Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Hooded One

On April 6th I woke up feeling unsettled (you know that 'gut' feeling that something isn't quite right) and it stayed with me the entire day.

Note:  This is the date when I saw the number 999. I posted about the meaning of this number on April 8.
I'm posting about the experience I had on April 7th now:

April 7th was a new moon.

I woke up with the same feeling I had on April 6th except that it wasn't subsiding, it was growing stronger.  

I thought there might be something cataclysmic going to happen--a massive solar flare, a volcano erupting, an earthquake, etc.

In fact it was so strong by 2:00 p.m. that I reached for my headphones to listen to some meditation music hoping that some of it would subside.

The music lasted approximately 45 minutes.

As the meditation was ending and I was removing my headphones, I saw a figure.

By the word 'saw' it was what I saw in my mind's eye, not an actual physical presence.

It was something right out of the spiritual realm.

Even right now I can still see it and I can draw what it looked like.

It lasted a few short seconds and then disappeared but enough time for it to make a lasting and traumatic impact on me.

It was a dark grey in color and had a hooded shroud over its body that billowed out behind it as it walked stridently.

It didn't turn and look at me (thank G-d) but stared straight ahead and was walking from left to right.

It appeared to be on a mission and in a hurry.

I was slowly overcome by the feeling that it was looking for someone.

It reminded me of The Angel of Death, CGI of what this figure may look like aka The Destroyer, the Hooded One, The Grim Reaper--I've posted a picture so you'll get an idea of what I saw but not the face or eyes and, hopefully, you'll maybe get some idea of what it would feel like to encounter something like this.    

I literally was scared to my very core unlike other spirit beings I've encountered.

This thing meant business.

The feeling that I had that maybe a solar flare or something else was going to occur had all but disappeared.

I felt that this Demon was on a mission of death and I had the distinct thought that someone close to me, maybe a friend or a loved one, was going to die.

In fact I even got on the phone and called someone close to me just to make sure they were okay.

By now I was experiencing terrible anxiety of the type I've never experienced before.

I've encountered beings such as this before but I am always able to rise above them and gain the upper hand.

This experience affected me so traumatically, so profoundly that I had to take something to calm myself down and go to bed.

I have now come to the conclusion that this was a warning of some kind.

You may, however, chalk this all up to some nut expounding on something that couldn't possibly have happened or refuse to believe in any part of it whatsoever.

You may interpret this to something else or dismiss it entirely.

That's okay.  

I'm here solely to try and elevate your understanding of where you and I are right now as humans on the celestial plane and where we fit in when it comes to the spirit realm.

There are many spirit realms some of them with beings filled with good intentions for mankind but others who are here solely to see us sink further into the abyss.

I believe that this experience was for a reason and that I struggled through it, knowing that it had to be shared with you because maybe, just maybe, at least one of you will take it to heart.

I describe all the turmoil in the world today as something that is 'turning inside out.'

I believe that this was a wake up call that something is coming.

I just wish I knew exactly what the wake up call was about but more importantly, when.  

On the other hand, maybe the 'wake up' calls are happening all around us and this was the exclamation after the fact.

Maybe it's time we slow down our breathing down and take a look around.

For, something is not quite right.    

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