I want to share some deep feelings regarding what I believe is happening to us and the planet we inhabit.
First I am thankful to G-d for allowing me to slowly gain the Wisdom needed in order to meet personal challenges and obstacles, thus instilling in me the courage required to meet them head on.
There is not one of us who hasn't experienced adversity, pain and sorrow during our lives and some of us more than others.
I am keenly aware of this.
I am talking about us, you and me (the peasants) who take the risks and keep everything running in the world, not the elite who continually promote hate, rape and sodomize small children, start wars, treat the homeless with disdain, murder senior citizens in nursing homes, produce bio weapons to depopulate the earth and continue promoting and funding hostility and corrupt agendas.
What we're seeing right now is a shedding of our snake skins in favor of a transformation of the human spirit, ending our spiritual bondage and imprisonment.We are coming together and rejoicing, embracing one another across the planet and showing an incredible and beautiful outpouring of love and compassion for each other.
Earth is undergoing change as well as we continue to experience cruel and unusual weather that is bringing us to our knees.
This is all part of the plan, using pain that forces us to come to grips with our own weaknesses and vulnerabilities, pushing us to make the changes necessary along with uncovering just who we are, prompting us to ask the questions needed that will ensure our safe arrival at our preordained destination.
It appears that right now, we are in the process of completing a major cycle in our ascension.
How can we sustain ourselves during these times and help the transformative healing process now taking place?
We need to band together, and form a new party, "One People of Planet Earth", speaking up, getting involved in our own future and demanding those in charge of our demise be identified, stripped of their titles and wealth and charged for crimes against humanity.
By waking up and realizing that getting involved is the answer and that We Are The Change We Seek we are taking charge of our own destiny, enabling the process started eons ago to complete its cycle of planetary healing.
G-d Bless All,
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Snakeskin |
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