from and, more importantly, who or what just said it?
These words stuck with me most of the day as I continued to ponder their meaning.
Okay, fast forward to dinner time.
My husband and I decided we needed a break from the routine and a nice dinner at our local restaurant would fit the bill.
So, we got ready but before we left we had to let the two Great White Pyrs (Pyrenees) out to tend to the goat herd.
So off we went!
Nice meal and we headed for home.
Not 20 min. after we got home my husband came in saying he couldn't find the two Pyrs. They appeared to have dug under the goat fence and took off.
We started a search for them.
Apparently, after all the deluge of rain we got the ground was super soaked and they managed to dig their way out of the goat pen.
We knew we had to find them so jumped in the truck and headed down the road calling their names and checking in with our neighbors.
Our anxiety grew as no one had seen them but one neighbor said she had heard gunshots.
That's not a good sign and definitely one we didn't want to hear.
We got home exhausted, angry and sad.
Crawled into bed hoping to get some sleep but we both knew that was not going to happen.
The thoughts that kept hammering me, "did somebody find them and lock them up?", were they shot? maybe they ????, these thoughts became so pervasive and bad that I literally had to try and shut them out.
Then I remembered that God and Jesus are Miracle Workers and provide us with Hope when we ask Them to intervene.
I started rebuking the Devil and directing my thoughts, prayers and Trust to Them.
The anxiety, worry and fear started going away as I felt the hand of God now positioned directly over the situation.
I was now trusting instead of being fearful and able to replace anxiety with Hope.
I kept repeating, "God is a God of miracles, He's the only One who knows the whereabouts of these two dogs and I am trusting in Him that He will bring them back home".
I finally fell asleep.
At 1:21 a.m. I heard the phone ring.
I jumped out of bed because I knew it had to be someone calling about Molly and Maggie.
Sure nuf it was our neighbor across the road.
"Cindy", she said, I've got both your dogs locked up on my porch.
"What did you say" I asked in disbelief!
"I have both your Pyrs locked up on my front porch".
They came out of nowhere and made friends with my guard dog who just also so happens to be a Pyr.
I hung up and woke my husband.
We dressed, making sure we had what we needed to bring them home: two leashes and a couple of dog treats.
We drove over to her house and loaded both of them and thanked her profusely for finding them.
I hope this blesses someone today, someone who is in Despair, out of Hope and Desperate, ready to give up.
Someone is waiting for you and They're just a prayer away.
Someone who knows your pain, your anxiety, exactly what you are going through and is here to Help but only if you ask Them to.
~ Blessings,