"Let Your Light Shine"
Would you agree the world has gone nuts (or, so it would seem?)
We all are witnessing horrific and savage brutality being waged on our streets, innocent people being assaulted and murdered, attacks on our police officers and people of faith and businesses being burned to the ground.
Even though this is very hard to comprehend for many, what is actually happening is the prelude to something bigger.
In order for this to happen, evil is being thrust up and out of its hidey holes and revealed for all to see.
We're finally catching on as to how humanity has been imprisoned for thousands of years.
Understand that we are in the midst of massive change but all for the betterment of humanity.
The Greek word "Apocalypse" has nothing to do with Zombies but, instead, means "reveal" or "revelation".
To whit: How many of us have wakened up just recently to the fact that we've been lied to for many, many years by politicians and others. That people we thought we could trust we now found are untrustworthy, that major corporations only want to make money off of us and could care less about any dire affects of their products on their customers.
We are finding out about Big Pharma and how they are all about making profits. Not helping us heal or get well but greed is what drives them.
And politicians and governments, of course, which should be the caretakers of people, are anything but.
Because of all I'm seeing, reading and hearing, and the toll it was taking on me, I had to take a break this afternoon so I decided to stop everything I was doing and make a visit to one of my dogs whose name is Max. I always love seeing him and I can tell he feels the same.
Max is a little stray dog that was dumped off by some unknown person 3 years ago and wound up in my care.
As I approached his pen, he happily jumped up on the fence and waited for me to get closer so I could start to sing his favorite song, "You are My Sunshine".
You wouldn't believe the love that flows back and forth between us when I sing this song to him.
After visiting with Max I felt much better and in a much better mood so I could continue my quest of helping those who are confused in life as to what to do, where to go and what they are seeing.
I am a Light Worker as are all of you ~ Spreading the Light which penetrates the Darkness we all are cocooned in.
Would you agree that all of us are not immune to tragedy and adversity. It can come into our lives without warning, happening to anyone of us at any time.
This is why (you) are here on this planet to make a difference in the world.
Understand that there are those among us who will never change, who only want to hurt others and no amount of counseling or treatment will change them.
We all have choices in this world and understand that they made theirs.
What's important is the choice you make.
Whatever is most important to you, pick something you are passionate about or just instinctively know needs to be changed for the betterment of humanity.
What do you have to lose other than changing the world for the better?
Remember, the important thing is now that you're here you have to make a decision on what to do with your life.
Join the Evolution Revolution and Make a Difference in the World.
~ Nightshade