Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Monday, May 31, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for Week of May 30, 2021
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Londa Tarot Card Deck |
1. Top Focus - Ace of Pentacles - Wealth
2. 1st row Left - Past - The Star - "I have a dream"
3. 1st row Middle - Present - III of Swords -Rupture; delay
4. 1st row Right - Destination - IX of Pentacles: Abundance; recognition; a job well done
5. 2nd row Right - Hidden - XIV Temperance - Patience
6. 2nd row Middle - Advice - VIII of Pentacles - Diligence; discipline; learning to complete a task; knowledge
7. 2nd row Left - Outcome - King of Wands - A disciplined and well trained man; came up through the ranks and the "school of hard knocks"; someone who mentors to others is respected and a leader
Focus: This story is all about perseverance and what it takes to complete a task in order to fulfill a goal. Maybe you've just started out in life and have decided your main objective is how to accrue money and wealth (Ace of Pentacles).
Past: You had a dream that achieving financial success is what you want to achieve in life (XV11 The Star)
Present: Unfortunately, something has come up that has put a damper on your dreams - it could be something physical such as a disease, an accident, maybe you broke up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, but it looks like it's only a momentary setback coming between you and your goal (III of Swords).
Destination: It appears you have a bright and successful future ahead of you because of the wise choices you've made, suggested by the (IX of Pentacles).
Hidden: What You Need to Know: Patience is recommended (actually, "required") if you are to meet your goals (XIV Temperance).
Advice: More work is required if you are to be successful. Yes, it requires a lot from you but is necessary in order to achieve and requires ;earning, studying, application, knowledge and discipline (VIII of Pentacles).
Outcome: Everything you worked hard for is culminating into this individual. You are morphing into a leader, disciplined, a problem solver, and someone others can count on for sound advice) (King of Wands). - And he kinda looks like you, too, doesn't he? 😄
Note: The numerical number of this reading is a 6: Sixes represent growth; overcoming challenges, leaving bad situations behind and gaining a greater understanding of who you are right now.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Memorial Day, May 31, 2021
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"Do You Have What it Takes to Fill These Boots"? |
Honor; Sacrifice; Duty; Teamwork; Fortitude; Bravery; Loyalty
Those making the Memorial Day speeches honoring our veterans most likely never tasted battle, those good people attending parades do their best to bestow their love and respect and those shouting the loudest accolades most likely are career politicians who never tasted war and damn well made sure that none of their siblings would.
My Dad was a WWII Veteran having endured the horrors of war in the Pacific. While on an expedition through the jungle he watched his Platoon Sergeant step on a concealed landmine and vaporize in front of him.
After being gone for four years, he came home, thin and weak, war weary, with poor health, missing teeth, Malaria and PTSD.
At home he didn't talk about what he had seen and endured while overseas but when he and his buddies did get together over a few beers, they would recount acts of valor along with detailed information on the smells, sounds and carnage they all witnessed.
I saw him cry and remember him banging his cold beer on a table as his voice started to crack talking about far away places and the buddies he served with, his regrets and his deep, deep passion and love for being able to serve his country.
After WWII he was shipped off to Korea and the Korean War.
There are no words in the dictionary to honor the men and women who still continue to sacrifice today on behalf of their country, under incredibly dangerous working conditions and having to leave families behind for months at a time to cope with everyday life.
From one who grew up with a Father who started out as enlisted and worked his way through school at Northeastern University, (to improve the family's financial well being) and ending up with the rank of Lt Colonel when he retired, I know a little of why he made some of the decisions he did and what my Dad went through.
My Mother and I shoveled snow that was over my head during the winter so he could drive his car into the garage on the weekends and then he'd leave for Boston, again.
I saw the tired lines etched into his face and the look when he had to say "good bye", leaving us once again.
To you, Dad, and To All the Rest of You Brave Soldiers Out There, You are Not Forgotten,
You are Loved,
Thank You, All,
Till we meet again, Dad,
Your Daughter, Cindy
Friday, May 28, 2021
Full Circle
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The Fallen Angel, "Lucifer" |
We are living in a false world.
We are learning if we change our thinking, remove our doubts and cast out fear, a new world begins to manifest within us and around us.
This morning I was mindful of a a circle around me (wholeness, cycles) in which everything in the cosmos is connected.
This connection is constantly changing (morphing from one thing to another, one cycle ending and another beginning).
Most of the time we don't see or feel this change but, then, sometimes we do as with the seasons, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
Humanity, we are finding out, is a small part of one big whole.
A Time of Profound Change is upon us.
We are waking up to something different in our lives as we've reached a point where the blinders over our eyes are being removed so we can actually see and experience the truth of our existence on this planet, and for the first time - the culprits and organizations responsible for enslaving us.
Actually this enslavement has been ongoing since Mankind first set first on earth.
But now our Redeemer has instituted a new set of rules for us allowing the Darkness to be penetrated by the Light to such an extent that real and profound change is occurring within and outside of us.
We are in a Time of Correction (or a "Correcting Time) in which balance is being restored to this planet.
A deep and thorough sanitizing process is underway in which we are being reduced down to our naked selves and forcing us to come to terms with how we've conducted ourselves up to now.
Any and every thing we've done or thought both good and bad are opened up to us along with a pathway to forgiveness.
This is part of the ascension process which is preparing us for a new dimension, a new direction for all and ushering in a new era on this planet.
This is painful process, however, because it strips each one of us down to reveal our Luciferian nature.
We are in a time of redemption and acknowledgement that all of us, no matter who or where we come from, have fallen short of The Creator's expectations for us.
For more info please look up information referring to the Lucifer Rebellion contained in The Urantia Book.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for May 23, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot |
Top Card (Focus): III of Wands: Taking Assessment
2nd row Left Card (Past): Page of Wands: Stepping up; meeting a challenge; energetic
2nd row Middle Card (Present): XIII Death: Transition; endings
2nd row Right Card (Destination): XI Justice; Reward; reckoning; accountability
3rd row Right Card (Hidden): III The Empress: Flowering; fertility; birth; abundance
3rd row Middle card (Advice): II of Cups: Unity; togetherness; enjoying each others company
3rd row Left (Outcome): VII The Chariot: Taking the reins of your own destiny; learning balance and control
You are focused (II of Wands) on doing an assessment of where you are now and where you want to go. In the Past (Page of Wands) you were full of energy and able to meet any challenge. However, you apparently just went through a transition (XIII Death) of some kind or the end of something.
The Destination Card (XI Justice) shows that justice was served in which you were the recipient of some good news. The Empress Card III in the (Hidden) position indicates that something good was manifesting (growing) while you were going through this uncertain period of time enabling you and your partner/spouse to celebrate good news (II of Cups).
(VII The Chariot card) - Outcome: Tells me you are now in a position to regain control of your life as you have been given a new lease on life. You are able to take the reins of your future back into your own hands.
I pulled two additional cards for added clarification:
1. XX Judgement (Freedom from inner conflicts; clearing the way; resurrection; accountability): A trial of some sort; legal proceedings; verdict
2. The Queen of Wands: A determined lady, one who will fight for you; an anchor in the midst of a storm (quite possibly an attorney)
This tarot reading is a 3: The successful completion of a goal as all the skills came together.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Monday, May 17, 2021
Weekly Oracle Reading for Week Beginning May 16, 2021
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The Hecate Oracle |
Top Card: Focus of the Reading
#42 The Journey
1st row left: Past
#39 The Standing Stones
1st row middle: Present
#6 Hecate
1st row right: Destination
#12 The Cloak
2nd row right: Hidden
#15 The Birth
2nd row middle: Advice
#9 The Serpent
2nd row left: Outcome
#33 The Labyrinth
Message: Focus: We're all on separate journeys here on earth (different paths) but the goal is the same for each one of us: Getting to know one another; bonding; affection; trust and unity.
The Past refers to our bloodlines and legacies that each one of us have: where we came from; who are grandparents were; what we were taught and what we learned and what we believe.
The Present is Hecate (a Greek Goddess of Egyptian origin) who lets you know that she is with you, guiding you, supporting you and sustaining you as you surmount problems and meet life's challenges.
Humanity's Destination is The Cloak and tells us that things may not be as they seem and secrets may be coming to light soon and for us to continue to trust.
What is Hidden from us is #15 The Birth which foretells the old system falling away (outworn and didn't work anyway) and a new cycle manifesting. One that is designed to benefit Humanity instead of the other way around.
#9 The Serpent represents the light within you (see Diogenes lantern in which he searched his whole life for an honest man) and asks you to look within in an effort to determine just who you are and what you believe in order to allow the light within you to be released.
#33 is the Outcome of this reading and is The Labyrinth asking us to be a light unto others, leading by example.
The numerical number of this reading is a 3: Initial achievement of goals; growth and abundance.
~ ~ ~
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Friday, May 14, 2021
I am sorry but I was denied access to my blog as I encountered a glitch which prevented me from accessing it.
When I signed on I was greeted by a big red screen which prevented me from entering.
I have no idea why this happened and right now I am very pissed off.
The latest blog post I did entitled "Tilt" is no longer available as it has been removed.
For what reason is unknown to me.
Please accept my apology.
I'll try and reconstruct as much of it as I can and re post.
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The "Event" |
The times we're in compel us to find firm footing and inner strength.
Something many of us haven't given a second thought to but is urgently needed if we are to make it through the coming days, weeks, months and years.
This is because all of us will be thrown into uncomfortable situations where all we have left to sustain ourselves is our resolve.
Thank you to all who are reading this.
I hope this message resonates with many.
From the Covid Virus to global lock downs, to deception and lies from powerful people, to terrorism, to changing weather patterns which can directly impact agriculture and, therefore, the global food supply, to supply chain shortages already impacting major industries such as automobile manufacturers and a global transportation crisis in which truckers and other shippers are unable to move products like they once did because and I'm quoting here, "the"pandemic and uneven global economic recovery", we all need to be aware and start preparing, as best we can, now.
And what about the hack on the Colonial Pipeline a week ago that shut this major pipeline down? This major pipeline supplies all the East Coast's fuel needs.
Gas stations had to close because of limited or no fuel while people waited in line for hours.
Colonial ended up paying a $5M ransom.
Something to think about.
All of this means keeping up to date on the latest changes or problems starting to occur which will undoubtedly affect you and your family.
There are so many out there who are totally unaware of what is happening to and around them unless whatever it is impacts them directly.
But then it's too late to do anything about it as its already happened.
Some of the things you can do now is take inventory of how much and what kind of food you have in your house, how much water you have available, storing additional fuel if you're able to, planting a garden, building a greenhouse, raising chickens so you're able to have a supply of protein and meat.
Learn how to preserve food by canning, dehydration and smoking.
Humans rely on Meteorologists to accurately predict the weather.
They do not.
Nor can scientists accurately predict when a volcano is going to blow its top or an earthquake is going to hit.
There's just this feeling you can't shake that something just ain't right...
The universe is constantly in flux, ever changing.
So is our world.
Okay, then, it wouldn't hurt to start taking some baby steps, just in case.
~ Blessings,
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Monday, May 10, 2021
Weekly Tarot Reading for May 9, 2021
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The Vampire Tarot |
The Message for this week ⬇️
Top (Focus of the Reading): II of Swords: Indecision
2nd row Left (Past): XV The Devil: Limitations
2nd row Middle (Present): Ace of Swords: Breakthrough
2nd row Right (Destination): V of Wands: A competitive situation; challenge
3rd row Right (Hidden): VI The Lovers: Union; partnership; submission; trust
3rd row Middle (Advice): II of Wands: A crossroads
3rd row Left (Outcome): Ace of Cups: Emotional Fulfillment
Focus: You've been plagued by indecision (II of Swords).
Past: Maybe it has to do with something that happened in your past that limited you in some way or created a situation that you were uncomfortable with (XV The Devil).
Present: However, after talking with friends, maybe praying or seeking legal counsel, you've arrived at the point where your confidence has returned along with a more positive attitude (Ace of Swords).
Destination: You are now ready to face whatever competitive situation or challenge (V of Wands).
Hidden: Maybe you have a close relationship with a partner, a spouse or other interested party that supports you, always there for you, taking time to talk things over that was instrumental in your change of heart, showing you the positive aspects of your situation instead of always dwelling on the negative (VI The Lovers).
Advice: Your partner made you aware that you were approaching an important crossroads in your life and that your decision would be of utmost importance as to how things would turn out (II of Wands).
Outcome: Because you took the time to ask for advice and listened to it, taking to heart the counsel provided, you were thereby able to make the right decision leaving you satisfied and with a feeling of accomplishment (Ace of Cups).
The numerical reading is a 3: The successful completion of a goal. All your skills are coming together.
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Monday, May 3, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message For Week of May 2, 2021
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The Vampire Tarot Card Deck |
"The Soul Eater"
Top Card
1. Focus of Reading:
Queen of Cups: Compassion, Sympathy, Love and Empathy
2. 1st Row Left represents Our Past
III of Swords: Restriction; disconnection; severance
3. Middle Card (What is Hidden From Us)
XV The Devil: "The Soul Eater"leaving us oppressed, dominated, tortured.
4. Right card (What is happening To Us)
X of Swords: Oppression; incarceration; anguish, suicide; affliction and pain
5. 2nd row Right (Advice)
King of Swords:
Decisive; swift action required; leave your emotions at home; self control; resolute
6. 2nd row Left (Reveal or What We Can Expect in the Future)
VIII of Swords:
Confusion; distress; calamity; mental illness
1. The Queen of Cups embodies what humanity is (or should be): Loving, caring, sympathetic, compassionate and empathic.
Unfortunately, that's not what this reading is about. It indicates that humanity is under attack by forces determined to see we do not achieve this goal of living together harmoniously but hell bent on doing whatever they can to cause massive damage to this enterprise.
2. Our Past is The III of Swords indicating we have been under attack by forces focused on harming us, leaving us heart broken, injured, maimed and deceased.
3. What Lies Beneath is XV The Devil meaning this is what is driving the attack against us.
4. What is Happening is indicated by the X of Swords and defined as reaching "The End of Our Rope", oppression; torture, affliction and pain.
5. The Advice Card is The King of Swords: Its message is: "We are Masters of Our Own Fate(s); it is Time for decisive and swift action if we are to overcome; in order to do this, we need to learn to keep our emotions at home.
6. The last card (Reveal) is The VIII of Swords and indicates we are going to be in this battle for an undetermined period of time, symbolizing confusion, rage, distress, mental illness and anguish.
* I drew one more card to see if I could fathom anymore regarding this reading. I drew The VII of Pentacles: It means bringing in the harvest; learning how to successfully grow a garden.
To put this in perspective, think of us (humans) as sprouts. We've been planted in a garden and are just starting to grow. In order for us all to grow and thrive, it takes knowledge on how to do this; soil preparation, nurturing, care and love, water, sunshine, patience and just the right mix of potting soil and fertilizer in order for us to grow and expose the seed of promise embedded in each one of us.
On the other hand, if we're dumped into an unprepared bed with lots of weeds and hazardous material, our chances of sprouting are zero.
We either need to clean up the bed we chose to sprout in or move our sprouts to a more suitable location.
In either case, we may be called upon to "clean up the mess"before any viable sprouts are allowed the opportunity for emergence and growth.
The numerical value of this reading is a 9: Nearing completion; entering a plateau of some sort. Regarding spiritual matters, a "spiritual plateau" means entering a relatively stable period or condition but is undetermined as to when this will happen.