Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021
The Real Heroes in Our World
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"HumanKind" |
To all you persevering, weary, unrelenting dogged foot soldiers out there, no matter what profession you hail from, a big THANK YOU from me.
Without You the world wouldn't go on, without You, Evil wouldn't be exposed, without You, the things that really matter in life would not have a Voice.
Without You, we'd all be just a time stamp.
Thank You for all You do,
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for August 29, 2021
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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
1. Top: Shadow Card - Knight of Pentacles
2. 1st row left: Past - Page of Wands
3. 1st row middle: Present - XV The Devil
4. 1st row right: Destination - VIII of Swords
5. 2nd row right: Hidden - IX The Hermit
6. 2nd row middle: Advice - VIII Strength
7. 2nd row left: Outcome - X The Wheel of Fortune
Faith is Firm Footing Allowing Us to See in the Dark
1. The Knight of Pentacles stands for working tirelessly toward a goal. It also means Duty, Honor and Sacrifice. Think of what just happened in Afghanistan and American Troops tirelessly doing their job evacuating Americans and Afghans from Kabul. Then the unthinkable happened:
Not only were Americans purposely left behind by the current administration but Afghan citizens as well. This decision resulted in injury and loss of life for many as a result.
2. The Past is The Page of Wands representing "Confirmation". The young girl is wearing a confirmation dress and a chapel veil. Confirmation is the process of the last initiation into the body of Christ. The chapel veil is a symbol of reverence and piety (respect) for while in the presence of G-d.
She is holding a red book denoting deep emotions - passion, blood "seeing red" or "you make my blood boil" and spirituality while a white candle (purity and also means the Holy Spirit) is wrapped with a blue wreath denoting spirit, devotion and religious study.
Note the old oak tree directly behind her.
Below and to the right is a young boy playing what appears to be a fiddle but could also be a violin.
If it is a violin it represents sadness. In addition, a violin is made from a dead tree (thus the image of the large oak behind the young girl) as it is instrumental in the making of a beautiful resurrection song instrument.
Christ: "I reform (resurrect) dead things and breathe new life into them so they can be my instruments in the world."
If it is a fiddle it represents The Devil and the human body and the action of sexual stimulation in order to provoke a spiritual experience. The Church forbade ordinary Christians to engage in this practice but allowed the religious hierarchy to do so.
The smoke or haze you see emanating around the young girl symbolizes fog or "mystery."
3. The Present is XV The Devil meaning Lies, Seduction, Enslavement, destroying the body and poisoning the soul. Note the syringe the Devil holds in his hand as he is in the act of inserting it into the young woman (victim). Does this not remind you of COVID and what we are seeing now with an experimental drug created to kill people not save them?
4. The Destination Card is the VIII of Swords and means Separation, Loss and Death. The young woman's expression and her reaching up and behind her head is like a gesture of futility, being unable to cope with what is going on. It could also mean an act of Suicide in which she is in the act of taking her own life due to all that is going on.
5. The Hidden Card IX The Hermit means "Light Worker." Someone who is here to penetrate the darkness and expose the light for all of us to see. Thus the Apocalypse or Reveal (Revelation) we're experiencing now. There are hundreds of thousands of Light Workers on the planet right now, aiding and assisting humans and all working toward one thing - ending Humanity's enslavement in order to bring in a New World Order, one that will benefit All Mankind.
6. The Advice Card VIII Strength is telling us, encouraging us to employ every means necessary in order to get through what is coming. The Lion is Leo in Astrology and means Bravery and Courage. You notice the demon clinging to the lion's back as she looks directly at us. She represents "doubt" that you and I will not be able to do what the lion represents which is stepping up and boldly meeting what lies ahead. She's wrong as I believe we will not only measure up to the challenge but surpass it.
7. The Outcome Card is X The Wheel of Fortune. The Diviner is pointing to a card and explaining to the Querent what the meaning is. It is this: Your (or Our) Future is Unclear at This Time.
Summation: This reading is all about Confirmation meaning Transformation of the Spirit. Also known as the Soldiers of Christ with a spiritual duty to fight the war between good and evil, light and darkness.
A war between the Human Race and all the Powers of Hell.
Be Brave, Be Bold, Have Faith and Believe in G-d as He is in this battle fighting right alongside us.
The numerical value of this reading is a 5: Instability, conflict, loss, opportunity for change, a new cycle
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Friday, August 27, 2021
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Weekly Tarot Reading for August 22, 2021
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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Top (Shadow Card): VI of Swords - Running or fleeing from something; escaping a troubling situation that can't be fixed
1st row Left (Past): III of Wands - You made a choice and now wait for the result
1st row Middle (Present): X of Cups - Family ties, bonds, unity, love togetherness
1st row Right (Destination): VIII Strength - Courage
2nd row Right (Hidden): V of Swords - Battles; arguments; conflict; defeat and surrender, dishonor, loss
2nd row Middle (Advice): II of Swords - Concord in a state of arms
2nd row Left (Outcome): IX of Swords - Delay, death, failure, deception
Reading - Consequences
Shadow Card (VI of Swords) is the basis of the reading.
It deals with a decision or a choice you made and are now running away from it, escape, hiding out;
Past shows that the dilemma you are now in centers around that decision or choice
Present indicates the problem/dilemma deals with or is connected to families
Destination Card (the direction you are heading) tells you are going to need courage
Hidden: 2nd row Right V of Swords - humiliation, dishonor, loss, surrender, retreat and can be confirmation to the meaning of the Shadow card above
Advice: 2nd row Middle II of Swords - means "concord in state of arms." Also reminds me of Psalm 23: 4: "Yea though I walk through the Shadow of Death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me."
Outcome: 2nd row Left - IX of Swords - Failure, delay and disappointment
This is all about a decision (a blunder, etc.) you made and regret. Something went wrong, didn't work out the way you wanted and you are now fleeing from it. You're too busy trying to get away (leaving the scene of an accident) to pick up the pieces as the only thing you're interested in right now is finding an escape route
I did not detect any remorse or sadness with this reading related to whomever was responsible for making the decision.
The numerical value of this reading is a 7: Assessment and reevaluation of the path you're on in order to move forward
Saturday, August 21, 2021
The Shot Heard Round the World
You know that door you shouldn't open, that thought you shouldn't entertain, that line you shouldn't cross?
Well, Joe Biden just managed to pull off all three.
Thanks to a coddled, spoiled, entitled cabal of narcissistic political brats, an assortment of deranged Sociopaths and Psychopaths and Joe Biden leading the way, every single American whether abroad or at home now has a target painted on their backs.
Every child here, every family, school, church and mall, everything our soldiers sacrificed for, everything you and I hold dear, is now fair game, an open invitation, to a ragtag group of inhumane cutthroats who know only one thing - how to win.
The upcoming carnage, chaos and pain Democrats have willingly inflicted on the good people of Afghanistan, in which they are now left to the mercy of the Taliban, along with the implications for the America and the American People, the complete and utter lack of planning to successfully draw down American troops and personnel, protect sensitive material and equipment, just completely collapsed under the failed leadership of Joe Biden.
We've all heard the term "the shot heard round the world."
What just happened in Afghanistan is much, much worse than that and we here in America are going to pay a very dear price for this catastrophic failure not to mention the ramifications to NATO and Europe.
To put it bluntly, Biden's willful ignorance just sealed this country's fate for a very long time to come.
A fate that our children and grandchildren will be living and coping with for a very long time.
Gear up people.
Biden's inexcusable lack of duty, his complete lack of morality, his pathetic and gross inability to provide the needed help and support to successfully airlift American troops and civilians back home, protect sensitive documents and see to it that billions of dollars in equipment are not left behind to be squandered and looted by the Taliban and other terrorist organizations, boggles the mind.
We just witnessed a grossly inept political party, completely disengaged from reality, and with reckless abandonment, successfully lose a war in which untold American lives and dollars have been lost and turning his back, throws up his hands signalling the transfer of the remains of Afghanistan and America over to the Taliban.
Nice going Democrats.
May you all rot in hell.
But I have a feeling the American People are going to feel the heat first.
Friday, August 20, 2021
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
"A View to a Kill"
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Roger Moore, in the James Bond Movie, "A View to a Kill" |
I don't know how long I have left on earth but am continuing to post videos and other information I feel important to enlighten, inform and, hopefully, get you to rethink some things and make the changes necessary to help you and your family survive the collapse that's coming.
Its already started.
World War III the War on Humanity has already started and we're smack dab in the middle of it.
All of us.
There is a spiritual connection woven throughout all of this but it's hard to see.
Let's see if I can pinpoint some good things going on:
Many of us were duped and/or coerced into taking the COVID shot that was touted as necessary to our well being and that of our families by fear tactics cunningly used by the globalists including the MSM, politicians, the CDC, the WHO and other "health care" individuals and organizations.
Due to whistleblowers, doctors, lawyers and multiple other sources all over the world who are now sounding the alarm regarding the affects of the shot we are finding out the real reason why the Pandemic happened in the first place.
It wasn't a Pandemic at all but a carefully orchestrated PSYOP in which millions (billions?) of people would be stampeded into taking it and lose their lives.
It's all about Depopulation.
This so-called "vaccine" hasn't even been approved yet for use on humans because it's an experimental drug and the ghouls in charge of administering and distributing it knew this and also what would happen to our bodies if we submitted to taking it.
They didn't care.
Why would anyone deliberately poison people?
Because it's an agenda folks and one whose only mission is not protecting and saving us but getting rid of us for unknown nefarious purposes.
The percentage of people who are and have been experiencing staggering and debilitating side affects from taking this shot, along with losing their lives, is hard to stomach.
We are all in this battle together but need to continue to step up as one body (the Human Collective) calling out and resisting the lies, embracing the truth, sharing it with others and demanding the arrest of all those responsible for the horrific carnage they have heaped upon us.
I believe this is already underway.
We are not guinea pigs, we are Human Beings.
The Time is Now.
Pray for Humanity.
No Farms, No Food
Across this country, (I know because I'm seeing it happen in my own back yard and have read reports it's happening in other states) China is buying up farmland at a record pace. You don't think they're going to be growing for Americans, do you? China has seen its share of famine and recently, a record amount of drought and flooding thus the reason they are looking here.
Geez, we're giving everything else away for free here, so why not our productive farmland?
And realtors and politicians are going along with this.
Not good, folks.
Meet Your Maker
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Is An ELE (Extinction Level Event) Imminent?
See the post of August 17, 2021 - A Wake Up Call for Humanity But is it Too Late?
Monday, August 16, 2021
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"Arrival" |
Folks, I think we can all agree the world has "gone nuts."
And, expect more of the same.
Please think deeply on what I'm going to say, "prepare, prepare, prepare."
This message will resonate with those who are concerned with what they see happening.
Those who love their families, their communities, their country.
Please get in a supply of food including canned goods, protein bars, dried milk, water, paper towels, toilet paper, and any medicine you may need. You'll need some flashlights, and lanterns in the event we lose electricity.
It's a good idea to buy some card games you and your family can do together while sitting around waiting for the electricity to pop back on again
If you can afford bulk dried food (in which you only add water) do that as well.
Think for a moment how you and your family are going to live without power which will affect every aspect of your lives.
How are you going to heat your home this winter?
Keep yourself and your family focused positively as they transition through these very trying times by assigning them jobs to do, group chats, question and answer sessions, meditation and prayer.
If you haven't made friends with your neighbors, now might be the right time. Together is better than isolating yourself and you're going to need all the help you can get.
Take care of your body.
Your physical body houses your soul.
If your body breaks down it will have a difficult if not impossible time protecting your spirit as it will become weakened, sick and die.
The evil cabal that has had this planet in its maniacal grip of fear for thousands of years is finally weakening and disintegrating at a rapid pace but not without a whopper of a fight before we are all able to hear its death rattle.
This is why we are seeing such a push to do anything and everything to further weaken us including a vaccine that is anything but, targeting innocent people and accusing them of creating all the chaos we're seeing, aligning themselves with powerful people and organizations who are more interested in harming humanity than helping it.
Understand, though, that when we finally get all of this behind us (and it is not going to be an easy task but we will) we will be entering a New Age for Mankind on this planet.
This morning I asked the question, after I watched a video in which the presenter actually asked this question, "are we in the Age of Aquarius?"
The cards drawn were the Knight of Cups who represents a passionate and ardent lover, someone who isn't afraid to show his love for others and the Ace of Cups (which was just frosting on the cake) in which it shows a cup that cannot contain all the outpouring of love it is receiving and overflowing with emotion.
There is much disagreement between astrologers, soothesayers and others regarding just when this new Aquarian age will present itself.
For me, I personally believe it is already here.
I have provided an article I think you will find informative and interesting regarding this subject.
I love you all,
~ Nightshade
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Emergency Broadcast Service Message on August 11, 2021
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"Huh?" |
Does anyone have any information on what happened with the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) message on August 11th?
It seems that it was a "hit or miss."
I've had reports that some cell phones received the message, some radio stations but not everyone did.
Also heard that possibly the cell phone providers were unaware it was scheduled for the 11th and didn't respond thus not receiving it at all.
Also heard of one report where a woman's t.v. completely shut down at 2:20 EST when the message was supposed to be aired.
In the past we had no problems with these messages.
So, what is going on?
Weekly Tarot Message for August 15, 2021
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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Top Card (Shadow or Focus): The Knight of Pentacles
1st row Left (Past): IV of Cups
1st row Middle (Present): VII The Chariot
1st row Right (Destination): XII The Hanged Man
2nd row Right (Hidden): Queen of Pentacles
2nd row Middle (Advice): IV of Wands
2nd row Left (Outcome): Queen of Swords
Card Interpretations:
*The Shadow Card The Knight of Pentacles is looking left meaning "looking toward the past" and viewing his missing head and helmet in hand can also represent humiliation, retreat and departure from something that obviously did not work the way it was supposed to
*The Past is the IV of Cups means experiencing a period of disappointment and disillusionment as something has not worked out the way you expected it to (see the Knight of Pentacles card above)
* The Present is the VII The Chariot meaning "pick up the reins in order to restore balance in your life"
* The Destination Card is XII The Hanged Man meaning sacrifice and a period of circumspection is at hand
* 2nd row Right (Hidden) the Queen of Pentacles looking at a painting of a young woman (possibly the Queen in the future) her clothes in tatters and scantily clad unraveling a bloody piece of cloth.
Obviously this young woman was exposed to or went through a harrowing experience. The skull on the table indicates that "death has a habit of turning up when we least expect it"so, maybe, it's time to get your affairs in order.
Notice the crop or the whip on the table, also. This symbol relates to the VII Chariot Card in that the figure holding the reins uses a whip to control the horses so they stay together and don't go in opposite directions.
The Queen of Pentacles card can be also be interpreted as a wake up call or even a warning to take stock of where you are right now and make the necessary changes or improvements, etc. Maybe it's not so important to keep focusing on money, etc. but other things that are far more important.
* 2nd row Middle (Advice) is the IV of Wands meaning, "Count your Blessings".
* 2nd row Left (Outcome) is the Queen of Swords: the Queen of Swords is known as decisive, will not hesitate to do what is necessary, can be tyrannical and even cruel.
In this particular spread, however, she does not come across that way at all (her sword is not raised above her head but planted firmly by her side) she is looking straight at us and saying, "it's time to lay down our weapons, forgive and start the healing process."
I am reminded of this biblical passage: "And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." ~ The Prophet Isaiah 2:4
The numerical value of this reading is a 9: Bringing things to a conclusion; Idealism and Giver of Wisdom or Inspiration; Selflessness;
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Master Manipulators
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Ted Bundy |
I think we're all struggling with trying to make sense of what's happening in the world today.
I know I am.
This morning, while wondering about this I happened to come across the word, "Psychopath."
I pondered the meaning and then it all began to make sense.
A person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions, an absence of empathy for others and often, criminal tendencies. (Merriam Webster)
It's all clear now.
These sadistic ghouls have no remorse for what they do and exhibit such a deeply embedded amoral sense of self aggrandizement (selfishness) that their lurid cravings are never satisfied, keeping them on the prowl, hungering and thirsting for more.
The more anguish, pain and sorrow they can inflict, the more chaos they can create in the world the more pleasure and satisfaction they derive.Most of us were brought up with a code of standards (ethics) that this is wrong and this is right and to do what's right.
Not so with Psychopaths and Sociopaths.
They may have been made aware of what to do while growing up but then decided later to opt out of any moral code as the glaring truth is they do not recognize nor can't be bothered with one.
They are master manipulators.
They lie and deceive.
They have no problem with guilt after what they do and feel sorry for others that do.
They like defiling the pure and innocent and the more aroused they become they just can't help themselves as their deranged, cruel and pathetic appetites are whetted even more.
They can be found in the medical establishment, government agencies, politics, the military, CEOs of large corporations, social media, fake news, law enforcement, the legal community and actors and actresses in Hollywood.
The picture of Ted Bundy above is significant. He was what we commonly call a "Serial Killer"having murdered many young women.
And, yet, not all sociopaths and psychopaths actually go out and murder people.
They look and act just like you and me but, underneath something is dreadfully wrong.
They like being in charge, exploiting and manipulating others, abusing children and animals and acting out their sexual fantasies on the big screen.
And, oh, don't forget Porn.
They are addicted to it.
They also do not believe in G-d.
Some quotes from Ted Bundy: "I don't feel guilty for anything. I feel sorry for those who feel guilt."
"What's one less person on the face of the earth anyway?"
"I am the most cold hearted son of a bitch you'll ever meet."
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Monday, August 9, 2021
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for August 8, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Message: "Rise and Shine"
Top Card Focus (what the reading is all about): X of Wands: Stamina and determination (against all odds)
2nd row Left Past: King of Pentacles: Materialism
2nd row Middle Present: XX Judgement: Resurrection
2nd row Right Destination: IX The Hermit: Seeking wisdom and truth during the dark night of the soul
3rd row Right Hidden: VIII of Swords: Bound by the dictates of authority, one is unable to free themself
3rd row Middle Advice: XVII The Star: Find your inner light/truth and share it with others
3rd row Left: Potential: VI of Swords: A smooth passing, away from difficulties
Reading Interpretation:
Focus: This is Humanity and what we're going through now . It shows our inner strength and determination to keep going despite all the obstacles and challenges confronting us.
Our Past is represented by The King of Pentacles and means Materialism: How we do business, wealth, financial institutions. It shows decadence (a state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration) that is in the process of decaying (decomposing).
Note: When something "goes away" it leaves space for something else to fill the void.
The Present is XX Judgement (Resurrection): The figure on the left rising from the grave represents triumph over our sinful nature (Jesus rising from the tomb). The figure to the right is an angel that was guarding Jesus' tomb when the Apostles sought Him out. After they approached the tomb and found it empty they were perplexed until the Angel appeared and spoke these words, ""Do not seek Him here for He has risen."
The Destination Card: IX The Hermit Card denotes someone who is seeking salvation, wisdom and truth in their lives. Tired of the old worn out way of doing things they have chosen a path of isolation and solitude, allowing for a deep dive into the dark night of their soul (the self) in order to sort everything out. This card denotes one solitary figure but could be groups of people with the same mindset.
What is Hidden from us is The VIII of Swords: This card shows that Humanity continues to allow itself to be shackled and held back from its human potential and spiritual nature one of coming together, fostering love and peace in the world.
The Advice Card XVII The Star means stop hiding your light but look within for it. "Find your inner light and share it with others". RISE AND SHINE
The Potential Outcome is the VI of Swords: A smooth passage away from difficulties.
The numerical value of this reading is a: 7: Introspection or Solitude (see Destination: IX The Hermit Card above) Assessment and reevaluation of the path you're on. Sometimes this is a lonely pursuit but necessary in order to move forward.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Something We All Could Use Today
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The Horse ~ "Strength, Courage and Endurance" | |
Friday, August 6, 2021
Will You Step Up to a Crisis or Crash and Burn?
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"Navigation" |
In view of all the turbulence taking place around us I thought it best to discuss the reasons why we need to know how to navigate through these rough times.
In order to keep our heads screwed on straight we need repetition, now more than ever: getting up in the morning at a certain time, making our bed instead of leaving it disheveled, brushing our teeth, making breakfast, getting ready for work, keeping appointments on time, tending to personal hygiene, and, especially, setting time during the day for meditation and prayer.
These simple steps will help position us on the right track and calm our brain, thus keeping us from going off the deep end.
If you haven't developed a plan yet you need to.
Simply speaking, daily repetition which is really a routine, along with being organized, calms the brain and keeps us on track, helping us better handle and cope with what we're seeing happening around us and to us.
You are only going to add to your own angst and anxiety if you continue to ignore these steps and drink till dawn, shoot yourself up and stubbornly refuse to take responsibility for your own life.
To put it into perspective: "Your life depends on others but, remember, their life depends on you".
You can't help anyone, including yourself, if you continue to ignore what needs to be done.
Those who understand and take to heart this message will have a better chance of getting through the crisis, thus getting through and surviving the psychological warfare currently being waged against humanity.
Please implement what I've outlined above, I think you've caught on to what I mean, rather than me going into excessive detail.
~ Blessings,
~ Nightshade
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for August 1, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
I was asked to do this reading by Gary Peter Carlson:
His question centered around ETs, one group, in particular, "The Reptilians"as to why they are here (their purpose on earth) and if they have any empathy toward humans as apparently there is one group that does and one that does not. (This information from additional research).
There are two groups: one from the Pleiades (a star cluster located in the Taurus Constellation) and another group located in The Orion Constellation.
In order to begin the reading I first had to draw a Focus or Shadow Card to identify this alien race.
After the Focus card was drawn I then proceeded to ask three questions:
1. Do you/they exist?
2. Are you/they here to help us?
3. Where are you/they from?
Two additional cards were pulled for further clarification.
Top Card (Focus): I The Magician
2nd Row Left: Do You/They Exist? - The King of Swords
2nd Row Right: Are You/They Here to Help Us? - XIV Temperance
Bottom Card: Where are You/They From? - VII The Chariot
On the right side there are two additional clarification cards:
Top Card Right: VI The Lovers (clarifying or providing further information to the meaning of the XIV Temperance Card)
Bottom Card Right: II of Pentacles (clarifying or providing further information to the meaning of VII The Chariot Card)
*Top Card: I The Magician represents manifestation (materialization, demonstration) and manipulation (skillful or artful management).
Normally when we use the term "manipulation" it is used in a negative or harmful way but not this time as the feeling coming through was that this was normal for them and was being used in a positive way to produce more positive results helping to usher humanity toward its ultimate goal of unity and peace.
After all, The Magician is the Great Alchemist of the Cosmos, traveling through dimensions, coming and going, manifesting into being and manipulating all that is, in charge of the elements, a Master Mathematician, turning lead into gold, water into wine and making things appear and disappear.
*2nd row Left: As to the question of whether Reptilians exist the King of Swords answered the question and it is yes.
Just look at the card, he's standing right in front of you -- The King of Swords is the epitome of duty obedience and authority and his subjects are unquestionably loyal to him; someone in charge of a large army or an alliance of some sort, resolute and unwavering in his ability to maintain law and order.
It is important to look at this card and the figure on it, his stance, his uniform and his helmet. Especially his helmet.
*2nd Row Right XIV The Temperance Card is the answer to whether or not they are here to help us -- it is a card of Balance, Patience, Moderation and Diplomacy, all the tools they use in order to succeed in their mission. The answer is yes.
*Bottom Card VII The Chariot: This is the card that was drawn in answer to the question, "Where are You/They From?"
What I interpreted this card to be was here is an individual in a chariot (or a star ship or a UFO) wearing a crown of the twelve constellations (cosmos) on his head and on a rescue mission.
The number VII is a spiritual number indicating divine vibration (balance) and also is the number of the Pleiades Star System, also known as "The Seven Sisters".
*The VI The Lovers clarifies the Temperance card in that it is a card of unity, love, respect and mutual cooperation (something the ETs are working toward here on earth). It also signifies the end of isolation and the formation of a bond based on love, honor and trust.
*The II of Pentacles clarifying the VII The Chariot Card is this: According to the ETs, many, many things are happening all at once on earth right now and their mission here is to keep everything in balance before it all spirals out of control.
The numerical meaning of this reading is a 3: A unifying force and is connected to the VI The Lovers Card in that it takes a couple to birth new life.
Monday, August 2, 2021
"You've Got to Be F-ing Kidding Me"