Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Boldly We Go

Through all the chaos and confusion we're seeing there is something else going on we are just now beginning to notice.  

More and more I hear the word, "Awakening" being used to describe our current situation. 

Yes, we are awakening to the truth of our existence and the dire circumstances that have always been with us:  Bondage and division, hostility, famine, corruption, war, hunger, disease and death.

This Awakening is allowing us to look at the same old picture with a new set of eyes.

It is allowing us to see all the sordid details behind the scenes as to exactly what is going on.

This has never happened before.

Layer after layer of our miserable existence and those responsible for causing it are being thrust up from the pit and into the light.   

This Awakening has also enhanced our psychic gifts like being able to sense good over evil as we are becoming more attuned to the spiritual world we live in.  

We've always had this ability as it's part of who we are but it wasn't time to activate it or maybe we never bothered to notice. 

But now we are. 

Remember that hunch you had that something wasn't quite right and you didn't open the front door or make that car trip?  

Something told you, without speaking audibly in your ear, that it wouldn't be a good idea and/or maybe even harmful.  At first you couldn't quite comprehend what was happening but then when the facts did come out, you were convinced you made the right decision.     

Humanity is in the process of making a giant leap forward in how it perceives itself and the world it lives in.

At this point we could get into a discussion of just how bad things are going to or not going to get down here. 

I'm not going there as each one of us can make up his or her own mind regarding the answer to this question.   

What I will say, however, is that all we're seeing is being done to elevate mankind to its next level of understanding, a huge leap forward in human consciousness, enabling all of us to become more compassionate, caring and loving.

In the meantime, however, there will be much more happening around us.   

Now is the time to do a personal assessment regarding what you need in order to withstand the changes already here and other changes on the way.  What about your attitude (are you able to face uncertainty with a "can do" mentality) or will you wither on the vine before the battle even begins?  

What about prayer, faith, courage, patience and trust?  We must also rely on all of these in order to punch through and boldly move forward.

There is no going back.   

Remember, you have a lot of company out there...





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