Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, September 30, 2023

God Post

~ The Day of the Lord

is Coming ~ 

   Get yourselves right with Him 

 "And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day Whom you will serve; whether the gods  which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell, but as for me and My house, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

"What" Really Happened on 9/11?

"Strange things happened on 9/11"- Robert Kennedy, Jr. | Redacted with Clayton Morris - YouTube

Connect the Dots


The 2024 Eclipse and the New Madrid Fault - YouTube

America is Approaching a Rubicon


We've been set up, lied to and blindsided.  

Please watch and share the videos below BEFORE THEY ARE REMOVED. 

Something is imminent and it ain't good.

I had a very bad grunge feeling yesterday that something was off and pulled a Tarot Card to confirm what I was feeling.

It turned out to be the Tarot Card XVI The Tower.  

The meaning of this card has two meanings one positive:  you finally arrived at your destination after suffering hardships but managed to reach your goal, you took control of your life, etc..

The other meaing is something unexpected happening:  from some type of celestial event (a massive solar flare, volcanic eruption, a financial/econominc collapse, terrorist attack or, God forbid, world war).


There are very bad people in charge of this world and our lives.

People and organizations that have crossed the line when it comes to protecting the American People.

Dr. Steven Greer has put his life on the line providing information that we wouldn't otherwise have about the Deep State and its dark recesses.  

Cudoes to Dr. Greer.   



The Video I Never Wanted to Make. - YouTube

The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft (infowars.com)

Siege of Eagle Pass Rages On as Thousands of Train Migrants Storm US Border (infowars.com)

Sunday, September 24, 2023

This is Unreal


Weekly Tarot Message for September 24, 2023


The Night Sun Tarot Card Deck

This card deck contains symbolism and meanings scanning centuries of cultures.  Each card has a  
Zodiac sign (upper left corner) and a Hebrew Kabbalistic sign (upper right corner).

This deck is largely based on the teachings/practices used by the Occulist Magician,  Aleister Crowley.


SITUATION:  I The Magician - Mercury/Beth
THE CHALLENGE:  XIX The Sun - Sun/Resh
GUIDANCE/ADVICE:  III The Empress - Venus/Daleth
FOCUS ON:  XV The Devil - Capricorn/Ayn
OUTCOME:  XX Judgement - Fire/Shin
SUMMARY CARD #1 Bottom Left:  IX The Hermit - Virgo/Lod
SUMMARY CARD #2 Bottom Right:  XIII Death - Scorpio/Nun

~ Reading ~ 

"This is Not a Drill" 

SITUATION:  The Magician represents that which is about to take form (Manifestation).  Alchemy - a magical power or process of transmuting (to change something completely, especially into something different and better).   

He is working with the four elements at his feet:  Air, Fire, Earth and Water, the fifth element is Spirit or the Divine (see the prayer beads hanging out of his mouth meaning a eucharistic ritual is taking place) where he is transforming a common thing, turning them into something divine and consuming them.   

The Eucharist is a blessed sacrament that occurs in every Mass and serves to deepen our hunger for Christ:  "Behold the Lamb of God.  Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world.  Blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb". 

The number 777 appears in the Book of Revelation and refers to The Holy Trinity:  Father Son and Holy Spirit.  Also associated with divine Perfection and Completion whereas the number 666 fall short of Perfection.  It also symbolizes The Unholy Trinity:  Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet.  

Notice his left hand is closed while his right hand is open.  Meaning:  "The Right and Left Path," two opposing energies the Left is equated with malicious, Black Magic while the Right is Benevolent White Magic.

CHALLENGE:  The Sun, as depicted here, is an occult insignia of The Illuminati meaning Enlightenment.   I also heard the word, "Annointing;"  Celestial; Eruption; Rupture; "Crowning"; "Thelemic" Magick.   

The challenge for us is are we prepared spiritually enough, physically enough and mentally enough to survive all that is coming our way?

Maybe some soul searching is required and necessary regarding our situation(s) and now would be a very good time to start.      

GUIDANCE OR ADVICE:   This card warns us of what is coming (actually, already occurring) The Empress represents Mother Earth; Creation; Life; Fertility; Growth; Sexuality, Earth Changes; Weather and Abundance; Disruptions and convulsions.

~ Gale Force Winds and Bitter Cold and all for us to Watch Unfold as in the Bible was Foretold ~    

Notice that she is looking down at the XIII Devil Card with a look of astonishment.  She is asking, "Just what are you planning to do to my Creation?    

How do you plan for the convulsions, disruptions, eruptions and upheaval coming?  Answer - you start looking for answers, harden your body tune up your mind and listen to your soul, trusting in God to lead you through the morass.  

WHAT WE NEED TO FOCUS ON:    The Devil (Baphomet) -  is one of the statues of the Satanic Temple with a goat head.

The Devil is pulling out all the stops; watch, observe and become aware for his gutless works are everywhere.  

It's going to get hotter than Hades; explosions, ruptures, carnage, deaths, violent weather, from one extreme to another.

Start taking things seriously, plan and prepare.  

Remember, the Devil takes no prisoners.

THE OUTCOME:  The Judgement Card is Resurrection.  Humanity is being resurrected from the old to the new resulting in a new beginning for Humanity and, I believe, the return of Jesus Christ.    

Notice the wings on the Judgement Angel.  They remind me of a butterfly.  What is the spiritual meaning of a butterfly:  Metamorphosis; Transformation leading to Spiritual Rebirth.

The Rapture  

I did two Summary Cards:

FIRST SUMMARY CARD is IX The Hermit.  I looked at the lantern he is holding but it looked much more like a clock.  

Meaning:  The clock is ticking; I told you so; the Time is Upon Us; in the blink of an eye all things will change (be transformed).

SECOND SUMMARY CARD:  XIII Death representing Mortality; Consciousness; rebirth (the old going away and something new coming in (Manifestation) - (see The Magician); Transformation leading to Fulfillment.

The numerical value of this reading is:  4 Manifestation; Formation; a Foundation where things can grow

Adding Summary Card 1 is 4
Adding Summary Card 2 is 8:  Change, Rebirth, Movement, Regeneration, Accomplishment and Attainment




A "Living Hell"

New David Rodriguez: Antichrist Revelations God 777 Event Happening Now? Craig Bong Enters Ninos Corner! September 2023 | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Urgent:  Before Google/Blogger takes this post down I urge you to watch this video as to what is being planned, implementation happening now affecting all of us on this planet except the global elite.

They are the ones behind this evil agenda to take down Humanity and Planet Earth.  

I did this week's blog post this morning, BEFORE I even knew about this video and watched it.

Eerily similar.


God Post

"And a Great Silence Shall Come Upon the Earth"  

Saturday, September 23, 2023

It's Supernatural!

~ Miracles, Signs and Wonders, Oh My! ~ 

Yesterday, September 22, 2023 was no ordinary day as I was about to find out.  

Got up and did the usual brush my teeth, comb my hair and the really important one - get the coffee going!

After doing the coffee I hit the button to open the garage door in order to let the cats out.  

Went outside and stood for a few minutes looking up, taking in the beautiful morning sky, the sun just peeping over the hills, the unbelievable beauty of it all!

Then, out of nowhere, I heard this:  "You will not forget this day."

I thought to myself, where did that come from and, more importantly, who or what just said it?

These words stuck with me most of the day as I continued to ponder their meaning.

Okay, fast forward to dinner time.

My husband and I decided we needed a break from the routine and a nice dinner at our local restaurant would fit the bill.

So, we got ready but before we left we had to let the two Great White Pyrs (Pyrenees) out to tend to the goat herd.

So off we went!

Nice meal and we headed for home.

Not 20 min. after we got home my husband came in saying he couldn't find the two Pyrs.  They appeared to have dug under the goat fence and took off.

We started a search for them.  

Apparently, after all the deluge of rain we got the ground was super soaked and they managed to dig their way out of the goat pen.  

We knew we had to find them so jumped in the truck and headed down the road calling their names and checking in with our neighbors.

Our anxiety grew as no one had seen them but one neighbor said she had heard gunshots.

That's not a good sign and definitely one we didn't want to hear.

We got home exhausted, angry and sad.

Crawled into bed hoping to get some sleep but we both knew that was not going to happen.

The thoughts that kept hammering me, "did somebody find them and lock them up?", were they shot? maybe they ????, these thoughts became so pervasive and bad that I literally had to try and shut them out.  

Then I remembered that God and Jesus are Miracle Workers and provide us with Hope when we ask Them to intervene.    

I started rebuking the Devil and directing my thoughts, prayers and Trust to Them.   

The anxiety, worry and fear started going away as I felt the hand of God now positioned directly over the situation.

I was now trusting instead of being fearful and able to replace anxiety with Hope.

I kept repeating, "God is a God of miracles, He's the only One who knows the whereabouts of these two dogs and I am trusting in Him that He will bring them back home".  

I finally fell asleep.

At 1:21 a.m. I heard the phone ring.  

I jumped out of bed because I knew it had to be someone calling about Molly and Maggie.

Sure nuf it was our neighbor across the road.

"Cindy", she said, I've got both your dogs locked up on my porch.

"What did you say" I asked in disbelief!

"I have both your Pyrs locked up on my front porch".

They came out of nowhere and made friends with my guard dog who just also so happens to be a Pyr.

I hung up and woke my husband.

We dressed, making sure we had what we needed to bring them home:  two leashes and a couple of dog treats.

We drove over to her house and loaded both of them and thanked her profusely for finding them.

I hope this blesses someone today, someone who is in Despair, out of Hope and Desperate, ready to give up.  


Someone is waiting for you and They're just a prayer away.  

Someone who knows your pain, your anxiety, exactly what you are going through and is here to Help but only if you ask Them to.  

     ~ Blessings,



Thursday, September 21, 2023

Food for Thought

 WATCH OUT! Why Is Everyone WORRIED About OCTOBER 4 | My Personal Opinion - YouTube

Watch and Share


Humanity - Wake the Hell Up!

I've walked this path before

And my feet got very sore

I'll continue to do so

Until I'm told, "NO"

in hopes of settling a score

we are all of us

mere blood guts and pus

we don't know our rear end

but opt to suspend

whatever it is we can't comprehend

we grovel and crawl

scream and cry foul

our eyes are blood red  

our minds left for dead 

we're lost in the maelstrom

of our own making

what good is humanity

if it can't define sanity?  

all is lost

as we continue to toss

upon our own sea of calamity 

     ~ Nightshade 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Jeffrey Prather and Mike Adams Talk About What's Happening in the World


More Information on the "Event" Remote Viewers Have "Seen" that Will Happen in 2024

 Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End (substack.com)

Folks:  We're in the beginning of Chaos.  There is so much s**t going on now, it's time to really get serious if you aren't already and take STOCK of where you are, who you are and what you need to do in order to protect yourselves and your families.

Quite frankly, if you haven't been prepping, stocking up on food, water, meds, hardening your assets taking stock of where your home/shelter is located  (whether a good or bad location) and how to fix it, I  think your time has just about run out.

Just as a follow up to this, on April 8 2024 we have a solar eclipse happening.  No big deal, right?  So why is the military/DHS/governments focused on setting up shelters, temporary hospitals, roadblocks, and other interesting things such as advising the residents to stock up on food and water at least a month before?

We've had solar eclipses before, right?

Where I am located, get this, the government is expecting over 200,000 people in my area alone wanting to view the eclipse when it goes over the United States.

This is the Actual Color of the Sky This Morning on September 20, 2023


Pink Sapphire
emotional, psychic protection esp. against chaotic events 
This was the first time I've seen the sky this color.   The sunrise was so brilliant this morning it hurt your eyes to view it and it stretched all the way from the east to the west.

And I will grant wonders above and on the earth below
Acts 2:19


An Economic Reset?

Emergency Alert Warning: You'll Be Getting These Messages on Your Phone and TV in October (cnet.com)

It would be a good idea to stock up on items, these days you never know exactly what is going on.  

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Awake Nation ~ A Trip Down the Rabbit Hole

New Kerry Cassidy Live: Warning from a High Level Source to the White Hats - The Event September Intel 2023 | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Prophetic Words

 Padre Pio's Final WARNING About The 3 Days of Darkness - YouTube

julie green ministries

 THE END IS NEAR (rumble.com)

This Week's Tarot Message for September 17, 2023


The "Night Sun" Tarot Card Deck

~ ~ ~


"Back to the Future"

ADVICE:  II The High Priestess
FOCUS:  0 The Fool
OUTCOME:  III The Empress

SITUATION:  VIII Justice is Restoration even though we cannot see all the details yet.  Justice has the last word as he ponders over the evidence before him as He is the Alpha (Last) and the Omega (First).

This means a hammer is about to drop.  

OUR CHALLENGE:  XXI The World Card is depicted as the Dance of Shiva and represents the creative and destructive forces in the universe - the eternal, primeval consciousness of the universe and beyond.  

Shiva is connected to the Hindu Goddess, Kali (who represents Time) causing the constant cycles of creation (birth, life, death) also known as the never ending cycle of time.  The World Card is connected the X The Wheel of Fortune (Karma, Change, the cyclical nature of things) meaning the beginning and end of a cycle.

The World Card represents Completion.

ADVICE:  II The High Priestess is all about Wisdom and our Intuition.  She instinctively knows what is happening and advising a "time out" in which to sit quietly (contemplate) on those virtues and strengths within us in order to cope.  

She also represents "gestation" a period in which something invisible is growing but not quite ready to make its appearance (crowning) in order to break free of its constraints.  

FOCUS:  0 The Fool represents a change in thinking, a new beginning but what type?  Will it be one of chaos or order?  

Interestingly note the 8 pointed star on the Fool's garment.  This sigil represents Chaos and is known as The Chaos Star.

The Fool has been known to slip into the abyss of despair before and there is no telling which way he'll react this time until we see what happens for ourselves.    

OUTCOME:  III The Empress Card is Mother Earth or Gaia and represents the creative force.  Her scepter is a symbol of power and authority and she's in the "birthing" position with legs spread.

Something is about to spring forth, manifest, make its presence known.

SUMMARY:  XVI The Tower Card indicates something breaking, falling down, enlightenment, catastrophe and crisis.  

It has been hit by lightning (could this be The Hand of God?)

The Tower Card represents financial systems, religious beliefs, military/defense, governments, institutions, powerful people in high places.

We cannot rule out other things such as a weather or celestial event, an attack and/or explosive incident of some type.

~ ~ ~

A little clarity so you'll see how the cards fit together:

The Justice Card is in the middle with the World Card on its left and The Fool Card on its right.  This means the world will be affected by whatever will happen and the outcome, fallout will either be a positive one for Humanity represented by the Fool Card or not.

Above Justice is the High Priestess who is intuitively directing/counseling Justice on how to interpret the "verdict.  

Below the VIII Justice Card is The Empress representing Earth and that the verdict, whatever it is, will affect all Life on this planet.  

Revelation 1:8:   And Jesus said:  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending  which is and which was and is to come, The Almighty."  

The numerical value of this reading is:  7 Spirituality; Wisdom; Perfect Order
Adding the Summary Card is:  5 Instability, Conflict, Loss, Change, New Cycle 



Monday, September 18, 2023

This Young Woman (Yeonmi Park) Escaped from North Korea and Her Story is One of Courage and Endurance

Blogger has again removed a video I posted.

Go to the Shawn Ryan Show and click on the video entitled, "Escaping the Horrors of North Korea and the Kim Dynasty" #54.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

We are Living in Unprecedented Times

Clif High Sends WARNING! Cataclysmic Event? - YouTube


The video (above) I posted today, has been removed by Blogger.

My advice and do it soon:

Go to:  David Nino Rodriguez channel - https://ninoscorner.tv 

and watch the video.

Interesting that while the video was playing toward the middle of it a lot of scrolling started.

You will have to pay a small price I think $3.99 maybe $4.99 to subscribe to ninoscorner.tv but well worth it.

In the Blink of an Eye

Bo Polny: This Is the Hour of Vengeance! This Is it, Folks! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Casting out Demons

 Jesus teaching in the temple, casting out demons - from the movie Jesus of Nazareth - YouTube

"As Above, So Below"

 God's Timeline of Events in The End-Times - YouTube

A Powerful Warning


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Shaking: Learn How to Handle the Chaos in Order to Rise Above the Malefic!


Very Interesting

Kerry Cassidy & Kimberly Goguen: Universal Council, Trump, Black Sun, ET's, Who Controls the World | Beyond Science | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

A Newly Discovered Comet Is Passing By and Will Be Closest to Earth on September 12, 2023


Green Meteor Lights Up Turkish Skies

Vibrant Green Fireball Lights Up Turkish Skies; Mesmerizing Video Captures Fiery Streak | Science Times

Weekly Tarot Message for September 10, 2023


The Night Sun Tarot Card Deck

CHALLENGE:  0 The Fool
OUTCOME:  IX The Hermit
SUMMARY:  VI The Lovers

~ Reading ~ 

The Starting Point for Understanding the World
"Know Thyself"
(The Oracle of Delphi) 

* The Situation Card XIX the Sun represents Enlightenment; can also stand for a powerful solar flare  known as a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) or possibly something nuclear.  

Even though this card didn't say when, it is a good idea to keep this thought in mind as we may soon be in for a "Cosmic Kick in the Ass."

* The Challenge Card 0 The Fool (Humanity) representing a foolhardy individual or one who has finally learned from his or her mistakes.  

Which one is it?

Notice how he has no problem standing at a crazy angle as if some invisible power was holding him up or is it because he's just plain drunk? 

He is wearing a garment with an 8 pointed star known as the Chaos Star.

Chaos:  A condition or place of great disorder or confusion; a disorderly mass, a jumble.  

Could it be that this is the challenge awaiting us - (see the Situation Card XIX the Sun)?

* The Guidance/Advice Card is XIV The Tower

This card couldn't have shown up at a more provocative time and represents an unexpected event and destructive event that will change humanity's thinking, leading to Major Transformation and Enlightenment (Wisdom).  

(see The Situation Card XIX The Sun).

I'm not trying to instill any fear in anyone just sharing information that is not readily available to most of us so take what I post to heart and, hopefully do your own research and become more astute as to what is really happening in the world and how it affects us and arrive at a decision to do what is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones.

* The Focus Card is XVIII The Moon and means things that are hidden from us (the veil that hides the spirit realm from mortals).    

The time of Revelation is now upon us as the Moon is shedding her veil (the veil between the dark - what we can't see and the Light (Illumination as to the truth truth of our existence here on earth.     

A process of healing is occurring leading to a massive "unveiling" on this planet in which people and organizations responsible for humanity's problems are being outed.

* Some Soul Searching is in Order:  The Outcome Card IX The Hermit tells us we cannot isolate or retreate anymore because we don't like what we see nor what we're going through but tackle the problems we face head on.  

No more confusion, no more hiding, no more retreating.  

Make Peace with yourself first and everything else will fall into place.

* The Summary Card is VI The Lovers:  This is a most interesting card and one I found hard to interpret.  

Here you see a man on the left and a woman on the right with a man standing between them.  

The man on the left looks surprised as the woman moves her hand toward him gesturing.  Is it anger, confusion or has she decided she doesn't want to go through with choosing a partner.  Maybe she has doubts or feels guilt.  

But whatever the reason, it seems she hasn't thought the whole thing through and having remorse or reservations because she didn't take the time to think about this and that or maybe she's decided the guy she chose isn't good enough for her?  

In any case, she hasn't cleared up some things and needs to do so if she wants anything meaningful to happen in her life.  

The man watching this whole thing happen is IX The Hermit Card (see the meaning in the Outcome Position)

He is the patient mediator (see XIV The Temperance Card) having decided to learn humility and self restraint and acts as the connecting point for the two.      

Notice he is not holding up a lantern illuminating the dark but feels confident that each one has made the right decision to come together.    

His left hand is painted blue representing a bridge (connections) a gateway or a portal leading from one understanding to another (a higher level of being) moving from self centeredness (single) to one of accepting a partner (marriage).      

He holds a lock in his right hand and a key in his left hand (translating "know thyself").  

The lock represents the female while the key represents the male.

The importance of this lesson is, before you can move forward and in the right direction, make the decisions necessary to imporve and prolong your life, you have to get to know yourself.

Your weaknesses, your strengths, what holds you back and what spurs you on.  

This is most important now, especially for the times we're in and could spell the difference between whether we survive or whether we don't.  


The numerical value of this reading is:  8 Movement; action; change; rebirth; regeneration; spiritual fortitude

Adding the Summary Card is:  5  Instability; conflict; loss; change resulting in a new cycle


Friday, September 8, 2023

Cat 5 Hurricane Lee in the Atlantic Ocean

The Strongest Storm This Year Is Coming… - YouTube

Update:  9/9/2023 👇


From Tomb to Womb ~ "The Great Makeover"

"The Rebirth of Humanity"


God is doing a makeover.  Everything on this planet is being affected.

I will continue to post videos and pertinent information that, hopefully, will help you understand what is happening.

I believe, as we transit through this great Time of Upheaval and Renewal unfolding, more and more understanding will be gained.

When I say we're living in Biblical Times, is an understatement.

No matter your faith, please continue to pray for your fellow human beings and Humanity in general.

What is coming is going to test each and every one of us.

These are the days of Noah, and David, Solomon (his son) John and Jeremiah.

May God Almighty be with each and every one of you.

For without Him, we have no Hope nor is there any Hope.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

God Post

Today's Word is Recovery:  

"A return to a normal or healthy condition"

Monday, September 4, 2023

Earth's Makeover

 Earth's Grand Transformation: From Caterpillar to Butterfly (thegalacticfederation.com)

Weekly Tarot Message for September 3, 2023

The Night Sun Tarot Card Deck

SITUATION:  X The Wheel of Fortune Jupiter/Caph
CHALLENGE:  XXI The World Saturn/Tau
GUIDANCE:  XII The Hanged Man Water/Mem
FOCUS:  II The High Priestess Moon/Gimel
OUTCOME:  V The Hierophant Taurus/Vau
SUMMARY:   XX Judgement Fire/Shin

~ Reading ~ 

"Learning to Navigate Life's Ups and Downs"   

Situation: X The Wheel of Fortune:   Cause and affect; forces beyond our control; Karma 
Jupiter:  Optimism and Growth
Caph:  The palm of the Hand

The symbols on this card are the mechanics/mechanisms of life:  repetiveness, drudgery; struggle; stress and burnout; success and failure.  

We'd like to believe we're in charge of our destinies but maybe we're not.  

Could there be external forces around us intervening in our earthly affairs?  

If so, that is no excuse to just give up when the going gets tough as we need to focus on succeeding in whatever we set out to do.  

The wheel of life is constantly turning, it never stops - raising things up and bringing things down.    

It reminds us to live in the Present moment, not dwell on the past or the future because one is gone and the other we cannot see.  Don't let either one of these deter you from making the necessary changes in your lives now (the Present) in order to succeed.    

So now you get it - life is a series of ups and downs and all designed to shape who you are.  Some are good and some are  not.  Be optimistic - plan and trust you can get through whatever is thrown at you.  

In the meantime, give thanks:  Be grateful to the universe for the up times in your life but also learn to act fearlessly and decisively when you're called upon to do so.  
Memo:  Be smart and prepare for the downtimes.

Challenge:  XXI The World - Completion.
Saturn:  The Taskmaster (something that doesn't make things easy for us)
Tau:  The Tau Cross is a very old form of the cross also known as St. Anthony's Cross.

The Hindu God Shiva as represented on this card is the divine cosmic dancer carefully dancing within the cosmic circle of fire (life) so it doesn't get burned by forces beyond its control) which is the continued destruction and creation that takes place in the universe.        

Do you have what it takes to become a shiva, learning to take charge of the direction of your life as you prepare to navigate its ups and downs?  Or, are you going to leave this important decision to Fate?  (see the Wheel of Fortune Card)   

Guidance:  XII The Hanged Man:  Surrender; sacrifice; learning how to beat the odds
Water:  Knowledge 
Mem:  Wisdom       

Our lives are a constant struggle involving futility, pain, success and failure.  

Sometimes in order to move forward we just need to take a step back and embrace our situation not as something to be avoided but as a stepping stone to something much greater than ourselves.

Surrender yourself to Trust, knowing that things are going to work out for you.  Do not let fear be your guide.

We are all spirits housed in a human body, testing the waters of Knowledge and Wisdom (all available to us) but we need to learn first how to tap into them.  Take your time as you gain the knowledge and wisdom in order to safely navigate toward your goal.  

Be unstoppable.      

Focus:  II The High Priestess:    Secrets; Mystery; Intuition
Moon:   Ilusion; trickery; shadows; hidden secrets
Gimel:   The ups and downs in life .

No Fear:  It is Time to get our acts together.  Stop letting fear rule your every decision.  Stop stumbling through life.  Determine you are going to brush the doubt and shadows aside and take a good hard look at your situation because nothing positive is going to happen until you do.

Trust your intuition that you are making the right decision(s) as this will help you learn to trust yourself.

Nothing is going to manifest and willing to show itself to you until you make it happen.

Outcome:  V The Hierophant:    Religion; dogma; depravity; torture, cruelty, lies and secrets
Taurus:  Strong and earthly
Vau:  a nail - something that fixes things together.  

The Hierophant (the Pope) is authority and represents an organization that uses fear as a weapon; power and control; possession of hidden knowledge.    

We are in the biblical Revelation in which people and organizations (such as the Catholic Church aka the Vatican) are being exposed for the liars and pedophiles they are.   

This criminal cabal continues to keep truth (of our existence, the presence of Extraterrestrials, Jesus, John the Baptist and The Knights Templar, etc.) locked up in a vault as they know once they release this information we'll be able to see them for what they truly are and that, once we get a taste of the truth, they're all going down in flames.  

Summary:  XX Judgement:  Restoration; Atonement; Release
Fire:  Transformation
Shin:  Renewal, Resurrection 

~ ~ ~

The numerical value of this reading is:  5 - Instability, conflict, loss, opportunity for change, a new cycle

Adding the Summary Card is:  7:  Spirituality; Wisdom; Perfect Order; Faith in the things that can't be seen 

Adding the two together is 3:  Bringing about that which is desired or envisioned


Sunday, September 3, 2023

And So It Was


About an hour and a half ago, roughly 6:00 p.m.cst  I felt some "thing" lifting.  I mean the energy was so euphoric, that I felt someting (a burden, obstacle, weight) was lifting, being removed, or just disappearing.

Just to let you know.

To All:

Hang in there.  God is moving across this earth.  

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Joni Patry's Astrological Forecast for September 2023


September 2023 Spiritual Insights 

This is the month many revelations will culminate, and the shock of these events will begin a major wake-up around the world. 

So many things are being exposed, much of which began surfacing over the last few years. COVID was a defining point that revealed numerous things that would not have otherwise surfaced. Politics, money, hidden secrets, and corruption that has been hidden for many years are emerging around the world, causing great confusion. 

Now it seems there will be sudden distress that is bigger than we expect, but the result is healing and will make the world a better place. 

Friday, September 1, 2023

Temperance ~ A Very Important Video ~ "Hard Times Coming"

 Get Ready For What's About to Happen... - YouTube

Words from God


God's Voice

This morning I was talking to God and admitting how difficult it is to obey Him when He commands you to do something.

All of us are weak beyond measure and are constantly tempted by Satan resulting in our addictions, health problems and a myriad of other things, leaving God behind.  

Throughout my day I make a habit of telling God how much I love Him and ask, "what can I do for You, today?"

I've been doing this for some time but never really (nor expected an answer) until this morning.

I felt His Presence very close to me this morning as I was getting out of bed and wondering why because I had never felt this before.  

I went about my chores, continuing to give thanks and praise Him and was headed back in the house when I clearly heard these words:


This was the answer to my asking, "God, what can I do for You today?"

I was literally astounded and  stopped in my tracks then broke into tears.

It's not everyday that you clearly hear God's Voice.

May all of you who read this post Be as Blessed as I was this morning.

I will add more content to this post after I dive into exactly what "Follow Me" means.


1.  When the student is ready, the Teacher will appear.

(No one is going to show up unless you ask them to).   

2.  Don't be afraid to admit who you are,  If yo've been hiding in the shadows, afraid to acknowledge/admit the truth as to who you really are, don't.  It is time to come out of the shadows and embrace the "real" you.  Whether you be gay, a Witch, no matter what your faith.  God doesn't care.  He created us in His own image which is Love.  

We are ALL His Children.

3.  Follow Me is putting God first in your life.