Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Third Humanity

The Celts believed in Threes:

>Three stages of Life:  Birth, Life, Death (rebirth)
>Three domains:  Earth, Sea, Sky
>Three foundations:  Past, Present, Future

A human being is the filling between two slices of bread:   2+1 = 3.

The Third Humanity is 1 (Spirit) +1 (Mind) + 1 (Body) which equals 3 and completes a spiritual triangle (which some Ancients believed was a key to describing the 'secret order of the cosmos.')  

This spiritual triangle or life force is available to all of us and resides within all of us, enabling us to literally talk to the trees.

If we can come to understand that everything in the cosmos is made up of energy (life force) and this energy vibrates at certain levels, either up or down depending on our own spiritual cognizance, we can attune and align ourselves with this energy or choose to tune it out.

Inert objects such as wood, crystals, rocks and stones have an energy within.

When you pick up a stone, you are holding in your hand an object that is million of years old and was formed using earth, water and heat.  

Its inner energy stares back at you in lovely spirals or petite clusters of sparkling chips or as a myriad of tiny lines that remind one of the constellations.

We are constantly thrown off track in our spiritual quest by a throbbing headache (distractions, bickering, war, rage, discontent, etc.) and this obstacle temporarily blocks and cuts off the flow of energy between ourselves and those objects we're trying to connect with.

In order for this planet (and us) to ascend to a more harmonious state of well being, we need to 'tune out' those distractions.  

If you are some of those who are becoming more aware of your surroundings and the negative impact they are having on your life then you are becoming more spiritually aware.

When we are all living in the dark we can't see anything at all.

And there are those on this planet who wish for this not to change.

When we are able to see with the aid of the Light, we are now more attuned to fixing our problem, thus benefiting not only us but mankind as a whole.

One, Two Three ~ is there for you and me.  

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