Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, May 31, 2021

Weekly Tarot Message for Week of May 30, 2021


Londa Tarot Card Deck


1.  Top Focus - Ace of Pentacles - Wealth

2.  1st row Left - Past - The Star - "I have a dream"

3.  1st row Middle - Present - III of Swords -Rupture; delay

4.  1st row Right - Destination - IX of Pentacles:  Abundance; recognition; a job well done

5.  2nd row Right - Hidden - XIV Temperance - Patience

6.  2nd row Middle - Advice - VIII of Pentacles - Diligence; discipline; learning to complete a task; knowledge

7.  2nd row Left - Outcome - King of Wands - A disciplined and well trained man; came up through the ranks and the "school of hard knocks"; someone who mentors to others is respected and a leader 



Focus:  This story is all about perseverance and what it takes to complete a task in order to fulfill a goal.   Maybe you've just started out in life and have decided your main objective is how to accrue money and wealth (Ace of Pentacles).   

Past:  You had a dream that achieving financial success is what you want to achieve in life (XV11 The Star)

Present:  Unfortunately, something has come up that has put a damper on your dreams - it could be something physical such as a disease, an accident, maybe you broke up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, but it looks like it's only a momentary setback coming between you and your goal (III of Swords).  

Destination:  It appears you have a bright and successful future ahead of you because of the wise choices you've made, suggested by the (IX of Pentacles).      

Hidden:  What You Need to Know:  Patience is recommended (actually, "required") if you are to meet your goals (XIV Temperance).  

Advice:  More work is required if you are to be successful.  Yes, it requires a lot from you but is necessary in order to achieve and requires ;earning, studying, application, knowledge and discipline (VIII of Pentacles).

Outcome:   Everything you worked hard for is culminating into this individual.  You are morphing into a leader, disciplined, a problem solver, and someone others can count on for sound advice) (King of Wands).  - And he kinda looks like you, too, doesn't he?  😄

Note:  The numerical number of this reading is a 6:  Sixes represent growth; overcoming challenges, leaving bad situations behind and gaining a greater understanding of who you are right now.   




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