Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, July 16, 2021

"Off With Her Head"

The only way this planet is going to change for the better is when we all decide to get involved.  

How many of you are fed up with where we are, now?

How many of you are depressed, angered and sickened by what you see happening here?

From corporations to governments releasing plagues to crooked politicians controlling our lives to industries solely interested in amassing as much wealth and power they can to dehumanization agendas to slaughtering  babies, how much more evil do we need to see and experience before we take action? 

This is our fight.  We are not in control and need to be but nothing will change for the better unless we become involved in stopping the evil that is spreading at an alarming rate on this planet.    

A couple of months ago I was invited to attend a city council meeting in which a friend of mine invited me to.  She asked me to attend because she was disheartened in that this was the third time she had contacted them about a sewer problem which was rapidly turning into a stinky environmental matter and she was getting nowhere. 

We all sat patiently, waiting as the council members read through the minutes of the last meeting, haggling over details with a new project, discussing legal minutia with the city attorney and pretending to look like they knew what they were doing.   

My friend sat patiently waiting for her time to speak.

When she did get up and explain the problem, for the third time, indicating that one or more of their employees were negligent in creating the problem and even when they were made aware did nothing to fix it, it became painfully apparent by their stoned silence, body language and facial expressions that she had embarrassed them and they didn't like it.   

She finished what she had to say, turned around and headed back to her seat with the council members uttering not one word just stunned silence.      

I couldn't believe what I just witnessed and after a quick review which only took about 5 minutes, started to muster up the courage to speak my mind.

I'm not a public speaker, far from it, but I knew I had to say something, in defense of this woman and all she'd been through and then watch a bunch of "asleep at the wheel" pseudo politicians dismiss her concerns because they were uncomfortable with what she had to say.

I stood up, waiting to be recognized and then was allowed to speak.

In a still small voice I said, "I've been sitting here watching this woman pour her heart out to you and you've indicated to me, anyway, that you could care less.  How many times has she come to you for help?  I think this is, what, the 2nd or 3rd time?  And, it sounds to me that she's not the only one upset by this problem as it's affecting other homes in the community".  "Isn't this true?" 

What I would call "the leader of the pack" a frowning, rigid gray haired woman almost levitated out of her seat, becoming visibly upset with my comments and, especially, when I added, "your job, as city council members IS TO HELP THE MEMBERS OF YOUR COMMUNITY NOT IGNORE THEIR PROBLEMS."  (I guess she didn't like that)

She came unglued.    

She rose from her royal seat, pointing a bony finger at the police officer sitting quietly to her left,  taking in all the drama (and unimpressed I might add) motioning for him to get up and escort me out of the building all the while emphasizing that I was NOT a member of the community because I didn't physically own a home there and loudly inferring all other trivial things which I couldn't make out (I actually felt like Alice in Wonderland and the evil Queen pointing her finger and shouting, "Off With Her Head.!")

The young police officer moved forward toward me and extended his arm as there was no way these totalitarian political sociopaths were going to let me stay inside their building.  

As we were walking out the door and he was sure no one could hear him, he turned to me and said, smiling, "well said and I do believe you got their attention".

And, I believe I did, because I saw what they were doing and I called them on it -- I said what needed to be said and it shocked, humiliated and embarrassed them because they had never heard this from anyone else until now.  

Today, let the Truth rock your world whether it's voicing your concerns at a school board meeting, taking on Big Tech censorship, stop bullying at your local school, speaking out for the unborn, writing Letters to the Editor, paying a kindness to a stranger or helping out a neighbor.

We are all Human Beings.

Let's start acting like it.






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