Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 17, 2024 ~ "Powerful Healing Eclipse ~ Archangel Michael Healing Meditation"



Don't miss the Harvest Moon Supermoon lunar eclipse on Sept. 17. Here's what to expect | Space

Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for September 15, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Card Deck

Reading for September 15, 2024

"It's Time
Compassion and Kindness"   


Middle Card
What You Need to Face and Acknowledge:
Of the Road #6

"Walk the Way with Courage"

Upper Left Card
What Important Lesson You Need to Learn:
Fate #11

"Flow with What Is"

Top Card
What is Your Key to Happiness:
Serpent #16

"Awakening to Knowledge"

Upper Right Card
What Needs to End in Your Life:
Of the Sea #4

"Bathe in Nurturing Waters"

Lower Left Bottom Card
What Will Be Reborn in Your Life:
Fallow #25

"Peace in Stillness"

Lower Right Card
Final Message
Bearer of Love #7

"Compassion and Kindness"

Far Left Summary Card
(Sacred Soul Journey Oracle)


"You are constantly being guided.  You have a team of support that is guiding, loving and protecting you.  Look for the signs they are giving.  Talk to them and get to know them.  They are listening."  


1.  What You Need to Face and Acknowledge:   

The "Of the Road" Card means "walking your own way."  Knowing who you are and what you represent but also asks you to dive a little deeper:  "What do you stand for; what are your core beliefs?  Do you feel you fit in or do you want to change the path you're on?"  

If so, rather than living life the way other people expect of you, live the life of your own choosing.so you can enjoy fthe fulfillment you've worked so hard for.

2.  What Important Lesson You Need to Learn:

The "Fate" Card means "Go with the Flow.  The Past is behind you and your Future is yet to transpire.  

Instead of worrying we are being asked to surrender to the natural flow of life and to be rooted in the present moment.  What good will it do if all we can do is worry about things that have never happened nor will ever happen?  

Grab hold of the reins of your life and know that you are being divinely guided toward the destination you were made for.

3.  What is Your Key to Happiness?:

The "Serpent" Card represents Wisdom and Hidden Knowledge.  This card indicates that a valuable piece of information will be revealed to you.  Probably something you've been hoping for for some time and offering a fresh perspective.  

If you've been struggling with something, this card advises you to look at your situation honestly, weighing both sides of the equation both light and dark .  Do not rush into judging something you see until you've listened and gathered the knowledge necessary to make a decision from the place of Wisdom.

4.  What Needs to End in Your Life?:

"Of the Sea" Card asks you to keep your emotions in check.  Do you fly off the handle easily?  Get frustrated when things don't go the way you want?  

Hekate represents the qualities of water - healing, purification and fertility.  Instead of hanging on to something that isn't working out for you, try to take a step back and assess the situation, letting the healing waters pour over you as you're baptised into the light of initiation (ignition).  

Sometimes, more than not, we resent sage advice from others and act out of resentment, embarrassment and hostility.  

It's important to know that by letting go and letting what will be will will result in a much happier environment and a much happier you.

Trust the process.

5.  What Needs to Be Reborn in Your Life?

The "Fallow" Oracle Card means it's time to turn your attention inward and do some soul searching.  

What do you need to let go in your life?  What is not serving you anymore?  

You can't address these questions if you're constantly being distracted, on the go, on the run.  It's time to sit down and make time for self in order to address needed changes. 

6.  Final Message:

The "Bearer of Love" is a card of Compassion and kindness.  Also known as "Christ Consciousness."  

Instead of constantly focusing on yourself and your needs, what about others?

The neighbor down the street who just lost his job; a family having trouble paying their bills, maybe somebody just lost their house or were thrown out of an apartment.  

This card is calling to ALL of us to take action when and where needed.

It is all about SERVICE TO OTHERS, and NOT Service to SELF.


From the Sacred Soul Journey Oracle:  "Guidance"

"You are constantly being guided.  You have a team of support that is guiding, loving and protecting you.  Look for the signs they are giving.  Talk to them and get to know them.  They are listening."  

The numerical value of this reading is:  6 Communication; Problem Solving; Cooperation; Compassion




The Planet X "Fly By", California is Sinking

Could Planet X Pause the Election? California is sinking! – Marshall Masters x Michael Decon : Your Own World USA (yowusa.com)

Additional info on the Anunnaki:


Sunday, September 8, 2024

This Message is Meant For All of Us!

 Mother And Son Perform Inspiring 'Rise Up' Duet (godtube.com)

Hecate Oracle Reading for September 8, 2024


Hecate Oracle Card Deck


Top Card - Night Wanderer #8
Upper Left Card - Saviour #21  
Middle Card - Ritual #23
Upper Right Card - Keeper of Keys #10
Bottom Left Card - Fate #11
Bottom Right Card - Fallow #25

Summary Card Way to the Bottom Left - Gratitude

~ Reading ~

"Don't Be Left Behind" 

These readings are, hopefully, able to give us some semblance of order as we cope with the maelstrom and mayhem going on in the world today that is affecting our lives.  Hopefully, these readings will provide the guidance and clarity needed to help us continue to move forward in these very uncertain times.

Top Card

The Night Wanderer means stand by your beliefs.  

This is not a time to retreat but to stand firm and move forward.  Sometimes it's best to keep our plans and views on things undercover (in the dark) until they come to fruition.   This can prevent unwanted meddling by others creating obstacles getting in our way.  

This card could also mean you are embarking on a spiritual journey.  The nocturnal meaning of this card also advises you to pay attention to your dreams as they bring forth messages and signs.

Upper Left Card 

The Saviour Card is The Champion of Virtue.  Someone driven by a sense of Justice and a desire to protect the innocent.  Instead of turning your back on someone or something (a situation that needs to be addressed and reconciled or someone who needs help) now is the time to get involved and take a stand and, in the process of doing so, you will be hero, an example to follow and a champion to others.

Middle Card

The Ritual Card means finding the time to meditate and pray in order to help yourself cope with life's challenges, as your inner strength, purpose and guidance will in turn, help others.    

Go for a walk in the forest, listen to the rustle of the wind through the trees, bend down and smell a flower and smile at others.  This will open up your heart allowing you to be more receptive to others and they, in turn, more receptive to you.  

Smiling is like opening up a silent conversation and the more you practice this the better at it and the happier you will become.

Upper Right Card

The Keeper of Keys Card asks you to Seek Wisdom.  Keys are symbolic of unlocking hidden treasures and gaining access to sacred places.  And this is the time to do it.  Without knowledge and answers to things it will be much harder to keep going as confusion will keep slowing you down, especially now.

Many changes lie ahead for us and we all need protection (armor) and the more the better as it will help us keep forging ahead.  

Bottom Left Card

The Fate Card asks you to "go with the flow."  Sometimes it might be a good idea to fight something but in this case, it is not.

There are things happening now we have no control over as they will just happen as our world appears to be spinning out of control as we witness crazy, chaotic and insane shit happening.    

Fate is warning us not to struggle against its wind but to align yourself with it so you don't get blown away.  This is where meditation and prayer and learning to trust moving forward comes in.  Because if you don't put these practices on your front burner you're going to be left behind.

Bottom Right Card

The Fallow Card asks you to Find Peace in Stillness.  Close the door to your bedroom and find peace in the silence.  If you have to isolate yourself from the outside world for awhile in order to calm down and center yourself, do it.  This is important not only for your mental well being but for your physical health, as well.  

Meditate, pray and surround yourself with like-minded individuals.

Again, listening to meditation music, doing meditation and praying are important steps in helping you continue on your earthly journey.  

Very Left Bottom Card

This Card stands for Gratitude and learning its purpose is only going to help you.  The feeling of gratitude elevates the cells in the body to vibrate higher.  Even though the world around you is in turmoil we can still find those things that we are thankful for.  

What brings you joy at this moment?  Invite gratitude into your life and bask in the feeling that manifest over you and within you.


The numerical value of this reading is:   8 Movementl; action change; rebirth; spiritual fortitude 





Monday, September 2, 2024

Weekly Oracle Card Message for September 1, 2024


 Hecate's Oracle Card Deck


MIDDLE CARD (SITUATION):  Queen of Witches #2


TOP (GUIDANCE):  Of the Earth #5


BOTTOM (OUTCOME):  Endurance #26


FAR RIGHT BOTTOM:  Sacred Soul Oracle :  "Braveheart" 

Note:  While meditating, I heard the word, "Mindfulness"and looked up its meaning:  The basic Human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us".

I also saw and heard a large group (crowd) of people in what seemed to be a "country" market.  They were walking and stopping at different stands.  I could actually hear their footsteps and chatter as they  enjoyed their day in the sunshine.  

The last thing to manifest was a picture of a Raven or Crow (couldn't delineate between the two as they're cousins).  Ravens and Crows are considered Messengers and the message:  "Rebirth and Renewal."  

Any time we see a sign or a symbol, it's an opportunity to "check in" with ourselves.  Often when we see signs there is little we can do to change what is coming but time to take the time to ground ourselves in our purpose and path so that we can be ready for whatever is coming.  

~  Reading ~ 

"You've Got This!"

The Queen of Witches Card says, "it's time to step into your own personal power."  

The Liminal Card advises when a difficult situation arises, "it is not the time to lose control but to harmonize and find your balance in both worlds.  The world you're presently in and the new one manifesting.        

Of the Earth is all about centering (balancing) yourself and staying grounded (down to earth).  Grab your life force reins with both hands and realize you are the authority, the one in control.  You are the Walker in Wisdom, the Peace Maker and Healer.  You've managed to overcome the Dark (Fear) and ready to stand your ground.  

Brimo means Confusion and Chaos, leading to Uncertainty and Fear.   This is what's taking place now and being done, on purpose by the globalists.  

Those of you who took the time to prepare be confident in your abilities to overcome.

Endurance means the ability to endure, persevere and stay the course.

The Saviour Card is You.  What you've become, empathic and dedicated as you acknowledge your new role in life working with others, caring for others, contributing to a charity, helping out where and when you can.  

(from The Sacred Soul Oracle)
Growth is uncomfortable because it is new.  You have never been here before.  You are brave and courageous.  Step confidently into your power.  Life will expand with you.

The numerical value of this reading is:  2 Balance; duality (Liminal); partnership and assimilation

Adding the Summary Card is:  5 Change, Challenge and Fluctuation