Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Monday, March 29, 2021
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Oracle Reading for Week Beginning March 28, 2021
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Hecate Oracle Card Deck |
* I felt this to be an important reading and chose to post it today instead of Sunday
This reading has to do with what is happening to Humanity and where we are, right now.
~ ~ ~ ~
"What can you tell me about Birth, Life and Death?"
Top Card: Focus or Theme of the Reading
#4 The Dagger
Something is being removed or is falling away
1st Row ~ Past/Present/Destination
#28 The Mirror
Uncovering the Truth; how we look at things, seeing our own reflection staring back at us or, something we didn't expect
#33 The Labyrinth
A maze; once you're in it's hard to find your way out
#13 The Skull
Death; endings; transitions
2nd Row (right to left)
Hidden: #7 The Dog
Family, unity, loyalty
Advice: #26 The Crystal
Those precious things we treasure (family, home, friends)
Outlook or Outcome: #25 The Shadows
Dark; surreal; unknown; unfamiliar
Because I felt it best to sum up this reading I asked for another card:
#11 The Crossroads
Humanity is at a Moment of Truth; a decision needs to be made; do we stay where we are or move forward?
~ ~ ~ ~
Humanity is at a crossroads in its ascension. We either rise to the challenges before us and confront the untruths, the lies we've all been living under or die by the wayside.
Just, exactly, who is in charge down here? Is it the Wealthy, The Privileged, The Spoiled or those who really contribute to mankind's health and well being?
There are many Extraterrestrials helping us in this effort as they want to see us succeed and not fail.
But, first, in order for this to occur, we must emerge from the shadows and examine our own hearts and motives.
No matter our race, no matter where we call home on this planet, we are all one race ~
The Human Race
It is time to assemble together and take the reins of our own lives and futures.
* The numerical value of this reading is a 10: The actual completion of a cycle and moving towards a New Beginning.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Monday, March 22, 2021
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Weekly Oracle Message for Week Beginning March 21, 2021
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Hecate Oracle Card Deck |
Hecate was a Greek Goddess of The Three Crossroads: Birth, Life and Death
Some say she was of Egyptian origin (see Heket)
Hecate means "working from afar" or the "far reaching one"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Top Card Focus of Reading:
#31 Oppression
Survival, by any means necessary; strength and endurance
2. 1st Row Left Past:
#22 The Lantern
Letting your light shine; activism
3. 1st Row Middle
#33 The Labyrinth
Complications and confusion
4. 1st Row Right
#8 Destination: The Crow
We are learning that intellect is a better option than force
5. 2nd Row Right
Is Where I'm Headed Good or Bad?
#16 The Tome
It's a start but in order to proceed forward you need to study those who preceded you. The Ancients learned that using brute force is not always the answer to ending conflict but can lead to more. Bringing people together is as a way to talk things over, dealing with shortcomings and ironing out grievances that lead the way to intelligent decision making
6. 2nd Row Middle
#36 The Wolf
You are a wild spirit, full of courage and unafraid and will continue to make progress if you follow in and adhere to the lessons of those who came before you.
7. 2nd Row Left
#10 The Gateway:
Humanity is transitioning, passing through a doorway (or a portal) into a new state of being
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Note: I picked one extra card for clarification:
#3 The Lock means: Humanity is comprised of unbreakable bonds through family, friendship, compassion and love
The numerical reading is 6: Moving away from conflict into a solution overcoming suffering. The Light, after the Dark.
I entitled this reading, "Together"
Friday, March 19, 2021
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Inside the Insane Asylum
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G-d is Pissed |
Take a good look around you, what do you see?
More and more the veil between light and dark is thinning allowing us to see how the world really works and we're reeling from the stench.
We are witnessing the inescapable horror of what we, as human beings, are fully capable of doing to our fellow human beings.
Instead of looking at the insane asylum from far off, like we used to, we now find ourselves inside it.
Names and faces are now associated with what we see in the news and on t.v., revealing who is responsible for the repulsive, sordid and pitiful condition we find ourselves in.
They are few in numbers but together they comprise a solid and joint effort to see to it that nobody gets to criticize them or their evil agenda(s) as they continue to run roughshod over us and eliminating those who are brave enough to take them on.
The wicked revelations just keep coming making us want to turn our heads at the depth of their depravity or downright puke.
"Do you honestly believe that someone isn't watching all that's going on down here and keeping tabs on us?"
"Would you agree, with me, that whoever or whatever it is, is really pissed off?"
Much of this planet is filled with good and decent people who are just trying to make ends meet and survive their journey here.
But if we all don't start to come together to combat this planetary evil and soon, I see a very bad ending not just for the evil doers but, for all of us.
We are going to pay a price for ignoring good and refusing to combat the evil that is currently out of control on this planet.
We all talk about it and continue to shrink from it but in the end, we don't stand up to it.
G-d has noticed and I believe He will make us atone for our refusal to act, ignorance and short comings.
That's all of us --the good, the bad and the ugly.
G-d doesn't discriminate.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for Week Beginning March 14, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti |
* This reading can be for you, personally, a co-worker, family member or a public figure. If you feel this message pertains to you, claim it, knowing that things are working in your favor.
Question: What does the Universe Want Me to Learn This Week?
Message ~ "Out With the Old and In With the New"
Top (Focus): II of Pentacles: Many things are happening to you all at once; you're trying to balance your time and money.
Middle Left (Past): VIII of Cups: You walked away from something, maybe a relationship gone sour; maybe a promotion fell through; something is missing in your life and you now realize it's time to move on.
Middle (Present): X of Cups: You are presently enjoying a happy and healthy personal life.
Middle Right (Where Are You Headed?): V of Pentacles: This is a card of needing assistance w/resources or money. You will be seeking help in the future.
Bottom Right (Is Where You're Headed a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?): IV of Swords tells you things will be alright but first you need to regroup and think things through in order to find your center. In this way you will be grounded and able to make clear decisions.
Bottom Middle (What Should I Do or Not Do?): XIII Death: This card can indicate physical death or spiritual death in which you have outlived or are getting rid of something that obviously didn't work for you anymore. You are in the process of transforming and transitioning from the old to the new. A new path is manifesting for you to follow. (See Top card (Focus)
Bottom Left (Outcome): III of Wands: When you look at the Top card (Focus) you see someone with his back turned leaving something behind. The III of Wands in the Outcome Position shows an individual (with his back turned) but, this time, he is looking forward, toward the future.
It indicates that you made a good choice and are now waiting for the results.
The numerical meaning of this reading is a 9: Nearing completion and entering a plateau of some sort (possibly a wider and calmer view of life).
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Friday, March 12, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Monday, March 8, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for Week March 7, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot |
Question: Any news regarding the stock market?
1. Top Card (Focus of the Reading):
XVI The Tower: Disaster; the old giving way to the new; unexpected; the shattering of a belief system; life being overturned
2. Middle Row (Left):
Past: Ace of Swords: Decisive; cutthroat; confident; slicing through the bs
3. Middle Row (Middle):
Present: Knight of Wands: Exuberance; confident; caution
4. Middle Row (Right): How did I get here?
VIII of Cups: It was time to move on. Something was bugging you or it didn't suit you or wasn't working well for you so you abandoned the relationship in search of something more suitable. It comes across as maybe something you poured your whole heart into but didn't work out.
5. Bottom Row (Right) Hidden: (what you can't see or feel but the energy is around you):
V of Pentacles: Misfortune; loss
6. Bottom Row (Middle) Advice: III The Empress: Loss or gain; famine or fortune; poverty/abundance; rich or poor.
7. Bottom Row Left (Outcome): XIII Death: An old cycle is ending; a new one is manifesting; the old way of doing business, a habit or a regimen is ending.
Title of this Reading: LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP
Past: Ace of Swords: You're the art of the deal; persuasive and decisive in your decision making; you've had much success because of your quick starts and dramatic endings.
Present: You need to be reminded that your boldness and high confidence are admirable and have successfully served you in the past, but it is best now to "look before you leap" into anything new.
How did you get here? You were willing to make sacrifices in the past in order to get you where you are today. You abandoned several paths (maybe many) in order to find what you truly wanted.
Hidden: V of Pentacles: This card portrays misfortune and loss. As with anything else in life, things go up, they come down; we win, we lose. (Something to ponder).
Advice: The Empress card is all about loss and gain; win or lose; poverty vs.or abundance. It's really all about the "luck of the draw." We don't always get what we want. Why not be satisfied with what you have, now?
Outcome: XIII Death: An old cycle of doing business (something worn out, used up doesn't work anymore) is going away and a new cycle manifesting. It's like cleaning all the clutter off your desk. One moment it's there but, with a giant sweep of the hand, your desktop is clean and sparkly, once more.
This card signifies death to what doesn't work for you anymore. It's not the end of the road just another opportunity for you to (invest in, read up on and take advantage of) or you can do nothing at all.
It's all up to you.
The numerical value of this reading is a 9: Meaning: Something is nearing completion or entering a plateau of some sort. Plateau: A flat, elevated land form that rises sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side.
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"Where are the Humans?" |
Life is found everywhere on this planet as planned because this is why earth was created.
This is a life giving planet established with the express purpose of giving birth to life, protecting, nourishing and sustaining it.
But that's not what we're seeing today.
Nature knows full well its role in this process as a life code is etched inside each tree, plant, flower, grass, grain, animal, bird, reptile and insect.
Humans still haven't discovered the promise they carry within themselves, the ancient knowledge and understanding that they are part of a much bigger picture as they keep missing the opportunity to join with others in fulfilling their mission on this planet as guardians and gate keepers.
This is, however, changing giving way to something opening up in each one of us, a profound realization of who we are and why we are here, identifying us as an integral part of earth's community.
No more will we callously ignore and dismiss cries for help from the littlest among us, no more will we treat others with disdain but see them with new eyes as partners existing in this thing called Life.
We are coming to the table willingly, with a feeling of excitement and a renewed sense of direction and purpose as our path has finally been made clear to us as we are now able to finally see what's been hidden from us for thousands of years -
The Truth,
We are finally coming full circle.
Saturday, March 6, 2021
The Enemy is Us
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Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster, Ukraine, 1986 |
Are we worth saving?
Ever since mankind set foot on this planet he's been nothing but trouble.
He can't live peacefully with others because, at the first opportunity when some progress is being made, he conjures up or seizes an opportunity to ensure it doesn't happen.
When it comes to taking care of our planet it appears humans in high places don't believe in risk assessments or giving much thought to the affects a new product or invention may have or do to the planet. Take plastic, for example.
The plastic waste from bottles and grocery bags is now so massive it's clogging parts of our oceans creating navigation and health problems for whales, dolphins and seals not to mention the ships that have to wade through all the mess.
In all fairness, there are some organizations who have raised the alarm and are actively trying to clean up these areas.
We use nuclear reactors to generate electricity which power our businesses.
But, do we actually take the time to learn the limitations of and the dire consequences of using this energy?
Nuclear power is beneficial if handled properly but a powerful and unforgiving maleficent genie if not.
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened during a safety check and was managed or you could say mismanaged by an unprepared crew and took place in 1986 in the Ukraine.
The result was many people died and an increase in thyroid cancer cases across Europe were reported.
Fukushima happened in 2011 and is still threatening life on this planet because it continues to poison the oceans.
Japan soon learned though, in bitter hindsight, that they had no way of containing the radioactive waste as a result of the reactor's meltdown and had to resort to discharging it into the ocean.
This practice continues today.
They operate at 22,000 feet but there is no limit as to high they can go.
Does anyone have a good count on just how many satellites from different nations are now clogging up our skies and, yet, we don't take into consideration possible navigation problems around and/or through these objects but eagerly continue to build more.
It's pretty well confirmed that a group of scientists created this virus in a lab in Wuhan, China as a biological weapon to be used on humans.
It was deliberately released upon humanity in 2020 so that people would die (and they did).
Many powerful people in many countries were aware not only what China was and had been doing for years but actually contributed financially to their research.
So much for loving your brother.
So what is it going to take to get humanity on the right track?
Remember, nothing is permanent only temporary.
The Dinosaurs were created and wiped out by an asteroid (or so we're told).
Atlantis was created and then sunk into the sea.
The Neanderthals roamed the earth for thousands of years and then disappeared.
So did the Mayans.
So what makes us think that our hubris, hostility, ignorance, arrogance and technological prowess are any match for what the universe can or may throw at us?
Remember, we've only been here on this planet for a few thousand years compared to everybody else. 👇
Friday, March 5, 2021
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Weather or Not
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"It Came From Out of This World" |
This will be a powerful and very deep Spring Equinox occurring on March 21st also known as the Vernal Equinox.
As with the gut wrenching winter we just experienced, in some parts of the country, people were caught off guard regarding just how low temperatures would plunge resulting in an unprecedented series of events in which millions of people experienced arctic temperatures never seen before resulting in water pipes bursting in homes, electricity unavailable, no cell phone service, grocery stores shutting down and gas stations running out of fuel.
There were even reports that some homeowners resorted to burning their own furniture for heat and sleeping in their cars for warmth.
I can only say, without much evidence to back this up, (just a very strong feeling I have) that the onset of spring this year will be one to keep our eyes on as I believe we're in for another round of weather that may take many of us by surprise.
Let's just say that what just occurred in the central United States, Oklahoma and Texas was a wake up call, a tap on the shoulder, a cautionary and temporary episode but one worth heeding, taking to heart and learning from.
All of us should be paying more attention to the weather, acquiring the tools necessary (knowledge) in order to understand and spot a problem before it gets too far ahead of us and learn how to deal with it. After all, isn't it better to be armed with the tools necessary to thwart or at least slow down a potential problem or hazard instead of standing around, not knowing what to do?
Remember, not one of us can escape the aftermath of carnage when the weather decides to go off the rails. We'll all be involved in wondering why and cleaning up the mess.
How many of us know what the jet stream is and how it works? I admit I don't and will be posting information on it, soon. How many of us know just by looking at cloud formations what they tell us about any imminent weather on the way?
It would be good to have an outside shelter or set aside a place in your home you can go to in the event such weather does occur.
Think about this before you get too far into this year.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for Week Beginning February 28, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot |
Note: I ask a general question, "what is the message you have for us, today?" and, thus, the answer you see here.
Sometimes the answer comes quickly but, then, sometimes it does not (as with this reading - I had to wait until the universe was ready to deliver) and here it is.
The reading can be personal (for you) or it may apply to someone else, a friend, acquaintance, loved one or public figure.
The main thing is the information provided is beneficial to all of us no matter who we believe it is personally directed to.
Title of Reading: "Getting To Know Thyself"
Note: The Significant card is what the reading is about and sets the tone for the rest of the message.
1. Significant Card (Top Middle): II The High Priestess:
Trust your intuition
2. Past (Left): II of Wands:
Maintaining balance in the midst of upheaval, chaos
3. Present (Right): VI of Wands:
You will triumph and be victorious
4. How did I get here? (Middle Right): Ace of Cups:
By the Grace of G-d
5. Hidden Aspects - what you cannot see (Middle): IX The Hermit:
Searching for truth; getting to know yourself; introspection
6. Advice (Left): Where am I at this particular moment? What should I do/not do?): Page of Swords:
Get ready for the next challenge.
7. Outcome or Future (Bottom Card): IV of Swords:
Continue to regroup and think things through; meditate and find your center; recharge
The numerical value of this reading is a 5: Change, fluctuation and conflict.
Monday, March 1, 2021
Waiting on this Week's Tarot Message
I am working on the Tarot message for this week but very interesting that nothing of any substance (or worth) is manifesting. Today seems to be a strange day, for some reason, like something is off.
In fact, the spreads I've done today, as well as yesterday, make no sense whatsoever. When this happens, it's time to take a break, wait and see in which you try again later.
Why don't one of you suggest a topic or ask a question? If I get no takers I'll just continue with a general question and spread in order to get the ball rolling and, hopefully, soon.