Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Jun's Kitchen

 Sushi / Sashimi Art (My wife・Marriage anniversary) - YouTube

Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for December 29, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Cards

Card Positions
1.  Middle (SITUATION):  Fate #11
2.  Upper Left (CHALLENGE):  Of the Road #6
3.  Top (GUIDANCE/ADVICE):  Keeper of the Keys #10
4.  Upper Right (HIDDEN):  Fallow 25
5.  Bottom (OUTCOME):  Empowerment #27
6.  Far Left Bottom (CLARIFICATION):  Crone #20

~ Reading ~

"Rite of Passage"

Planet earth is in massive change.  This change is not just affecting human beings but other life forms as well - animals, birds, fish, trees and plants, along with our oceans and seas, forests, deserts and weather.     



During meditation I saw an object (see image at top of page) and also a deep pine forest cloaked in fog.  I will provide explanations as to what these stand for.  

The upside down crescent represents change and transformation, the perpetual cycle of renewal.

The forest cloaked in fog represents seasons of change and waiting, the uncertainty and anticipation that often accompanies new beginnings.  


1.  SITUATION:  The Fate Card FLOW WITH WHAT IS represents what is happening now.  We are in a cycle of change and no matter how hard we try to avoid what is coming, we won't succeed as we are destined to go through it.  

You may have had some experiences in life that you wished to avoid but soon found out you couldn't.  

Sometimes it is better to accept what is coming, knowing deep in our hearts that we can't change it no matter how hard we want to nor how hard we try.    

This is one of those times.

2.  CHALLENGE:  The of the Road Card WALK THE WAY WITH COURAGE represents the challenge before us.  

The unprecedented times approaching will test each one of us regarding our capabilities and limitations.  

This is not a time to lose one's head, nor a time to lose one's ability to stay focused and on top of things.

This is the time you need to ground (anchor) yourself to something that will keep you strong and not blow you off course.    

If you haven't already done so, prepare, both physically, mentally and spiritually for the times coming because all three of these will be vitally important to your success.    

3.  GUIDANCE/ADVICE:   The Keeper of Keys SEEK WISDOM tells us the veil (Darkness) is lifting, allowing us to continue to seek wisdom and knowledge in order to keep moving forward.

The wisdom and knowledge that has always been available to us but was locked away for thousands of years and is crucial to our understanding of what is happening to us is now being unveiled.

Keys are symbols of our successfully transitioning through the Passage of life, not an easy task for any of us.

Understand, we have come a long way and are almost at the end of this dark journey.

4.    HIDDEN:  The Fallow Card PEACE IN STILLNESS is a card of Contemplation and Meditation.  It speaks of the distractions and interruptions in our lives that block our ability to seek the peace and quiet we all need.    

In order to acquire these this card asks us to set aside the time necessary for prayer, contemplation and meditation. 

As these are necessary and vitally crucial to our wellbeing.  

5.  OUTCOME:  The Empowerment Card WELCOME THE SHADOW acknowledges just how far we've come.

We're not fearful anymore and giving ourselves more credit for getting through the shit that is constantly showing up in our lives.

This is a card of acknowledgement as to how we are morphing into a new breed of spiritual beings as we welcome the Shadow (the Dark) not fearful of its presence anymore but realizing it was just a big lie in order to create fear in our lives in order to keep us imprisoned.  

6.  CLARIFICATION:  The Crone Card SUCCESS AND TRANSFORMATION echoes the meaning of the Empowerment Card.

Give yourself a pat on the back you're almost there.

See you on the other side!  


The numerical value of this reading is 7:  Reflection; assessment; motives; spirituality and wisdom

Adding the Clarification Card is 9:  Fruition; attainment; completion 



Some Big Events Prophesied for 2025


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Understanding Oneself Before One Can Understand the Cosmos

 The Actual Meaning of "As Above, So Below" - YouTube

Hekate's Oracle Card Message for December 15, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Cards

Card Positions

1.  Middle (SITUATION):  Ritual #23
2.  Upper Left (CHALLENGE):  Queen of Witches #2
3.  Top (GUIDANCE/ADVICE):  Saviour #21
4.  Upper Right (HIDDEN):  Fate #11
5.  Bottom (OUTCOME):  Mother #19
6.  Lower Bottom Left (CLARIFICATION):  Release #22

~ Reading ~



1.  The Situation Card (Ritual) is Finding Joy in Rhythm.  

Another meaning is habit, observance; practice, routine; ceremony and tradition.

This card is telling us it's time to connect with earth's rhythm which will bring comfort to our inner world.  

Some of the things we could do would be to welcome the four seasons by lighting a candle and saying a prayer.  

Or we could take up gardening, bring home a pet, watch a beautiful sunset.              

In so doing, opportunities are created within us in which we allow us to check in and assess how we are spending our precious moments on earth.

We may find that more attention is required in certain areas in order to fully align ourselves to life's rhythms of stillness and growth.        

2.  The Challenge Card (Queen of Witches) - Own Your Power is telling you it is time to step out of your shadow and embrace who you really are.     

How many of you are finding you're coming in contact with your soul contract - that is, finding out your real life's purpose?

I know I am going through this and believe many of you are, as well.    

Earth and her inhabitants are in a transformation stage shedding the old in order to make way for the new.

3.  The Guidance/Advice Card (Saviour) means Champion of Virtue.  This card is driven by a sense of Justice, offering help to those in need.  

This card is letting you know that you have been called into service and to continue to stay on the path of goodness and mercy.  

The world needs you now more than ever.  

4.  The Hidden Card is Fate (Flow with What Is) also Known as the Wheel of Destiny.  

No one knows what the future will bring.  

We are good at guessing or making predictions but down deep we know we really don't have all the answers.

Life is a series of cycles of ups and downs.  First you're up and then you're down.  

By knowing these things, you are being encouraged to continue to walk boldly into the Future knowing  you are capable of surmounting any challenge that comes your way.

Know also that your spirit guides are right there with you, helping you walk your path with courage.

5.  The Outcome Card is Mother (Nurture and Creativity).  This is the time to nurture your soul by showing compassion and kindness.  

This is the time to tend to and take care of your body, mind and spirit.  

This is the time to honor and respect Mother Earth (Gaia) and the Sanctity of Life.  

We are all connected to each other on this planet, be it animal, human or other.

When one hurts we all hurt.

6.  The Clarification Card is Release (Let Go of the Past) along with any fear or anxiety associated with it.

A New and Glorious Day is Dawning over Planet Earth.

And You and I are making it happen.  


The numerical value of this reading is 4:  Manifestation

Adding the Clarification Card is 8:  Rebirth; Spiritual Fortitude and Achievement 








This is all part of getting through the "rough" part of life for if we can't take time out for ourselves, how will we be able to take time for others?

Monday, December 9, 2024

Hekate Oracle Card Reading for December 8, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Cards 


{Raging waters, black skies, darkness, drums beating, dangerous, monstrous thunderstorms, shrieking wind, shrills and shrieks}  


Oracle Card Positions

1.  Middle (SITUATION):  The Guide #13
2.  Upper Left (CHALLENGE):  As Above, So Below #24
3.  Top (GUIDANCE):  Fate #11
4.  Upper Right (HIDDEN):  Fallow #25
5.  Bottom (OUTCOME):  Endurance #26  
6.  Far Left (Bottom):  CLARIFICATION:  Torchbearer #9  


As 2025 approaches, have any of you been experiencing this?  - It seems as if people are deserting you - People you've talked to for a long time are now unreachable; good friends you've had for some time now moving away and distant; neighbors making themselves scarce and aren't available to hold conversations like they did before.

It's like the 2024 portal is getting ready to close with a monstrous thud, after high tailing it out of here, not wanting to be around and scourged by the powerful incoming energies of 2025.       


~ Reading ~

"The Calm Before the Storm"  


1.  SITUATION is The Guide (Look for Divine Signs) representing Divine Guidance shows up when dramatic change is taking place.   This card is reassurance that you are not alone in your quest for answers.  

Maybe you're confused about exactly what is happening in the world and why.  

Before you had all the answers but now, you don't have a clue.  

The Guide is prompting you to listen to and trust your intuition and to pay attention to your dreams as these are some of the ways spirit will answer your questions.  

Some of the signs that appear along with synchronicities may be new to you but trust that the unfolding message (answer) they contain will be made known to you at the proper time.  

2.  CHALLENGE is As Above So Below (Nurture your inner World).  This is the time to develop a stronger sense of self-awareness including not only examining how you respond to situations but observing the things happening around you, allowing space to manifest allowing you a steady source of guidance.    

This space could be reading your favorite bible passages, taking time to destress (a nice hot bath, a swim in the pool, a walk in the park, creating space for family prayer time or meditation.    

3.  GUIDANCE is Fate (Flow with What Is).  Fate is out of our hands and is also known as The Wheel of Life or Destiny.    

Instead of worrying, we are being asked to surrender to the natural flow of life, taking root in the Present moment so we don't get blown off course.    

There is an inevitability that the future can't be ignored or escaped from understanding that our best course of action is to face it rather than run from it.

4.  HIDDEN is Fallow (Peace in Stillness) meaning this is an important time to rest as important inner work needs to be done.  

This is time to let your darker thoughts take shape as this is when you really need to come face to face with them, understanding them fully, thus being able to reclaim your power over them and all in order to get to understand yourself more clearly.    

This prepping is all important for the coming days and months.      

5.  OUTCOME is Endurance (The Only Way Out is Through).  The only way you or I or anyone else is going to get through trying times is to take the time to prepare for them.  

Building self-confidence by ensuring that you are physically fit, making hard decisions to stop drinking, doing drugs, eating unhealthy food and living unhealthy lifestyles.

Along with this is taking time to put on your spiritual armor, face your fears allowing you to embrace the obstacles before you.  

6.  CLARIFICATION is Torchbearer (Light the Way).  

In these challenging times, each one of us is a "LIght Worker" being called upon to light the way for others.  

This is when we are being called to get up and out of our "comfort" zones, reach out to and hang out with others who are in desperate need.

We can help by taking the time to console someone, offering help, sharing your home, making the painful decision to finally forgive a certain someone, saying a kind word or offering a hug.


The numerical value of this reading is:  9 - Attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; completion

Adding the Clarification Card is:  9 - Attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; completion



Monday, December 2, 2024

Unbelievable Devastation ~ Think of Lahaina, Maui, North Carolina and Now Florida

 Michael Jaco: Shocking Intel - Mass Murder In Progress! 2024 | Prophecy | Before It's News

Hekate Oracle Card Reading for December 1, 2024


Hekate Oracle Card Deck 

Card Positions

1.  Middle (SITUATION):  Bearer of Love #7
2.  Upper Left (CHALLENGE):  The Veil #14
3.  Top (GUIDANCE/ADVICE):  Seer #3
4.  Upper Right (HIDDEN):  Queen of Witches #2
5.  Bottom (OUTCOME):  Serpent #16
6.  Lower Bottom Left (SUMMARY): Fate #11

~ Reading ~

   are the Change" 

*How many of you are just plain fed up with your life?  

Understand that YOU and no one else are the only one capable of making the changes needed.

It's time to stop listening to others and start listening to yourself.

A good way to start is first get the problem causing you grief out in the open instead of constantly ignoring it.    

We've all experienced shame and humiliation for things we've done.  

It's time to stop hiding whatever it is and time to bring this problem causing your anxiety, up front and center.

Understand:  You are never going to initiate meaningful change until you are ready and willing to do so*.    


1.  SITUATION - Compassion and Kindness:

The "The Bearer of Love".  

This card reminds us that each one of us is a "Bearer of Love" providing the healing that this planet so desperately needs.    

Love One Another as this healing will only happen if we allow ourselves to set our minds to and open up to this spiritual gift.    

We are in a time where it's important to not only start paying attention to but to begin to nurture and take care of our own needs as well as those of others.

This is the time to work on our own personal healing along with identifying others who need help; volunteer to work for a charity or contribute to one.

2.  CHALLENGE:  Heal through Withdrawal:

The Veil represents Protection and is the dark womb of healing.  

It hides hidden knowledge from us until we are ready to receive it.  

But you have to go through a period of preparation in order to be open enough to receive it.

This is when it's time for a deep personal introspection as we "go within" in order to heal, allowing this inspection of ourselves to not only help us understand that anything we do to change our life and habits for the better will significantly contribute to understanding and helping others.       

Keep your distractions to a minimum.  

Find a cozy and quiet corner to meditate.    

Make a list of what you can do to improve and correct your life, your situation as well as how you can help others.    

Light a candle.

Say a prayer asking for divine help.

3.  GUIDANCE/ADVICE:  Use Your Third Eye.

The Seer is an inner, intuitive guide and all about balance - teaching us how to balance between the "light" and the "dark."  

It represents our 3rd eye, a potent and powerful intuition, which ultimately helps to bring us to the truth (light).  

This gift gives us the ability to acknowledge, understand and believe that those things that are confusing to us at present will, in due course, straighten out as they become much clearer.

This knowledge will bring about humility, helping us embrace our new found ability with deep respect and confidence, allowing us to open up to and detect that which is unseen, helping us to more clearly see the true nature of a relationship we're in or a situation we're experiencing.  

4.  HIDDEN:  Own Your Power.

The Queen of Witches is reminding you about your hidden power something you are unfamiliar with but are slowly beginning to realize.  

This new found awareness is making a positive change in how you think and act.    

Instead of continuing to let others steer your ship you are finally finding the courage to become the captain of your ship.  

5.  OUTCOME:  Awakening to Knowledge.  The Serpent represents Hidden Knowledge.    

With knowledge comes clarity, awareness and confidence.

This is new to you but with practice  and the clarity that comes with it, you will have awakened that side of you that's been asleep to the unseen and the unknown.

This new ability will not be fearful but enlightening and will encourage you to keep moving forward, on a quest for more knowledge, as you become more comfortable, more competent in your ability propelling you to new heights of understanding.

6.   SUMMARY:  Flow with What Is.  The Fate Card is a card of Surrender.  

How many of you keep bucking something, ignoring something troubling you, wondering how and when you're ever going to get out of the mess you're in?  

The answer is to surrender yourself, let go and trust that you are now on the right path and more than capable of handling whatever problem comes your way.      

You will then find yourself on a different path, one that will let you achieve the success and happiness you have so earnestly sought.


The numerical value of this reading is:  6 - Balance; communication; problem solving and compassion

Adding the Summary Card is:  8 - Action, change, spiritual fortitude, rebirth