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"Trick or Treat"? |
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Friday, October 30, 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Humans in Disguise
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Robot or Human? |
What is Free Will?
* And where did it come from? ~ this is another topic for another time as the debate still rages over this subject.
Free Will is the ability humans have (also known as discernment) that gives them the choice to choose between good or evil.
It is what makes us human and not robots and differentiates us from the animal kingdom.
But what good is Free Will if humans keep choosing evil over good?
When we look at the natural world (nature) we see that the animal kingdom also have rules.
When they are courting, the male puts on his best finery to attract a mate (courtship) while the female watches on; the two then decide they want to be together (commitment) and produce offspring, (realization) carrying out the roles they were created for (fulfillment).
They stay together while their babies grow up, instructing them in all manners of ways until they are able to stand on their own.
But, what about humans?
They have a set of rules, also.
Humans can choose to marry or stay single (commitment); choose to have children or not (realization); choose divorce over marriage (fulfillment); and, in all things, choose good over evil.
But what do we see happening now and what has been occurring on this planet ever since humans arrived?
Non stop continuation of conflict and chaos.
Interestingly enough, the humans responsible for these problems have one thing in common: They know exactly what they are doing, how many people will be negatively affected and the destructive consequences yet they make the decision to pursue evil anyway.
Kinda makes you think that those responsible for all our problems aren't human at all but could be robots in hiding.
What say you?
So what good is Free Will if you don't follow the rules?
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Weekly Tarot Message for October 25, 2020
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The Vampire Tarot Deck |
>Sorry about the dark image. I'll work on a clearer one for next week's message<
The suit of Cups represent emotions; Pentacles represent sound advice, trust, finances, business and money issues
Past: IV of Cups: You have a lack of interest, are bored, maybe even despondent or depressed about an emotional issue. You can't see that there is still hope for you as there is still one cup standing and, if you did, there's a good possibility that a solution could be found but only if you stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Present: Queen of Pentacles: A financially mature and kind woman who is a friend to all and offers free advice when asked. In the love position she is a woman you would like to meet and have a relationship with. The Queen of Pentacles represents someone who will take the time to hear what you have to say, offer advice, is kind, patient, warm and affectionate. Quite possibly, this woman has already entered your life or will be doing so, shortly.
Future: VII of Cups: You have been presented with a number of decisions to make regarding a love issue but you can only make just one. You need to think carefully about what it is you want in a relationship and the steps needed to make it happen.
In the past, you let your emotions overwhelm you that resulted in your depression but have since learned that you must not let that happen again. You have learned that you need to take responsibility for your life and are now presented with a number of decisions in order to do that but only you know which is the right one to make.
Choose wisely.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020
"All Life Matters"
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Planet Earth ~ Handle With Care |
Children are not taught that earth is teeming with vibrant and abundant life and that they will undoubtedly interact with and be a part of it.
Whether it be reptilian, mammalian, insects, fish, frogs, fowl, trees or plants, it is obvious that earth is home to many different life forms.
But no responsibility for nor respect for these different life forms is being cultivated in our homes or being taught in our schools.
And we continue to slaughter animals for their flesh with no thought to their dignity on this planet nor the important role they play in feeding the masses.
We show no compassion for the fear they experience nor the pain or discomfort they feel.
They are just slaughtered, with nary a thought to how they feel or the panic they experience while waiting execution.
Understand, "I am not human."
I came here, of my own accord, to offer guidance and assistance to humans.
I am here as guide, caretaker, observer, as to all that transpires here and am most adept at transcribing and interpreting messages.
So, please, do hearken to my words:
The real tragedy down here is that humans do know right from wrong but continue to ignore this, instead opting to repeat their mistakes over and over.
They never seem to be able to grasp the magnitude of their decisions nor the immense gravity of the fateful situation they continue to find themselves in, as it currently presents itself, nor able to feel any remorse for the cruel and unjust actions they impose on others.
I have no sympathy for humans as I lost that emotion long ago.
They have been given many opportunities to embrace a different Life Path and the Truth of their Existence but, instead, always seem to choose the path of least resistance in allowing others of ill repute continue to make their decisions.
* It is time we all start recognizing our own, unique distinct roles in this life. It is time we start teaching our children about this wondrous planet we inhabit, the roles we chose in order to come here and the many ways we are able to make life better for everyone on this planet.
It is time we take matters into our own hands and not continue to let others dictate to us, thus giving them the ability to proceed with our slow descent into Hell.
It is time to free ourselves of these demonic double agents who, on the one hand, preach they only want what's best for us but in reality only want more power and control over us.
When are we going to wake up to the trap that was set for us eons ago?
Until we realize that we are part of a much larger picture in which we are the real Masters of our own fate and are our own catalysts for meaningful change, nothing will change.
If you really want to make a positive and lasting difference while here on this planet, heed what I have to say: Step Up and Lead.
You have been asleep but are asleep no more.
Now is the Time.
You are being called.
We need more leaders.
Rest assured, Once You Lead, "The rest will follow".
~ Blessings,
~ Nightshade
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Weekly Tarot Message for October 18, 2020
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Vampire Tarot Card Deck |
Past Present Future:
The decisions you made in your Past lead to the Present, the decisions you make in the Present lead to your Future
Past: X Wheel of Fortune: Success; Completion of a cycle and the beginning of a new one; Fulfillment
Present: VII of Cups: Passion, Victory and Conquest
Future: Ace of Cups: Emotional Fulfillment; Joy and Happiness
Reading: This is all about having your cake and eating it to; the decisions you've made, the hard work you've been involved in have all come together in success, fulfillment and happiness. Maybe a goal was reached, a prayer was heard, this is a time in your life when you've been blessed with being able to surmount challenges and solve problems resulting in a joyous victory. Well done.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Talk to Me Tarot
~ Note ~
I'm doing away with the "Talk to Me Tarot" portion of this blog in about a month and just doing the weekly Tarot Readings.
However, I am still available to do an online Tarot Reading for anyone interested.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Spells, Potions, Pinot and Broomsticks
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"Frequent Flyer: Some Mornings I Just Can't Seem to Drag Myself out of Bed" |
The Void
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Be the Sprout You Were Meant to Be |
Consciousness is a void that can be filled with either goodness or evil.
Consciousness is a seed waiting to sprout but will only sprout and grow depending on the quality of nourishment (energy) it receives.
If the nourishment is harmful it will not sprout or sprout very slowly.
If the energy is beneficial, sprouting will occur and the seed will grow and fulfill its potential and purpose.
Think of the whole universe as one big Consciousness and that Earth is but one small fragment of this.
What we think we become.
If you constantly fill your mind with bad thoughts, watch dark video games, fantasize about evil, your outcome will be unfavorable.
If you think positive happy thoughts and are mindful of your body and soul, the outcome will be favorable.
Consciousness is mutable energy meaning it can change.
Together, we can make the world into the kind of world we want.
*Take time out today to review your life goals. Where are you now and what do you want to be and accomplish?
*Take time out today to do a kindness for someone.
By doing this, not only will you be channeling good vibes into the void, but the universe will take notice and you will reap the rewards.
~ Blessings,
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Spiritual Animal Totems
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Owl ~ Wisdom |
This afternoon I started thinking about owls. I can't recall how or why this happened. It just happened. The feeling started slowly and quietly with just a thought, a feeling that slowly crept over me, like watching afternoon shadows creeping across a lawn.
So much so that I went on Amazon to purchase a poster or a canvas of an owl that would satisfy this feeling of being wholly connected to this animal.
The spiritual meaning of owls is being able to see in the dark (seeing the unseen); observing human behaviour at an intuitive level and, Wisdom and Discernment.
I will wait to see if I see in the days or weeks ahead I receive an intuitive message.
Right after I posted this, I went to my mail to sort out the stuff that needed to go in the garbage from the stuff that was important.
To my amazement, I turned over a catalog in the mail entitled, "Wild Wings", and what was on the front of the catalog? - - A picture of a Snowy Owl.
Absolute confirmation of what I was intuitively picking up on.
I am awaiting further messages from this Spirit Animal and will let you know what transpires.
~ Nightshade
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Monday, October 12, 2020
Weekly Tarot Message for October 11, 2020
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Vampire Tarot Card Deck |
Three cards read Left to Right: Past Present Future
One card at the top to provide further clarification
* Past: X of Swords: Confusion, Doubt, Fear; Mental Instability; Anxiety
* Present: VIII Strength: Will; Courage; Bravery; Determination
* Future: XVI The Tower: Unexpected Events; Explosive Situations
* Top Card: X of Wands: Oppression; Tyranny; Strength of Purpose; Overcome; Renewal and Success
Message: We have been experiencing a period of volatility, instability, confusion and rage. What will get us through this is our will, determination and courage. The future shows that there maybe more of the same but, Together, with Determination and Faith, We Will Prevail.
This reading = the number 8: Growth and Achievement
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
The Reckoning
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"Humanity's Descent into Hell" |
I think it's time we talk ~ talk about the future of humanity.
What, exactly is humanity? ~ It's a species, a group of living beings who have two arms, two legs, a brain, a heart and the capacity for understanding, compassion and forgiveness.
Does that sound like humans today?
Humans have painfully learned, from past experience, that they are incapable of going through life without the need of something bigger in their lives, a G-d, a Creator, whatever name you assign, to guide and help them.
Yet it appears we've reached a point, once again, where we have willfully and arrogantly turned our backs on G-d and the laws he provided for us.
Who and what is G-d?
Let's just say the Bible is the Word of G-d and that He is a combination of the many things He is described as being: a jealous G-d, a vengeful G-d, a loving G-d, a compassionate G-d, a patient G-d.
Let's make the assumption that He caused the Great Flood after giving humanity all the time necessary to straighten their act out in which they opted not to. #Patience
Let's make the assumption that He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of man's unrelenting thirst for wickedness. #Vengeance
Let's make the assumption that G-d loved all of us so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. #Love
Another example of the many faces of G-d is the Israelites worshipping a Golden Calf. G-d commanded to them that, "Thou Shalt Have No Other G-ds Before Me" and the Israelites did not heed His warning. It was only Moses who intervened, after G-d threatened to annihilate them, that He relented. #Jealousy
There are other examples of G-d's ability to take matters into His own hands when He deems it's necessary.
The question is, "is there any difference now than what was happening thousands of years ago"?
I don't think so.
Look around you, look at what you're seeing, reading and hearing, abortion in the womb (and, now, even after a baby is born, it is left to die if it is born, outside the womb with no one to ease its suffering); the sexual exploitation of young children; Satanic worship; slavery; ethnic cleansing; lawlessness and violence; and now a country, China, deliberately manufactured a depopulation weapon and released it on the world.
I would ask you ponder this post as to the probability, likelihood and possibility of G-d's intervention once again into human affairs, and soon and what you believe may stop it.
If there is a G-d who watches over us do you think He is happy with us, right now?
I don't think so.
Monday, October 5, 2020
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Weekly Tarot Message for October 4, 2020
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The Vampire Tarot Deck |
Read Left to Right:
1. Past: IX of Swords: Anxiety; stumbling blocks; mentally you feel (or are, physically) locked up
2. Present: XIX The Sun: Exuberance; Gratitude; Rebirth; Resurrection; Recovery; Healing
3. Future: IV of Wands: Foundation; this card signifies your desire for stability, compelling you to push forward
Message: An anxious path (your Past) has brought you to a place in which you feel energized and more focused then you have ever been (Your Present); you are now in a place where you feel fully dedicated to the job at hand compelling you to protect what is important to you as you move forward into the Future.
Meanings of Numbers in Tarot:
IX (9) means: Nearing completion, approaching a plateau of some kind
XIX (19) reduces down to 10 or 1 (10 means: Completion of cycle and you are moving toward a new beginning); the Number 1 means: Something new is coming with vast potential but you must exercise discipline and caution
IV (4) means: Foundations; community; gatherings; fulfillment; the attainment of a goal