Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, February 14, 2025

Earth Flips Out in 2030 and the Planet X Flyby


Marshall Masters is a Humanitarian, a respected investigative journalist who originally worked for CNN years ago.  

Over the years his research has led to the fact that another object is currently in our sky known as Nibiru or Planet X.  

This planetary system has visited earth before.

Its orbit is every 3600 years.  

Marshall has endured much criticism for his important work.  

Big Tech and Science (NASA, et. al) have bypassed, hidden, neglected or just plain called him a conspiracy theorist for the important work he's done.  

Why is it that big names controlling and influencing our lives don't like the Truth?

I urge you all to watch this video and visit Marshall's site:  yowusa.com for timely updates.

This man is to be applauded and lauded for doing the work others have neglected to do.

He also has important books on his site that are worth knowing about.

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