Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Golden Years

Sun Flowers

My favorite time of year used to be Fall.  Now I like Spring the best.

Maybe it's because the sun is out more during this time instead of the gray skies and the winter grunge still hanging over everything.   

Or maybe it has to do with what I experienced growing up.

I remember, as a kid, riding my bike down the street amid thick forests on either side of the road and very few houses.  The golden sun kissed me all over as I rode up and down, my hair streaming out behind me.

Every so often I would get off my bike and just stand, my head tipped upward, reveling in the sun's warmth and peeking at the pale blue sky with a few white puffy clouds.     

This was in 1951.   Just a mere six years after the end of WWII and people and families still trying to regain their footing and some semblance of order in their lives.

Life was simple back then.  Women stayed home and raised a family; the head of the house house got a job and worked all day, came home to a nice hot meal with everybody sitting around the table just waiting to talk about their day.

Meals began with a prayer of thanks for the food being presented and everyone bowed their heads.

People back then were grateful for peace as they had had 4 years of nothing but war from 1941 - 1945.
Public schools taught American History, Reading and Arithmetic.  Teachers were respected and there were very few disciplinary problems.  

Abortion was unknown; everyone attended church on Sunday; men tipped their hats to women; girls curtsied in front of their elders and boys saluted; men opened doors for women and they were  genuinely touched when a man presented them with a bouquet of flowers.

I remember the day we got our first television.  We all sat, cross legged, on the scratchy rug, looking up with wonder at the small screen and the pictures were very distorted and unclear.

The Howdy Doody Show starring Clarabelle the Clown were the favorite of kids.  

Women still hung clothes out to dry.   There were no clothes dryers or automatic dish washers and more efficient washing machines and refrigerators were just coming into existence.

We had a few neighbors who had fled Nazi Germany and resettled in the USA.  I remember our quiet next door family and the couple who lived across the street.

The neighbor lady across the street had an accent and the prettiest black hair I've ever seen that fell all the way to her waist.  I remember thinking she looked like someone from Romania.

I used to play with a girlfriend who lived not too far from our house.  Her name was Ruthie.  We had a lot of fun running and playing and just plain dreaming about life.

Time moves on.

We mature, marry, have families but can never forget the friendships and the memories we made while growing up.   

Just thought I'd share this with you.

     ~ Blessings,



Thursday, February 27, 2020

Humanity is Again on a Threshold ~ It's Either the Abyss or the Light

"Beware That, When Fighting Monsters, You Yourself Do Not Become a Monster...For When You Gaze Long Into the Abyss, the Abyss Also Gazes Into You" ~ Friedrich W. Nietzsche

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Make Your Life Count


Life is a struggle from the minute we're born until the day we die.

And it gets harder to deal with it as we grow older.  

What advice did your parents give you about growing up?  Did they share their life experiences with you offering advice on what to do, what not to do or did they just leave you to chance?

We all need guidelines in order to grow up.  

A job requires we be on time in order to receive a paycheck; we need to show up for class if we want an education, etc. 

Are you one who lays in bed until noon with no aim in life, just letting life pass you by or are you  finally tired of waiting for something to happen and realize that the direction of your life lies in your own hands?

We have no idea what awaits us as we transit through life until something bad happens.

At that point we either stand up and fight or fold. 

Life doesn't care who you are as it can be beautiful but also formidable and unforgiving.

How we prepare for it is crucial to our survival.

Are you ready?

Are you set?

Then, Go!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Dr. Greer: False Flag WARNING (This Video Ends with No. Part II but the Information Contained in this Video is a Must See)

Get a Grip

"How to keep your sanity in an insane world"


We live on the news, we wait for the news, we can't seem to turn the news off.  At some point we need to ask ourselves, "is too much news bad news for us?" 

We can turn the news off, temporarily solving the problem.  But, after a few hours we find we need more news and turn it on again.

Ever wonder what happens to your brain when you're bombarded constantly with negative ions?

Doesn't it make sense that those on the brink of doing something harmful act out their intent because of what they're hearing and watching and those who are suffering depression dive even more deeply into the abyss?   

Here are some steps to protect yourself against this onslaught of negativity that is constantly with us:   

1.  Ground yourself:  Seek out your own personal sanctuary whether it's inside yourself (your safe space) working in your garden, going for a walk or enjoying yourself in a spa.   

2.  Mentally take control of your situation:  Let the good things in and keep the bad things out.

3.  Meditation:  This can be in the form of peaceful music or a guided meditation in which a teacher teaches you the steps toward inner peace.   

4.  Yoga:  Stretch and limber up and this will also help uplift your attitude. 

5.  Spa, sauna, gym:  Relaxation; Exercise

6.  Prayer:  Make this a go to habit in the morning and throughout the day.  Prayer is a form of meditation and the more you exercise this tool the more powerful the results. 

7.  Meet with positive people:  People with a positive outlook on life (even in the midst of confusion and turmoil) are more apt to wind up better off both mentally and physically. 

8. Learn to Trust you instincts as this is your inner voice guiding you.

The Apocalypse is here.

I believe we're in the beginning of something in which difficult situations are going to increase for all of us.  Circumstances and events that we couldn't even dream imaginable just a few short years ago will start to unfold.   

Now is the time to prepare yourself both spiritually, physically and mentally for what is coming.

     ~ Love and Blessings,
               ~ Nightshade


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Long Wait

"Seek and You Will Find"
Matthew 7:7

It's certifiable ~Humanity has finally gone nuts.

What I see going on in the world is accelerating and cause for alarm mainly because humans know how to solve their problems but defiantly choose not to.   

From governments conjuring up deadly viruses to waging wars, to vengeful people with axes to grind either government officials or mentally impaired individuals taking to the streets to avenge their demons, it appears that our own self-appointed exile from anything noble and good is fast approaching a point of no return.         

The world has always been irresponsible and posed as an unfavorable role model for the rest of us.  It has been unstable to a lesser or larger degree but now appears to have lost all sense of what is right and what is wrong.

~Nature, the Cosmos, Self and G-d~    

Humans don't live on a barren rock they live on a conscious planet teeming with life.

The sooner we learn how to co-exist peacefully with each other, the quicker the world's doomsday clock will grind to a halt. 

 The blueprint for humanity's awakening has always been here it's just that we've chosen to ignore it.     


>Nature (Grounding-Down to Earth):  First we need to recognize we live on a planet in the middle of nowhere and  bound by Nature's laws ~ Birth,  Life, Death.

We must learn to center ourselves (listen) respect and commune with Nature as we will soon find she teaches us lessons on what to do and what not to do in order to survive our earthly journey.

>The Cosmos (Humility):  When we first begin to look up at the stars we feel a sense of wonderment  and bewilderment at the vastness of space and start asking questions like, "where do we fit in into all of this?"

As our education progresses, we slowly learn about a pattern of order and about other planets and star systems and the possibility of life on other worlds.     

>Self (Awareness):  Once we embark on finding out who we are and where we fit in we become more aware of our selves as sentient beings connected to everything in the universe and then take it a step further...

"Who or what created us?"

>G-d:  Man is not only a physical being but a spiritual one.  "Does Man have a deep desire to know that he was created by someone or something higher than himself"?  I believe the answer is yes since we have a number of religions that teach this very thing.

Thus, Man, once he has gotten the other three lessons out of the way comes face to face with his spiritual nature and the fact that he was created by a Being higher than himself, someone or something he can't define.   

The beginning of an endless quest in finding answers to finding G-d thus learning he has finally found himself.  

     ~  Blessings,
          ~ Nightshade