Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Get a Grip

"How to keep your sanity in an insane world"


We live on the news, we wait for the news, we can't seem to turn the news off.  At some point we need to ask ourselves, "is too much news bad news for us?" 

We can turn the news off, temporarily solving the problem.  But, after a few hours we find we need more news and turn it on again.

Ever wonder what happens to your brain when you're bombarded constantly with negative ions?

Doesn't it make sense that those on the brink of doing something harmful act out their intent because of what they're hearing and watching and those who are suffering depression dive even more deeply into the abyss?   

Here are some steps to protect yourself against this onslaught of negativity that is constantly with us:   

1.  Ground yourself:  Seek out your own personal sanctuary whether it's inside yourself (your safe space) working in your garden, going for a walk or enjoying yourself in a spa.   

2.  Mentally take control of your situation:  Let the good things in and keep the bad things out.

3.  Meditation:  This can be in the form of peaceful music or a guided meditation in which a teacher teaches you the steps toward inner peace.   

4.  Yoga:  Stretch and limber up and this will also help uplift your attitude. 

5.  Spa, sauna, gym:  Relaxation; Exercise

6.  Prayer:  Make this a go to habit in the morning and throughout the day.  Prayer is a form of meditation and the more you exercise this tool the more powerful the results. 

7.  Meet with positive people:  People with a positive outlook on life (even in the midst of confusion and turmoil) are more apt to wind up better off both mentally and physically. 

8. Learn to Trust you instincts as this is your inner voice guiding you.

The Apocalypse is here.

I believe we're in the beginning of something in which difficult situations are going to increase for all of us.  Circumstances and events that we couldn't even dream imaginable just a few short years ago will start to unfold.   

Now is the time to prepare yourself both spiritually, physically and mentally for what is coming.

     ~ Love and Blessings,
               ~ Nightshade


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