Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Monday, February 22, 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for February 21, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot |
I used XXI The World Tarot Card as the main theme (or focus) of this reading as it reflects what is happening to us and our planet, globally.
1. Top Row Middle: XXI The World:
A cycle has reached completion. It could mean physical death or the way we conduct business or govern or maybe a belief system is undergoing change. In any case, the old is dying, paving the way for something new to emerge.
2. Top Row Left: The Past (How did we get here?): XIII Death:
This card reflects the World card in meaning. It could represent physical death or something we leaned on, trusted in is ending paving the way for something new to replace it. It also means transformation - transforming from one thing to another.
3. Top Row Right: The Present (Where are we now and where are we going?): XII The Hanging Man:
This card represents a complete reversal of our thinking and the roles we play. Through trials and sacrifice the man is able to see the reality of the world he lives in and all that goes on from a completely different perspective. His thinking has been turned upside down (transformed).
4. Middle Row Right: What is Hidden From Us: VII of Pentacles:
We are in the midst of doing a risk assessment re business and financial matters but could also mean doing a personal risk assessment of just who we are as individuals, what we need to do in order to survive and thrive and where we are going, individually.
5. Middle Row Left: What Do We Need to Do (Advice)?: Knight of Swords:
Set a goal. You are single minded right now and know what needs to be done. Put on your suit of armor and meet whatever comes your way, boldly.
6. Bottom Card: Outcome: III of Swords:
This card indicates heartbreak and sorrow as we journey forward, together, learning a painful truth.
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Message: This reading is all about change (transformation) from the old to the new. It is akin to childbirth in which the woman carries the child for 9 mos. and then gives birth. There is no pain during the 9 mos. but only comes when the baby is ready to leave the familiarity and security of the womb and enter the world.
* I thought it would be interesting to provide the spiritual numerical value of the year 2021: When you add up the numbers 2, 2 and 1 they add up to 5: The no. 5 means: change, fluctuations and conflict. *
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The numerical meaning of this reading is a 10: "The actual completion of a cycle and moving toward a new beginning".
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Friday, February 19, 2021
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Monday, February 15, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for February 14, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot Card Deck |
Question for Tarot:
"What individually do we need to do in order to get through this phase of our lives?"
1. Top Row Middle: What the reading is about: Knight of Wands: "A Warrior Spirit"
2. Top Row Left Card: The Past: Ace of Cups: Abundance; abode; overflowing with emotion; blessings
3. Top Row Right Card: The Present: XVIII The Moon: Delusion, illusion, shadows, fear, what is hidden from us
4. Middle Row Left Card: How Did I/We Get Here?: XIII Death: One cycle ending, another beginning; transformation; endings
5. Middle Row Right Card: Advice: What do I/we do or not do?: XII The Hanging Man: A wait and see situation; inaction
6. Bottom Outcome or Future: Queen of Wands: Confidence; positive attitude; determination
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Message: 1. We have what it takes to overcome and get the job done (Knight of Wands);
2. In the Past we took our blessings for granted and forgot to show our gratitude for where they came from.
3. Thus in our Present condition, the Moon shows the path we chose, one of uncertainty and confusion we brought upon ourselves we are presently suffering through.
4. The Death card signifies that we are transforming spiritually from one of darkness to one of light (consciously) and also means "endings." It can also signify actual physical death.
5. What Do We Do or Not Do at this Time: The Hanging Man shows a wait and see situation as we're uncertain what to do and what direction we should take. It also indicates patience.
6. Outcome or Future: The Queen of Wands indicates we have the determination and fortitude to handle whatever comes our way and is related to the theme (or significance) of this reading which is the Knight of Wands: A "Warrior Spirit".
The numerical value of this reading is a 7: Assessment and reevaluation of the path you're on. Sometimes this is a lonely pursuit but necessary in order to move forward.
Shedding our Snakeskins
I want to share some deep feelings regarding what I believe is happening to us and the planet we inhabit.
First I am thankful to G-d for allowing me to slowly gain the Wisdom needed in order to meet personal challenges and obstacles, thus instilling in me the courage required to meet them head on.
There is not one of us who hasn't experienced adversity, pain and sorrow during our lives and some of us more than others.
I am keenly aware of this.
I am talking about us, you and me (the peasants) who take the risks and keep everything running in the world, not the elite who continually promote hate, rape and sodomize small children, start wars, treat the homeless with disdain, murder senior citizens in nursing homes, produce bio weapons to depopulate the earth and continue promoting and funding hostility and corrupt agendas.
What we're seeing right now is a shedding of our snake skins in favor of a transformation of the human spirit, ending our spiritual bondage and imprisonment.We are coming together and rejoicing, embracing one another across the planet and showing an incredible and beautiful outpouring of love and compassion for each other.
Earth is undergoing change as well as we continue to experience cruel and unusual weather that is bringing us to our knees.
This is all part of the plan, using pain that forces us to come to grips with our own weaknesses and vulnerabilities, pushing us to make the changes necessary along with uncovering just who we are, prompting us to ask the questions needed that will ensure our safe arrival at our preordained destination.
It appears that right now, we are in the process of completing a major cycle in our ascension.
How can we sustain ourselves during these times and help the transformative healing process now taking place?
We need to band together, and form a new party, "One People of Planet Earth", speaking up, getting involved in our own future and demanding those in charge of our demise be identified, stripped of their titles and wealth and charged for crimes against humanity.
By waking up and realizing that getting involved is the answer and that We Are The Change We Seek we are taking charge of our own destiny, enabling the process started eons ago to complete its cycle of planetary healing.
G-d Bless All,
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Snakeskin |
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Saturday, February 13, 2021
From Russia, With Love
I'm not sure what's going on with our weather but know that something is because I'm a livestock producer. A pole shift? Maybe something else we're unfamiliar with that has just popped up on the radar? All I know is what's heading our way on Sunday and then a second round on Wednesday is coming all the way from Siberia, Russia producing -20+ below wind chills, ice, snow and blizzard conditions. Pray for our livestock producers who work 24/7, 365 days a year producing and harvesting our grains and meat because when they're affected, we're all affected.
Friday, February 12, 2021
We are in the Storm
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Boldly We Go
Through all the chaos and confusion we're seeing there is something else going on we are just now beginning to notice.
More and more I hear the word, "Awakening" being used to describe our current situation.
Yes, we are awakening to the truth of our existence and the dire circumstances that have always been with us: Bondage and division, hostility, famine, corruption, war, hunger, disease and death.
This Awakening is allowing us to look at the same old picture with a new set of eyes.
It is allowing us to see all the sordid details behind the scenes as to exactly what is going on.
This has never happened before.
Layer after layer of our miserable existence and those responsible for causing it are being thrust up from the pit and into the light.
This Awakening has also enhanced our psychic gifts like being able to sense good over evil as we are becoming more attuned to the spiritual world we live in.
We've always had this ability as it's part of who we are but it wasn't time to activate it or maybe we never bothered to notice.
But now we are.
Remember that hunch you had that something wasn't quite right and you didn't open the front door or make that car trip?
Something told you, without speaking audibly in your ear, that it wouldn't be a good idea and/or maybe even harmful. At first you couldn't quite comprehend what was happening but then when the facts did come out, you were convinced you made the right decision.
Humanity is in the process of making a giant leap forward in how it perceives itself and the world it lives in.
At this point we could get into a discussion of just how bad things are going to or not going to get down here.
I'm not going there as each one of us can make up his or her own mind regarding the answer to this question.
What I will say, however, is that all we're seeing is being done to elevate mankind to its next level of understanding, a huge leap forward in human consciousness, enabling all of us to become more compassionate, caring and loving.
In the meantime, however, there will be much more happening around us.
Now is the time to do a personal assessment regarding what you need in order to withstand the changes already here and other changes on the way. What about your attitude (are you able to face uncertainty with a "can do" mentality) or will you wither on the vine before the battle even begins?
What about prayer, faith, courage, patience and trust? We must also rely on all of these in order to punch through and boldly move forward.
There is no going back.
Remember, you have a lot of company out there...
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Monday, February 8, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for February 7, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot |
1. Focus of the Reading: Middle Card Top: IV of Wands
Contentment; stability; security; shelter; family; unity; protection; satisfaction; happiness
2. The Past: Top Row Left: XIX The Sun
Happiness; liberation; success; resurrection
3. The Present: Top Row Right: VI The Lovers
Sexual attraction; submission; unity; trust; respect; trials overcome
4. How Did I Get Here? Middle Row Left: III of Swords
Betrayal; separation; distrust; divorce
5. What Do I Need to Do? Middle Row Right: X of Cups
Family; home life; contentment; abundance; gratitude; blessings
6. Bottom: Outcome: II of Cups
Concord; attraction; commitment; love; passion
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The Message:
1. Focus is on happiness, family, relationships and the steps necessary to grow and sustain them. 2. The Sun in the Past position indicates that you were on top of the world, enjoying success and a happy life. 3. The Present shows that you haven't lost your zest for life as you enjoy a moment of exuberance after suffering through some trials. 4. It's apparent from the III of Swords that something painful came between you and your happiness maybe a divorce, a separation or a betrayal of some kind . 5. The Advice card X of Cups shows that you are still capable of enjoying happier times with family and loved ones. 6. The Outcome card shows you have come full circle understanding that things don't always go the way we plan, sometimes they can (and do) blow up in our faces.
It's up to us to either hang on to our painful past and the grudges that go along with it or look forward to a new start in life. The Outcome Card shows a man and a woman who don't shy away from looking directly at one another. They seem to know the other person and respect what he or she went through as they, too have had their share of misery.
It's a new day, a new start and the birth of something new that will bring happiness and joy into your life.
Count your blessings.
The value of this reading is an 8: Growth and Achievement