Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Don't Lie To Us, Bro!

The world hasn't changed.  It's always been about good vs. evil.  Throughout history mankind has fought a seesaw battle with these two opposing forces.  Can evil become stronger, if left unchecked?  Yes, I believe it can.  That's why the U.S. Constitution imposed checks and balances on government.   Makes sense now doesn't it?  But checks and balances only work if they are adhered to.  If evil is left unchecked it becomes emboldened. Pretty soon, nothing can stand in its way. This is something that all of us need to be on guard for.  One thing I'm hoping is that many people are waking up today to the fact that all we're really good for (it seems) is being used by powerful entities and powerful people.  Evil plays on emotions and feeds off of the deeper baseness of the human spirit.   Greed, lust, and fear.  Evil is all about deception and the utter debasement of the human spirit.  Think of a leech that attaches itself to your leg.  Seems harmless enough.  I mean it's not devouring your leg but, in reality, it is silently sucking away your life blood.   Throughout history the world has always had its share of charlatans, despicable despots and murderous tyrants.  Each one with a laundry list of vile and sorry attributes.  Many of them were (and are) smooth talkers, (don't lie to us, bro!) saying just the right thing to just the right people, thus gaining their support by ensnaring them in their honey pots. Right now we have a president of the united states, aided and abetted by cohorts in congress, who continue to lie and mock people's sense of right and wrong.  The despicable act of using a severely wounded veteran during the State of the Union Address, was one of the sorriest pieces I have ever witnessed.  I see that I have a lot of company on this.  It is apparent that these politicians will use any means (or anyone) necessary to further their agenda(s).  They have no soul and that's a really scary thought because, without a soul, you have no conscience.  And without a conscience, you are capable of some really evil things.  But there's something else to consider.  Never before have these government minions had such potentially powerful allies.  Tech giants like Google and Microsoft, communications companies AT&T and Verizon, to name just a few.  We hear about how much these tech giants and communications companies despise what the NSA is doing to free men and women.   But for me, the answers don't add up.  What a perfect relationship these two could make as (more power begets more power) as two extremely powerful and potential allies--creeping government and creeping communications technology infiltrate every aspect of our lives.  Keeping track of what we do, who we talk to, what we post, every keystroke, what we say, maybe even what we think.  I believe that last part is coming--limitations on what we can actually think.  I happen to believe this because of something that just happened to me, that continue to leave a lot of unanswered questions.  And when I continue to press Google (Google owns Blogger) all I get is the runaround.  Are we living in the days that George Orwell prophesied about, years ago?  I am sorry to report that the answer to this is looking more and more like YES.         

Peace in the World - Let It Be So!

Please help Donnie reach his goal!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Card Reader

We rely on one type of analytic method whether it be balancing our checkbook or decoding the origins of the universe.  It is called Math.  But what if there were another type of Math?  One scientists never knew existed and is present to help us unravel the grand message embedded within  the Grand Schematic of things?  Why is it that we believe that calculus, algebra, trigonometry, geometry and the higher mathematics of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics contain all the answers we seek?  There is a card in Tarot and its meaning is "Expect the Unexpected".

The Card:  The Fool

This card is the first card in the Tarot deck.  The Fool represents the beginning of something.  It's impossible to predict exactly what this new beginning will be, when it will happen or exactly what it will be simply because it is not based on anything that has happened before.  This card defies logic.  It therefore represents an excitement of something new, something that may well shock our predetermined beliefs to their very core.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Just the Two of Us

Do you ever get the feeling that there is really two of you?  You're walking down the sidewalk, talking on your cellphone, all the while accessing and scanning everything around you.  One part of you is physically accomplishing this task while the other part of you sits silently in the background, observing.  But there are instances when this other silent part makes itself known.  Maybe you're deciding to do something that may not be in the best interest of yourself or may adversely affect someone else.  A tug of war ensues--should I or shouldn't I?  If I go ahead and open up door number 1 what will be the result?  What about if I go with door number 2?  You can see the results of your decision before you even make it.  This is because our inner core, our soul, our conscience, intervenes to prevent us from suffering the consequences.  We all know what happens when we knowingly choose to do something we know is wrong but we decide to do it anyway.  It ends up causing pain not only to ourselves but to others.   Humans have been endowed with free will in the decisions they  make, thus being an active participant in choosing and shaping their spiritual growth and the path they choose to walk, as they transit through this Life's Journey.  We are not here to hurt.  We are here to learn and to grow.  It is through the decisions we make and the mistakes we make, that hopefully we slowly ascend to a higher plain of Understanding.  Unfortunately there are many on this planet who do not know this nor even care to give it a second thought.   This is why, I believe, humanity is in so much turmoil and trouble.  We have lost the way provided for us by the Ancients who went before us.  They were much closer to nature, much closer to the Universe, and much closer to Self.  I personally believe humanity is in for a mass awakening in order for us to burst the bubble of Ego, Ignorance, Self Doubt, Control, Power, Cruelty and Greed. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Deception of Governance

“Cesar is not a philosophical man. His life has been one long flight from reflection. At least he is clever enough not to expose the poverty of his general ideas; he never permits the conversation to move toward philosophical principles. Men of his type so dread all deliberation that they glory in the practice of the instantaneous decision. They think they are saving themselves from irresolution; in reality they are sparing themselves the contemplation of all the consequences of their acts. Moreover, in this way they can rejoice in the illusion of never having made a mistake; for act follows so swiftly on act that it is impossible to reconstruct the past and say that an alternative decision would have been better. They can pretend that every act was forced on them under emergency and that every decision was mothered by necessity.” 

Thornton Wilder, "The Ides of March"

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Are You Ready?

We know very little about the human brain.   It continues to elude us, refusing to give up its secrets.  We do know its average size, weight and makeup.  But as to other properties possibly contained within it, we haven't even scratched the surface yet.    Yet, there are other organs in the human body that are revealing some extraordinary information.  We've heard the term, "a broken heart."  But what does this actually mean? --Scientists have found out that the human heart can, indeed, be broken--not in a physical sense as depicted by cartoons or emoticons but by an emotional one and that people can actually die from this condition.  How extraordinary.  Why is it that people think in certain ways?  We have people who think in a linear manner--along straight lines to arrive at a conclusion or solution.  Then we have those who think in a non-linear manner--"outside the box" so to speak.  Does this difference have to do with the number of folds in their brain or are brains just randomly programmed to think either way during the gestation period?  Could Einstein have been one of these extraordinary thinkers?  What about Steve Jobs or Stephen Hawking?  What about Plato, Socrates, Confucius or   Aristotle?  Could it possibly be that certain selected people are programmed with preselected attributes to help with humanity's understanding and progression, at just the right time?  We are  being tweaked and fine-tuned, gently nudged toward the cusp of a new awareness.  Seeing that human beings are slowly waking up each day to new revelations surrounding different areas of their existence why not contemplate this?  --That all of us have been purposely programmed to access certain types of information at certain, predetermined times.  Maybe a little at a time or maybe a total  mass awakening.  Quite simply the reason for this could be that at the present time human beings are incapable of truly understanding the deeper implication(s) of their existence here on Planet Earth because they simply are not ready.  But remember the saying, "When the Pupil is Ready the Teacher Will Appear". 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Grow Up

We are born into this world innocent.  We know nothing.  We are small babes relying on others to care for us, providing nourishment and nurturing.  But the sad fact is that many of these tiny babes receive neither nourishment nor nurturing.  They are, oftentimes, objects of extreme cruelty, neglect and abuse.   We talk about the sorry state of affairs here on Planet Earth in so many areas of our existence.  Even sorrier is our lack of solutions to the problems we face.   We either throw millions of dollars at a problem or our own egos of self-delusion hinder any progress we may hope to achieve.    We need to grow up.  It is time.  We are ripe for a massive humbling, a spiritual re-awakening of true self in order to find the solutions we seek.  Until we are forced to face this obvious Truth, we will continue to grovel around in want and ignorance.