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"Initiation" or "The Long Walk" |
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, February 29, 2024
It's Here
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Tarot Card Message for February 25, 2024
Monday, February 26, 2024
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Celebrate the Miracle of Life
Meet Baby Olivia | A Never Before Seen Look At Human Life In The Womb (liveaction.org)
Folks: Google/Blogger has removed the above video. It is from LiveAction.org a group who's sole purpose is to expose the abortion industry for what it is - child sacrifice.
This is a really wonderful, heartwarming video.
It shows a baby in the womb from conception to birth.
I urge you to go to LiveAction.org and see all the wonderful things they are doing to protect life, not kill it.
Friday, February 23, 2024
A Great Reunion is Coming
Monday, February 19, 2024
The World Needs a Heart and Brain Transplant
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"Fasten Your Seat Belts, We're Descending into Extreme Turbulence" |
The world is on life support.
It's interesting how some times we are allowed to glimpse the other side.
This morning I awoke to the most intense love I've ever felt.
Real, genuine, the biblical, Jesus kind of pure pure love in which no evil can penetrate it.
So if this love exists then it begs to ask, why is this planet rotting in hate?
Why is there so much hatred down here, so much division and very little of love?
How is it, that we have arrived at a point in our lives where the real possibility of a country setting off a nuke just to get even with the world could actually happen?
Where the hell are we, anyway and how did we get here?
Good question - maybe we ARE in hell and don't even have the brains to realize it.
We all see the perverted sheer insanity of what's going on across the planet, then why aren't we rising up, taking a stand, on behalf of each and every one of us to put a STOP to it?
Evil was bad before but now it's the worse I've ever seen.
Is the reason we're ignoring our situation due to the fact that we really have no heart for amyone but ourselves, resulting in us being ill equipped, nor able to understand, nor even want to be bothered with trying to save others and the world we ALL live in?
If that's the case I am of the opinion, NOW, seeing that nobody gives a rat's ass, that we need some extra help like Jesus coming on the clouds NOW or good and benevolent ETs showing up NOW.
We don't need anymore wait and see, we need help NOW!!!!!!!
And, you know what's really scary?
If something tragic does happen because we did not stand up, nobody will be around anymore.
Is this what we want?
I don't think we have the brains to answer this question.
Now that's a really, really, really, scary thought.
Note: A friend just sent me this link. "Everything Is Going Wrong For The Deep State" - Martin Armstrong Warns That's What "Makes Them So Dangerous" Now | ZeroHedge
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Tarot Message for Week of February 18, 2024
Friday, February 16, 2024
Now We Know Why the World is So "FKD" Up
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Monday, February 12, 2024
We are in charge of our own destinies and our emotions play a big part. What will you choose for today?
Joy, Fear, Anger or Sadness?
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Weekly Tarot Message for February 11, 2024
Friday, February 9, 2024
Coming Out (or) Coming of Age
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"Past Tense" |
There's a huge weight being lifted off of Humanity right now.
Can you feel it?
There's a freshness in the air, a new wholesomeness and the air actually feels lighter, not so dense and weighty.
We're in the midst of a Big Shift in Consciousness on this planet.
Part of this transformation is finally being able to acknowledge our true authentic selves, coming out of the closet, so to speak, as to who and what we really are.
No more are we willing to put up with being fearful, humiliated or shamed by what others may say or think but are fearlessly and triumphantly stepping out and making our new entrance into the world.
We've finally learned to respect ourselves and, as you can see by the image above, the sun is setting on our past because it no longer exists.
Along with this, expect your spiritual and psychic gifts to emerge.
Remember, what is important now is what lies ahead.
And, as for me, well you can count me in, too because I just came out of the broom closet to finally report -
"I AM A WITCH", meaning Wise, always have been and always will be
Empathic, Psychic, I Can Read Animals, People, Trees, Plants, Weird, Loving and, most of all, God Fearing
(You want to know why I'm God Fearing because I've learned, "He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (Light)"
2/10/24: Interesting, just found Caroline's video explaining exactly what is happening now. Maybe you were a priest, maybe a doctor, a spiritual advisor, a healer or something else. You are presently being activated for your new role.
Angel Message: Spiritual Awakening 💜 Life on the 🌟 Ascension Path - YouTube
Folks, It's Time to Start Paying Attention