Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, April 29, 2016

Hug Me

A study was just completed on the effects of hugging dogs.

These new results contradicted a previous study.

This new study showed that hugging affects the animal's behaviour, releasing neurotransmitters into its bloodstream.

These neurotransmitters, Dopamine and Seratonin, had been found to inhibit aggressive behaviour.

Doesn't it make sense then if this works on a canine to contemplate whether this application would work on human beings as well?    

For riots, mob control, it would take a lot of pressure off of law enforcement who are already being demonized and heavily subjected to criticism for being either too aggressive or too lenient.

Instead of injuries on both sides, one side would hopefully mellow out.

Side note:  I'd like to see those who constantly criticize law enforcement walk the walk instead of taking the easy way out and just talking the talk.

Maybe one long day in a patrol car with a law enforcement officer and being able to experience, first hand, some of the people and crap they are subjected to will shut them up.

Even better, maybe an apology or two would be forthcoming.

If hugging an animal calms them down, what about hugging humans?

Could we ever bring ourselves to get out of our comfort zones, our uneasiness, our fear of approaching a total stranger just to give them a hug?

Obviously one has to contemplate just who one wants to walk up to and hug but when you've made your decision, what do you think would happen if you did?  

I believe it would transmit something neurological.

I believe this one simple act of being human would change their thinking, maybe even change their world view on things.

I have a new window sticker--


If we can't bring ourselves to do that, what about walking up with hand outstretched and introducing ourselves?

We really need to get to know one another on this planet.

So far we've failed miserably.

Don't we get it?

We are embracing, experiencing a collective, mental breakdown in our once known human communication--opening our mouths and talking with and to one another.

We are learning a new approach to communicating with one another (texting and using cell phones) but only in how to hold an electronic device.

Who and what will we all be 50 years from now?  100 years from now?

Will we all be implanted with chips?

Will we have robotic parts embedded in us?

Will we even be considered humans at all?

Friday, April 22, 2016

Journal Entries


The Hooded One

On April 6th I woke up feeling unsettled (you know that 'gut' feeling that something isn't quite right) and it stayed with me the entire day.

Note:  This is the date when I saw the number 999. I posted about the meaning of this number on April 8.
I'm posting about the experience I had on April 7th now:

April 7th was a new moon.

I woke up with the same feeling I had on April 6th except that it wasn't subsiding, it was growing stronger.  

I thought there might be something cataclysmic going to happen--a massive solar flare, a volcano erupting, an earthquake, etc.

In fact it was so strong by 2:00 p.m. that I reached for my headphones to listen to some meditation music hoping that some of it would subside.

The music lasted approximately 45 minutes.

As the meditation was ending and I was removing my headphones, I saw a figure.

By the word 'saw' it was what I saw in my mind's eye, not an actual physical presence.

It was something right out of the spiritual realm.

Even right now I can still see it and I can draw what it looked like.

It lasted a few short seconds and then disappeared but enough time for it to make a lasting and traumatic impact on me.

It was a dark grey in color and had a hooded shroud over its body that billowed out behind it as it walked stridently.

It didn't turn and look at me (thank G-d) but stared straight ahead and was walking from left to right.

It appeared to be on a mission and in a hurry.

I was slowly overcome by the feeling that it was looking for someone.

It reminded me of The Angel of Death, CGI of what this figure may look like aka The Destroyer, the Hooded One, The Grim Reaper--I've posted a picture so you'll get an idea of what I saw but not the face or eyes and, hopefully, you'll maybe get some idea of what it would feel like to encounter something like this.    

I literally was scared to my very core unlike other spirit beings I've encountered.

This thing meant business.

The feeling that I had that maybe a solar flare or something else was going to occur had all but disappeared.

I felt that this Demon was on a mission of death and I had the distinct thought that someone close to me, maybe a friend or a loved one, was going to die.

In fact I even got on the phone and called someone close to me just to make sure they were okay.

By now I was experiencing terrible anxiety of the type I've never experienced before.

I've encountered beings such as this before but I am always able to rise above them and gain the upper hand.

This experience affected me so traumatically, so profoundly that I had to take something to calm myself down and go to bed.

I have now come to the conclusion that this was a warning of some kind.

You may, however, chalk this all up to some nut expounding on something that couldn't possibly have happened or refuse to believe in any part of it whatsoever.

You may interpret this to something else or dismiss it entirely.

That's okay.  

I'm here solely to try and elevate your understanding of where you and I are right now as humans on the celestial plane and where we fit in when it comes to the spirit realm.

There are many spirit realms some of them with beings filled with good intentions for mankind but others who are here solely to see us sink further into the abyss.

I believe that this experience was for a reason and that I struggled through it, knowing that it had to be shared with you because maybe, just maybe, at least one of you will take it to heart.

I describe all the turmoil in the world today as something that is 'turning inside out.'

I believe that this was a wake up call that something is coming.

I just wish I knew exactly what the wake up call was about but more importantly, when.  

On the other hand, maybe the 'wake up' calls are happening all around us and this was the exclamation after the fact.

Maybe it's time we slow down our breathing down and take a look around.

For, something is not quite right.    

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Heads Up!



Don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to drink
Don't tell me what to wear
Don't tell me what to think
I'm in complete control
Know where I want to go
Don't need your help
Go find a hole
Act like a mole
You have exacted
A heavy toll
You're all a bunch
Of evil trolls
Don't make a fuss
No need to cuss
I'll wave goodbye
Once on the bus
I have free will 
And I've had my fill
Of your endless lies
And noxious swill

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Save Us!

Do you understand how beautiful humanity is?

We are a luscious mix, a beautiful tapestry, a myriad of facial fractals.

Have you ever watched a shepherd herding his flock in the Alsace and experienced the peace and harmony this evokes?

Have you ever stared into the face of a woman with wisdom lines etched onto her face like the Plains of Nazca?

Have you ever looked into the eyes of someone who knows who you are, where you are from and where you are going, in this life?

These are the Wisdom Keepers.

The old, the wise, those who have gone before and have so many tales to tell if only we would listen.

We are their descendants, their offspring.  

It does not matter your sexual orientation/preference; nor does it matter who you vote for.

Nor does it matter your color or where you were born.

When are we going to get it?

When are we going to realize that there are those who don't want us to come together as it threatens their dominance (power) over us.

If you had a choice involving your children and in order to save them you had to intervene would you:  1. step up and defend them or 2. would you allow them to perish?

We are all humanity's children.

We have families; we all have feelings; we all have wants and needs; we all want what's best for all concerned.  

Collectively we make a hauntingly beautiful tapestry.

This world we live in is evolving at a rapid rate.

It feels, sometimes, like it's spiraling out of control.

Some of this evolution is beneficial but some of it is harmful.

If we want to make this planet a better place for everyone and not just a select few then we need to work together to achieve this goal.

Votes Have Consequences


As the 2016 election process unfolds there are two candidates vying to be the nominee for President in the Democratic Party this fall. One is a 74 year old socialist fan of the former Soviet Union who espouses that America adopt a form of government that has failed in every country that has adopted it in the past 100 years. The other candidate is a career criminal who is incapable of telling the truth. Yet, both of them are campaigning on basically the same theme that has been pushed by Barrack Hussein Obama, the liberal media, and the leftist elitists in Washington D.C. and Hollywood.
          Polls consistently show that the top priorities for most American’s are to have a sound free market economy, protect our people from Islamic terrorism, protect American jobs by securing our borders, and protecting our Constitutional rights.
          After listening to the Democratic candidates I have come up with my view of what is the 2016 Democratic Party Platform that embodies the party’s priorities for America:
1.     Destroy the Second Amendment right under the Constitution to keep and bear arms, beginning with the disarming of the 23,000,000 American military veterans.
2.     Destroy the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, and replace it with Orwellian concepts of political correctness that essentially means that free speech only exists for those that agree with left wing ideology.
3.     Support the LGBT community by denying the right of Christians who disagree with things like gay marriage to exercise their freedom to object because of their religious beliefs.
4.     Support transgender individuals who want to use the bathroom of their choice, despite the objections of Americans who believe that they are entitled to the right of privacy.
5.     Protect abortion providers like Planned Parenthood, so they can continue to kill innocent unborn children, and in the case of Planned Parenthood, dismember the dead children and, profit from selling their body parts.
6.     Force private employers to give unskilled workers a minimum wage of $15.00 per hour despite the fact that this will cause many people to lose their jobs, and put many small businesses out of business. This will be done, while keeping the base pay for a private in the U.S. Army at under $9.00 per hour and a Sargent making less than $13.00 per hour. In other words, the Democrats consider the people flipping hamburger patties at McDonald’s more important than the American heroes who risk their lives for our country.
7.     Demoralize the U.S. Military by cutting pay and benefits to our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines, while turning the military from an elite fighting force to an entity for social experimentation.
8.     Continue the policy of putting the lives of our military personnel at unnecessary risk so that they will have to fight a “politically correct” war against Islamic terrorism. 
9.     Continue to protect the Muslim religion from any scrutiny or criticism for the failure of most of its leaders to disavow the actions of Islamic Jihadist terrorists.
10.  Provide free housing, food, medical care, education, and other perks to illegal aliens while preparing plans to grant them amnesty and a fast track to citizenship, so they can vote for Democrats.
11.  Allow the corruption in the Veterans Administration to continue without anyone being penalized for denying veterans medical care, declaring them incompetent to handle their own financial affairs without cause, and declaring them mentally incompetent.
12.  Support radical groups like “Black Lives Matter” in attacking police and undermining their ability to protect American citizens, and themselves.
13.  Massively raise taxes on American citizens, and businesses so more “free stuff” can be provided to buy votes for Democratic Party candidates.
14.  Continue to push for federal control of education by using common core to dumb down American students, and use the schools to rewrite history so children will not learn about the foundation of our Constitutional form of government, and the sacrifices Americans have made for freedom.
15.  Turn universities from places where open discussion of ideas is encouraged to institutions where left wing whiners and losers can be protected from being traumatized by being exposed to anyone or anything they might disagree with.
16.  Continue to release convicted criminals, including illegal aliens into our cities, and encourage cities to provide sanctuaries for these dangerous individuals.
17.  Continue to release captured Islamic terrorists so they can kill more Americans.
18.  In the name of the discredited theory of climate change, continue to destroy America’s energy industry costing thousands of Americans their jobs.
19.  Appoint federal judges, including Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court that will pursue the leftist agenda instead of protecting the Constitution that is what is required by their oath of office.

I could go own, but I believe the message is clear; the values of Barrack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the liberal elitists who support them do not represent the values of the vast majority of the American people. They are certainly not the values of those who have fought and died for this country.
Michael Connelly

Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Conversation with Myself

It's late, again.  I'm having trouble going back to sleep.  The cycle of questions starts once more. Where do trees go when they die?  Do they feel pain when they're cut down?  How is it that my mind is aware I'm asking these questions?  Are we really two souls housed in one body?  One soul (bad) is always tugging at the other one to be reckless, rebellious (it says no one will get hurt) and yet the other soul (good) is always on guard making sure we don't do something stupid.  I always feel as though I have someone looking over my shoulder, listening to what I say and constantly observing me.  Is this what Conscience is?   Mankind is on the brink and it's painfully evident that it just can't help itself.  I mean, it doesn't learn from its mistakes and every human being that was sent to help us understand ourselves was put to death.  How can someone bring themselves to abort a baby?  What is love?   The Bible says that Love is the strongest emotion.   Why do we suffer?  What makes us think that earth is going to exist forever?  It's been said that we live in a 'cosmic shooting gallery' so, do you really believe that we are just going to continue to exist or will we become extinct like the dinosaurs? Will it be an EMP?   Will it be an Asteroid? Will it be the much maligned Planet X that is supposedly lurking on the outskirts of our solar system?  Or will it be another Great Flood?  How is it that some humans on this planet exist solely for the purpose of killing others?  Are these really humans or are they sub-humans?  Do animals have souls?  Would our lives be better if we didn't have governments? When we die do we go to heaven or hell?  Does human life really have any value?  Was religion introduced for the purpose of just controlling us by instilling fear into the masses, indoctrination or enlightenment?  Why do we have different names for G-d?  Why are there different races on earth?  How is it that the sun is just the right distance from this planet to sustain life as well as the moon being in just the right location?  Coincidence?  Is Life an illusion?  If so, are we then really all delusional?  As I lay in bed, I'm watching the ceiling fan make its solitary rotation, going round and round, listening to the thump, thump thump.  I feel barren and devoid of any emotion, caught up in looking at something that does what it was wired to do and nothing else and I just cannot quiet the myriad of questions that haunt me.  The ceiling fan is just a piece of metal with no heart, no soul, no purpose in life other than turning on when its chain is pulled and shutting down when it's no longer needed.  Come to think of it, we do have something in common.  What's it all about, anyway, this struggle we're in?  We are born, we live, we die.  What's the point?  Do we come back if we haven't come to grips with some of our problems, addictions?  Why do we come out of the birth canal at 9 months only to find we're in another birth canal (struggle) trying to make our way through life? Why do I wake up at 2 a.m. in the morning pondering things?  I talk to myself, I argue and agonize and scrutinize and analyze and think deeply about things only to find myself going in circles and yet I know that right in front of me, taunting me and frustratingly so, just out of my reach, are the answers I seek. Is someone playing a game?  Have we been programmed to only know just so much and no more?  How did I end up with the parents I had?  Did I pick them out or were they randomly selected?  Are we going to be visited by ETs in a dramatic way so that governments and bureaucrats and organizations can't deny their presence anymore?  Why do we feel pain?  Why do we hate each other?  I've often thought of stopping by a strange community and knocking on doors introducing myself and saying, "hi, I'm so and so and I just want you to know how much I love you and, I have no animosity toward you".  Why are we so afraid to do this, to reach out to each other?  To come together?  Why can't we get past our differences?  Why is there so much hardship and pain and sorrow?  If we all could get together and hold hands focusing on what unites us instead of our differences, do you believe this would have a lasting, good and profound affect on all?  If you saw a mother slapping her child would you immediately turn her in or walk over and talk with her to see what was wrong?  Do you have a temper?  Why am I talking to myself so much?  Is anyone listening?  I listen to hear if anyone answers.  Silence.  Why are we capable of cruelty?  Why are we heterosexual, bi-sexual, homosexual?  I don't care, just wondering?  Do we exist on other planets? Have ETs solved their differences or are they having as much trouble as we are?  Why can't people just admit when they're wrong?  Do Demons exist--I have a definite answer for this one--YES.  Do angels exist--I have a definite answer for this one, also--YES.  If so, then why does it appear that The Adversary is winning and Good is losing?   Maybe it has something to do with this--Do we create our own reality?  If so then maybe if we unplugged the software program and fired the programmers we could reclaim the life we were all meant to have.  One with no suffering or pain, no violence, one of mutual respect and a deep love with selfless service to others.  I have a ray of hope....

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Japan Earthquake

Our hearts and prayers go out to the Japanese People.  It's unbelievable what is happening to their homeland.  

Friday, April 15, 2016






Each generation brings with it something new.

I am the post WWII generation in which my parents, the entire country joined together to defeat an enemy of mankind, Adolf Hitler.

They sacrificed so that others would live, free from fear and in peace and hopefully, be remembered for what they did, what they accomplished.

They gave their all so that you would appreciate being able to live in a free society.

Does anyone teach this in schools anymore?

There are many today who could care less about this part of our history because they have been indoctrinated in caring only about themselves and what's in it for them, that the government 'owes' them something and when they don't get it, they march and torch, vandalize, slander, rob, insult, humiliate or worse.      

My parents grew up in austere conditions with no electricity, no running water, only wood heat to stay warm, milk and bread was a regular meal and having to walk miles to school as there were no school buses to pick them up.

They lived lives of drudgery at times with little or no help from others, being taught to stand on their own two feet, do what needed to be done, not to complain and be grateful for what they had.

They learned responsibility, hard work and enjoyed the simple things in life.

They believed in G-d and went to church.

There was very little poverty and if one was in need the local church or family would see to it that their needs were met.

There were very little babies born out of wedlock; families were there to support and help keep everyone together and intact.

We didn't have the federal government telling women that it was their right to choose to abort a baby as any child that was unplanned would be cared for by family members and others.

There were no flash mobs or Black Lives Matter or rampant crime nor disrespect for law enforcement or the military.

We were well aware that without these people who chose to protect us and lay down their lives, if necessary, that our lives would be much harder and much more dangerous.

We appreciated them.

Today, things have changed dramatically in this country.

We have groups of people who believe that they are owed everything; that they are entitled to this and that and not even willing to take a job because they believe it is 'just' payback for past grievances.

We have leaders and organizations who pander to them, giving them a platform and voice to shout out indignities and obscenities, encouraging them to 'vent' their anger on communities and law enforcement, take to the streets rampaging and bullying because 'others' are to blame for their plight.

We have crime infested cities and communities and drugs infecting and affecting old people, young people children and entire families.  

Many of our military men and women are on food stamps; our veterans are being denied service for their OTJ injuries and many are needlessly dying while waiting months and years for care.

And yet others want what is owed to them because they've been taught that they are special, they are entitled.


We had better turn things around in this country because, quite frankly, I don't believe we have much time left.

Especially when I ponder who's in office.  

Yes, we are a compassionate nation and yes we are willing to help others but not to the extent that we give continue to put others first who have no right to be 'first' in line while we dishonor and ignore those who have given their all for the rest of us.

Bring me back to the 'good ole days' when drudgery was commonplace, when drudgery and I would gather chicken eggs and drudgery and I would ponder the meaning of life together.

When drudgery would accompany me and made me buckle down, wrestling with my homework, hungrily staring at a glass of milk with two sugar cookies just out of my reach, when drudgery would help me pass the time as we walked together to school, when drudgery would sit next to me while Dad drove the old jalopy to Grandma's house, my mouth salivating because I could hardly wait, knowing there was a warm, homemade slice of apple pie waiting for me as I continued to count the telephone poles outside the car as we drove.

Through drudgery we are able to arrive at solutions, work through our problems, and ponder the meaning of life.

There's a lot to be said for the word drudgery, don't you think?

Drudgery has solved a lot of problems but then, today, in this technological age, nobody has the time to experience drudgery let alone even contemplating its good points.

We're too full of ourselves and too much on the go, our excuse is we don't have the time, we believe we have all the answers anyway so why waste our time bothering to contemplate anything?

If true, then we might as well remove the word drudgery from the dictionary, remove that part of history when men were honored because of great deeds and women were happy being mothers and homemakers.

Is it possible we can erase from our memories and history books that part of our history that actually contributed to making this a great nation?

And the answer is....

Plunk Your Magic Twanger Froggy!


Dawn of Global Governance


Friday, April 8, 2016


*Time is of the Essence
*Finish up tasks you've been putting off
*The end of a cycle and the beginning of another *Completion
*Humility, Humanity
Do what needs to be done.

Make a list of those things you've been putting off and get to them.

If you've been thinking about calling a loved one, do it.

If you are in need of forgiveness fall on your knees and ask for it.

If you need to forgive someone, then do it.

There is a time coming when all of us on this planet are finally going to connect with one another in a very meaningful way, a circle of completion.

We will know, at that time, why we are here and that there are more things uniting us than dividing us.

Right now we need to embrace one another in love and compassion.

Those who have used deception as a tool for conquering our spirit, keeping us under foot and in the dark, those who have preyed on our weaknesses will finally be dealt with so they can do us no more harm.

The Veil of Deception and Duplicity is sloughing off.

No matter our race, our color, our religion, our sexual orientation,  all of us need to stop the trouble makers, the rabble rousers, the hate mongers and those who continue to stir the pot, watching us wallow in our miseries.

Time to reclaim this planet, our homes, our families, our lives.

If we don't do it, who will?    

We are the 999.