Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Joker is Us

I feel like I'm living in two worlds.

The one I'm in right now is slipping away.

The other one is just a hair's breath away.

I feel a soft rush of air on my cheek and the strands of my hair move like a whisper.

I am sitting on an old high back sofa, its plush and soft shoulders gently sloping around me, comfortably cradling me.  It's faded soft blue with pale pink roses that wind and vine all over it.

It smells of sweet memories of long ago.  

Children and laughter, a spring rain, the earthy smell of wet earth, Grandmother's dried flowers lying on an apothecary's table, honey bees busily gathering nectar, old folk huddled in a corner discussing the weather, babes held tightly in their mother's arms, dogs barking down the street, sorrow as a loved one is laid out in the parlor while relatives gather quietly to discuss the life that has just passed, thunderous silence as the Pastor offers up a sermon, the sun interrupting the goings on as she gloriously displays her radiance and beauty, flirting with the trees, her lovely rays filtering down through the tree limbs, her lively exuberance dancing all over the wooden floor.

I'm watching a movie called World War Z and it feels as if it's real and not make believe.

We are devouring one another.

We have turned into savages, the very Zombies we fear.

We have reached our zenith in depravity and power and control and greed and hatred and strife and killing on this planet.

All of us are to blame.  

We can all pat ourselves on the back that we indeed did accomplish one thing together on this planet--our own demise.  

We watch as the world methodically continues to fan the flames of a firestorm of its own making and we're helpless to control it because we're all caught up in it.

Life is a web of lies.

It is illusion that everything is going to be okay because it never is.

We are an experiment that went horribly wrong.

Those who stand up to this Truth are snuffed out.

Those who stand up to The Truth that we are just a herd of cattle and are being used, categorized and cataloged, poked and prodded, herded and humiliated are ridiculed, excoriated, excommunicated.

We stand before our fateful mirror and realize that the face staring back at us is The Joker.

A malevolent and cunning creature, this man made caricature, straight out of hell with evil eyes and a sinister grin.

It even went so far as to apply the harlot's blood red paint to its lips and accentuate the hollow around its eyes and applied paint to its sunken cheeks, just so it would appear even more menacing.

We just can't seem to get enough of our dark side, can we?  

A Reckoning is being prepared for us but we are ignorantly unaware as we are too drunk on our own power, drooling and salivating at our own conquests, elevating our own sorry egos.  

We continue to taunt the flames of disaster and ignore they are coming closer and closer to consuming us whole.

We delight in our wickedness and fetishes, feign and plan and plot and guzzle down the Adversary's sweet poison because it feels, oh, so good.

We just can't help ourselves.

We draw ever closer to the fiery furnace, dancing uncontrollably as we swim in our own torrid sweat dancing oblivious to the danger, drunk on our own power, our own accomplishments, horribly unaware to how close we are to disaster yet hungering for more conquests, more this, more that, more and more and more.    

We're deliciously flirting with the flames but don't notice that they are growing more brazen, more bold as their red hot tentacles reach out and stroke our flesh, a soft caress in a maniacal dance that is growing even more frenzied but only serves to make us want more and more and more.

We have turned into the Joker and are too stupid to recognize this fact and that the joke is now on us.  
We were given a chance on this planet and we blew it to hell.

There were warning signs all around us but we opted for the easy path.

The easy way out.

We are all connected, you know, but there are now more of them than there are of us and they are winning.

I think it's some potion we drank a long time ago that is only now showing up in our DNA, kinda like a slow moving cancer you don't know you have until its too late.

This poison twists and turns in your gut.

There is a saying, if you don't make the decision to turn something around, then a decision will be made for you.

I think that humanity has reached the point where the decision has already been made.

We're just being allowed to hang around solely for the purpose of seeing the results.  

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