Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for September 22, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Card Deck 


Middle Card

"Bearer of Love" #7

Upper Left Card

"Serpent" #16

Top Card

"Seer" #3

Upper Right Card

"Saviour" #21

Bottom Card

"Release" #22

Far Left Bottom Card

"Of the Earth" #5



Note:  While meditating I saw the face of the actor who portrayed  Aragorn, The King, (Viggo Mortensen) in the movie, Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King (see below).  I was puzzled as to why his face would be so prominent.  See additional info below. * 

Immediately thereafter I saw a heavy ancient wooden door in a deep forest with vines trailing over it.  See additional info, below.  **

1. SITUATION:  The Bearer of Love is (Compassion and Kindness).  Something much needed in the world today.   The more we become aware of our power to change our world just by coming together in doing simple acts of kindness, forgiving others and offering help to those in need, we will discover that it is us who are the key to changing our world.  All we need to do is get involved and come together.  

2.  CHALLENGE:   The Serpent is Awakening to Knowledge.  Even though we are in a deepening crisis in our world where it appears that those who wish to do us harm are gaining the upper hand we are beginning to understand the hows and whys things are happening and whose to blame. 

If we look across the planet there isn't one place in the world  where something horrific isn't taking place whether it be  massive flooding or unbelievable wildfires, war, poverty and disease and all we see now is that the evil doers (the ones behind much of this) only want to ramp things up (making things much worse for all of us).  

The Serpent is us, Humanity, in the process of shedding our skins (our old ones) and slipping into new ones where we are able to see without blinders on anymore.     

Instead of being in the dark, we are beginning to emerge into the Light

There are those who have prophesied that this devastating mayhem we are seeing now is not ending anytime soon but will increase.    

It's important to remember that this is a spiritual battle we're in, the one to end all battles, until Christ returns.  

Humanity has its own timeline based on its linear 3D construct while spirit has its own (at a much higher Conscious Level).  

There is no telling when Christ will return but I have to tell you (and this is my own opinion) that I believe it will be soon.

But, you ask, what is soon?  

I don't have the answer to this but let me throw something out there you can keep your eyes on - I'm going to say within 5 years.    

In the meantime, folks, as spirit has warned us before, this is not a time to be fearful and confused but to ground ourselves in whatever we feel is going to get us through the challenges and obstacles coming our way.      

It doesn't matter your faith, we all have someone or something we believe in and if what you choose to believe in is going to provide you with the determination and courage to get you through this time period, then cudos to you.

3.  GUIDANCE:  The Seer is a Sage, a Shaman, someone who can see the future.  

The Seer represents our Third Eye (meaning - our Intuition).  This is one aspect that is changing within us as spirit is opening us up to more and more things we've never really understood before, allowing us to see (and understand) much more regarding the "Bigger Picture".taking place.    

It is important to pay attention to this part of yourselves as your intuition, many times more than not, will get you out of some pretty desperate situations.  

4.  HIDDEN:   The Saviour Card can represent someone with these abilities as an individual helping out in a food kitchen, Hospice Care, working in a Nursing Home, ministering to those who are addicted and afflicted, etc.  

It can also represent The Christ, The Saviour who volunteered to come to earth to undergo humiliation, torture and death in a free will act, taking upon Himself all the cares and evils of the world in order to purify us and set us all on a new path.

Anything we can do to follow His  lead, forgiving others, helping out where necessary, providing shelter and food, etc., is just honoring what He did for us, thus helping to change the consciousness of this world as we continue on our Ascension Path.

5.  OUTCOME:  The Release Card is telling us we cannot move forward without letting go of those things holding us back.  

Those things getting in our way.  

It is a time of inner work, taking the time to ask ourselves what we need to keep in our lives whether it be a relationship that is failing, quitting your job, maybe we're drinking too much or addicted to drugs, evan a health issue you've been avoiding.  

Whatever it is, -  take stock now and decide what to do because time is of the essence.

6.  SUMMARY:  Of the Earth Card is asking us to build a sturdy foundatio.  One that won't crack if it is pushed too  hard.  It means steady as you go, walk don't run, rebuking fear and trusting that spirit is guiding you exactly where you need to go.  

It means grounding (anchoring) yourself like you're on a ship and having to strap youself to the mainsail in order to survive  as you can see the ship heading into a big storm and the waves getting higher and higher.  


* Now I know why I clearly saw the face of the actor starring in the 2023 movie, The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the  King" 2023  starring Viggo Mortensen as King Aragorn. 

Spirit was directing me (getting my attention) to look him up and then led me to more information re the Christ, which I believe to be the central theme of this reading.

 And if you do a little more searching and look up what this movie is all about, it's a movie  about a fight between good and evil with the end being "the good guy wins".  

This, to me was a very powerful message that Christ is with us in our struggles, a message I believe intended for all of us.        

** The second part in my meditation was finding myself standing in front of a heavy ancient door that was covered in vines.  I then wondered, why would a door come into my mind (it didn't make sense at the time) and decided this needed further investigation.   👇

Spiritual Definition:  The wooden door is a potent spiritual symbol representing thresholds and passageways, a transition between two different states or realms.  https://www.spiritualmojo.com

Biblical Meaning:  A door symbolizing God's Guidance and Protection.


The numerical value of this reading is:  2  Balance; Duality; a Crossroad or Choice; Assimilation and Insight 



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