Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, December 27, 2013
Off with the Old
My wish for this New Year - PEACE OF MIND
How many of you
are still struggling with finances, relationships, addictions or guilt of some kind? I am praying that each one of you will find the answers you are seeking. I happen to believe that 2014 will be full of wonderment and miracles. I say, goodbye and good riddance to 2013! It's now off with the old and on with the new!
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A New Beginning |
are still struggling with finances, relationships, addictions or guilt of some kind? I am praying that each one of you will find the answers you are seeking. I happen to believe that 2014 will be full of wonderment and miracles. I say, goodbye and good riddance to 2013! It's now off with the old and on with the new!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Forward, March!
Michigan, USA, December 8, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Express the One Truth and Awaken a Sleeping Planet.”
Teacher Ophelius: “Today’s message is one of universal truth – the common denominator that unifies all persons on the earth regardless of their gender, race, religion, nation or culture. It is true irrespective of beliefs, philosophies, or social conditioning, and remains the One Truth that can heal a world of all its maladies if such a truth were to be known to all peoples. It is the One Truth that the sages and prophets have pointed too, and man has searched for as long as he has walked the earth. In ignorance or denial of this universal truth, man has brought all forms of suffering to this world and until it is known to all, the people of earth shall continue to suffer.
“Everything that you can see, touch, hear, taste, and smell, is a part of this One Truth, it pervades all realities both seen and unseen, for there is nowhere you can go in all of creation where this truth is not present. All consciousness is a part of this One Truth and it is the very core essence of all meanings, values, and universal principals. Everything that is true, beautiful, and good is derived from this One Truth, and all that is false, ugly, dark, and evil, stands apart from it and in stark contrast to its light.
“The One Truth is present in life itself. It is in the pattern of all life and in nature. Its signature is written in the code of life. The One Truth is perfect and complete, and all that is imperfect and incomplete is drawn to it. The most desirable values of any man, woman, or child, are a reflection of this One Truth, and the expression of this thing we call love, is the interpretation of the divine expression that all people understand at the root of their being. All love, compassion, and mercy, are universal characteristics of the One Truth.
“It is the Will and desire of the One Truth to create, to explore, and to know itself by experiencing life in creative form, therefore, all that is alive and animated by Spirit is an individualized aspect of the One Truth seeking equilibrium with the divine Will. Since all spirits are aspects of this One Truth and intimately connected through its consciousness, there really is no separation from it, only a man’s beliefs, denial, or ignorance of his connectedness creates the illusion of separation and so he sees himself as alone and self-important, falsely needing to gratify the desires of his animal nature.
“It is in those persons (the individualized aspects of Spirit in form) who have awakened to the One Truth, that find themselves consciously aware and on a path moving inward toward the center of the One Truth. They are experiencing life and expressing the Will of this One Truth in imperfect form, yet learning and gaining wisdom along the journey as a way to make perfect and achieve equilibrium with Source. For it is in the journey, my dear friends, knowing this One Truth, that we fulfill the desire and the Will of that which we call “God,” that we become integrated with its light and become like Him. There is no purpose more vital on your world than to know the One Truth and your connectedness to that Truth.
“Express the One Truth and awaken a sleeping planet.
“Peace to you,
11:11 Progress Group
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Express the One Truth and Awaken a Sleeping Planet.”
Teacher Ophelius: “Today’s message is one of universal truth – the common denominator that unifies all persons on the earth regardless of their gender, race, religion, nation or culture. It is true irrespective of beliefs, philosophies, or social conditioning, and remains the One Truth that can heal a world of all its maladies if such a truth were to be known to all peoples. It is the One Truth that the sages and prophets have pointed too, and man has searched for as long as he has walked the earth. In ignorance or denial of this universal truth, man has brought all forms of suffering to this world and until it is known to all, the people of earth shall continue to suffer.
“Everything that you can see, touch, hear, taste, and smell, is a part of this One Truth, it pervades all realities both seen and unseen, for there is nowhere you can go in all of creation where this truth is not present. All consciousness is a part of this One Truth and it is the very core essence of all meanings, values, and universal principals. Everything that is true, beautiful, and good is derived from this One Truth, and all that is false, ugly, dark, and evil, stands apart from it and in stark contrast to its light.
“The One Truth is present in life itself. It is in the pattern of all life and in nature. Its signature is written in the code of life. The One Truth is perfect and complete, and all that is imperfect and incomplete is drawn to it. The most desirable values of any man, woman, or child, are a reflection of this One Truth, and the expression of this thing we call love, is the interpretation of the divine expression that all people understand at the root of their being. All love, compassion, and mercy, are universal characteristics of the One Truth.
“It is the Will and desire of the One Truth to create, to explore, and to know itself by experiencing life in creative form, therefore, all that is alive and animated by Spirit is an individualized aspect of the One Truth seeking equilibrium with the divine Will. Since all spirits are aspects of this One Truth and intimately connected through its consciousness, there really is no separation from it, only a man’s beliefs, denial, or ignorance of his connectedness creates the illusion of separation and so he sees himself as alone and self-important, falsely needing to gratify the desires of his animal nature.
“It is in those persons (the individualized aspects of Spirit in form) who have awakened to the One Truth, that find themselves consciously aware and on a path moving inward toward the center of the One Truth. They are experiencing life and expressing the Will of this One Truth in imperfect form, yet learning and gaining wisdom along the journey as a way to make perfect and achieve equilibrium with Source. For it is in the journey, my dear friends, knowing this One Truth, that we fulfill the desire and the Will of that which we call “God,” that we become integrated with its light and become like Him. There is no purpose more vital on your world than to know the One Truth and your connectedness to that Truth.
“Express the One Truth and awaken a sleeping planet.
“Peace to you,
11:11 Progress Group
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Right Angles
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Saturday, December 14, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Determinism or Randomness?
We were warned it was coming but we had no idea it would be as bad as it was - December 5, 2013 - we lay in bed listening to the trees crackling and popping, their large limbs breaking off and hitting the ground in dull thuds. My heart sank. This narrow band of tortuous wicked weather took position over us, assaulting and showing no mercy as icy cold fingers gouged, raked and clawed their way across the land, hungrily shredding, ravaging and taking down 200 year old Mulberry Trees and tall stately Oaks. In the morning the carnage was painfully evident. A half inch of ice had toppled many trees and others bowed low to the ground in an icy homage to the Weather God that had just savagely visited them in the dead of night. But how and why this particular weather event happened is still a mystery. One meteorologist blamed the jet stream that had taken a curious turn. The last ice storm we experienced was back in 2000. Could it be that maybe, just maybe, we could expect another one of these horrific ice storms in thirteen more years? The injury to the trees was grave and heartbreaking. How many years they had stood watch, in all kinds of weather, silently secure in their own stead, and then in one dark night, mercilessly taken down, reduced to jagged shards of rubble. Why, after all these years, was this particular time upon us to witness this utter devastation? Was this cruel weather an act of Randomness or was it due to Determinism? Look up Chaos Theory to find out more.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
400,000 Year Old Human DNA
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Skin Walkers
Have you ever thought about who created human beings? Yes, we have the biblical account of Adam and Eve and how it all started. But have you dared ponder another theory--that humans were seeded on this planet? Just merely contemplating this and talking about it can raise someone's ire. I mean, we've been told from birth how we all came to be. How is it that we have certain groups of people clustered together in uniquely different parts of this planet? India, Pakistan and Bangladesh occupy the Indian continent while Asians--Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. are clustered closely together on the other side of a set of mountains; Europeans are predominately in what we know as Europe; Africans are predominantly on the African continent; Arabs and Persians predominantly occupy the Mid East. Native Americans, in the millions, were predominantly scattered across the North American continent hundred of years ago. Could it be that these separate and distinct groups of human beings were deliberately seeded onto these continents based on the uniqueness of their own special DNA? That one group was created to be better suited to a cold environment whereas another group specifically created for a more hot and humid environment or a dry and arid location? Science is in its adolescence trying to figure out the how and why we are here even though scientists tout some kind of a breakthrough every now and then. There are forces and things in the universe and nature science just will not be able to crack, no matter how hard they try or how long it takes. If you agree that we may have been seeded here, then who did the seeding? And who created the seeders? If we were seeded here then wouldn't it follow that there are other habitable planets that were also seeded? Human beings' DNA and how they are constructed is unique to the planet they inhabit. They walk around in a suit of skin covering a skeleton that houses a number of organs. They are equipped to breathe a combination of gases--oxygen, nitrogen and other gases because that is what their air is made up of. What if our air were different? Wouldn't it follow that our DNA and our makeup would be suited to that new set of parameters? What do you suppose others look like that come from distant planets? If their atmosphere is very much like earth's then we can assume they may very well look a lot like us. But, if their atmosphere is different, then we can assume they are going to look a lot different. Do you ever pay any attention to how unique you are-- how your body is made--the vast conglomeration of many parts that all work together to get you from one place to the other, enabling you to show emotion, talk and think? It took quite an intelligence to get this all together don't you think? There are two halves to a human being. One half is the body and the other half is spirit. They are both intertwined yet separate and distinct, existing side by side. One day and hopefully in the not too distant future, we will come to find out that we aren't the only Skin Walkers in the universe--that we have a vast array of distant cousins out there just waiting to make our acquaintance--Skin Walkers, just like us (well almost).
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