Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Saturday, July 31, 2021
What is Your Totem?
Friday, July 30, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
On July 29, 2021 I Felt Compelled to do This Reading
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Question: "When are the Extraterrestrials going to intervene in earth's affairs?"
* The Shadow (or Focus) Card is the heart of the reading
* Cups (Water Element) stand for Emotions, relationships, love
* Wands (Fire Element) stand for creativity, sudden bursts of energy, insight
* Swords (Air Element) stand for precision, duty, honor, sacrifice, swift action, getting the job done
* Pentacles (Earth Element) stand for foundations, wealth, stability and security
Top: (Shadow Card): VIII of Cups
Left (Past): XXI The World
Middle (Present): Knight of Cups
Right (Future or Destination): IX of Wands
Bottom: (Clarification Card): #16 The Tome: Hierarchical structures; Ancient Knowledge, Wisdom
This Message is all about Love
Shadow: The VIII of Cups means you've done a lengthy reassessment of your situation (relationship) and it's not working. You have decided to make a change (a new beginning), are leaving, walking away, cutting ties and moving on. The old giving way to the new.
Past is XXI The World and describes something we've all come to depend on, society, predictable, stability, earth, terra firma. Understand, however, that this card is in the Past Position. The World meaning also stands for Completion in which one cycle is leaving and a new one coming in (see VIII of Cups, above).
Present is The Knight of Cups or I like to call him, "A Knight in Shining Armor" showing a Knight holding up a chalice, unabashedly proclaiming his love (the chalice represents his heart) and because he is holding it so high is he wants everyone to hear his message.
This also relates to the biblical saying, "my cup runneth over" in which the love inside the cup cannot be contained and is spilling over. See Psalms 23.
Future or Destination is The IX of Wands showing a battle weary yet hardened individual who has survived and endured after learning the best way(s) to win by successfully positioning himself. Vigilant and "on guard."
The bottom card #16 The Tome from the Hecate Oracle clarifies that Ancient Wisdom, Knowledge and Lessons Learned are coming into play, on "Humanity's" behalf.
Summation: The answer to my question, "Not only is help already here, more is on the way. Look for it and you will see it."
The numerical value of this reading is a 9: Fruition; attainment; bringing things to a conclusion; completion
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for July 25, 2021
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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Focus (Top Card) XVI The Tower
Past (1st row Left) VI The Lovers
Present (1st row Middle) Queen of Swords
Destination (1st row Right) XX Judgement
Hidden (2md row Right) V The Hierophant
Advice (2nd row Middle) V of Cups
Outcome (2nd row Left) VIII of Wands
This is the question I asked the cards: "How Can Humanity Thwart of Get Rid of all the Evil Taking Place on Earth?"
After reading the cards this morning I experienced a beautiful burst of energy and it felt like someone was literally riding on a wave of liquid air. I could mentally see a very strong individual pushing, shoving or propelling a very large wave in front of him like he was getting it out of his way.
I felt that this meant that blockage(s) were being removed from us (Humanity) thus allowing the Light to come in and fill the void being left. Kinda like a purifying and cleansing thing happening.
"The Apocalypse"
The Focus Card (XVI The Tower) is "Life being overturned as a result of the shattering of belief systems".
The Past Card (VI The Lovers) I saw as Eve in the Garden of Eden being seduced by the Devil.
The Present Card (Queen of Swords) came across as an Angel (possibly an avenging one considering the sword she carried) and quite possibly one that Eve sought out as she was full of remorse, regret and shame for what she had done (eating the apple) and was seeking forgiveness.
The Destination Card (XX Judgement) confirms what I believe is now transpiring with Humanity as being Atonement, Judgement or, again, Reconciliation which means taking action to correct previous wrongdoings.
The Hidden Card (V The Hierophant) shows a religious man could be The Pope, a Priest or a Rabbi in which he is encouraging us to confess our sins.
The Advice Card (V of Cups) shows someone renouncing their past (could be tied to the Hidden Card meaning in that someone is now free as they've confessed their sins and been forgiven and now walking away in an effort to start over - a New Beginning.
The Outcome Card (VIII of Wands) shows something manifesting quickly and drawing to a conclusion; a complete breakdown of something (can be compared to the Focus Card XVI The Tower). If you think about this, isn't this what we're seeing happening now?
Note: Along with belief systems going down I also believe we're engaged in a deep and penetrating internalization of our own selves. How was it that we hurt that person or lied on an exam or cheated on our spouse or accused someone of something they didn't do. Along with owning up to our sins we're also asking how we can clean our own slate so to speak and if we're going to be forgiven.
All of this coincides with the cleansing and purifying that is going on now.
The numerical value of this reading is a 7: Assessment and re-evaluation of the path you're (can also use "we're" on) as well.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
If We Don't, Who Will?
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"We Were Too Late" |
With all the crap going on in the world today, please consider this:
"This is OUR World"
We need to take ownership of it.
If we don't, the damage done will be catastrophic, difficult if not impossible to live with or overturn.
And, we'll only have ourselves to blame.
Step 1: Acknowledge your humanity
Step 2: Step out in faith
Step 3. Make a list of all you see that's wrong with the world
Step 4: Develop a plan as to which problem you want to tackle first
Step 5. Then DO it
Understand that as we speak, many evil people, organizations, governments and agencies from Hollywood to Big Tech to Big Pharma and others responsible for screwing up our lives, our families, our food, our health, our atmosphere and our oceans are gleefully chipping away at the world's infrastructure.
Do you really want to see a shattered world?
Because if we don't become involved, this is where we're headed.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
"Everything in Life is just Window Dressing until you Fall To Your Knees in Submission to The Creator"
Friday, July 23, 2021
Heart and Soul
Caution: If You Don't Like the "F" Word or the "S" Word, this post isn't for you.
And if you don't like the Truth, this post Definitely isn't for you.
I am so depressed and frustrated today, seeing what is happening in the world.
From criminal organizations like Planned Parenthood, continuing to allow the dismemberment and termination of babies to totalitarian regimes, aka, The Chinese Communist Party releasing a bio weapon on the world and getting away with it (where is the "United Nations" when you need them?) to torturing and murdering ethnic Uyghurs and collecting their body parts to sell or experiment on to African terrorists kidnapping and murdering Christians to Palestinians waging war on Israel to Big Tech ignoring its role as a peacemaker and unifier but, instead, accepting their role as a bully and aggressor, attacking those they don't like while allowing those they do like open access to their platforms to political parties and politicians getting away with overturning elections, I think I've just about had it.
In case you didn't notice, a war is being waged on Humanity and the bad guys are winning.
At this point I'm not even sure I want to continue this blog anymore because I think that way too many people are not even interested in the information I'm posting or maybe think it's not important enough or maybe they really just don't give a shit as to what is happening in the world today or...maybe I'm not providing the precise and/or stimulating, sucking content they're looking for you know, the porn and violence they eagerly get off on and hungrily ingest as it helps their miserable selves get through their miserable, fucking, sordid days.
Why continue to take the time to help people when nobody cares?
I'm going to take several minutes to make up my mind whether I post this or not and if I do,"let the fucking chips fall where they may".
"Hey, is anybody out there anymore"? - "Hello"???
"Is anybody listening anymore"? - "Hello"???
"Does anyone even give a shit anymore"? - "Hello"???
"Yes, dear, but their voices can barely be heard".
I rest my rant.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Monday, July 19, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for Week Starting July 18, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Message for This Week
Top: Shadow Card: VII of Pentacles
1st row Left (Past): III of Wands
1st row Middle (Present): V of Wands
1st row Right (Destination): XIX The Sun
2nd row Right (Hidden): IV of Pentacles
2nd row Middle (Advice): VII The Chariot
2nd row Left (Outcome): Page of Pentacles
Take Charge of Your Own Destiny
Top Card: The Shadow Card (VII of Pentacles) shows a young woman with a pensive expression on her face attempting to see what lies ahead for her financial future. The skeletons depict her state of mind, adding to her uneasiness.
1st row:
The Past Card (III of Wands) shows that she did make a decision as to how much and what to invest in but still has reservations whether or not to proceed with her decision as shown by The Present Card (V of Wands) in which we see continued her state of mind: fear, confusion and uncertainty (note the skeletons).
However, her Destination Card (XIX The Sun) shows that everything will work out to her benefit as the sun signifies warmth and success as a "ray of hope" descends over her situation, encouraging her to forge ahead as everything will work to her benefit.
2nd row:
The Hidden Position (IV of Pentacles) reveals a wealthy woman who has enriched herself at the expense of others. She has accumulated everything she needs and could give a flip about your own financial problems or anyone else. A selfish individual who has taken advantage of others and close to the young woman (a relative, an advisor or a neighbor).
So the Advice Position (VII The Chariot) clearly demonstrates what she must do and that is stop relying on others to make your decisions and start making them yourself. Take control and charge of your own destiny.
The Outcome Position (Page of Pentacles) shows a young girl, with a confident expression on her face looking directly at her, encouraging her to forge ahead with her plans. "All you need to do to secure your own future is to start taking charge of it."
The numerical meaning of this reading is a 9: Fruition; attainment; bringing things to a conclusion
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Friday, July 16, 2021
"Off With Her Head"
The only way this planet is going to change for the better is when we all decide to get involved.
How many of you are fed up with where we are, now?
How many of you are depressed, angered and sickened by what you see happening here?
From corporations to governments releasing plagues to crooked politicians controlling our lives to industries solely interested in amassing as much wealth and power they can to dehumanization agendas to slaughtering babies, how much more evil do we need to see and experience before we take action?
This is our fight. We are not in control and need to be but nothing will change for the better unless we become involved in stopping the evil that is spreading at an alarming rate on this planet.
A couple of months ago I was invited to attend a city council meeting in which a friend of mine invited me to. She asked me to attend because she was disheartened in that this was the third time she had contacted them about a sewer problem which was rapidly turning into a stinky environmental matter and she was getting nowhere.
We all sat patiently, waiting as the council members read through the minutes of the last meeting, haggling over details with a new project, discussing legal minutia with the city attorney and pretending to look like they knew what they were doing.
My friend sat patiently waiting for her time to speak.
When she did get up and explain the problem, for the third time, indicating that one or more of their employees were negligent in creating the problem and even when they were made aware did nothing to fix it, it became painfully apparent by their stoned silence, body language and facial expressions that she had embarrassed them and they didn't like it.
She finished what she had to say, turned around and headed back to her seat with the council members uttering not one word just stunned silence.
I couldn't believe what I just witnessed and after a quick review which only took about 5 minutes, started to muster up the courage to speak my mind.
I'm not a public speaker, far from it, but I knew I had to say something, in defense of this woman and all she'd been through and then watch a bunch of "asleep at the wheel" pseudo politicians dismiss her concerns because they were uncomfortable with what she had to say.
I stood up, waiting to be recognized and then was allowed to speak.
In a still small voice I said, "I've been sitting here watching this woman pour her heart out to you and you've indicated to me, anyway, that you could care less. How many times has she come to you for help? I think this is, what, the 2nd or 3rd time? And, it sounds to me that she's not the only one upset by this problem as it's affecting other homes in the community". "Isn't this true?"
What I would call "the leader of the pack" a frowning, rigid gray haired woman almost levitated out of her seat, becoming visibly upset with my comments and, especially, when I added, "your job, as city council members IS TO HELP THE MEMBERS OF YOUR COMMUNITY NOT IGNORE THEIR PROBLEMS." (I guess she didn't like that)
She came unglued.
She rose from her royal seat, pointing a bony finger at the police officer sitting quietly to her left, taking in all the drama (and unimpressed I might add) motioning for him to get up and escort me out of the building all the while emphasizing that I was NOT a member of the community because I didn't physically own a home there and loudly inferring all other trivial things which I couldn't make out (I actually felt like Alice in Wonderland and the evil Queen pointing her finger and shouting, "Off With Her Head.!")
The young police officer moved forward toward me and extended his arm as there was no way these totalitarian political sociopaths were going to let me stay inside their building.
As we were walking out the door and he was sure no one could hear him, he turned to me and said, smiling, "well said and I do believe you got their attention".
And, I believe I did, because I saw what they were doing and I called them on it -- I said what needed to be said and it shocked, humiliated and embarrassed them because they had never heard this from anyone else until now.
Today, let the Truth rock your world whether it's voicing your concerns at a school board meeting, taking on Big Tech censorship, stop bullying at your local school, speaking out for the unborn, writing Letters to the Editor, paying a kindness to a stranger or helping out a neighbor.
We are all Human Beings.
Let's start acting like it.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for July 11, 2021
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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
1. Top (Focus): XVI The Tower: Crisis
2. 1st row Left: Past: The Wheel of Fortune: Should I or shouldn't I?
3. 1st row Middle: Present: X of Cups: Guilt
4. 1st row Right: Intervention (Person or Persons): Knight of Swords
5. 2nd row Right: Hidden: XV The Devil: Lust
6. 2nd row Middle: Advice: IX The Hermit: Introspection
7. 2nd row Left: Outcome: VI The Lovers: Respect and Trust
Message: The Devil Made Me Do It
1. Focus: Your wife found out about your affair. 2. Past: Before she agreed to marry you she had some misgivings and privately consulted a psychic wanting reassurance that she was making the right decision. 3. Present: Judging by your painful expression, now you know that she knows that you were unfaithful. 4. Person or Persons: A close friend is offering his help but will not do so until you own up to what you did, admit you have a problem, apologize to your wife and ask for forgiveness. 5. The Hidden Card shows you're out of control and having a hard time breaking the sexual relationship off. 6. The Advice Card tells you in order to salvage anything left of your marriage, it's time to take stock of how many people you've hurt and do whatever necessary to repair the damage. 7. Apparently the decision was made that the two of you would continue to stay together. But, judging by the looks of the woman in the VI The Lovers Card, things are never going back to normal as it's painfully aware that your wife is having a very difficult time now welcoming your advances as she once did.
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Praise Him
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A New Day |
G-d did not create Evil.
We did.
G-d is very much aware that evil exists in the world and knew we would be tempted by it.
That's why He gave us "Free Will" which allowed us to make choices between doing evil and doing good, hoping we'd choose good.
His plan was a"hands off approach" and not to restrict us in our decision making but to patiently sit back, hoping that one day, when the decisions we made didn't work out as well as we had hoped (because, maybe, we didn't include Him in on them) we would, in a state of torment, pain and desperation, turn to Him for the comfort and guidance needed.
Just what He wanted.
Through our bad decisions leaving us hurt and writhing in pain, hopelessly flailing around with little trust left in anything or anyone and in such a sorry state that we were ready to just give up and end it all is when we fell on our knees crying for help.
He was just waiting for you to get to this point in your life.
Thus, once reconnected with Him, your spiritual lifeline would be re-established.
Many of you are really struggling with dire things right now, decisions that have spiraled out of control resulting in things you can't control anymore as they are now controlling you.
Maybe you're laid up in a hospital with an injury suffered during war or an automobile accident or coping with a drug or alcohol addiction, maybe a stroke or heart attack.
Maybe your spouse just left you or you lost your job, your business just went under, you were turned down on a job interview, you're drowning in debt or just diagnosed with Cancer.
Maybe you've come to the firm conviction that "nobody gives a fuck about anybody or anything anymore."
I understand what you mean because I'm seeing the same things you're seeing - "the world today is spiraling out of control" but, even after acknowledging this fact please recognize that G-d did not create the evil we're seeing in the world today (we did it through our evil inclinations) and remember this last important fact:
"Somebody does care" and its G-d.
How do I know? Well, I'm probably way older than you are so it stands to reason I've experienced some of the things you may be going through right now.
Ask me and I'll tell you.
So, I've got firsthand experience on how I got into my mess(es) and how I was able to get out of them. Remember, I, like you, had to learn the hard way before I started my walk with G-d.
I know that some of you reading this just don't give a shit anymore (who cares?) you feel your life doesn't mean crap to you, there's no way out and you want to end it all.
For those of you:
Please read the following and take these steps necessary to help you get out of the situation you now find yourselves trapped in.
1: Bow your head and confess to G-d, "I just can't take this anymore, G-d, I've tried everything.
In so doing, you will be demonstrating Humility (and, probably, for the first time in your life) which will loosen the stranglehold Satan has on you.
3. Close your eyes, be still and wait.
4. Slow your breathing.
5. Know that (and this is important) He hears every word you utter.
6. Trust that you will receive the answer you need.
At this point, you will feel a release, something dark and ugly weighing you down is leaving your body and being replaced with a peace that surpasses all human understanding, signalling that your healing has begun.
7. Keep a daily dialogue with Him praising Him, thanking Him, giving Him credit for where you are in your life right now (recovering).
G-d is all about Love not Pain.
He doesn't remember the things you did but only focuses on helping you become the best you can be.
Walk with Him everyday and continue your new found relationship as it will mark the beginning of true Peace, Happiness and Meaning in your life.
"Praise G-d from Whom all Blessings Flow, Praise Him All Creatures Here Below"
To All,
~ Nightshade
Monday, July 5, 2021
Weekly Tarot Card Message for July 4, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Focus (Top Card): II The High Priestess
1st row Left (Past): V of Pentacles
1st row Middle (Present): IV of Pentacles
1st row Right (Destination): VIII of Swords
2nd row Right (Hidden): XVIII The Moon
2nd row Middle (Advice): VII of Cups
2nd row Right (Outcome): King of Wands
Subject: "Mind Over Matter
Message: II The High Priestess asks us to go within through prayer and meditation. Trust not what our physical eyes can see but our own intuition. The Past (V of Pentacles) shows financial and physical hardship. The Present (IV of Pentacles) is a card about fear of material and financial loss, thus hoarding and/or putting off what we can't afford and saving money for a rainy day. The Destination Card (VIII of Swords) shows restriction, unable to free himself or herself from the dictates of authority, thus in "Crisis Mode."
Hidden from us and what affects the situation is the (XVIII Moon Card). It depicts a period of uncertainty, the space between what we can see and the stuff we can't. The VII of Cups in the Advice Position tells us that we have many choices out of our dilemma but can only pick one. The Outcome Card (King of Wands) depicts what I would call a "rescuer", someone with these qualities: fearless, undeterred, successful, a determined and masterful strategist who plays to win.
The summation card (#24 The Coven) depicts a big family and the mutual trust, care and love they have for one another; a community or communities.
Again, this reading tells us who we are and where we are headed but we have much to endure and overcome before we get there. However, there are many (not from this planet) who are here, have been here and helping with our Transition. They ask us to go within just like the High Priestess in order to tap into our intuition in order to gain the spiritual insight needed to help us cope.
Trust me when I say this. They come from different realms, planets and abodes but with one Purpose. To uproot and expose those people and organizations responsible for our oppression in order that we may finally see the Truth of our existence in order to reconnect us with our roots as one unified body, One Family and One Species - The Human Species.
The numerical value of this reading is: 8 - Growth and Achievement
If the additional 24 is added to the reading it increases the meaning to "change, fluctuation and conflict which is a complication of the #4's energy standing for stability, foundation, infrastructure. This summation card adds additional energy to the reading thus indicating what to expect.