Find Your True Self and You Will Find Your True Purpose
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020
Tarot Reading for April 27, 2020
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The Vampire Tarot
I thought I'd share this morning's Tarot reading and it's pretty telling.
*Pentacles refer to money; finances; business
*Cups refer to: Emotions, relationships
*Swords refer to: Strife, conflict, aggression
*Wands refer to: Creativity; business start ups; ideas; motivation
<This spread has to do with money and emotions>
Middle Row:
1. Left card -
The Past - what we did that led to the Present -
IV of Pentacles: Extravagance
2. Middle card -
The Present - where we are right now - V of Cups: Anxiety, Sorrow, Pain and Loss both Physical and Mental
3. Right card -
The Future - IX of Pentacles - Watch your back; protect your assets; security
4. Bottom Row:
Right card - What is Happening - VIII of Cups: Relationships ending; remorse; regrets; time to move on
5. Left card - Advice (what to do, not to do) - Start rebuilding; do something; step up to the plate
Top Row:
6. Top Card - Potential or Outcome -
III of Cups - Time to celebrate; the conclusion of any matter; release; putting the past behind us
Friday, April 24, 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Missing Link
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"We Need to Find the Missing Link" |
There is a consortium of very wealthy, evil and powerful people, institutions and organizations that are actively thwarting attempts at doing good but prefer to do evil.
They have infiltrated countries using money, deception and influence to contaminate the food industry, medicine, banking, agriculture, families, academia, religion, governments, politics and entertainment.
Case in point: Just recently, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) took it upon themselves to develop a dangerous virus and release it on the world.
There is no remorse from Xi Xinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, nor taking responsibility for what they've done but continuing to lie and accuse others.
The world needs to coalesce around this fact and rebuke, sanction and hold China responsible for untold deaths across the planet, but are they?
The Vatican:
What dark secrets is the Vatican hiding, what motive do they have for keeping possibly invaluable information from us regarding the existence of aliens and continuing to keep, under lock and key, venerable manuscripts and books?
How many priests and bishops are still allowed sanctuary by the Vatican when they have been publicly outed as sexual predators?
Evil knows no boundaries so, "how do you fight against something so big, so well organized and with an inexhaustible supply of money?"
What is the missing link in all of this?
Maybe we are.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Monday, April 20, 2020
We Are Not Alone
Creation is expansive and unfathomable. We are only able to see fragments of it but not the whole. We must learn to connect the dots until we are able to see the whole picture. Until then, the remaining puzzle pieces will not fall into place.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
I am becoming convinced that we are purposely moving toward a powerful and enlightening singularity.
In order for this singularity to successfully fulfill its purpose of implanting itself within us we need to merge and become cognizant of other life forces on this planet and how important they are to our own spiritual well being.
This step is crucial to becoming one with our surroundings.
We will see, after a period of time, how seemingly small and insignificant things we once took for granted before, become so much more important now, like waking up every morning to the sun's rise, watching the full moon as she cascades through the night sky, bending down to smell the first rose after a long winter's nap, the fragrance of the pines after a spring rain and taking notice (for the first time) the camaraderie of animals and the gentle cadence they follow, realizing that they are our own correspondences, capable of communicating subtle messages to us, teaching us about the connection that exists between all living things.
Earth's hierarchical and defiant trouble makers, naysayers and doomsayers will no longer hold sway over us but will be stripped of their maniacal holdings and singled out until they too learn that the old ways won't work anymore as a new day is dawning on planet earth.
This process has already started and will continue to sprout and grow like a vine, budding and then flowering, entwining itself among and through a strong latticework of human beings until everything is right with the world.
~ ~ ~
Friday, April 17, 2020
A Gift
Life ~
It comes in all shapes, sizes and colors.
It is up to us to protect it, at any cost. Pass it on.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Arch Rivals or Brotherly Love?
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Jesus Being Tempted by Satan |
12 years ago: An angel appeared while I was meditating.
She was cream color from top to bottom including her clothing, skin and hair.
As she stood behind me, her hand opened slowly to reveal a gold coin with hieroglyphic markings all around the edges and strange markings in the middle.
No words were exchanged as she slowly took the coin out of the hand she was holding it in, turned it over and placed it in her other hand.
As I looked at the other side of the coin, it appeared identical to the first side.
Definition of "two sides of the coin" by Merriam Webster: - Two things that are regarded as two parts of the same thing.
How did man become so corrupt?
Was it because Satan was alive on planet earth before man and able to infect us with evil?
If Jesus is good and Satan bad then why does Satan seem to have the upper hand all the time down here while good struggles to even gain a foothold?
We're all familiar with Jesus taking upon Himself all our sins and dying on the cross. Wouldn't it be fair to say that by this singular act Jesus made Satan impotent?
If He did, then why is pain and suffering still occurring?
We're all familiar with Jesus taking upon Himself all our sins and dying on the cross. Wouldn't it be fair to say that by this singular act Jesus made Satan impotent?
If He did, then why is pain and suffering still occurring?
The Temptation: During Jesus' ministry he went to pray for strength and guidance. Satan knew he was in a weakened state and appeared to Him and whisked Him away to the top of a mountain, asking Him to view everything below which were kingdoms, Principalities, cities, palatial palaces, wealth and power.
He said to Jesus that he would give all of this to Him if He bowed down before him but Jesus refused to do so.
He said to Jesus that he would give all of this to Him if He bowed down before him but Jesus refused to do so.
How is it that Jesus and Satan were able to meet and talk, coming face to face with one another, on such close and intimate terms without tearing each other apart?
What's missing here? Was there a competition between the two going on? Was one jealous of the other?
What's missing here? Was there a competition between the two going on? Was one jealous of the other?
Just recently I came up with something that may have some merit or at least a subject worthy of discussion. And one, I believe, may not sit too well with many.
What if Jesus and Satan were the two sides of the gold coin? Identical in all respects but Satan happened to follow one path and Jesus the other?
Maybe they had a closer relationship then we've been taught.
I'm wondering if maybe, just maybe, they were brothers.
I'm wondering if maybe, just maybe, they were brothers.
Monday, April 13, 2020
A Message from Our Planetary Neighbors
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Knowledge |
In Astrology:
Mars encourages us to face our challenges and grow in confidence
Jupiter is the planet of expansion (wealth, awareness and knowledge)
Saturn is the planet of limitations, learning discipline and responsibility
The next time this line up will occur is in 2022
Sunday, April 12, 2020
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"Temptation" |
Our days on this planet, "life as usual, have forever changed.
We are being pushed to our limits.
We are entering a new age of light and love (even though it's hard to comprehend with the affects of the Coronavirus and panic ongoing) and one of the first signs is we are reaching out and connecting with one another.
I had an interesting visitation early this morning (don't know the time as I didn't roll over to find out) by what I can only describe as a demon.
The word demon has evil connotations but are a part of our lives just like other spiritual beings. We don't think much about this other supernatural world because we rarely come in contact with it.
Demons are exceptionally cunning, intuitive and extremely intelligent and acutely adept at sizing up human beings. This is why so many of us fall into the trap of becoming addicted to a whole host of things because they are specifically able to zero in on our weak points, tempt us, manipulate and control them to their benefit.
I heard something talking to me this a.m. and it manifested its presence just above my head. It's voice was very deep and masculine.
The day before I had been reliving my life, in excruciating and painful detail because of all the planet is going through and wondering where I could've done better as a human being, mother, wife and grandmother.
I wondered why I reacted harshly instead of gently, negatively when I should have been more positive, I wondered why I did some things in my life I'm not very proud of, I basically did a complete house cleaning of where I started in life and where I was at the present time. I believe that many others are doing this, as well.
This is the beginning of a collective spiritual cleansing, so to speak, an assessment of where we are, who we are and where we want to be. You could even go so far as to call it an exorcism but instead of a priest doing it, we're all engaged in doing it.
During this intense soul searching I became deeply depressed as I realized that I had failed, in many ways and the harsh realization that I could be just as evil (if I chose to be) as some of the entities I deal with.
At one point during this "soul audit" I blurted out loud that maybe I wasn't really a Light Worker at all but a Dark Worker as I am so attuned to the goings on in the dark side of life (as well as the Light).
Well, apparently, something heard me.
Before I had this encounter I detected its noticeable odor. It was akin to the smell given off by a mouse or a rat. I think many of you are familiar with this smell as you've had mice in your homes.
When it started talking it didn't make much sense. However, as it continued on, I was able to clearly discern one thing and became very aware that it was probing me for one reason and that was to see if I was a suitable "recruitment."
I even talked to a friend in the UK about this. In fact, she was the one who coined the word "recruitment" because she felt like that was what it was doing and I agreed, telling her she had "nailed it."
The entity even led me to believe that it wasn't a threat and tried proving it by letting me touch both of its silky soft ears.
Note: This last part reminded me of the Pedophile with the succulent candy as he or she entices a young child into their lair. "There's nothing to fear, here, have some candy."
I believe the reason it showed up was it heard me when I blurted out my misgivings about being a healer, a Light worker and maybe more suited to the dark side.
Finally able to discern its mission I said with authority, "I am a Child of G-d and I want no part of your plan for me as G-d has already seen to it."
It slowly departed.
Interesting that this experience happened today, April 12, 2020, on Easter Sunday.
Isn't this what Jesus did for humanity on the cross on Holy (Good) Friday?
He came face to face with The Devil and overcame him (Temptation) as he sacrificed Himself as atonement for our sins.
Thank You, Jesus,
Thursday, April 9, 2020
A Diamond in the Rough
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"You are the Spark" |
How does consciousness change on a planet? One example is exactly what we're all going through right now - a painful and horrific event.
It thrusts us out of our stupor and into a new matrix that we're completely unfamiliar with.
It forces us to come face to face with ourselves, who we are and where we fit in the cosmos.
With this virus we find ourselves facing and enduring a whole new set of circumstances that we're completely unfamiliar with.
The Coronavirus has upended Planet Earth. It has caused millions of people to lose their jobs, thousands of people have lost their lives, businesses have been greatly impacted, religious activities and festivals have been cancelled.
Our lives have been turned upside down.
Countries are bearing the brunt and being stretched like never before.
During this time has anyone felt a closer relationship to G-d, has your faith strengthened, have you considered a neighbor that you never thought about before, have you suddenly shown kindness toward a stranger or given money to charity?
Have you considered exactly why you are here on this planet?
Is it to constantly live in uncertainty and fear always wondering when the next shoe will drop or have we finally arrived at the point where we all are willing to throw off the shackles of hate, division and power, seeking instead what connects us not divides us?
Well, with what we are now seeing, we've been given an opportunity to really change things around down here.
The power on this planet does not belong to the rich, famous and powerful but to the meek.
That means you and me.
Take charge and stop letting others dictate, control and ruin your life.
It's your life and doesn't belong to someone else.
Start standing up for what's noble and good as it will benefit all of us.
The opportunity has presented itself for meaningful change on this planet and it begins with you and me.
~ Blessings,
~ Nightshade
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
April 7, 2020 Tonight's Pink Supermoon is the Biggest Supermoon of 2020
Tonight's full super moon, promises renewal, healing and hope.
Just like a rosebud slowly unfolding, enchanting all with its grace and beauty, so it is with humanity.
A sign that order and balance will be restored to this planet.
Also a sign that a new day is approaching on Planet Earth.
So shall it be,
Monday, April 6, 2020
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The Wizard of Evil |
Humanity is crossing a divide.
A divide between good and evil.
We have a choice, we either embrace a new world of love peace, compassion and hope or continue down the same dark path we've been traveling for eons.
Evil has always been with us but, now, it's been given the green light to manifest in more horrific ways.
Let's just say that somebody willingly let the wizard (genie) out of the bottle.
I believe that AI and Technology will have much to do with strengthening the momentum of this chaos we're now in as they know how to appeal to our emotions (like getting us ready for a blockbuster movie) and know we won't be able to resist.
These are dangerous times, folks.
What was prophesied thousands of years ago is upon us.
We can't rely on good people like we once did as evil has seen to that with its cunning; endless lies and deception.
Any voices of reason and sanity will continue to be drowned out.
During this time we're all going to be called upon to support one side or the other.
You're either part of the resistance or the problem.
There is no in between anymore.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Friday, April 3, 2020
Blind Spot
What's your blind spot?
It's interesting how you sometimes can react and behave badly when you're forced out of your comfort zone and into quarantine with other people. You have an innate blind spot you keep to yourself and it can surface when you're under stress.
We're actually being forced into learning more about ourselves.
Coping with others and their needs is a big challenge for all of us. Tempers can flare, patience seems in short supply yet I'm finding that these episodes are short lived and life goes on as we all are grateful we have food on the table and a roof over our heads.
What we're going through is actually a good thing. It's bringing families and communities together. In the long run I believe we'll all look back and view this event in our lives as healthy and beneficial.
We are innovative and inventive and these skills are coming into play as we learn to live in close proximity with one another sometimes in the role of mediator, clergyman, and/or fortune teller as we advise, forgive and offer our view of the future, tell bedtime stories, watch videos, fix our favorite recipes and play games.
We're actually learning a lot about ourselves and others, in the process.
Many are praying for peace and healing. Another good thing that's happening.
We're realizing that life can change in an instant and that we're not in charge but only to a small extent.
We are learning to rely on others for guidance and comfort instead of being distant and fearful.
The Apocalypse is upon us but hopefully, through all that's being required of us, we will emerge as a more loving and peaceful group of sentient beings.
Maybe that's what it's all about.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
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