Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Long Wait

"Seek and You Will Find"
Matthew 7:7

It's certifiable ~Humanity has finally gone nuts.

What I see going on in the world is accelerating and cause for alarm mainly because humans know how to solve their problems but defiantly choose not to.   

From governments conjuring up deadly viruses to waging wars, to vengeful people with axes to grind either government officials or mentally impaired individuals taking to the streets to avenge their demons, it appears that our own self-appointed exile from anything noble and good is fast approaching a point of no return.         

The world has always been irresponsible and posed as an unfavorable role model for the rest of us.  It has been unstable to a lesser or larger degree but now appears to have lost all sense of what is right and what is wrong.

~Nature, the Cosmos, Self and G-d~    

Humans don't live on a barren rock they live on a conscious planet teeming with life.

The sooner we learn how to co-exist peacefully with each other, the quicker the world's doomsday clock will grind to a halt. 

 The blueprint for humanity's awakening has always been here it's just that we've chosen to ignore it.     


>Nature (Grounding-Down to Earth):  First we need to recognize we live on a planet in the middle of nowhere and  bound by Nature's laws ~ Birth,  Life, Death.

We must learn to center ourselves (listen) respect and commune with Nature as we will soon find she teaches us lessons on what to do and what not to do in order to survive our earthly journey.

>The Cosmos (Humility):  When we first begin to look up at the stars we feel a sense of wonderment  and bewilderment at the vastness of space and start asking questions like, "where do we fit in into all of this?"

As our education progresses, we slowly learn about a pattern of order and about other planets and star systems and the possibility of life on other worlds.     

>Self (Awareness):  Once we embark on finding out who we are and where we fit in we become more aware of our selves as sentient beings connected to everything in the universe and then take it a step further...

"Who or what created us?"

>G-d:  Man is not only a physical being but a spiritual one.  "Does Man have a deep desire to know that he was created by someone or something higher than himself"?  I believe the answer is yes since we have a number of religions that teach this very thing.

Thus, Man, once he has gotten the other three lessons out of the way comes face to face with his spiritual nature and the fact that he was created by a Being higher than himself, someone or something he can't define.   

The beginning of an endless quest in finding answers to finding G-d thus learning he has finally found himself.  

     ~  Blessings,
          ~ Nightshade



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