Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Facts on ISIS
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Celebrating the Good
![]() |
Three of Cups |
Thanksgiving is a time for reflection on the good in life.
It is a time for remembering how fortunate we are to live in a free society.
It is a time to gather with family and friends.
I wish for you and your families, peace in your hearts.
I wish for all of us, permanent, lasting peace around the globe.
I wish for disputes to be settled; grievances to be addressed and grudges laid to rest.
May we all put aside our differences and focus on what really matters.
May you enjoy the love of family and friends on this special day.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Take a Stand, with Me
It is up to each one of us to call out those responsible for acts of brutal savagery and despicable barbarism and denounce them for what they are--pure, unadulterated evil.
It is up to each one of us to ensure as best we can that this world is safe and secure for all of us, beginning with the very young up to the very old.
It is up to each of us to expect our leaders not to shrink from their responsibilities to protect and defend us and when we see them shrinking from their duty it is up to each and every one of us to call them out.
They swore an oath--To secure us in our homes and as we go about our daily lives.
Throughout history we have had those individuals who hesitated or shrank from their duty out of confusion or fear.
It is the same today. Nothing's changed.
We are all responsible for one another.
And we all have an obligation to stand up in the face of evil, reach up and unmask it.
I am a peaceful person and want only peace for mankind but I'm also a realist.
I don't remember one time that this planet wasn't torn apart by skirmishes which turned into conflicts and then, finally a full blown war.
But I don't remember one time in my life I have not seen dead bodies scattered and strewn across the landscape, their torn limbs, tortured and tormented bodies succumbing to an early and ugly death's repose.
The heinous and savage acts I see taking place today in which young girls are summarily being raped, children being torn in half, young and old beheaded and/or eviscerated because they happen to be Christians or refuse to be part of a growing Islamist threat against all humanity, is so off the chart that it is difficult to even comprehend the monstrosities that are now taking place.
All of us have a right to life and to exist peacefully on this planet.
No one-- No person, no government, no organization, has the right to deny this to any of us.
It is time for the world to come together and act as one voice against this growing Islamist threat.
I am doing what I can to enlighten those who may not know exactly who is behind these terrorist attacks and why by posting articles and links to blogs.
Please stand with me.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
A Terrorist is a Terrorist is a Terrorist
Terrorist Attack - Paris France, November 13, 2015.
It was just a matter of time.
To the President of the United States: This was no JV Team.
These bloodthirsty Jihadists just murdered 140 innocent people in France.
I'd say this was a well-funded well- orchestrated and well-planned attack.
Did you notice? --These were real terrorists, engaged in real terrorism.
This was not some workplace violence.
This was a horrific event in real time with real terrorists murdering real people.
To the President of the United States: It is Time to close our borders.
To the President of the United States: It is time to act tough (not just talk tough).
And, if you're not up to the task then please do us all a favor -- step down because all you're doing is setting us up.
If anything happens in this country as to what just befell France, I will not hesitate to place the blame solely where it belongs
To the President of the United States: You continue to allow and openly encourage, untold millions of unvetted foreigners into this country and we're well aware that many of them do not have our best interests at heart.
Yet, you just can't seem to stop yourself.
This is no polite invitation by you to a bunch of refugees but an invitation to a full scale frontal assault and invasion on this country, designed to weaken us.
Thanks to you, Obama, we are fast losing our sovereignty along with any ability to defend ourselves.
Your refusal to deal with immigration and the fact that we are at war with a ruthless enemy whose only goal in life is to wipe us out is bordering on madness.
I took note of your speech tonight to the American people, in response to the carnage that just took place in France.
You offered your condolences and help, as well you should.
But why is it that when it comes to a long time ally, Israel, who is constantly under terrorist attacks on a daily basis, 365 days a year, you refuse to help.
You can't have it both ways, Obama.
You're either the President of the Free World and act like one or I might just as well count you in with the bad guys.
I'm confused by your rhetoric...exactly which side are you really on, Obama?
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Sunday, November 8, 2015
The Visit
This morning I was overwhelmed by the scent of a fragrant rose.
Alongside this was a feeling of joy, as I watched a myriad of little beings who had freely invaded my psyche, jumping and dancing, running and laughing, frolicking to and fro.
I could actually hear them.
The colors were charming and the scene, too.
It was a forest with a tapestry of colors--deep greens and warm yellows.
The sun filtered down through the leaves and splayed intricate golden patterns across the forest floor.
Thick vines snaked up the trees and wound tightly around their trunks.
The vines were ablaze with pink and purple flowers and embedded in the vines were happy little faces poking out at me.
There were elves and elementals, faeries and hobbits and even an angel or two.
A raucous giggling accompanied this merry panoply of reverie.
They were playing hide and seek and chasing one another, squealing noisily as someone's hiding place was spied.
The feeling I was experiencing was so strong that I went up and brought down my Christmas angel so I could see her.
She's radiant with long tresses, golden flowing hair with one arm reaching upward, toward a distant star.
It is experiences such as these that help me cope with all the chaos and turmoil I see happening in the world today.
Maybe, in some way, my relaying this information will help you, also.
Alongside this was a feeling of joy, as I watched a myriad of little beings who had freely invaded my psyche, jumping and dancing, running and laughing, frolicking to and fro.
I could actually hear them.
The colors were charming and the scene, too.
It was a forest with a tapestry of colors--deep greens and warm yellows.
The sun filtered down through the leaves and splayed intricate golden patterns across the forest floor.
Thick vines snaked up the trees and wound tightly around their trunks.
The vines were ablaze with pink and purple flowers and embedded in the vines were happy little faces poking out at me.
There were elves and elementals, faeries and hobbits and even an angel or two.
A raucous giggling accompanied this merry panoply of reverie.
They were playing hide and seek and chasing one another, squealing noisily as someone's hiding place was spied.
The feeling I was experiencing was so strong that I went up and brought down my Christmas angel so I could see her.
She's radiant with long tresses, golden flowing hair with one arm reaching upward, toward a distant star.
It is experiences such as these that help me cope with all the chaos and turmoil I see happening in the world today.
Maybe, in some way, my relaying this information will help you, also.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
One World Under Obama
Folks This is Happening NOW - Please Feel to Copy This and Distribute to Friends and Family
have many people on my confidential email list that are notified when I post a
new article on my blog involving Constitutional issues. No one else has access
to the list and I don’t do forwards. However, several years ago I began having
problems with some of my emails being blocked. It started with members of the
U.S. Army who had subscribed to my blog using their military email addresses
had my emails blocked.
When this occurred I received the
following notifications: “The
message that you sent to an user with subject "The Politics
of Fear" was not accepted for delivery since it contained URLs that Army
Cyber Command has disallowed.” Apparently someone in Obama’s Pentagon has
decided that American soldiers should not be allowed to read articles about the
Constitution they have taken an oath to defend. My inquiries to Army Cyber
Command about the reason for this were ignored.
A few
months later similar inquiries made to AOL were ignored when my emails to subscribers
with AOL email accounts were being blocked. I experimented with these emails
and finally determined that it was my signature on my emails that included
links to my blog, the United States Justice Foundation, the Constitutional Law
Alliance, and even to my books were triggering the blocks. We changed the URLS
to those links and that seemed to solve the problem, at least temporarily.
recently I have been getting additional indications that my emails are again
being blocked. This is occurring with Comcast emails, and now with some Verizon
emails. In the case of Verizon some of my subscribers have reported they
receive my emails on their Verizon account, but they are blocked when they try
to forward them to their contacts.
Also, I
have noticed that in the past when I made a new post to my blog, I would
usually receive email comments from scores of people on my list. That has
recently fallen off to just a hand full. Now I have been getting info that my
emails are being blocked to addresses that do not appear to be connected to
Google addresses and even addresses that are not connected to the large
servers. I suspect that I have not received notifications of all of the emails
I have sent that have been blocked.
I have
received confirmation today that his problem is being experienced by other
conservative blogs, websites, and newsletters. This is clearly an all-out
effort by internet companies to censor the Internet and try to eliminate the free
speech of those of us who dare to disagree with the leftist agenda.
The purpose of this article is to inform
Americans of what is happening and to ask for the help of my subscribers.
Please acknowledge that you have received the email informing you of the
posting of this article. That way I can isolate the emails that are being
blocked. I am also sending out the emails without my signature containing URLS
so I can try to determine if it is those or my email address that is triggering
the blocking of my emails.
I will
inform you of the results. I am far from being an Internet expert, so I would
also appreciate any suggestions about how to protect my emails and blog from
these attacks.
Michael Connelly
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Mission Creep
Some days I feel so frustrated that I'd like to leave this planet.
But then I have to remind myself that I chose to come here.
I'm here on a mission and you are too, whether or not you've figured out exactly what your mission is.
We're all in the mix down here, in the quagmire of life. struggling with many issues and problems.
Some of us aren't really ready to look ourselves in the eye right now and opt for putting our issues on the back burner.
That's okay. I get it.
But it's important to know that these issues you neglected will only surface again the next time you're here.
What the ??!!@??! - yup, you heard me.
I was really bummed out this morning until I read something that cheered me up:
"Even feeling down can have an up side."
It's when you finally get it, you know you need to do something about it and you're really trying.
And don't be too hard on yourself as the universe has put aside all the time in the world for you.
They know you're putting in the effort and are trudging right alongside with you.
They know it takes time to clean up a mess.
It's going to take honesty, focus, patience and grit to get out there and actually start the housecleaning.
It's not an easy job to do, confronting the worst of yourself, but that's exactly why you're here.
Sometimes I wish it were the other way around like, "okay, I don't want to address my shortcomings right now so I'll just put them off."
That's okay, too. Nobody's strong arming you.
But just remember, the universe is always taking account.
It keeps a record of your comings and goings, your strengths, your weaknesses, your progress while you're down here.
It knows exactly where you are on the celestial ladder of life.
It doesn't point fingers.
They understand you're human as they were once human too.
Do you know you have spirits and angels to help you on your journey while here?
They were assigned to you and watched while you signed your contract up there.
They know all about you.
Summon them through prayer and you'll get to meet them, first hand.
We humans weren't just air dropped down here and left to run the gauntlet all by ourselves.
We were assigned help from above.
Kinda like that platoon seargent who keeps his troops together while they're under fire.
For most of us it's going to take two or three tours before we get it right.
Damn, I hate mission creep.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Do Over
Monday, November 2, 2015
What Will You Leave Behind?
It's hard to focus on the meaning of this question as it appears there are many people who could care less.
But it begs to be asked.
'What legacy will you leave your children?"
In today's culture poverty leads to unwed mothers, absent fathers, drugs and crime.
An abyss of despair, a culture of perpetual denial that feeds on itself, with those involved continually pointing the finger at others for where they happen to be in life, right now.
What ever happened to responsibility? What ever happened to respect?
Seventy years ago, this country was just coming out of horrors of World War II.
During the war wives and mothers, had to go to work to help the war effort by building liberty ships.
Husbands, fathers and brothers had to leave their families to fight against an evil that was encroaching rapidly across the world as Adolf Hitler and his henchmen dug their heels in for the long haul.
Many of these men never returned to enjoy what they sacrificed for.
We had poverty back then but it didn't end up with fathers and mothers abrogating their responsibilities to their children or to one another.
Poverty wasn't about crime and drug use.
Back then, poverty (or being poor) was a normal way of life.
Children's 'supper' was a piece of bread doused in milk.
They had to get up early in the morning to do farm chores, before they went to school.
Then came home to finish their chores and do school work.
Life was hard but nobody noticed, nobody complained.
Houses had no running water, no electricity, no air conditioning.
There was no crime but only for a few minor offenses which were few and far between.
Nobody smoked dope or stuck needles in their arms or felt sorry for themselves.
No one criticized others or pointed fingers at their lot in life or engaged in violent crime because they were vengeful.
Back then we were taught that there are checks and balances in life and to take responsibility for your decisions and resultant actions.
Hard work was not a sign of weakness but an avenue toward achievement and being able to better oneself.
Today these virtues of discipline, responsibility and hard work are under attack.
The mention of someone going to work, in lieu of government handouts and having the discipline to get up in the morning and meet a deadline, staying on the job and trying to make something of themselves is labeled with some disparaging term.
Another contributing factor, I believe, to our moral demise, is our educational system.
It is in desperate need of repair and overhaul.
Mankind has always been seduced by its own weaknesses with those shadowy figures eagerly waiting to pounce and grab their prey, wanting only to perpetuate the misery.
Generations of hard working Americans were called forth to make a difference in the world and, as a result, affording you opportunities in your life they would never experience.
It is because of them that you are able to live your life in freedom.
It is only because they willingly forfeited their lives that you are able to make the decision to either raise yourselves up or drag yourselves down.
I only hope their legacy will not be squandered because you squandered yours.
But it begs to be asked.
'What legacy will you leave your children?"
In today's culture poverty leads to unwed mothers, absent fathers, drugs and crime.
An abyss of despair, a culture of perpetual denial that feeds on itself, with those involved continually pointing the finger at others for where they happen to be in life, right now.
What ever happened to responsibility? What ever happened to respect?
Seventy years ago, this country was just coming out of horrors of World War II.
During the war wives and mothers, had to go to work to help the war effort by building liberty ships.
Husbands, fathers and brothers had to leave their families to fight against an evil that was encroaching rapidly across the world as Adolf Hitler and his henchmen dug their heels in for the long haul.
Many of these men never returned to enjoy what they sacrificed for.
We had poverty back then but it didn't end up with fathers and mothers abrogating their responsibilities to their children or to one another.
Poverty wasn't about crime and drug use.
Back then, poverty (or being poor) was a normal way of life.
Children's 'supper' was a piece of bread doused in milk.
They had to get up early in the morning to do farm chores, before they went to school.
Then came home to finish their chores and do school work.
Life was hard but nobody noticed, nobody complained.
Houses had no running water, no electricity, no air conditioning.
There was no crime but only for a few minor offenses which were few and far between.
Nobody smoked dope or stuck needles in their arms or felt sorry for themselves.
No one criticized others or pointed fingers at their lot in life or engaged in violent crime because they were vengeful.
Back then we were taught that there are checks and balances in life and to take responsibility for your decisions and resultant actions.
Hard work was not a sign of weakness but an avenue toward achievement and being able to better oneself.
Today these virtues of discipline, responsibility and hard work are under attack.
The mention of someone going to work, in lieu of government handouts and having the discipline to get up in the morning and meet a deadline, staying on the job and trying to make something of themselves is labeled with some disparaging term.
Another contributing factor, I believe, to our moral demise, is our educational system.
It is in desperate need of repair and overhaul.
Mankind has always been seduced by its own weaknesses with those shadowy figures eagerly waiting to pounce and grab their prey, wanting only to perpetuate the misery.
Generations of hard working Americans were called forth to make a difference in the world and, as a result, affording you opportunities in your life they would never experience.
It is because of them that you are able to live your life in freedom.
It is only because they willingly forfeited their lives that you are able to make the decision to either raise yourselves up or drag yourselves down.
I only hope their legacy will not be squandered because you squandered yours.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
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