Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for January 31, 2021


The Gilded Tarot

1.  Top:  The Focus of the Reading:  II The High Priestess:

* Rely on your intuition (trust yourself)

2.  Left (Past):  I The Magician:

* Focus your will

3.  Middle (Present):  II of Wands:

* You have a decision to make

4.  Right (Positive/negative factors surrounding the situation) V of Pentacles:

*Instability; hardship; suffering:  mental, physical and financial

5.  Left Bottom (Advice):  

*Decisive action is required

6.  Right Bottom (Outcome):

You have the talent to get the job done

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

The message:

You've been hesitating, mulling things over, waffling; don't let a negative attitude or circumstances stop you from doing what's needed.  it's time to make a decision and it will involve decisive action.  Believe in yourself.  You have the talent to win.  

This reading has a Numerical Value of 4:  Foundation; pushing us to grow and move forward



Friday, January 29, 2021

Dirty Laundry

Noah's Ark

What good are laws if nobody obeys them?  What good are rules if people snub their noses at them?  I had a long session with the universe last night re man's state of affairs here on Planet Earth.  

My Take:  Man was not Chosen he was Forsaken.  

Earth isn't man's home it's his prison, a dumping ground for his willful, rebellious and arrogant nature.  

Have you noticed the good that people do or attempt to do here is always smeared and ridiculed while those who do bad are cheered and exalted?   

In my talk with the universe my thoughts and words went to the core of our existence on this planet and the horrific acts we commit, the whys, the wherefores and the how comes.  The depth of thought I went through in order to achieve this thorough analysis was akin to undergoing a catharsis of the mind and a purge of the soul.  

Did you not know that life continues to beget life on this planet as this is the plan G-d had for us when He created earth?  

So, how is it then that we now have 62,000,000 aborted babies?    

"Where is the mass uprising against this barbaric and inhumane practice"?   

Why aren't those responsible for this not being held accountable?  Why is it that the federal government and states still give millions to Planned Parenthood?

There are other instances of evil we do to one another and are characterized by the * (see below).  

The emotions I underwent as I painfully scrutinized our role here are these so you will get a feel for what I experienced:  

*horrific; odorous; blood and guts; carnage; brutality; cruelty; abuse; abandonment; butchery; fecal matter; vomit; mass murder; slaughter; annihilation; rape; sodomy; liquidation; grisly; starvation; gruesome; torture; demonic; Pedophelia; appalling. 

The above is the very definition of Madness.  

So, when are we going to get it?  When are we going to take our own lives into our own hands?  When are we going to exercise responsibility for our actions and demand it from others?  When are we going to stand up for those among us who have no voice?  When are we going to remove evil people from high places who flaunt the rules and continue to lord over the rest of us?  

Are we worth saving?   I used to think so but not anymore.    

I believe that our actions (and inaction) have been weighed by G-d who has reached His limits of tolerance.   

Remember, He sent a flood. 

Monday, January 25, 2021



Weekly Tarot Message for January 24, 2021


The Gilded Tarot

1.  Top Card is The Significator:  XV The Devil (the reading centers around this card).  

The Significator card can define a person, a situation or an event.  

I think for this reading it signifies all three. 

2.  Top Row:  Past:  IX of Cups:  A positive attitude; toasting the future; blessings; sharing the love with others.

3.  Present:  XXI The World:  The successful completion of one cycle and preparing for another.

4.  Factors both Neg/Positive Surrounding the Situation:  VIII of Cups:  Abandoning one path in favor of another.

5.  Bottom:  Advice on What or What Not To Do:  VI The Lovers:  Coming together; harmonizing; submission and trust.

6.  Outcome:  VI of Pentacles:  Sharing your wealth; helping those in need.

~ ~ ~

Message:  I like to refer to this reading as The Renaissance because that's what it feels like.  Something old and outworn is leaving (The Devil) and something new is coming in (The Lovers) and, it's going to stay because people will be craving and demanding it.  It's a new relationship, something possibly dealing with people's thinking, their mindsets, or a change of heart.  Whatever it is, it will be uplifting, spontaneous and magnanimous.     

Think of it as a changing of the guard.   

The outcome of this reading is positive with a man sharing his wealth with others and helping those in need. 

The numerical value of this reading is a 6:  "Moving away from conflict into a solution; overcoming suffering; the light after the dark".  


Monday, January 18, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for January 17, 2021

The Gilded Tarot Card Deck

While shuffling, the Tarot V of Swords fell from the deck.  When this happens, the card is meant to be read as it relates to the reading.

Meaning of The V of Swords:  A victory that comes at a great cost; a tough battle that must be faced.


Six cards:

Top row:  Middle card (IV The Emperor) is read first as it is describes the characteristics of the person the reading centers around.    

* A mature man, a strategist, one who stands for stability; foundation; law and order

Left card:  The Past (Page of Pentacles):   

* The steps you took while you were young in order to enjoy the success you now have.  You learned in the past how to plan for the future. 

Right card:  The Present (VI of Wands):  

* A victory; accolades; a victory march.

Bottom Row:  Right card (Knight of Wands):  The positive or negative factors surrounding your situation.

* "In position"; ready to take action; primed.

Middle card:  Advice on What to Do or Not to Do (II The High Priestess) represents:  

* Thinking outside the box; listen to your intuition and trust your instincts.

Left card:  Outcome (Queen of Cups):  

* A sympathetic listener; a spiritual advisor; a confidant.

The Message:  The Emperor, a person of great authority and perception, is facing a dilemma and/or a challenge (or a series of challenges) that he understands deserves his full attention.

He is not knew to this type of situation as he is a battle hardened warrior.  

Even though unclear to him now, the steps he is presently taking will ensure him a victory.  

He has learned to lean on his own intuition and trust his instincts in order to plan and prepare.     

He has even gone so far as to consult a spiritual advisor for guidance and advice.  

The numerical meaning of this reading is a 3:  The successful completion of a goal.  All the skills you acquired and possess are merging together.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for January 10, 2021

Vampire Tarot Deck

Six card Spread:

Top:  Left to right:  

1.  The Past:  Knight of Wands:  Enthusiasm

2.  What's On Your Mind:   XVII The Star:  Hope and Promise

3.  The Present:  VIII of Wands:  A positive change; many creative abilities are falling into place.

Bottom:  Left to right:  

4.  What is Hidden:  The Page of Swords:  Vigilance

5.  Advice:  IX of Pentacles:  Upright this card signifies abundance and enjoying the fruits of your labor.  Reversed it means:  Be on guard as you are in uncharted territory, proceed with caution; discernment is required

6.  Outcome:  III of Wands:  Achievement (Success)

In the Past (Knight of Wands) you were full of enthusiasm for your project and are hoping that all goes well (XVII The Star).  The VIII of Wands says that you will be successful in your endeavours as a positive change is presently manifesting.

However, as The Page of Swords indicates:  Vigilance is required as you proceed.  The IX of Pentacles (reversed) indicates you need to be on guard as discernment is required.  The III of Wands indicates you will, however, be successful and achieve whatever it was you set out to do.  

Numerical Meaning:  #10:  The actual completion of a cycle and moving towards a new beginning. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Heavy Hand of G-d


~ G-d Rules ~

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. (Proverbs 6:16)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Life's Little Pleasures

"Enjoy the Moment Before It's Gone"

Today is a bitterly cold and gray day but finally the sun came out this afternoon.  

I immediately took advantage of it, after I had completed my daily chores by resolutely positioning myself facing west so I could watch this brilliant orb and embracing in its rays as they warmed me all over.          

There is something to be said about able to discern just the right moment to experience something grand, realizing it's a magical moment by allowing your senses and body to merge together and remaining still in frigid cold air as you partake of a celestial giant taking its last gasp, surrounded by sentient creatures and a vast forest of tall pines majestically standing watch over you.       

"Enjoy the Moment Before It's Gone." 

Just being outside and experiencing nature is and always has been comforting to me. 

Nature is the natural ebb and flow of life with starts and stops, contractions and convulsions, gentle flows and fiery, explosive heaving cataclysms.     

Our earthly journey begins with birth (Manifestation) and ends with Death (Transformation).

But, this is only the Beginning.  

More next time,







Monday, January 4, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for January 3, 2021

Vampire Tarot

Six cards:

Top Row:  The Past; The Problem or Question; The Present

Bottom Row:  Hidden Influences (Unseen, Problems or Conflicts); Advice; Outcome


1.  The Past:  The Hanged Man:  XII Sacrifice

2.  The Problem or Question:  Knight of Swords:  Dangerous; treacherous; ruthless and cruel  

3.  The Present:  Ace of Swords:  Cutting through the BS; swift action; getting to the heart of a problem

4.  Hidden Influences:  The King of Pentacles:  Wise; Successful businessman; Mentor

5.  Advice:  The Queen of Pentacles:  Caring, Devoted and Trustworthy

6.  Outcome:  XX Judgement:  A Reckoning; Conclusion; Accountability


Message:   1.  The Past: You are used to sacrifice as this is what got you to where you are now.  Lessons learned and skill sets you implemented only encouraged you to reach higher and achieve new goals, instilling confidence and forging you into a rich and successful businessman.  

2.  The Problem or Question:  You have a sixth sense especially when it comes to sensing danger and are especially adept in how to handle it.  You realize that you are surrounded by untrustworthy if not dangerous adversaries.  

3.  The Present:  Now is the time to bring forth the full measure of yourself, cutting through all the BS that has defined the situation you're dealing with.  There is no time to lose as swift action is necessary if you are to be successful.         

4.  Hidden Influences (Unseen Problems or Conflicts):  You are The King of Pentacles, forged by fire and ice.  You've made wise decisions in the past and people look up to you.  But in your current situation, are you sure you crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's? Have you underestimated the opposition? 

5.  Advice:  The Queen of Pentacles:  A caring, wise and trustworthy person.  A confidant and someone you continue to turn to for sound advice.

6.  Outcome:   You've known about this looming situation and have put much effort and thought into how to successfully handle it.  It is still to early to say whether the plans you've put into place will be successful or fail.   Time will tell.   

Numerical Value for this Reading is a 5:  Change, Fluctuation, Conflict


Saturday, January 2, 2021

6.4 Earthquake on December 29, 2020 and Aftershocks Creating Sink Holes and Liquefaction in Croatia


The Void


I was standing in a small room and at first couldn't make out my surroundings including any objects of which there were several.

After careful scrutiny, however, I was able to make out a rectangular table with a glass top about 2' high along with a set of double doors.

I did not see any windows.  

There were no bright colors only grays, off whites and black.

There were no voices, sounds or smells.

I did have what I would call a "guide" but could not make out who or what it was because I could only see a portion of its body and its face was constantly turned away from me.           

I detected no hostility from it nor did I experience any fear throughout this entire occurrence.     

My guide reminded me of the "wraith like" figure of Death in the movie, "Scrooge" as every so often it would raise its arm and point its finger in the direction it wanted me to go.

Yet I don't remember where I went (if I did at all) or what I saw (if anything).      

The room had a strong aseptic feel to it and, now, looking back on all this, I am thinking my guide may have been devoid of life as well (possibly a robot?)

Have you ever walked into a room in an old house that had been locked up for years and the feeling when you entered -- like death, a thin soft veil of dust covering everything, a silent void, devoid of any feeling or emotion whatsoever?   

And then, the distinct feeling you had just entered a dimension where there was no such thing as time.         

This was the room I was standing in.

In addition, I detected no temperature.            

The room also gave me the feeling that it was, somehow, suspended in space and if I were to walk over and open a door, I would step out and instantly tumble down into nothingness.  

To the right of my guide and over its left shoulder, I detected a faint light streaming into the room.

As far as I could tell, it wasn't illuminating anything in particular and I couldn't determine whether or not it was originating within the room itself or from an outside source. 

It was enough, however, that I was able to see the dark shape of my guide's head and shoulders.

It appeared to be human but I couldn't really tell for sure.   

Maybe there will be a follow up to this....