Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, December 13, 2013

Determinism or Randomness?

We were warned it was coming but we had no idea it would be as bad as it was - December 5, 2013 - we lay in bed listening to the  trees crackling and popping, their large limbs breaking off and hitting the ground in dull thuds.   My heart sank.  This narrow band of tortuous wicked weather took position over us, assaulting and showing no mercy as icy cold fingers gouged, raked and clawed their way across the land, hungrily shredding, ravaging and taking down 200 year old Mulberry Trees and tall stately Oaks.  In the morning the carnage was painfully evident.  A half inch of ice had toppled many trees and others bowed low to the ground in an icy homage to the Weather God that had just savagely visited them in the dead of night.  But how and why this particular weather event happened is still a mystery.  One meteorologist blamed the jet stream that had taken a curious turn.   The last ice storm we experienced was back in 2000.  Could it be that maybe, just maybe, we could expect another one of these horrific ice storms in thirteen more years?  The injury to the trees was grave and heartbreaking.  How many years they had stood watch, in all kinds of weather, silently secure in their own stead, and then in one dark night, mercilessly taken down, reduced to jagged shards of rubble.  Why, after all these years, was this particular time upon us to witness this utter devastation?  Was this cruel weather an act of Randomness or was it due to Determinism?  Look up Chaos Theory to find out more. 

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