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A New Day |
G-d did not create Evil.
We did.
G-d is very much aware that evil exists in the world and knew we would be tempted by it.
That's why He gave us "Free Will" which allowed us to make choices between doing evil and doing good, hoping we'd choose good.
His plan was a"hands off approach" and not to restrict us in our decision making but to patiently sit back, hoping that one day, when the decisions we made didn't work out as well as we had hoped (because, maybe, we didn't include Him in on them) we would, in a state of torment, pain and desperation, turn to Him for the comfort and guidance needed.
Just what He wanted.
Through our bad decisions leaving us hurt and writhing in pain, hopelessly flailing around with little trust left in anything or anyone and in such a sorry state that we were ready to just give up and end it all is when we fell on our knees crying for help.
He was just waiting for you to get to this point in your life.
Thus, once reconnected with Him, your spiritual lifeline would be re-established.
Many of you are really struggling with dire things right now, decisions that have spiraled out of control resulting in things you can't control anymore as they are now controlling you.
Maybe you're laid up in a hospital with an injury suffered during war or an automobile accident or coping with a drug or alcohol addiction, maybe a stroke or heart attack.
Maybe your spouse just left you or you lost your job, your business just went under, you were turned down on a job interview, you're drowning in debt or just diagnosed with Cancer.
Maybe you've come to the firm conviction that "nobody gives a fuck about anybody or anything anymore."
I understand what you mean because I'm seeing the same things you're seeing - "the world today is spiraling out of control" but, even after acknowledging this fact please recognize that G-d did not create the evil we're seeing in the world today (we did it through our evil inclinations) and remember this last important fact:
"Somebody does care" and its G-d.
How do I know? Well, I'm probably way older than you are so it stands to reason I've experienced some of the things you may be going through right now.
Ask me and I'll tell you.
So, I've got firsthand experience on how I got into my mess(es) and how I was able to get out of them. Remember, I, like you, had to learn the hard way before I started my walk with G-d.
I know that some of you reading this just don't give a shit anymore (who cares?) you feel your life doesn't mean crap to you, there's no way out and you want to end it all.
For those of you:
Please read the following and take these steps necessary to help you get out of the situation you now find yourselves trapped in.
1: Bow your head and confess to G-d, "I just can't take this anymore, G-d, I've tried everything.
In so doing, you will be demonstrating Humility (and, probably, for the first time in your life) which will loosen the stranglehold Satan has on you.
3. Close your eyes, be still and wait.
4. Slow your breathing.
5. Know that (and this is important) He hears every word you utter.
6. Trust that you will receive the answer you need.
At this point, you will feel a release, something dark and ugly weighing you down is leaving your body and being replaced with a peace that surpasses all human understanding, signalling that your healing has begun.
7. Keep a daily dialogue with Him praising Him, thanking Him, giving Him credit for where you are in your life right now (recovering).
G-d is all about Love not Pain.
He doesn't remember the things you did but only focuses on helping you become the best you can be.
Walk with Him everyday and continue your new found relationship as it will mark the beginning of true Peace, Happiness and Meaning in your life.
"Praise G-d from Whom all Blessings Flow, Praise Him All Creatures Here Below"
To All,
~ Nightshade
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