Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


 Full Moon in Taurus December 7: Major Events Change the World - YouTube



"The Long Walk"

"With each passing day is just one more day to discovering who you truly are."

Weekly Tarot Message for November 27, 2022


"Thought for the Day"

Native American Tarot

Situation Middle:  0 The Fool
Past Upper Left:  III The Empress
Present Top:  VI The Lovers
Destination/Future Upper Right:  VIII Justice
Hidden Lower Right:  IX The Hermit
Advice Bottom:  V The Hierophant
Outcome Lower Left:  XII The Hanged Man
Summation Bottom Left:  IV The Emperor

~ Reading:  "Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall" ~

Situation:  The Fool is depicted as a Trickster, someone foolish and reckless.  Does this card remind you of anyone?  A person who refuses to take things seriously but manages to make his way through life by trickery.  Even though this individual may be viewed by some as clever, adopting this behavior is unhealthy and only leads to death and destruction.       

Past:  The Empress is Creation and our deep connection with Mother Earth.  Transition, cycles, life, birth and death.  She has lessons to teach us but have we bothered to learn what they are?  Are we even listening? 

Present:  VI The Lovers represents honor and trust, the sacred partnership, duality (Male and Female) and the cooperation needed to make something work.  We can't continue to poison the roles the masculine and feminine play in the world.  We need to come together, work together.  No more can we afford to go it alone.          

Destination/Future:  Justice is coming; Cause and Affect; Choices, Karma; our decisions have consequences.        

Hidden:  The Hermit represents the solitary path required in order to attain wisdom.  How many of us are willing to sacrifice our materialism in order to find the truth of our existence?   

Advice:  The Hierophant is much like the Hermit, a spiritual guide, Medicine Man, who has overcome his weaknesses both physical and spiritual, making him stronger thus able to pass his wisdom along to all who seek his counsel.  If you haven't already sought help in these troubled times, this card acknowledges that now is the time to do so.  

Outcome:  The Hanged Man symbolizes life turned upside down; gaining a different perspective on life; learning the truth of your situation and trying a new approach to solve problems.   We all are undergoing this process right now.    

Summation:  The Emperor represents what the world desperately needs now, control, structure, power, authority and leadership.  When something falls apart, you need to be able to piece it back together again.  The individual with these qualities has yet to be identified but will emerge on the scene, soon.  


The numerical value of this reading is:  7:  Reflection, assessment; spirituality; wisdom
Adding the Emperor IV (4) is 2 - A crossroad or choice; partnership; assimilation; sharing 






Monday, November 28, 2022

Brain Bots

"A Brain Bot" 

Did you know...."You're way above what you've been taught to be".

In spite of all the negative rhetoric, misinformation and disinformation that educators, religious leaders, politicians, and other psychopaths have shoved down our throats, they failed in their attempts to keep us pinned down.  

We are presently fighting for position (a starting point to work from) in a time where everything that was once hidden from us is being revealed.    

This is one of the revelations:

Did you know.... "You weren't meant to be pushed around, humiliated and coerced into obeying the edicts of very powerful people who have no empathy for you whatsoever?"

You weren't meant to be anyone's slave.  

However, you were meant to be a Master of your own life and living it to the fullest.

But,you continue to take personally the slings and arrows of psychopaths whose only goal in life is to make your life as miserable as possible.

How many times have you heard, "you're not good enough or, you don't have what it takes, or you're too ugly, too fat, too thin or too stupid?"

What do you do when somebody says that to you?  

I know, you shrink down not wanting to be seen or heard anymore only wanting to disappear.    

Then the misery starts to grow and spread like a severed artery, branching out and consuming you until you are so numbed by guilt and shame that you decide you will do just about anything to feel good again.

This can lead to drugs and alcohol or worse.  

Congratulations, as this is exactly what the Psychopaths want you to do.


"Did you know you are special, that you have a purpose here on earth"?

You wouldn't be here if this weren't true.  

"Did you know that you have everything you need to make it in this life"?

You came here, fully equipped.

"Okay, so how do I do that", you ask?

Well, first of all, stop listening to negative people and negative messages.

Instead, start listening to and believing in yourself, especially the thoughts you allow to enter your brain.  

If your brain tells you you can't do something then you can't.

If you believe you can, you will.

It's as simple as that.

When you're faced with a situation and you don't know what to do, remain calm (you're the one in control not the other way around) and tell your brain to cooperate.      

Understand that you are already the winner you just have to act like one. 

Think of a boxer sizing up his opponent.

He watches intently and when he knows he's got the advantage is when he jockeys for the best position in order to knock him out.

When you're faced with a dilemma, keep telling yourself that there will be a positive outcome to the problem.

The battle will be won when you believe in yourself and start tapping into the confidence and trust that is already waiting inside you.    


What is it that you want to succeed in?

In order to succeed at anything you first must have a plan.

So, make a list of your strengths and weaknesses.

Tell your brain that you're in control not the other way around.  

Concentrate on improving your strengths and work on your weaknesses.


We are all brain bots just now learning that we are the ones in control.

So, start taking your life back.

Remember, your brain is here to serve you, not the other way around.

From one Bot to Another, no more excuses, okay?  

Thursday, November 24, 2022

November 24, 2022 ~ Happy Thanksgiving!


"Share Your Abundance" 
This Thanksgiving Day, 
Take Time and Reflect on Your Blessings,
We Have So Much to be Grateful For  

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

A Rabbi Dies and Sees the Throne of God (This Video Will Change Your Life)

 Near Death Experience I Rabbi Dies and Encounters God's Glory Ep. 10 - YouTube

New Moon in Saggitarius, November 23, 2022


"Lovely, Dark and Deep"  

~ The New Moon in Saggitarius ~ 

New moons represent Purification and happen once a month when the Sun and the Moon line up at the same point in the sky. 

Because the Sun is illuminating the back side of the Moon, we can't see it. 

Saggitarius is Ruled by Jupiter, the "Planet of Manifestation"
Saggitarians are the "Wanderers and Truth Seekers" on Planet Earth    

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Love Binds Everything Together in Perfect Harmony


Humanity's Liberation

Divine Light 

I have the overwhelming sense that something is lifting.  

That the stumbling blocks once in our way are being cleared and a new path prepared for us.    

I just don't feel it, I KNOW it.    

Humanity is ascending upwards, transitioning out of the dark abyss of ignorance and into discernment where everything we questioned will finally have an answer.    

While Dark conceals, Light reveals.  

The Light means many things but the most important one is Freedom:

Freedom from Fear

Freedom from Guilt

Freedom from Want

Freedom from Addiction

Freedom from Pain

Freedom from Conflict 

Freedom from Bondage  

We are living through the most auspicious time ever to be recorded in human history and you and I are a part of it.     

~ God is bringing Heaven Down to Earth ~ 




Monday, November 21, 2022

Weekly Message for November 20, 2022


Inspirational Message for the Week 

Hecate Oracle

Middle Card (Situation):  #15 The Birth
Upper Left (Past):  #8 The Crow
Top (Present):  #2 The Key
Upper Right (Destination):  #27 Nightshade
Lower Right (Hidden):  #1 The Torch
Bottom (Advice):  #34 The Moon
Lower Left (Outcome):  #45 Working From Afar

~ Reading ~
   "Shining Our Light"  

The Situation sums up the entire meaning of the spread.  A new cycle for Humanity is being birthed as we wake up to the truth of our existence on this planet.  No more are we content with being lied to and led by those who do not have our best interests at heart but are finding we have the power and are standing up to them, exposing who they are and their evil deeds.  Spiritually, we are ascending from the night (conceal) and into the day (reveal). 

The Past is represented by the Crow meaning Challenges, Change and Growth which has brought us to where we are now.  

The Present is The Key meaning ability and empowerment.  We are gaining momentum and feeling empowered as we move further away from the dark (night) and into the light.

Destination is Nightshade, not a very promising card but nonetheless one worth heeding.  It is a warning to all of us that we are becoming more aware of the people and organizations responsible for destroying what we hold sacred whether it be a small baby, a family or what we believe in and avoid them.  

The Torch reminds us that we are "light" beings and to shine our light on situations and people who need to be exposed along with their crimes.  See The Present (The Key) Card

The Moon in the Advice Position tells us that we are in the process of self illumination, not afraid of the dark shadows lurking around us anymore us but becoming fully committed to bringing in the light.          

The Outcome Card represents Hecate, a Greek Goddess who was associated with witchcraft, the night, moon and doorways.  A very powerful card in the Outcome Position as it tells us we are on the right path, not along in our struggles but have very powerful and ancient forces guiding us.

The numerical value of this reading is:  6 - The ability to transcend our difficulties



Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A Call to Arms

"I Just Needed a Hug" 

Because of many underlying factors involved, the entire world is now in crisis and many people are being affected.  

We're all struggling in one way or another, but some folks are in desperate need.  

There are widespread reports of families now unable to pay their credit card bills or pay for fuel to heat their homes.    

There are people who have no option left and are choosing homelessness because they lost their job.  

Grocery stores are having difficulty delivering our products due to different factors weather problems, not enough truck drivers to drive the semis needed to haul the products to market, etc.    

This is a critical time for Humanity and a clear message that we need to step out of comfort zone and help one another.  

It's not enough to just feel bad about the world situation but a call to arms (I'm not talking guns and ammo) but the two arms we have attached to our bodies.

This is the time to reach out and embrace those in need.

If there's no shelter or food service available in your community, you need to ask yourself why.

If there's no one in your community who clearly see what's happening and do nothing, you need to ask yourself why.

We are here, on this planet, not to benefit ourselves, but to benefit all as we are family.    

The picture of what many folks are going through is getting direr by the day.

We are all part of a "community" and the very word means this:  Members of a community have a sense of trust, belonging, safety, and caring for each other. 

See what you can do to help someone struggling whether it be donating food or clothing or just reaching out and hugging them, letting them know you care.

Remember, it's not how much money, influence or power we have, it's knowing that the blessings we have are meant to be shared with others going through difficult times.

And now is that Time.  

 Blessings from Nightshade



Tuesday, November 15, 2022

David Wilcock and Archangel Michael and What Is Coming for Humanity

New David Wilcock: Foretelling Dramatic Events We Are About to Witness via The Michael Prophecies | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Solar Flare ~ Proxima Centauri 

Too Many Things Going On, Folks

New Michael Jaco: Military Recorded Evidence of Elections Being Stolen on Election Night | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Tarot Message for Week November 13, 2022

Inspirational Message for the Week 


Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck 

1.  Situation (Middle Row - Center):  XI Justice  
2.  Past (Top Row - Upper Left):  XX Judgement
3.  Present (Top Row - Middle):  XIII Death
4.  Future (Top Row - Upper Right):  XIV Temperance
5.  Hidden (2nd Row - Lower Right):  VI The Lovers
6.  Advice (Bottom):  XIX The Sun
7.  Outcome (2nd Row - Lower Left):  XVII The Star
8.  Summation Card (Very Bottom - Left):  XV The Devil

~ Reading ~ 


1.  Accountability:  The Situation Card is the overall meaning of the spread which is we are being called to account for our actions.  

2.  Ascension:  The Past Card represents our spiritual awakening and willingness to embrace a more compassionate way of living with our fellow human beings.  Mirrors the Situation Card meaning.  

3.  Decay:  The Present represents the death of the body (decay) but also means the death of other things like a system of government that isn't working anymore, maybe an outdated health care system, etc.  This card represents a demise (death) of those things that don't serve us or work for us, anymore.

4.  Healing:  The Future means that the cleansing and healing taking place will continue.    

5.  Unification:  Hidden means a change is occurring in how we define and treat the male and female energies.  Instead of viewing each as separate from the other the two are actually coming together in mutual love and respect.  Thus, the saying, "And the Two Shall Become One.

6.  Blessings:  Advice is recognizing that the Sun means Life.  Without the sun there would be no illumination to make plants grow and life, in general.  This card gently reminds us to recognize the blessings we take for granted such as family, health and friends.      

7.  Purification:  Outcome represents the spiritual filtration process ongoing in which good is being separated from evil.           

8.  The Ego:  Summation is the Devil and represents Fear.  Fear is the weapon of choice of Satan and reminds us of the hold this demonic entity has over Humanity and our responsibility to keep this evil menace at bay. 

Numerical value:  1 New Beginnings, Inspiration
Summation Card:  7 Faith (faith in the things we cannot see) Wisdom and perfect order, 
Adding 1 + 7 gives us 8 Change, Spiritual Fortitude, Success and Rebirth 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Do You Know Who Didn't Have to Get the Covid Shot?

Remember This: These Groups Were Exempted From Getting COVID Shots in 2020. Never Forget This (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Weekly Tarot Message November 6, 2022



Rider Waite Smith Tarot Card Deck

Situation XI Justice
Past IX The Hermit
Present IV The Emperor
Future XX Judgement
Hidden XV The Devil
Advice XXI The World
Outcome V The Hierophant
Summation XIII Death

~ Reading ~

*Justice represents closure.  Both sides have presented their cases before the jury and a verdict has been rendered.   

*The Hermit represents enlightenment and the lonely path required of us in pursuing hidden knowledge.  In order to find the truth, we must first consent to isolating ourselves from those things holding us back.       

*The Emperor Card shows stability and order being restored.  

*Judgement shows the time when we all will have to account for our deeds.  

*The Devil Card represents delusion, confusion, fear and chaos that ensues when you willingly hand over your ego to the devil.  Yet the man and woman at his feet are loosely chained and not eternally enslaved to their situation but are able to make the changes necessary but only if they decide to do so.    

*The World Card means one cycle is ending and another one beginning.  It shows we have successfully completed our journey on earth, withstood all that was thrown at us and still managed to remain standing.      

*The Hierophant represents tradition and wisdom acquired by seeking knowledge.  Instead of overreacting to the situation we find ourselves in, we need to fall back on the lessons we've learned and apply a cool and calm approach.    

*The Death Card - profound change coming.


Folks, I cannot emphasize enough that we are in very tumultuous times and things don't appear to be getting any better.  There are many evil players in our world who are relishing at what they see happening on earth as this is exactly what they wanted - confusion, fear and chaos. 

This is the time to take stock of who and what you believe in.  When we realize we cannot handle a situation alone is the time to ask for help.  Yes, the cards show that order will be restored but only God Almighty knows when that will be. 

The numerical value of this reading is:  4 Stability and growth
Adding the Summation Card is:  8 Change, rebirth, spiritual fortitude, success