Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Monday, June 28, 2021
"Order out of Chaos" ~ Weekly Oracle Reading for June 27, 2021
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Rider Waite Smith (RWS) Tarot Card Deck |
Past: 1st row Left - X of Cups
Present: 1st row Middle - V of Pentacles
Destination: 1st row Right - XIII Death
Hidden: 2nd row Right - III of Wands
Advice: 2nd row Middle - Ace of Wands
Outcome: 2nd row Left - Page of Wands
Summation Card: King of Swords
Message: "Order out of Chaos"
Focus: The Knight of Pentacles represents someone who is waiting for the word "Go"; is in service to others such as law enforcement, the military, or, possibly a political leader, a person who is willing to serve and fight on behalf of others.
The Past represents the X of Cups: Emotional well being; a happy family life, togetherness, enough money to live comfortably on. The V of Pentacles in the Present Position represents loss of jobs, wages, instability, possibly sickness, disease, famine, poverty. The Death Card means transitioning from the old to the new (New Beginnings) and leaving the past behind. The III of Wands in the Hidden Position shows someone in the act of assessing what should be done (the pros and cons of the situation). The Ace of Wands means you've made a decision and are now ready to act, fired up and geared up. The Page of Wands is assessment, "How do I measure up in order to complete the mission?" The Summation Card, The King of Swords, represents stability and someone who is capable of bringing order out of chaos.
The numerical value of this reading is a 10: The actual completion of a cycle and moving towards a New Beginning.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Monday, June 21, 2021
Oracle Reading for Week June 20, 2021
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Hecate Oracle Card Deck |
Question: "What message do you have for Mankind?"
*Top Card: Focus:
#32 The Willow: Learn to bend and not break.
*1st Row Left Card Past:
#32 The Oppressed: This card describes "Humanity"
*1st Row Middle Present:
#44 The Crone: A fount of Wisdom; Healing; Knowledge
*1st Row Right Destination:
#12 The Cloak: Reveal
*Bottom Row Right Hidden:
#5 The Rope: Connections
*Bottom Row Middle Advice:
#26 The Crystal: Illumination; Clear Sight; Clairvoyance and Clarity
*Bottom Row Left Outcome:
#9 The Serpent: Metamorphosis
Note: The Focus Card (The Willow) flipped out of the deck as I was shuffling. When this happens it is meant to be read.
~ Message ~
"The Light After the Dark"
The Willow Card tells us to focus on learning how to bend, like a piece of bamboo, during these uncertain times, instead of becoming defensive and rigid (thus breaking).
The Oppressed Card is Human suffering.
The Crone Card describes those whom we need to seek out who are waiting for us to ask for help and guidance.
The Cloak Card tells us why we're going through all we're going through; it is a process by which the lies and information kept from us are slowly being revealed and a new way of living manifesting.
The Hidden Card connects all of us as we transition from the dark to the light. It lets us know we are all one big family and together, we will learn how to help each other get through whatever comes our way.
The Advice Card reminds us that the blinders over our eyes are being lifted enabling us to view what's happening with clear vision (clarity).
The Outcome Card is The Serpent which represents metamorphosis and growth.
The numerical value of this reading is a 6: "Moving away from conflict into a solution overcoming suffering. "The Light After the Dark"
Sunday, June 20, 2021
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A Sick Goat |
I am nursing a sick goat right now. I have him on some straw to keep him comfortable and dry while I administer electrolytes.
The red tinge around his mouth is Gatorade.
How many people take the time to do this? Well, those who haven't farmed or raised livestock, so I'd have to say, "very little".
But this is what we do.
And when I am trying to get a little one healthy again, I try not to think too much about what may happen if I don't.
Birth, Life and Death, eventually, for all of us but, for some, Death comes all too soon.
We are all tied together on this planet by these three things, we are born, we live out our lives and then we die.
How difficult is it to understand that all life on this planet is connected to one another and each other.
Life was made for Earth and Earth was made for Life.
Earth is our sanctuary, our home and our Caretaker.
She takes care of us and we take care of her.
When it comes to being a Caretaker of Life here on earth, we must start teaching this in school but are we?
We must welcome all Life, nurture it and protect it.
Don't leave this up to someone else, we all need to be involved in this effort.
If we don't who will?
~ Blessings,
Friday, June 18, 2021
Monday, June 14, 2021
Weekly Oracle Reading for June 13, 2021
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Hecate Oracle |
Top Card (Focus):
Past 1st row Left
The Crystal - Clairvoyance; clear sight
Present 1st row Middle
The Birth - Creation
Destination 1st row Right
Hecate (Stages of Life: Birth Life Death)
Divinely inspired
Hidden 2nd row Right
The Dagger - Severing ties; downsizing; disconnecting
Advice 2nd row Middle
The Torch - Illumination
Outcome 2nd row Left
The Labyrinth - A single route
Focus: On earth we learn lessons that are designed to uproot us up and out of our organic nature leaving an opening for spirit to move in, providing the information we need and guides to help us in order to return to G-d. However, most of the time we do not heed these messages.
Past: Our past has severely restricted us from making any progress towards this end due to wars, hatred, lies and upheaval. However, a giant transformation is now underway in which a path is being illuminated pointing us in the right direction.
Present: We are in the midst of discarding the old and getting ready for a new beginning.
Destination: This transition is divinely inspired.
Hidden: This card tells us that we are severing ties with the old ways that didn't work in order to embrace the new.
Advice: Start visualizing a path in the darkness that is illuminated in front of you, allowing you to see where you're going.
Outcome: The labyrinth is a confusing bit of architecture but is different from a "maze."
A maze is nothing but roadblocks, confusion, futility and despair. (An endless loop). Once you're in there is no way out. (Think of our life down here and how many roadblocks, setbacks and blockages we've all experienced.)
A labyrinth is like a maze but with one exception - there is only one entrance and only one exit.
The numerical value of this reading is a 3: Group effort; teamwork; multitasking; the successful completion of a goal, all the skills are coming together
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Monday, June 7, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for Week of June 6, 2021
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The Gilded Tarot |
The Focus Card shows you experienced a moment in your life where you were walking on air and in a highly confident mode (XII The Hanging Man).
The Past Card: You had a decision to make and you chose the Path of Wealth (VII of Cups).
The Present Card: You were provided with an opportunity in which you felt could make a lot of money (Ace of Pentacles).
The Destination Card: The End. It appears by (The X of Swords Card) that things didn't work out in your favor forcing you to give up your quest. You reached a point where you flat lined (metaphorically speaking) forcing you onto a plateau in order to do a painful assessment in order to regain firm footing.
The Hidden Card: Your decision affected family members (especially your wife) but now order is being restored, positively affecting members of your family (IX of Pentacles).
The Advice Card (VI The Lovers) shows that you are enjoying a healthy sex life again.
The Outcome Card (X of Cups) reinforces this in that all is well with your family and happiness has been restored once again.
The numerical value of this reading is a 9: Nearing completion; entering a plateau of some sort