Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Pay Attention to the Sun
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Battle On
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"Yin and Yang" |
Mankind is constantly being dragged back and forth between two worlds. It's a constant tug of war between two forces, one good the other evil.
Evil rears it ugly head and quickly manifests, knowing that it has a small amount of time to do its dirty work.
It rises from its stink hole and immediately engorges itself on as much slime and vomit it can, its putrid and swollen belly ready to burst as it reaches its azimuth and then finally falters, knowing it has reached the end of its run of creating misery and havoc.
It then slowly dissolves back into the morbid and cold black abyss from whence it came.
"From darkness it came and to darkness it shall return."
Goodness, on the other hand, chooses to always be with us, a constant manifestation as our help mate.
It is always here for us and especially when life's trials get to be too much.
So when you see the evil in this world and what it appears to be accomplishing, know that its life span is temporary and what it stands for is false.
The important thing is you are able to recognize evil (and its many faces for what it is) and do everything in your power to defeat it. This takes hard work and patience.
In so doing, you will be helping earth ascend to a higher spiritual plane (moving from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension) thus tilting this planet to the side of truth.
In closing, no matter how bad it looks, no matter how much evil tries to cover it up, Truth always prevails.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Three Little Words
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"Right On!" |
Today, there are no rules anymore or so it seems.
Instead, a social conscript (n. to compel into service) is underway changing what was considered normal into anything goes as new ways of raising and teaching children are on full display.
Much of what we see going on today, allowing children to pick their own gender and then pumping them full of male or female hormones is unhealthy and dangerous.
Exposing a child at a very early to a side of life that is much better left unknown until they are older (learning about transgenders, transsexuals) is also unhealthy but it appears that the social change experts have deemed otherwise, forcibly compelling children (and their parents) into a new role of embracing that which they don't understand or even agree with.
There is a forcible coup underway of usurping your rights as a parent in favor of what social change experts now deem acceptable.
No matter what side of the spectrum you're on, you, as a parent, are very much responsible for how your child turns out. Your love and respect will very much determine their attitude on things and how he or she will respond, react to and handle life's problems.
I am trying to be inclusive here in that there are many parents with good intentions but with differing opinions on how to raise their children.
I understand that and this is why I want to touch on something very important.
It's called praise.
It's easy to scold and punish a child, exposing bad habits, or something wrong they did, sending him or her to their room.
It's easy to point out their fault(s) and remind them they've embarrassed you, made you angry or crossed a line.
On the other hand, ask yourself this, "how many times have you offered your child praise and recognition for a job well done"?
Are you a parent so hung up on making a point to your child or an example of them that you never have the time to (p)raise them up?
Remember three little words:
"Make Me Proud."
These words will be a defining moment in your child's life, something they will never forget, something they will rely on in life over and over, having it entrusted to memory by a loving parent.
~ Peace and Love,
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Constructing a Bridge of Hope
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Thomas Kinkade, "Bridge of Hope" |
How do you give people hope when they have very little hope left or have lost all hope?
>You could recommend they talk with a priest, rabbi or pastor.
>Confide in family and friends.
>Or, you could tell them that the answer to their problem will arrive in time.
For the person in turmoil, it's times like this that makes it difficult to keep going when they feel they've reached their wits end.
No amount of consoling someone or telling them, "every thing is going to be okay" is going to cut it.
An understanding and compassionate listener is what is needed most at this time.
Someone who's been there, someone who actually feels the pain you're going through because they've experienced it, someone who can cut through all the bullshit and actually connect with you on a soul to soul level in order to bring you up and out of yourself so you're able to view your problem from the outside, gaining a clearer picture of exactly what's going on and a clearer perspective of things, thus bringing about a resolution.
I am of the fervent belief that we have unseen beings watching over us. Day in and day out they know our comings and our goings.
When we pray, even though we can't see to whom we're praying, they do hear what we're praying for and start putting together a plan or bring someone on board in order to activate our healing process.
The hard part is waiting for an answer to come through.
I have counseled and comforted people from time to time. It is no easy task to sit and listen to someone's problems because the information is, many times, gut wrenching, someone pouring their heart out, someone who is so far gone that nothing seems like it's going to help but who is only looking at their problem from the inside, so immersed in emotions that their ability to sort things out, think things through, is almost nonexistent.
Every time I do this, I am actually doing what G-d would have me do.
To Him, each life is precious and each life is worth fighting for.
When the person we're working with can't fight anymore, intervention is needed, someone to join their battle to help the person gain a clearer picture of exactly what is happening to them and what is needed and necessary in order for them to overcome and survive.
We are all connected to one another and rely on each other for help when we encounter difficulty and trouble.
You can join this ongoing fight to help other fellow human beings.
This spiritual intervention will also make a difference in your life, too.
~ Peace and Love,
~ Nightshade
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Earth Changes
Its taken million of years for life to evolve and adapt on this planet amidst direct hits from large asteroids, meteors, erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and deluges.
Throughout this period, life slowly evolved and adapted, eventually leading to the advent of humans and.
And, according to ancient records, humans really haven't been around all that long compared to other life forms.
Life was then, as is now, dependent on earth's seasons.
Today, most of us don't pay much attention to the weather but only if it's going to affect us adversely.
We go about our daily lives, not giving it a second thought. Farmers, on the other hand, are more susceptible and closely connected to and depend on earth's seasons signalling when to sow, plant and reap.
In March of this year unprecedented and record flooding hit the midwest. Many farms were under water along with equipment and livestock as farmers watched helplessly.
The damage done was catastrophic reaching into the millions of dollars, with whole farms, equipment and livestock lost along with livelihoods and the flooding occurred in some places where there had been none before.
Each year we depend on absolute signs from Mother Nature as to when the seasons are changing. In summer we enjoy green growth and sunny days; summer fades into fall with chillier temperatures and trees showing off their vibrant colors; winter brings darkened skies, snow and cold; spring arrives with blue skies, birds twittering and leaves budding out.
These are all patterns of weather we've come to know. They've been consistent and something we count on but I believe something is changing.
For example: More than normal and torrential rainfall; early and heavier than normal snowfall; devastating heatwaves and droughts, plants and trees flowering at the wrong time of the year or flowering more than once; different birds showing up along with insects and, instead of a gradual change from one season to the other it's like somebody slammed a door.
Even with all our technology today, meteorologists and scientists are still trying to understand why the weather behaves the way it does.
They just recently discovered "ENSO" (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) a connection between earth's oceans and atmosphere, in which the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean water temperature changes from cool to warm or vice versa resulting in either an El Nino or a La Nina.
Depending on which way the water temperature, these two events a La Nina or an El Nino play a significant role in how the climate will be in different locations across the planet.
There's been much hue and cry from scientists and laymen alike regarding "Climate Change" in which some have prophesied that all life will disappear from this planet in twelve years and all because the planet is "heating up."
Do they have the answer as to if, how and why the earth is or is not heating up? ~ Answer: No.
What these people are claiming hasn't been proven and we don't need hysterical people making hysterical, uncorroborated and substantiated comments. We need facts.
There's talk of another planet that has entered our solar system with its own set of moons and a long debris tail soon to be seen here in our skies.
Unlike the hysteria surrounding climate change there's information to back this up with dates and times: The biblical account of Exodus in which a heavenly light that shone more brighter than the sun accompanied and heralded the Hebrews out of Egypt thousands of years ago as they made their way across the desert in search of the Promised Land.
This object was believed and described by the ancients as another heretofore unknown planet.
In addition, the ancient Chinese and Sumerians also took note of this object and described its appearance in their manuscripts.
The sun is in its solar minimum right now (in which we don't see any sunspots or very few). So, the sun is giving off less heat and could contribute to why we are seeing record and early snowfall in different parts of the planet.
Again, this is just a theory and has not been substantiated with real hard data but it is something to consider.
In order to delve into the mysteries of the universe in search of answers, we need humility, something many of our esteemed scientists do not possess.
We humans have grown into an arrogant bunch who have demonstrated we are more likely to do or say something in order to save face than reveal what we actually found and all because what we've uncovered doesn't fit a certain narrative or is protecting someone or something.
So, Damn the truth as it is too inconsistent, too controversial or too political.
Cudos to the Planet X researchers and others who have taken it upon themselves to get out as much data as possible about Planet X but are constantly targeted and besieged by naysayers and government trolls hampering their efforts but keep marching on anyway, at considerable cost to themselves in terms of health and credibility, in hopes of enlightening us to one of life's mysteries.
Back to the weather. I have to admit that the weather is behaving unusually (something we're not used to seeing). For example, instead of gradually moving from one season to the other it is now like summer turns instantly into fall; fall turns instantly into winter and spring (there is no spring anymore where I am) it's instant summer.
I have personally noted that flowers, instead of blooming once are now blooming three times during the season. This is a first: I have an apple tree that didn't flower in the spring but is now flowering in October.
I believe there is a new pattern of weather emerging on this planet but one that's already happened in the past, many times over.
And, if so, we're going to have to learn a new way of identifying it, dealing with it, adapting to it, living with it, understanding it, observing it, reacting to it and recording it.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Enjoy the Moment
October 13, 2019:
There's a full moon tonight and the energy emanating right now is exhilarating, energetic, boundless, hopeful, happy and joyous.
Take to heart these feelings that suddenly engulf you because they are messages from our celestial neighbors.
Sometimes they can bring us down but sometimes they can raise us up!
Enjoy the moment and Be Happy!
Have a great week, friends!
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Brick by Brick
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"One brick at a time" |
"The natural or prepared ground upon which some structure rests; the basis or groundwork of anything". www.
~ Stepping Stones, Building Blocks ~
Human beings are not meant to flail around or spend their whole lives running in circles.
As human beings with free will we are free to choose whatever we want to do or don't want to do.
In order to move forward we need attributes necessary for sound moral choices and decision making.
The first foundation is family.
Second is a knowledge of right and wrong.
Third is learning to believe in something higher than ourselves.
Fourth is learning to trust.
Fifth is learning respect.
If you don't have a loving family determined to lay a foundation for you then you're already off on the wrong foot. It's times like these if you don't take charge of your own destination you either fall by the wayside or are lucky enough to find people who grab you by the bootstraps and raise you back up.
A knowledge of what's right and what's wrong doesn't come easily. We all are endowed with a sixth sense that sets off alarms if we're tempted to do something harmful but it takes a healthy understanding that doing so will only result in disaster.
We can go just so far in life believing that we can do anything, accomplish anything. This is healthy but doesn't take into account that there will be instances in life where this is not possible without help. Learning to believe in something bigger than yourself is necessary to get you through the rough times.
Trust is something that can be fleeting. You relayed a secret to a friend and the next thing you know it's all over the media. You meet someone and fall in love only to find out that behind your back he or she is making out with someone else.
It's kinda hard to learn to trust when these things happen to you and can leave you jaded. Understand that this is the dark side of life and not the light. There is always good in the world and you will eventually learn this as you encounter someone who goes out of their way to help you or an unlucky situation that meaningfully changes your mind.
Today, respect is a diminishing factor. We have lost respect for those who have gone before us; for someone who has an opinion we don't agree with and for human life.
And it's pretty difficult to maintain a respectful composure when openly attacked for your personal beliefs, political beliefs or gender.
It doesn't help when Hollywood prides itself on making movies where the worst of us are made into heroes and the real heroes degraded.
Don't let life hijack you, start today.
All you need is one brick. Each brick thereafter is one more milestone in your journey toward a firm foundation.
~ Blessings,
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