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Rider Waite Smith (RWS) Tarot Card Deck |
Past: 1st row Left - X of Cups
Present: 1st row Middle - V of Pentacles
Destination: 1st row Right - XIII Death
Hidden: 2nd row Right - III of Wands
Advice: 2nd row Middle - Ace of Wands
Outcome: 2nd row Left - Page of Wands
Summation Card: King of Swords
Message: "Order out of Chaos"
Focus: The Knight of Pentacles represents someone who is waiting for the word "Go"; is in service to others such as law enforcement, the military, or, possibly a political leader, a person who is willing to serve and fight on behalf of others.
The Past represents the X of Cups: Emotional well being; a happy family life, togetherness, enough money to live comfortably on. The V of Pentacles in the Present Position represents loss of jobs, wages, instability, possibly sickness, disease, famine, poverty. The Death Card means transitioning from the old to the new (New Beginnings) and leaving the past behind. The III of Wands in the Hidden Position shows someone in the act of assessing what should be done (the pros and cons of the situation). The Ace of Wands means you've made a decision and are now ready to act, fired up and geared up. The Page of Wands is assessment, "How do I measure up in order to complete the mission?" The Summation Card, The King of Swords, represents stability and someone who is capable of bringing order out of chaos.
The numerical value of this reading is a 10: The actual completion of a cycle and moving towards a New Beginning.
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