Hekate's Oracle Cards
Card Positions 1. Middle (SITUATION): Fate #11 2. Upper Left (CHALLENGE): Of the Road #6 3. Top (GUIDANCE/ADVICE): Keeper of the Keys #10 4. Upper Right (HIDDEN): Fallow 25 5. Bottom (OUTCOME): Empowerment #27 6. Far Left Bottom (CLARIFICATION): Crone #20
~ Reading ~
"Rite of Passage"
Planet earth is in massive change. This change is not just affecting human beings but other life forms as well - animals, birds, fish, trees and plants, along with our oceans and seas, forests, deserts and weather.
During meditation I saw an object (see image at top of page) and also a deep pine forest cloaked in fog. I will provide explanations as to what these stand for.
The upside down crescent represents change and transformation, the perpetual cycle of renewal.
The forest cloaked in fog represents seasons of change and waiting, the uncertainty and anticipation that often accompanies new beginnings.
1. SITUATION: The Fate Card FLOW WITH WHAT IS represents what is happening now. We are in a cycle of change and no matter how hard we try to avoid what is coming, we won't succeed as we are destined to go through it.
You may have had some experiences in life that you wished to avoid but soon found out you couldn't.
Sometimes it is better to accept what is coming, knowing deep in our hearts that we can't change it no matter how hard we want to nor how hard we try.
This is one of those times.
2. CHALLENGE: The of the Road Card WALK THE WAY WITH COURAGE represents the challenge before us.
The unprecedented times approaching will test each one of us regarding our capabilities and limitations.
This is not a time to lose one's head, nor a time to lose one's ability to stay focused and on top of things.
This is the time you need to ground (anchor) yourself to something that will keep you strong and not blow you off course.
If you haven't already done so, prepare, both physically, mentally and spiritually for the times coming because all three of these will be vitally important to your success.
3. GUIDANCE/ADVICE: The Keeper of Keys SEEK WISDOM tells us the veil (Darkness) is lifting, allowing us to continue to seek wisdom and knowledge in order to keep moving forward.
The wisdom and knowledge that has always been available to us but was locked away for thousands of years and is crucial to our understanding of what is happening to us is now being unveiled.
Keys are symbols of our successfully transitioning through the Passage of life, not an easy task for any of us.
Understand, we have come a long way and are almost at the end of this dark journey.
4. HIDDEN: The Fallow Card PEACE IN STILLNESS is a card of Contemplation and Meditation. It speaks of the distractions and interruptions in our lives that block our ability to seek the peace and quiet we all need.
In order to acquire these this card asks us to set aside the time necessary for prayer, contemplation and meditation.
As these are necessary and vitally crucial to our wellbeing.
5. OUTCOME: The Empowerment Card WELCOME THE SHADOW acknowledges just how far we've come.
We're not fearful anymore and giving ourselves more credit for getting through the shit that is constantly showing up in our lives.
This is a card of acknowledgement as to how we are morphing into a new breed of spiritual beings as we welcome the Shadow (the Dark) not fearful of its presence anymore but realizing it was just a big lie in order to create fear in our lives in order to keep us imprisoned.
6. CLARIFICATION: The Crone Card SUCCESS AND TRANSFORMATION echoes the meaning of the Empowerment Card.
Give yourself a pat on the back you're almost there.
See you on the other side!
The numerical value of this reading is 7: Reflection; assessment; motives; spirituality and wisdom
Adding the Clarification Card is 9: Fruition; attainment; completion
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